Monday, August 20, 2007

Coming Back Down to Earth

OK, I've had over 900 hits to this blog today. Whew! I'm getting all these wonderful comments on my auction that are swelling my head something terrible. I've only done one load of laundry today because someone as magnificent as I clearly am, should not have to stoop to doing laundry. Someone with talent of this caliber should simply not have to do chores.


OK, It's definitely time to make a little fun of myself in an effort to bring me back down to earth. I'm sorry about the picture quality. My scanner doesn't work with Vista (coughcoughconspiracy) so these are pictures of pictures.
Here we go...

And thus began my legacy of bad hair.

Yes, my parents made me sleep on a shelf.

I always say my kids are going to drive me to drink. Now I see it was my PARENTS who started me on that path!

The predecessor to the down vest. An attractive look, no? I wish I knew what was on my finger. I'd probably just picked my nose or something.

This is what happens if your parents forget to pack your blankie when you go to visit relatives. What??? You've never sucked your thumb while holding a cat's tail?

Unlike my daughters, I've never been especially fond of shoes. Orthopaedic comfort before style.

"You're serious? THIS is my Christmas present? But I asked for a tricycle!"

Even back then, I tried to hide my big butt with baggy clothing.
But even worse - check out the curtains!!!

Stacy! Clinton! HELP!!!

Yeah, I don't know - my dad always took pictures of me sitting next to inanimate people. But check out those snazzy pants! FORE!

The infamous smocked-top dress. No first day of kindergarten would be complete without it.

I know what you're thinking - why are those boys in dresses? I'm embarrassed to admit that those boys are actually me and my sister. See? We're holding dandelions. That's a girly thing to do.

Ummm, I'm pretty sure this outfit was NEVER in style.

Now boarding, flight 129, nonstop service to Orlando, at gate 23.
Nice barrettes, by the way!

What's with the tie, Colonel Sanders?

This is what a can of Aquanet can do. Just don't light any matches near that hair!
Oh and the eyebrows! Look familiar?


Anonymous said...

Oh my God! I had a top smocked dress in my kindergarten picture too! It was light blue! I had alot of those same outfits...what were our mothers thinking? I hope my kids don't look back at their pictures some day and wonder what I was thinking when I dress them!

Anonymous said...

LOL oh too funny, I have a bunch of similarly gorgeous photos of myself through the years, can we say Child of the 70's anyone?! And love the Big Hair, my husband is under instructions from me that if I ever mention the words "perm" and "my hair" in his presence he's to tie me to a chair until the impulse passes.

What I want to know is what's the deal with the fingers held up as numbers, you look too old in each for them to represent your age in the pics?

Dawn said...

Ah yes, the fingers held up. LOL! I had to hold my fingers up to represent how old I was on my birthday AND, just in case that wasn't lame enough, I had to hold up fingers representing what grade I was in on the first day of school as well.

dietcokegrrl said...

I read your entire blog yesterday and I haven't laughed that hard in ages!!

You're a great mom with a terrific sense of humor and a talent to write all about it!

I only have 2 kids (so far, we'd like 4, but there are days when I'm done and 2 is enough) and I don't think I can ever complain again about taking the kids to Target or Trader Joe's after reading this.

Keep up the good work and the hilarious documentation of your life! I love it!!

P.S. LOVE the hair--you should see my senior picture.

Anonymous said...

Got the link for your blog from ebay of course. You know, your Pokemon listing is linked to Here's the link:
(I'm Love_Monkey over there btw)

Anyway, I feel like I'm just one of thousands of adoring fans but you really are brilliant!

Lee said...

Hello Dawn, found your blog via the bestest ebay listing EVER!! LOVE your sense of humour, totally adding you to my bloglines feeds!!
Lee in Australia.

Deanna said...

omg! you are hilarious!!! don't be surprised if a bunch of scrapbookin' mama's hit your blog (like me) cause your e-bay listing for your Pokemon cards was linked to a scrapbooking message board!

and we laughed and we laughed!! ahhhh, the pleasures of mommy-hood! thanks for the laughs! you totally made my morning!

Anonymous said...

Love that big hair!

Did I ever do that? Yikes!! LOL

I just read your ebay auction description and died laughing. A number of us online friends with pretty large sized families are passing it around.

I responded as SRLM...but had to come see the blog of such an humorous writer and really REALLY good mom who wouldn't let a package of Pokemon cards slip by because she knows next time it will be something a cash register or pop machine slipped into the cart. That's right. Catch them and come down hard while it's still a package of cards.

I wouldn't be so bitter if the pop machine had Pepsi products instead of Coke products.

The Spicer Family said...

Oh honey, I think you've been discovered! What a riot! Thanks for the laughs you've given a bunch of homeschooling mamas who have the Pokemon link. Still laughing...

Jill S

Leni said...

I swear, if you saw my pictures from childhood, you'd swear we were twins. Same smock dresses, same boy hair cut...the 70's weren't kind to anyone but Farrah!

Gayle said...

Ok, where's the linky-loo to your e-bay post? Will you reprint? I tried to find it on e-bay and couldn't!

I had the same hairdo in high school. I'm guessin' we are close to the same age. In fact I'm sure I burned several pictures of me wearing those exact same outfits....and the baby with a beer bottle one too!

Princess Lu the Scatterbrained said...

Hiya girl!!! You are a total crack up and that comes from my best friend and I - Aussie mums who have four kids each and both have had a go at stand up comedy!!! I can laugh with you only cos in the supermarket I'm usually the one being laughed AT! lol Far our, who knew when we joked about running away to join the circus we'd just pop out some kids when we grew up and presto we've got our very own freakin sideshow everywhere we go! Loved the ebay item, totally appropriate way to deal with those cards! Keep well, don't go crazy and I'll pop back in to catch up on your v.funny existance - even if you do only have 14 brain cells left! Lotta love, Lu

brant said...

I don't think you realize how widely spread your ebay listing was. Its on geek sites.

So that means you have 18 year old kids coming here along with 60 year old moms with 4 kids.

Weird how the whole internet thing works, isn't it?

Erica said...

Oh my stole my clothes!!!! I had the smocked dress, the golf pants...I had it all (but I never could get my hair as big as yours...I am so very impressed!)

Found your ebay auction on a Reddit link and love the blog too...nice writing and great family (if you ever want more I have two toddlers to sell you...I can't handle even them right now!)

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

Hi girl! My friend linked me to your ebay site because I had just posted this week how much I *hated* shopping with my 4 kids!! Just wanted to say "hey sister!"
So nice to meet you. :)

Christine said...

you deserve all those hit, girl! your ebay posting was hilarious, your writing, witty and fresh, and your experiences interesting and readable. I'll be back for sure!

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! I think you are my new hero! lol

Anonymous said...

i am one of the many people who read your ebay listing. sounds alot like my family growing up. there were indeed 6 of us. although us older children of the brood never snuck things in the cart(we were to afraid of the consequences,lol)the tow youngest on the other hand are a diffrent story. i give you props for even taking 6 kids to the store. i only have 1 so far, cant even imagine adding 5 of him,lol.

yvonne said...

Dawn, I just wanted to say what a wonderful, witty and funny writer you are - I was sent your ebay listing as a link and can relate SO much (only have 3 kids but it feels like 6!)Well done and I love your blog writing as well!

Lisa said...

Dawn - Thank you for the laughs today! From your ebay auction to the blog - my husband and I almost peed our pants laughing. We have so been in your shoes!!! You see we have 5 daughters (yes, they are all girls, all ours, and yes, my husband is fine with it! lol). We've often thought to get some t-shirts made up just for the grocery store comments. Hubby says you look just like me in some of your pictures - must have been a 70's thing. Your kindergarten pic could have been mine if you'd just had on some plaid knee highs!

Jennifer said...

Great pictures!!! Love the bad hair, the smocked dress, and the beer pics!

Angel at Aduladi' said...

We MUST have been born around the same time. I had the exact same golfer pants, similar Colonel Sanders shirt and "Dorothy Hammil" haircut. I even sported the "Lisa Lisa" hair-do in high school. Long live the seventies!

Thanks for a great laugh today.

Anonymous said...

It is a good thing you have a blog b/c you were born to write! (In addition to being born to be a mommy!)

I have five children myself and loved, loved, loved your ebay story!

Check out my blog:

Anonymous said...

OMG! I definitely think our mother's shopped the same stores when we were kids! The curtains?! I think we had he matching ones in our family room! They are now at my father's hunting cabin in the middle of central Pennsyvlania! Walking in there is a blast of the past since it has ALL the old funrnishings of my family room as a kid! Even the dishes in the kitchen were ours! Talk about deja vu!

The haircuts?! OMG I looked like a boy til 6th grade! My mom yells becuase my 6 year old daughter has long hair but now way will I cut it that short and traumatize her! I told her that if Gramma comes near here with scissors to RUN LIKE H**L! LOL! Thanks for all the laughs! You are great!


Anonymous said...

You must join "the peas"

there is a whole thread on there about your ebay auction.

We think you are hilarious!

Lisa - Homeschooling, WAHM said...

Please tell me there's a book deal in the works! LOL! I'm loving this! Thanks for sharing your "gift" with all of us in cyberspace. I'd love to add you to my buddy list. I'm not near as good at blogging as you, but I'd like to be able to route others to your blog from there. Mine is

Lisa in KS

Anonymous said...

I got a link to your auction sent to one of my yahoo groups and I figured I'd swell your ego a bit more and leave you a comment on your blog.

Now, I have to say, what would REALLY impress me is if you homeschooled all 6 of those kids. ;)

Good luck on your auction and I'll definitely be checking out your blog in the future!

Helena said...

Hi! I'm one of the 900! Just wanted to say I thoroughly enjoyed your auction and sent the link to my mom.

NIKKI said...

I found your blog form your ebay auction which was posted on my Mom's of Multiples Group. (We all have twins or triplets!) Of course we thought it was hilarious. We get all the "multiple" comments so know a little how those comments can start ummm making you come up with interesting comments!!! I love reading others blogs so I will be back!
By the way the next time someone you have your hands favorite commment back is yep and you should see how full my heart is!! (of course that is when they are all being angels and you are walking into the store! :)

Just your everyday average married momma... said...

Oh my god...I think I just woke my kids up laughing so hard.... a friend put me onto your Ebay auction link, which of course led me hear (and for whatever reason I am speaking what I type out loud as I type..I dunno, it's late...)

All I have to say is you CRACK me up...... mind if I put you in my blogroll? I just want other friends to be able to bask in the humor that is you!

Tami of BrooksGroth said...

OH My I LOVE your writing. I'm another one that found you from your ebay post being posted to a mom's group! I've only just started on your blog and it's awesome!

And these photos, yep, I kept thinking: "was yoyur mom friends w/ my mom because we had way too many matching haircuts." :-)

Keep writing --

tommie said...

found your blog from a scrapping website....

Love your attitude towards life. I only have two kids, but I do have a deployed husband. If I don't laugh, I might cry.

btw, I used to say with Aquanet I could be a good four inches taller. I had the mongo Reba hair. We must be near the same age!

Suzanne A. Wells said...

This is hilarious. You are so brave to show these pics. But:

1) I had the same can of Aquanet, and subsequently, the same flammable hair style.
2) I had the same barettes.
3) I had the gouchos.
4) You win on the eyebrows, sorry.

And I need to try your techique on eBay - I am an eBay consultant and have never used the "slice of life in the grocery" store technique in my trainings.

So, let's talk about having you do a guest post on my eBay blog. Or, if you are booked for the rest of your life, can I post your listing (with a link back of course)?

You truly are a riot!

Thanks for the laugh-

metrochic said...

hahahahaha! you are a genius. check this out:

Unknown said...

Your blog is so entertaining! Your Ebay is phenomenally funny! I'm so glad that our scrappin group pointed you out. So funny! Best wishes in the mom dept. :D

What a flashback your photos have been for me!

Thanks for the laughs!!

PS: drop by the girls there are great fans :)

Sheryl said...

I MUST subscribe to your blog but don't see how. Guess I will fav ya. You are amazing! Bless you!

cassandra cusack said...

loved your ebay listing too funny
you deserve a medal am adding your blog to my favourites you rock

Anonymous said...

Can I suggest a woman with whom you appear to have lot in common?

Brian, Jamie, Molly & Sarah said...

I think your blog has touched the hearts of every bad hair little girl who grew up in the 70's and 80's. Thanks! From one stay at home mom to another.....this made my night!


Anonymous said...

if you were stressed with the upsurge in traffic from some scrapbooking sites i have bad news. you made the front page of in case you don't know what that is, we'll just say it's been known cause an upsurge in traffic. but you definately deserve it, your blog is hilarious. and it looks like just the thing to give you a break from reality to be expressive.

MP said...

Dawn your ebay listing is a top story at which I would think makes you famous now. I would be a millionare if we sold all the Pokemon cards in our house at the mark up you are getting lol. I think you'll break an all time record with hits..I have to be what, 10483923??
I have to tell you that you have on my Limited sweater in that picture..I had one in pink too. You have EVERYONE beat w/ the eyebrows.. brave girl.
Tomorrow I'll get around to adding you to my daily reading list. I can't wait to back track and read the rest of your posts. Now get back to work!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say u write really well! I went to your ebay listing and your blog(which btw i find very amusing)from

Amy Anderson said...

LMAO! That post just made my insomnia way more bearable!

Anonymous said...

I love the huge hair. It's what I like to think of as a Big Hair Helmet (all that hairspray).

I had big hair, too, although mine was (dyed) blonde and I don't think I ever managed to get my hair as impressively high on the top!

I would have been SO envious of your huge hair... *siiiigh* Oh, the days when we had unlimited time to muck around with hot rollers and curling irons and hairspray... (Now I'm lucky to get a shower without having the house wrecked while I'm in there, something I'm sure you can identify with ;))

Anonymous said...

Oprah needs to see this! HA
I havent even seen your ebay auction. Your blog link is going around Weight Watchers Message Board! I will be up all night reading! Love it, from a mom with 3 boys. A 21 yr old and 4 yr old twins. My brain cells are dying at a rapid rate also! - Shelley from Texas!

Dollymama said...

Holey Mackerel! How did you get ahold of my childhood photos? Give 'em back!!!

(found you thanks to your ebay listing. I also have six kids. And it looks like we were both born in the early 70s.... come on over to my blog if you need some support. :) )

Anonymous said...

That picture of you with the "man" - was that taken in the Dells? I grew up in Northern IL and I think that "man" was on family vacation too! LOL

The Jones Family said...

I had the HORRIBLE pixie hair cut when I was 6 years old. I cried for days because I was sure I looked like a boy. My mom insisted I still looked like a girl...she lies.

Anonymous said...

Good grief I think we shared the same wardrobe!:-) A child of the 70's for sure,lol.. Were you at Knotts Berry Farm or Disney land next to that inanimate guy?:-)

Anonymous said...

LMBO!!!! We sure loved Aquanet back in the day..... sigh.

Anonymous said...

Ah, the pixie cut, smock top dress, culottes and AquaNet-fueled "The Cobra" hair; I remember them all well.

I came here via a link to your eBay auction that was posted on Reddit. I don't have kids (on purpose) and still I read every entry in your blog, laughing all the way. You really should write a book; you're funny (Erma Bombeck funny), and you have a real talent for drawing readers into your stories. Even readers who don't have any kids and last babysat at the age of thirteen. Besides, you know the difference between "your" and "you're"! :)

Agnewbie said...

Wow, this is hilarious. My friend just forwarded me your ebay Pokemon auction page and it made me cry laughing and I had to check out your blog. This has officially become part of my morning routine. I check a few blogs in the morning and yours has officially been added. Very funny.

-Jill Agnew

TMI Queen said...

OMG....I have hair just like that in my senior pictures. My head actually looks like it's tipping from the weight of the hair.

Good times.....

Anonymous said...

We have got to be the same age. All of my 'fashions' are just like that, and I LOVE the '80's hair. I should send you my Sr. picture. We could be sisters!
God Bless you!

renegadeponies said...

That was too funny! As a mom of 6 kids also, you got my vote for teh most realistic view of shopping with kids! My oldest is now 13 and she has to watch the kids while I go shopping so I can avoid that crazy stuff that happens to all of us. To tha lady who says her kids behave perfectly in public, ya right!


Anonymous said...

OMG you are so funny! I saw your auction posted in one of my yahoo groups this morning! I just died when I read it I was laughing so hard I fell out of my chair-no really, I agree with all the ppl who have said you need to right a book! you really are a great lady! Melissa

Anonymous said...

I found your ebay listing on the site, I've since passed it on to every literate person I know for them to enjoy! I have a 16 month old, a 2 and a half year old and our third is due in 6 weeks lol. I can't imagine going out with 6 lol my 2.5 year old is enough to drive me to tears while shopping! Keep writing you are fabulous at it and I truly wish you all the luck and book deals ever! Here is the link to our thread where I was lucky enough to get to read this amazing listing!

Anonymous said...

I am one of those people who have linked off ebay to your blog. Loved your auction and nearly peed my pants reading your captions to those pictures. No, really, my pelvic floor seemed to leave at the same time as the last baby popped out. Making me laugh that much is dangerous work..

theups said...

I've been sitting here crying... I am laughing so hard! LOVE the captions!!

Mrs. U

~Aimee~ said...

I just laughed harder than I laughed in a long time reading your blog with the pictures...thanks. Congrats on all the publicity! I love honesty and your ebay auctions were just plain honest! :) I am going to read your blog daily! :)

~Aimee from Utah

amber said...

i sitting at work laughing out loud at not only the pictures, but more from the accompanying commentary. love it!

Anonymous said...

Cannot stop laughing! A little at the pics but mostly at the commentary!

Anonymous said...

Cannot stop laughing! A little at the pics but mostly at the commentary!

Anonymous said...

Cannot stop laughing! A little at the pics but mostly at the commentary!

Anonymous said...

Hee hee hee, my mom dressed me the same way...I wore some of the same things when I was small. I love the one with the kitty. I found your blog off of your ebay post and I was laughing my head off while reading it. Not that I was looking to buy pokemon cards but someone referred me to your funny post. I subscribed to your blog. You are a very funny lady. Have a blessed night.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the stupid comments from some people totally can make your day. I have 9, 5 boys and 4 girls. There is a pool going on at work about #10 (not yet). Geez, #9 is only 11 months. Give me a few more months.

Little boys are so much fun, aren't they? "Mom, watch me hang by 1 hand upside down from the trapeze bar." No, thats okay, I don't want to see you fall, just let me know if we need to go to the ER again for resulting injuries, stitches, whatever.

Mommeeof9 on Live journal and Greatest journal.

Anna said...

I'm another one that followed from the ebay auction, although it's closed now. You've got a really great blog!

The cat tail snuggle really made me laugh even harder. Too, too funny.

And, your CAKE? I am SO jealous. I stick to 2-D animated characters. (Pooh, Ariel, Cinderella, Blue, etc.)

Anonymous said...

I think we had the same barber! The haircuts, the outfits & the old guy from Knott's Berry Farm! Back in "the day" when it was all FREE! I'm a single mom of 5 kids & 2 mom wants to know when we cloned my 6 year old and took him to the store!! lol...take care.

scottyjsmom said...

LOL, are you kidding me?!? I seriously just choked on the snack that I am eating in hiding from my two kiddos. LOL

en2zasm said...

I'm in tears because I'm laughing so hard! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'll be watching for your book. I'd like a signed copy so I'll be watching for you at Barnes & Noble. Go with the Aquanet look so I'll recognize you.

Now I have to show my husband why I'm laughing hysterically. :D


A Lupie Momma said...

Found you on my June 2005 June Jungle Gym babies board and have since passed you on to my site. Love your ebay listing. Enjoy while you can. You have become famous darling.

I am a girl of the 70s and 80s too. What were our mommas thinking???

Call Me Crafty Al said...

OMG! I found your blog through the eBay auction and boy am I glad.

You are officially added to my "list of blogs to stalk"!! :)

Thanks for putting a little laugh in my day.

Anonymous said...

Sweetheart.. I hope you also keep a diary cuz you will be richer beyond rich when you write all of this down and publish. Good luck and God Bless you!

Not You said...

Dawn, I simply love your sense of humor. But as a mom, isn't that our best asset? God bless you sister :O)

Dawn said...

Oh wow, Dawn, we have to be about the same age. I know I had several outfits (and the big 80's hair) like what you show in these pics.

Loving your blog and SO glad that someone pointed me to your auction.

Anonymous said...

found you through 2Peas, my mothers of multiples group, and a website for pregnancy after infertility. you've DEFINITELY made the rounds. You're hysterical, and you're on EVERYONE'S bookmark list now. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

I emailed you, I would love to see your list of "Before I became A Mom" I'm sure your version would knock people's socks off.

I'll keep checking in hopes you post it some day.

Anonymous said...

OMG!! You're a riot! I had tears running down my legs reading the captions on the pics. And I thought life was tough with 2 DS's. *snort*

Unknown said...

hi, I read your story on Ebay and I must say that I had e great laugh :-) I love your sarcasm, it's my second language to you know :-)
Anyway, I wish you all the luck with your kids 'cause I think you'll need it :-)

greetings from Belgium :-)

glittorgirl said...

I swear every kid in the 70's had their picture taken with a bottle of beer in their sister did!

Unknown said...

A friend sent me your way...

I am going to get fired laughing this hard at work!

Your sense of humor is a blessing - thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing!!!!

Marcy Dunaway said...

OK....the eyebrows put me over the edge, Bert!

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO!!! OMFG you crack me up!! Your block link was passed onto all of the March and April 2007 mommies on We're putting together a midwest mommies get together....wanna don't have to bring all 6!! Love the pictures I have some of those too!!

The Estrogen Files said...

Come on now, girlfriend! Me and Brooke Shields HAVE eyebrows like that... (grin at the familiar part!)

robin marie said...

okay, you are hilarious. i loved the ebay post and i love this blog. my cousin who is one year older than me and has five kids under 8 forwarded me everything! i, am newly married and always wanted kids but wondering what i'm about to get myself into!!

i love how candid you are about life. all of my married friends with kids tend to make their lives and children seem perfect. i know that's not how it is and i'm glad you are giving a voice to all those mothers out there who work so hard!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh a thespian - I noticed your necklace. All the world's a stage.... LOL LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh My God! I have to stop reading your blog at work, I'm going to get in trouble!! You're awesome, and hillarious!! Thanks for the laugh and the tears!! - Richelle, Salem, Oregon

Anonymous said...

Ack! I'm seeing pictures of my mother in those clothes, and worse yet, she kept some of them too!

Thank goodness I missed the big hair of the 80s. I was still a kid playing with my little ponies, and funny thing, I'm still playing with those ponies. They took over the guest room, lol.

Peggy said...

My daughter emailed your blog site to me and your ebay site. She was at work trying to keep from laughing out loud and told me I HAD to visit. Glad I did! Great blog! Talented lady!

Anonymous said...

ROFL that was great! Your kids are gonna black mail you with these pics when u get really old with grandkids! "Hey look at moms pictures on this old Blog Site! She was crazy to ever put these up!" Don't take them down...Just do unto others b4 they do unto you , you know what I'm saying?

Anonymous said...

Ok... I'm dying of curiosity although you are likely much to busy to answer... buuuuut it couldn't hurt to ask. The high school picture looks waaaay too familiar... and I grew up in Illinois... so now I'm wondering if I may have gone to high school with you 100 yrs ago. I mean... I know a lot of us looked like that... but this one is a bit tooooo familiar. Sooo... Illinois native or transplant? :)

Kim said...

I was so not going to be one of those people who left a comment on your blog. I figured plenty of people have done it before me and I probably don't have anything new to say and, really, what would the point be as I don't know you. But Oh. My. Gosh. I laughed out loud at this post. Granted, the laughs were muffled as the kids are in bed and I will do anything to not wake the kids once they are in bed, but let me say it again: Oh. My. Gosh. You are hilarious. You should definitely write a book. Or do stand up. You are too funny to be limited to the blogosphere!

Anonymous said...

if you went to downers grove south high school, i KNOW you! if not, i know your TWIN!

bucketgirl said...

I wore that same smock top dress. OMG.

I laughed so hard at the boys wearing dresses... you are so funny. I'm adding you to my google reader, so keep the magic coming, baby.

- Bucketgirl in Snohomish, WA

Beth said...

EGADS! I was CRYING! SIMPLY CRYING at these photos (because they were so similar to my sister and my photos from the 70s and 80s).

I LOVED AQUANET - in the big pink can!

You crack me up!

RoxC said...

HILARIOUS!!! You have a gift in writing funny, I am so hoping to read a book soon. Hey a compilation of blogs would be easier and faster to publish ::crossingmyfingers::

Anonymous said...

Hey! It's carleelyn from's okay if you don't remember are famous now husband was supposedly working but laughing at your pokemon auction hee hee...anyway..Ebay limits how much you can type...your blog is even funny! Get on Oprah and then shoot for ELLEN! You would so fit in! I know you are going to be a great hit with your books! I am just loving reading all of your things! I can't wait to see what is next..HAHA

I can so relate to you and the kids...rem I have the 4....well my oldest is 15 (girl) ditzy blonde...14 yr old boy...jock....3 yr old with a diff hubby...the best...spoiled princess....and of course last is my 2 yr old king of the house..

bed rest for the last 2 was so fun and the shots were exciting. I loved getting a hole poked in my hip every

well I am like you, I guess because I started over (why, I dunno..he didn 't have kids lol) and have a more mellow hubby this time..I have learned to laugh at things and actually it is better. I am not saying I don't still scream and yell but at least I am not ALWAYS doing it.

Also, everything in my house used to have a everything is wherever you leave it lol. I have learned to not care so much about issues such as that...I realized I was driving myself insane! I am a tense person already and OCD with cleaning.
My husband deals with techinical issues on computers (too detailed to explain) he has to go out of town all the i love that...and the lil ones are daddy babies...i love that too cuz it makes my job so easy when he leaves and I am trying to pull them off of each leg...

just the other day as i was trying to 15 yr old was doing nothing and I hear my kids laughing and playing...right...well we all know if they are too quite then watch I figure okay I hear em...they are havin fun in their room this is great...I decide finally after about 15 minutes to go see what was going on...only to find them in my kitchen...yeah not in their room...with 1/2 of my Kentwood water on the floor in my rugs and they were slippy sliding in my kitchen....boy I was happy then lemme tell ya! Half of a 5 gallon jug...i had a blast cleaning it!!

just thought I would share one of my stories from the other day lol...

I am the kind of person who talks to the cashier or the person behind me in line....come on, I watch Disney Channel all day....I need to have interaction with adults lol...well I hope I blogged this right...I never blogged before...

Keep up the good work! You are amazing!!! Tammy

Heather Is Cooler Than Hollywood said...

ARGHHH! I laughed so hard here in my little cubicle at work! I was afraid someone would hear me and then they would KNOW that I really don't do anything here!!!

I love your sense of humor, Dawn. You are amazing! :D

Anonymous said...

Oh my God! You must be right about my age. I had that bow tie style of shirt for the first day of Grade 9. I was going to HIGH SCHOOL and I wanted to look good.


Anonymous said...

hahaha, very cute pics. what's that bright angelic light in most of the pictures?!?

Unknown said...

hahha I love the big hair pic. My lord I remember the days of the Aquanet purple !

My hair was HUGE

Mary Kay Liquidator & Consigner said...

HAHA! I soooo recognize this hair style.

Anonymous said...

The pics are TOO cute!:) I love the one on the shelf..LOL

Your camera takes good pics of pics! Hard to do on some cameras. I think there is a conspiracy also about Vista and compatibility with printers/scanners! I was so mad when I realized mine won't work with my laptop with (ugh) Vista!:(
Thx for sharing the pics!

Anonymous said...

Love the high school pic. You look like every girl in my senior class. Weren't the 80s grand!

Anonymous said...

Wow you look like your Baby espesially in the second and third Pic ! ( Well that should read your baby looks like her mummy )
Love the outfits nothing Wrong with them :) Reminds me of pictures Of my mum 20 years ago.

Anonymous said...

you are totally awesome for posting your aquanet pics. no way in hell mine are going up on the internet... unless someone's blackmailing me!

Susan (5 Minutes For Mom) said...

It is midnight and I can't stop reading this blog! You are one seriously funny momma.

I can't wait to chat in person at BlogHer.

Talk soon!

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