We walked in and a boy said, "Hi Savannah!" A BOY said hi to my little girl!
In my mind, I walked over to him and demanded, "Why are you talking to my daughter? Do you know she's only 13? How do you know her? You better not let your eyes drop below her face, Mister! And pull up your trunks! And get a haircut!" I snapped back to reality and kept on walking before I could embarrass my daughter and make her hate me forever.
Instead I casually asked Savannah, "So, who is that and why does he think he has the right to talk to you?!" I mean, "So, how do you know him?"
Just as casually, she answered, "From school."
"A-HA!" I shouted in her face! "I mean, oh, really, you know him from school. That's nice."
She looked at me, perplexed as to why I was suddenly acting like some sort of psychopath.
"He's just a boy, Mom," she assured me with only the slightest hint of an eye roll.
"Do I know his parents?! Does he go to church? Where does he live? What kind of grades does he get? Does he smoke? Does he do drugs? Is he a nice boy?"
"I mean, um, what's his name?" I asked with a forced smile.
Savannah looked at me, deadpan, and was about to tell me to get a grip when a group of her girlfriends came over, giggling and talking and they all ran off toward the diving board. Being the completely sensible, logical, non-freak-outish mother I am, I sent Lexi to spy on her. Then I sat down to design Savannah's future bathing suit.

LMAO , Ohh I feel your pain!
Love it, Dawn. Funny how we don't forget some parts of being 13 years old!
My oldest daughter just informed me, that there are only two sorts of boys: Idiots and complete idiots. So I guess we are save for a while, ;-).
So long,
Yeah, I GET it, but seriously - my daughter would NEVER speak to me again if I had posted a pic of her like THAT on my blog. And MY blog is only read by a handful of family friends!
Love you though. And, I feel your pain.
~ Misty
I love this - so funny! And I'll order 5 of those bathing suits. (One for each of my girls!!)
"I snapped back to reality and kept on walking before I could embarrass my daughter and make her hate me forever."
--you say on your very public blog! haha!
Hang onto your hormones, Dawn....they start communicating technologically next....
It's only going to get worse, my friend. I, too, have a 13 year old daughter. She recently asked me when I went out on my first date. I confessed that I was a sophomore in high school, which for her is only 2 years away.
Love the new swimsuit design!! I have 3 girls so I would like to place my order now...if this is going to become a new business for you!! lol
She's really pretty. You should probably design a mask to go with that suit.
This is very funny. I feel that way about my 4 year old. All the little and not so little boys at our small church are in love with her. (They think she's sweet. HA HA HA HA HA) I keep saying we'll move to Alaska before I'll let any of them NEAR her.
I love the bathing suit! But I don't think even that would keep the boys away - she's very beautiful!
I've seen the Duggars wear a bathing suit just like that!! They probably have the link on their site somewhere...
I try not to read posts about baby girls growing up. If I stick my head in the sand it will never happen, right?
ha ha ha ha it gets worse... oh dear....
This didn't embarrass Savannah at all because she has a sense of humor and knows that I was just making fun of myself. I ask my older kids if it's ok before posting about them. That's why I don't write much about them.
My son will be thirteen in a few months. I think I'm going to HATE any age that has the word "teen" after it!!
Was Joe home polishing the shotgun?!
I'll take 3 bathing suits, please.
My oldest is 9 and boys aren't taking an interest yet, but I know my day will come and I'm not looking forward to it.
I was at the park the other day and watched how a group of teen boy and girls were interacting and started to freak out, in my mind, that this will be my girls in ten years. I think I'll have them starting to take tae kwon do classes so they can fend off the male species.
Have you hear Bill Engvall's line about his young daughter wanting to have her belly button pierced? He said the only good thing about a piercing there was it gave him a place to attach the padlock for her chastity belt.
Ah, the joys of parenting.... :)
Better get the shotgun out and start sitting around cleaning it now! This is what happens when you have pretty daughters...
Oh.My.Goodness. My girl is 9 and I am so afraid for the teen years!
ROFLMAO! So this is what I have to look forward to as my daughter gets older? Oooohhhh boy.
Just wait till she's 17 and you run at her with a towel because she decides to walk through a hotel lobby in here bikini and grown men are staring at her!
Or, when your 12 year old tells you that she has bigger boobs than all the 16-17yo's that she played softball with...and she says it with a gleem in her eye!
Does that bathing suit come with a hood? I'll take 2...no, make that 3...
does she pluck her eyebrows? because they look so groomed.
One of my friends posted a similar post one time but found these beauties.
I may get one in 10 years for my 2 year old. :)
Ah the joys of growing up. My oldest son will be 12 this year. I keep hearing stories about what "other" 12 year old boys are doing (even though mine still thinks all non-related girls have cooties) and I'm thinking....a deabolt on the OUTSIDE of his door might be a good investment.
I have three daughters, the oldest is 7. I'm so not worried about the teen years, cuz I'm packing them off to a convent until they are 35 or I am dead, whichever comes first.
Mom, he just said "hi"! My daughter is 8 and I am sure I'll be worse.
But on the other hand my oldest son is 6 and he (honestly since he was 3 he has been my little Walmart Greeter) loves to say hello to people. He is quite outgoing and honest to goodness watching him at the pool is like watching a bond salesman work a room. It humors me.
He is just saying hello, mom! Geez.
It's only the beginning... but, thankfully, she has an older brother who will kick the butts of (interview) all prospective suiters!
Kudos for not caving in with Brooklyn and taking her with you!
LOVE the designer swimsuit!
Love the bathing suit, but are you sure it comes up high enough on her neck? Maybe it needs a hood, too. And I'm sure you intended to include: flippers for the boys with foot fettish disease; and goggles for the perverts who are drawn by the eyes! Too funny, Dawn - too funny! It's the first time in 2 years of sharing that I've ever seen you respond like a normal mother. In situations where the rest of us would be pulling our hair out you are usually so cool and calm. Ahhh - the teen years.
(Seriously - she is so beautiful I'd have her under lock and key and just simply never let her leave the house till she was at least thirty.)
And another thing - how'd you get her to only partially roll her eyes at her age? My kids invented the "whirling dirvish opticalus" in their teens. I'd love to know your secret with kids!;)
PS - I've been gone for a while because I've been up at 7:00 every morning for the past several weeks in order to ferry people around our area to find jobs or get to work or get groceries, etc. I'm not saying this to pat myself on the back but thought I would share it with you that there is a tremendous need for this type of asistance - so many people lost their cars while trying to save their homes, or lost both because it took so long to replace their jobs. They can fairly readily receive assistance for the basics in many cases, but there's nothing left over to obtain help with maintaining the new lifestyle once a new job is in place and all the dust settles. If anyone is interested and this is something they could do, I suggest you call your church leaders and see if they know of people in need. I would not do this for anyone who hasn't been screened by people you trust. Even when you have a heart to help you need to stay safe.
uhoh - tell Joe to get out his shotgun... is he ready for his oldest girl to have boys calling and such?
good luck Dawn - and btw - she is a beautiful girl! and love the new bathing suit, lol.
I am so not looking forward to those fast approaching years. My daughter will soon be 11 and I know it is coming closer and closer. My husband used to say we were going to send our daughter to the convent but she stopped believing it. Now we tell her that she can't date until she is married but she doesn't believe that anymore either. Two of her classmates (4th graders) hooked up this past year and when I talked to her about it the first thing out of her mouth was "they're way too young to be dating" followed closely by "it's stupid to date that young" so I think I'm safe for a little while longer.
One of my friends made it a point of displaying his very real and very sharp swords in a prominent location along with pictures of him using them when his daughter reached the dating age. It was his way of warning the young man who dated his daughter to behave themselves.
As the mother of 3 daughters, I'm wondering which store will be carrying your bathing suit line so I can place my order...
I recently saw pictures of my grandma wearing one of those 1920's style bathing suits (since, funny enough, it was the 1920's) and I was wondering if I could make a pattern just based on seeing the photo, but your design is much more stylish and colorful!
Just wait. It only gets "better"... wait until that boy calls and you're stuck in a closet with the cordless phone listening on their conversation trying to hide from the other 5 kids and not let Savannah hear them through your extension and then explain why you were in the closet when she just "happens" to be walking by when she hangs up the phone and you open the door.... not that this has happened to me or anything... (I wondered why she got her own cell phone and this might explain it...)
Laugh - it beats the alternative!
Oh My Gosh!! I am about to fall off of my chair I am laughing so hard!! That swimsuit is hilarious!!!
oh, 13 doesn't sound too bad. A boy was flirting with Jazzy at swim lessons last month. He told her, "You bathing suit smells like Downy." I am switching fabric softener!
You made me choke. On a rice cake. Covered in nutella.
LOVE the bahing suit. And good to now that I have all of nine year (or less) until I am that psycho mother (in her eyes).
I'm tellin' ya, Dawn, you have trouble coming your way! Savannah is absolutely GORGEOUS!! This is just the beginning! Been there, done that, so I know what I'm talking about. That being said, she really seems like a truly lovely young lady.
Wow Dawn! I haven't seen a recent picture of Savannah in abit but she sure doesn't look 13,She looks 15! and also I'd like 2 of those suits please. One for a 15yr old and one for an 8yr old who thinks she is 15.
Well, she's a knockout, so I can see why the boys want to say hi to her! What a great smile she has!
Oh HUGS!! I too have a 13 year old beautiful daughter. And I'd like to know where you get the new swimsuit...I want one too! I'll need 4 eventually :)
Great post...thanks for the laughs!
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