Sunday, August 19, 2007

Duff Goldman has Nothing on Me ;)

Eat your heart out, Ace of Cakes! ;)

I know you probably think this is the actual R2D2 model from the Star Wars movies because it is just SO lifelike. But it's not. It's cake! This is Boo's birthday cake. Cake decorating - just another one of my astounding talents. :::snort:::

It did actually turn out pretty cool though. Well, at first anyway. By the time I cut it, little R2 had started tipping back. In fact, he'd tipped so far back that my son had to kinda hold the top on while I cut it. I tried to convince everyone that I'd made it like that on purpose so it looked like he was moving. It's not a lie. It's more of a "creative embellishment." Note to self - bamboo skewers can NOT be used in place of dowel rods.

OK, diet starts THIS Monday.


Erin M said...

uh coolest cake EVER !!

I love to bake but suck at cake decorating so pretty much any and every birthday cake is covered in 9 million rainbow sprinkles and then I call it a day

Alison said...

Hey, I'm one of the 500 people (so far) who found you through your hilarious eBay post. As the mother of "only" 3 kids, 2 of whom are Pokemon fanatics, I completely related!

But I've got to say, what really blows me away is this cake! One of my Pokemon-loving children celebrated his 9th birthday a few days ago and wanted a Star Wars theme, and never in a million years did it cross my mind to replicate R2D2 in cake & frosting! WOW. I once made a fairly elaborate castle cake for him, but that was 3 years and 1 kid ago, and now I just buy cakes pre-made. ;-) You would totally be my kids' hero...I mean, if you didn't sell your kids' hard-sneaked Pokemon cards out from under them, which wouldn't sit too well with mine! Ha ha.

Jennifer said...

Wow!!!!! That is an AWESOME cake! Will you be my mommy and make me a cake like that!?

Dawn said...

Sure! As long as YOU do the shopping for the ingredients! ;)

Anonymous said...

I loved you Ebay auction, BUT, my son LOVES this cake!!! It's awesome!! Please Please Please tell me how to do it....... his birthday is in October and he is BEGGING me to make THIS cake!!!!

Loving your blog too....... it's a riot!!!


MegWeb said...

I'm also one of the 500 people who read your ebay, the cake! My husband is SUCH a Star Wars fanatic, that in addition to collecting figures, etc...our older daughter is named LEIA! So, *claps hands* YYAAAY! for your R2D2 cake! It's awesome!

Anonymous said...

wow, my mom read your pokemon story on ebay to me and i thought, 'wow, she is so like my mom except she doesnt have 6 kids, she has 2, and shes made it clear shes done.' and then i see this and i'm like, 'man i wish my mom would make an r2d2 cake for my dad, he'd be in heaven.' but alas, she doesnt make cake unless shes bored... or pregnant and stuck at home all day... those were the good ol' days when she was pregnant with my sis and not at work, we always had cake or some sort of yummy fun thing in the house... except now she only goes and buys nutter butter and 10pm,,, she didnt let me go though, we would have come back with the entire bakery,... wow long comment, and i'll be sure to leave more, i found my new everyday website! YES!

thx for being funny,

Anonymous said...

Another eBayer via visitor here -- don't put that cake down. It's AWESOME.


Anonymous said...

holy crap!! thats totally awesome. and i thought i did a good job on my sons r2 cake for his bday, but yours has totally blown mine out the water. so what else did you use other than cake and fondent to shape it??

Jess said...

Another one who found you through your ebay list. Please, please, please can you share how you made that awesome cake? My son would be ecstatic if I created that for his next birthday. It's only 6 months away, if I start practicing now I might get it right!


Hen Jen said...

that cake is amazing! You are amazing!

I'm feeling somewhat lacking now...

your note to self just did it to me, good thing I didn't have any kind of beverage in my mouth!

great pics, thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Awesome cake, very ambitious! Is that a fondant coating or just icing?

Wendy said...

yep i got here from your ebay post...just wanted to say this cake wa A-MAZE-ING!!! wtg! your sense of humor definatly started my day off in the right direction :)

grumpus said...

Sweet cake!

Anonymous said...

I bow down to your cake making skillz. :-) Love your blog, too. Hope you don't mind, but I'm adding you to my blogroll!

~ taffi, mom of 4 (us "large family" moms gotta stick together, although I've never thought of 4 as large! LOL)

Anonymous said...

I got an email from my sister about your ebay listing. Which directed me to your blog. You are sooo funny. And this cake is amazing. I look forward to reading more from you!

becca said...

crazy cake!! we love star wars here! very cool!!!

sociallyskilled said...

wow, that cake is amazing. and here i was feeling pretty proud of myself for making my daughter animal pancakes. you've put me to shame. :P

(yes, i too found your blog from your ebay auction).

Mrs.Temple said...

What a friggin' AWESOME cake. I'm jealous... i want one!!!

Anonymous said...

My friend sent me your Blog link and the Ebay link...and I just had to post after seeing this cake (my DH is a SW fan and I'm an Ace of Cake fan) are one hilarious woman! btw...I say (snort) all the time too, 'cause I actually snort when I giggle.

Enjoyed reading your blog!
hang in there...
Peg Graham

SarahB said...

That is a great cake! (I'm another one who found you from your eBay auction--I've got a 3 year old and an 18-month old and even they wear me out at the store!)

Anonymous said...

You must REALLY be getting sick of reading all the comments eh? So I figured I'd go ahead and give you another....why not joing the herd?!

I'm not goin to comment on your cake or your ebay listing because I've come to terms with the fact that I'm not too much like everyone else. But I do want to tell you that the world needs more people like you! I frequent a parenting forum online and it is very rare that you find someone that has a "no shit" kind of attitude like yours. You seem to have a way of laughing at all the petty (sometimes maybe not so petty) things and not losing your cool. That's impressive in todays world!

I'm glad I was directed to your ebay listing, and I hope to read much more from you in the future (how's that for pressure huh?). I've even added your blog to my favs!

As for ebay....may you make millions of dollars just from the interest in your humour!

Good luck, and the best to you and your family!

Ioldanach said...

You should post your pics to the aceofcakes group on livejournal...

Pam said...

I think Duff would be very impressed! I found you from Fark that sent me to your eBay posting.

You are hilarious!

sendthembothtodss said...

You built....
Oh my God, marry me. I'm 18, not much of a looker, but I'm like a big, fat, ugly puppy! You'll love me! Really!

Anonymous said...

This cake rocks, and I love your Pokemon card story. I have many friends who can relate. We are foster and adoptive moms to "special needs" kids. Life is absolutely insane.

Just a suggestion. Next time, hire a sitter while you go shopping. It will probably be cheaper and will certainly preserve what little bit of sanity you might have left.

And next time if someone asks you if they're all yours, tell them that some of them are robots and you wanted to see if anyone could tell the difference :)

Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Someone posted your ebay on a triplet site that I belong to so I had to read it. Wow you are funny you made my night. I am going to catch up on your other post. I also think your cake was awesome. Your life sounds like a lot of fun.

The Amazing Supermom said...

mother of 9 here, my husband read your ebay ad while my eldest and i laughed till we cried. well said, my friend!

Anonymous said...

Oh, mommy. Are you my twin?! I forwarded your ebay item to my family because I know they will picture me on this grocery store trip! It's too late for me to read your blog tonight but you have yet another fan. I did stop and see the lever teeth marks though! LMAO! I have 4 boys...

Anonymous said...

OMG that is the coolest cake i ever saw.. i am a cake decorator also but wow that is creative... and very cool... oh and loved your ebay ad, that was too funny!!

TW said...

After all these years, we women of the world have found a replacement for our much beloved Erma Bombeck (everyone under 30 runs to Google).

I am smart. I had one child. My son was not so smart. He gave me 4 grandchildren. I was young before they were born. I aged 85 years since their invasion.

We could win any war if we wanted. Just sic the kids on them. Surrender would be within 24 hours.

Thanks for making my day. Ebay led me here. You'll be my daily morning read from now on.


Anonymous said...

We have 6 kids in our family too! Your ebay listing AND your blog made my day. Someone else lives my life!! woohoo!!! Hang tough, sister.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I also found your eBay story and like so many, I found it hilarious and true to life. An online friend forwarded the link to a list I'm on.

Feel free to drop by my blog whenever you have a moment away from your six-pack. Which will probably be sometime next year. :-)

Ann said...

Awesome cake! I was too chicken to try the 3D version--it didn't help that my dear son told me the NIGHT BEFORE his birthday that he wanted R2D2, not a Star Wars battle scene, so all I had was a 9x13 to work's my humble attempt, but yours takes the cake!

Anonymous said...

Wow- That is amazing- it's fun to see another Duff Goldman fan. Although make cake making caliber is nonexistent.

Anonymous said...

What a cool cake! You did such a great job on that!!!

Anonymous said...

Weir are u finding time to do this stuff women!

Neasa said...

Another of the masses who read your pokemon auction. As a mother of just 2 handfuls I feel a little inferior but still, reading that gave me the chills! I can completely relate. Looking forward to reading your blog now. Oh, by the way, your post has reached Ireland!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow...just, Wow!

Anonymous said...

Yes, my sister sent me a link to your ebay auction. We can relate. I hate shopping with my kids (5 of them, too.

But that cake is AMAZING!!! Really, truly. That must have taken you forever to do! I'm very impressed.

And I hope we're all not overwhelming you with our comments and love. We'll get over it soon.

Unknown said...

I LOVE your cake! That's so fabulous! I have a "Boo" too! (my youngest is known as "Boo, Boo Bear, Boo Boo"

I don't know how you find the time...
I only have 2 and I feel like I will never be done cleaning up after them.
I think it's time to throw out some toys!


Anonymous said...


My sister sent your ebay skit to me, funny as all out. Actually they thought is was me pretending to be someone else and adding 2 more kids. I know exactly where you're coming from regarding this Pokemon phenom. It's so funny how every other Mom has a child known as Boo in her life. My Boo is the eldest and Pokemon eventually parted our lives totally by 2002. Hang in there! Something else will replace those cracked out looking creatures down the road. Your cake is amazing. I decorate cakes as well, but shy away from the 3D stuff. Hang in there. I'll cross the finish line in 2011 when the baby girl graduates high school.

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