Saturday, August 25, 2007

Moms of the World Unite! :)

WOW! In regards to Mr. Plagiarism (yes, I'm assuming it's a man. Sorry to my men readers. ;) , I have never received such an outpouring of outrage! I did report it to Ebay right away. Thank you to Annjanette and her husband who first alerted me to his auction. I was laughing so hard reading some of your irate comments about this person. Hee hee - talk about sticking up for a girl! You guys ROCK! Thank you!

You're welcome for the Vitiligo link. I just knew I put it in there for a reason.

The "supposeably" comment made me fall on the floor! "Supposeably. Supposeably? Supposeably." Anyone know what that's from?

A lot of you guys asked me if I kept a diary. Well, I don't so much keep a diary, but I do have seven chapters of stories like the auction one. I've been compiling them in my spare time for almost two years. Sooo, that means you guys won't have to wait too long for a book!

Anyway, I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to all of you for sticking up for me! :::sniff sniff::: I'm so touched!

Oh yeah! I almost forgot! I did an interview for the St. Petersburg Times for any of you in FL. I believe it will run in Tuesday's paper. I'm also doing an interview for Fox19 Morning News in Ohio for any of you out that way.


Anonymous said...

I'm so gald you reported them. Hopefully their auction won't be up for much longer. I just have to tell you that I'm on a member of an IVillage board of women who's babies were born in July and you're ebay listing got posted on our board. I read it and was laughing so hard I woke my 1 month old daughter up!! Your listing has made the day of many women on our board. I'm glad I was able to subscribe to your blog because your little messages brighten up my day!! Thanks for chearing us women up. I know I need a little chearing every now and then.

Unknown said...

Omigosh! You so rock. I have 4 kids, and lots of stories, but mostly people tell me to can it, they are all mine, i wanted them, blah, blah, blah, I quit listening. I wish someone wanted to talk to me as much as people want to talk to you. But people see US coming and they run, far, far away. :-P

I'm glad you reported it. Be sure to link us to the great article and the morning news when it happens!

*Tanyetta* said...

Love your blog!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey there girl! :-)
Sure hope the wanker copy-cat gets his auction pulled...jee whiz.
Please post links to any of your stories, interviews, etc so we can read them!
Keep writing!! :-)

Anonymous said...

YEAH! Those interviews are just the start! I believe the doors are opening for you. You really have a GIFT! I truly believe that you will be rewarded for that Gift! Thank you!

Emily said...

I believe "supposebly" is Joey from Friends not understanding why Chandler would break up with a girl for saying "supposebly". As a grammar snob, it's one of my favorite Friends moments. Found you thanks to the ebay bid. Hilarity at its finest.

Anonymous said...

Anything for Canada?

Anonymous said...

A friend let me to your blog today. You really made me laugh tonight! I read your grocery store incident to my husband and we were laughing so hard we were crying. We have 4 kids under the age of 4 and there is nothing I hate more than going to the grocery store with them. The "are all of them yours?" questions were too familiar. And the "wow, you must have your hands full." My response is usually "yes, but our hearts are full too" unless I'm at the end of the day and need to throw out that sarcasm.
I look forward to reading more and I will pass this along to all of my friends who are moms. Keep us laughing and crying!!

ps. I didn't go to high school with you, but I was a Hersey Huskie and judging from your aquanet hair, we are of the same era.

Mixed Up Me said...

I was reading a blog, which took me to another blog, which linked to your ebay auction, which brought me here . . it's a small world this thing we call the worldwide web!! I'm glad I'm here, and I will definitely be back . . hang on . .. okay I'm back, I had to add you to my favorites.

Have a fabulous day!!!

Anonymous said...

I sent Mr. P an email telling him off. I hope he gets 50,000 nasty emails.

Love your work. I'm from Cleveland, so I hope I catch you on Fox19.

Anonymous said...

I'd buy your story compilations if you do decide to publish :)

Anonymous said...

I also contacted the seller in disgust! What a dope!

thanks for making me laugh!

Anonymous said...

There's always one bad apple in the bunch. Its a shame but I have a feeling he wont get far.
I have to tell you that I never really watched anyone's blog before, up until now! I have 4 girls and I LMBO at your writings... You write what I kinda go through each day as a SAHM.
I laugh until I cry, thanks for letting me laugh at your expense!

Anonymous said...



EVERY ONE just set up a new hotmail email account and use that to set up a phoney eBay account.

BID (high) on the pokeman cards!!
When one of us honest :] folks here wins the bid... sorry, wrong number!!

Pssst... Don’t give your real name and personal info!!

P.S. I don't have children of my own but have taught all of YOURS for 28 years!

erin said...

I'm so glad my sil showed me your blog, you gave me such a good laugh! I will be back!

Anonymous said...

You have a fantastic talent. Don't think you need any more encouragement to keep it going, just wanted to say I appreciate it. My wife and I have 4 boys. Her answer to one of the typical questions "How many kids do you have?!?!" is pointing to the youngest and saying "We think he might end up being the middle child."

I think we will be seeing a lot more of you in the future. Hang on and keep it going.

Anonymous said...

:disgusted: he doesn't even HAVE Pupitar!

Anonymous said...

Sorry...I just couldn't resist...i just sent the supercreep a note too:

"You're lookin' like a fool, man...the whole world knows you are a plagiarist...maybe you should delete the writing you stole and slink away quietly...;o("

- pinkdragon94
(My ebay ID)

Anonymous said...

I am sure you have seen this but here it is. Anita Renfro is hilarious for anyone who needs a good laugh. This is titled "Momsense" just cut and paste it.

Thanks for your humor. Everyone in my house is asleep and I have been on your site for about 2hrs, I can't stop reading your blog, as well as everyone's great comments! (By the way I do not take all my kids grocery shopping - lost all my hair trying that.) I can't wait to read your book. It is so nice to be reminded that our kids are kids and to just laugh when things happen, or better yet write about it!

Amy - mom to 5, ages 1 to 9

Harry said...

I think you may just be our generation's answer to Erma Bombeck. Remember her? Yeah, I'm dating myself, even I'm going "Man, there's a name I haven't heard of in ages!"

You'll have a best seller on your hands if you decide to put a book together - go for it!

Anonymous said...

That link to your auction was put on our group board on yahoo. I gota big kick out of it. I laughed so hard.... I am definitely spreading the story to thers on my blog spot....

Heike said...

Greetings Dawn,

I just left you a comment on your other post, but since I will assume it will take a while to read down to #105, I will post here and congratulate you on your recent fame.

In regards to this moron (I mean, REALLY!!), I am guessing they were just bamboozled by the great selling price and that put their brain on hold.

As mentioned in my other post, I think he/she should be punished by being your personal grocery shopper for at least 3 months. With kids :), just to make sure he/she buys the right things......


Anonymous said...

Yep - I sent one too...

"Don't you know that stealing someone else's writing is plagiarism? It's painfully obvious that even if I didn't know about the auction you lifted the Pokemon story from, your other auctions don't have near the class, humor, and talent as the one you stole. I truly hope your auction gets pulled - and if it doesn't, then I hope you remember that what goes around, comes around. Oftentimes in triplicate!"

ebay ID: witchirsh

Anonymous said...

I couldn't resist. I too sent a scathing email to the uncreative British bloke.

"It's sad to see such a lack of creativity. Perhaps if you were to have children yourself, you might have interesting stories of your own, without having to steal them from some poor American. It's never a good idea to plagiarize, but it's just foolish to do so the week after the author has gained world-wide notoriety. Now would be a great time to delete the stolen words, and come up with a few of your own before the whole world sees you for the uncreative thief you are."

Anonymous said...

The supposeably comment was from Friends, courtesy of Joey. Back when I actually got to choose what was on my TV, and shows that featured real people as opposed to cartoon characters, I watched Friends religiously. You probably remember it from the same time period.

Anonymous said...

seller is an idiot. I mean, at least I have the brains to wait a few weeks before seeing if I can get $150 for some of my kids crap.

k1 said...

I also emailed Mr P a few questions... and comments:

Are your ears burning? They should have burnt off the sides of your head by now. It's time to retire your ebay name and start over, because EVERYONE knows that this particular auction is nothing but a sad, lazy, unimaginative, lame, sorry, fraudulent attempt to cash in on someone else's wit, humor, and ingenuity. Ebay's complaint mailbox is full to overflowing with complaints filed against you. Hope you enjoyed your 3 year history on ebay, because NO ONE with any integrity will ever believe a word that appears on your auction sites again. So, was it worth it? Look at all the bids this auction is getting. Had you been honest, people may have wanted to bid. I think you owe the true writer of that auction story a BIG apology. You owe the WHOLE ebay community a big apology.

{Betsy} said...

I am so glad to hear that you reported this! I was incensed and enraged to read your previous posting regarding the plagiarism!

I hope you are serious about publishing a book, because I so want one! :D

Anonymous said...

You Rock! You're going to be famous, how awesome is that? Actually, you are already famous.

Anonymous said...

OMG, you are a scream! It's funny because having had 8 children in my own home, I totally understand.

I'm sure we have met . . . you've probably heard my speech - "Get off of there, Get down from there, Put that back, Don't touch that, Don't lick the knife! Don't swing on that, Wait until-your grandma gets here,"

wait a second, "Boys! Are those my Tampax tired tied to your bow & arrows sprayed with hairspray and set on fire?? GEEZ O'PETE"S. . . DO NOT shoot that into the dog house roof!!

Where else, but a houseful of children can you have such FUN?

Thanks for the laughs.

Aunt Mary Mom

Lady J said...

I can't believe the audacity of that guy to just copy word for word what you wrote. Does he not know that ebay is world-wide??? Hellooooo...

Mireille said...

hey girlie.. you are really making it around the world.
Just wanted to wave from over the big blue... I am in the Netherlands and a link to your auction was send over dutch yahoo groups.
I laughed so hard I had tears rolling over my cheek.
I thought taking a 2 1/2 yo and a 4 months old groceryshopping was a disaster..
Feeling very small now =)))
hope you will keep blogging.. if you are going to write a book I will buy it!

Anonymous said...

If you do publish a book, be sure to let us know via this blog so I can buy it! The world needs to lighten up a bit on big families and understand that moms are also human and that we do actually love each and every one of our kids, even when they do pull the apple out from the bottom of the triangle. Do keep up the good work!

scrappinshawnni said...

Thank you for taking the time to post your ebay auction and your blog. Your making People all over the world laugh.
Thank you so much :)

Jenga said...

It's from friends - Joey!!

MrsEvilGenius said...

Ohh! Did eBay pull the idiot's auction or do I have the wrong URL? I don't see it this morning.

Freakin' morons. Grrrr!


Hildigunnur said...

heh, he's been thrown out :D

Anonymous said...

That picture of the chocolate baby with the caption should be on your book cover.
I cant get over how cute that baby looks. One awesome pic. It makes me happy

Cathy said...

Loving your blog - discovered it after reading your hilarious ebay listing on another blog... i'll be posting it on my own blog too!
The world needs a bit more laughter :))

jayedee said...

the ebay bandit HAS apparently slunk away with his tail 'tween his legs. the item for that number is no longer there! yayayayay!
keep on keepin' on girl!
you rock!

Anonymous said...

YOu are great!! You have brightened my days and when you ae on Regis and Kelly, David Letterman please let us know!!!

TuhDuhrie said...

Absolutely love your writing......met you thru the ebay auction too and have laughed non-stop!! This is the first blog I have ever posted to! AND, My husband even sat on the couch with me tonight while I read him a few of your blog stories and we were in hysterics - 2 (out of the 3) kids came downstairs to see if we were okay (I personally think that was a way out of bed to see if they could sleep with us b/c they for sure thought they "heard" lightning or "saw" thunder!) You do have a might want to straighten your crown and tie your SuperMom cape a little tighter b/c I bet you are in for the ride of your life!! Wishing you the best!

Anonymous said...

So I seen a link to the pokemon card auction through a scrapping site I visit then I followed your blog link from there - love it. I only have three kids (all girls) and way less "adventures" then you do but still feels like I'm running "damage control" all the time. I would definitely buy your book the first day it came out. Fox19 morning news is my local news that I watch every single morning - can't wait to see ya on there.

Kari said...

A friend send me a link to your E-bay ad and I laughed as I read it. I felt better knowing that I am not the only one whose kid toppled a pile of apples in the grocery store!

I also have 6 children, 4 "homemade" and 2 adopted. Our adopted children both have FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders) which means that typical "naughty" behaviors are taken to a whole new level...but it makes life interesting and I remind myself often to let go and laugh.

Just yesterday my daughter told people that she had "bugs in her butt". It turns out that her personal care attendant had teased her that she had "ants in her pants" and she, like many people with FASD, took it literally.

Thanks for the laugh this morning! ~Kari

Anonymous said...

Well, as of 8:32 am EST, the copycat auction is down. Yay!

I love your stuff, and you're prolific, too. I have no idea how you manage to write regularly in your blog, when I can't seem to manage with only a single child. >sigh< Maybe I'm just a slacker.

I'll be looking for your book!

Unknown said...

I have shared your blog with could I not!??!?
I'm going to try and pass it along to some news outlets around here too...we'd love to cover you in NJ. We still have that Aquanet hair, your parents have to sign an agreement when you're born to make sure you maintain a certain number of inches in hair! Most hospitals give you diapers and formula and free A&D- which my son loves to eat- our hospitals hand out a case of Aquanet.

Keep up the great writing!

Anonymous said...


While reading the blog of a friend, she had a link to your pokemon story, and that's how I ended up here. Mother of 3, grandmother of 2 - that was one of the funniest stories I have read in a long time. You truly have the gift of writing, and I hope you pursue it. It brought back a lot of memories of the grocery store - experience and my decision to go to the store after all the children were safely tucked into bed. You are a very talented writer - hope a book is in the works - it would definitely be a best seller.

Amelia Antwiler said...

We may not be in Ohio - but we've got internet access and hopefully Ohio will put your blurb on the net. :-)

Just let us know when! We're cheering you on!! Especially against plagarists - but for life in general!!

Tara said...

so you know, the jerko's aution is gone. Yay! I hope he enjoyed his hate mail fest!

love the blog, will buy the book! (especially if I can download it hint hint)

Have a great weekend!

Stacy said...

I just sat down and read your entire blog. It's now 8am. Why would I read an entire blog before 8 o'clock in the morning when I am as devotedly anti-mornings as you claim to be?

Because about 14 months ago my husband and I decided that we should have a baby. And lo and behold, the miracle that is procreation successfully resulted in a 7 lb, 4 oz baby boy named Avery, born on March 1st of this year. He was beautiful. We were thrilled. Life was wonderful.

For the first two weeks, that is.

For the first two weeks, my darling new baby slept approximately 22 hours a day. He woke up politely to nurse, look around for a moment, and perhaps grace us with a burp or dirty diaper, then went peacefully back to sleep in the swing or bassinett while I puttered around the house mopping, cooking supper, and putting together beautiful scrapbooks of all the adorable new baby pictures, a la Suzy Homemaker. My baby was healthy, my hair was perfect, and my husband was thrilled. June Cleaver, eat your heart out.

And then, two weeks into the wonderful journey of motherhood, The Baby Woke Up!

And I don't think he's been back to sleep since.

His waking coincided with my husband's decision to start working out of town, only coming home on the weekends. While he swears that this move is only temporary, and that it had absolutely nothing to do with my waking him at 3am threatening castration if he didn't take his screaming offspring so that I could get some sleep, I have my doubts.

So here I am, with an almost-six-month old little darling who recently learned how to crawl (fun) and started teething (even more fun), and no husband in sight to help care for him during the week. My baby is still beautiful and healthy, and we are still thrilled with his presence, but my house is no longer clean, the scrapbooks are empty, and my hair hasn't been washed in three days.

I really enjoyed you blog!

Anonymous said...

Great blog. I am a mom to 5, with #6 on the way. My days are very similar to yours! Love what you have done...

Anonymous said...

LOVE your blog...

Beckee, mom of 5, soon to be 6

The Milk Maid said...

Yay! Thanks for making my morning!

You could always self-publish... and keep more $ for yourself when you sell your book on ebay!

However you do it, write that book and keep America laughing.

Kami Milliron said...

I have to tell you that I recieved an email with the link to your Ebay page. You are SO funny and it was a very entertaining read. I have one child ( he just turned 2 in May ) and going to the store, or anywhere else for that matter, is always an interesting experience. Kudos to you for being such a good Mom ! We need more people like you in the world. I also agree that you should write a book, I would be the first person in line to buy it : )

Anonymous said...

Hey, just wanted to let you know that the plagiarist creep's auction is gone! Yippee!

Thanks so much for making my week! I sent a link to your auction to every woman I know, and a few special men. You are so funny! I can't wait to buy your book!

Hugs from another mom of six great but very human kids! - Laura

Anonymous said...

Dawn...My name is Lisa Caraffi and I read your E-bay posting and loved it. I see you belong to Linkshare, but I would like to see you make money through my affiliate network I think you have huge earning potential with your blog and I can help you every step of the way. It won't cost you a penny and I know several of my merchants would LOVE to have your blog in their affiliate program. Please contact me at your earliest convenience.

or call me 727-482-0266. I can call you if you like. Just shoot me an e-mail with your # and a good time to call.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe someone would copy your auction like that, but, it looks like eBay got on it right away.

Way to go on the interviews!

heiresschild said...

i just saw your funny, funny story on ebay thru a clubmom blog. you are so hilarious, and having raised a couple of kids myself, i know how important a sense of humor is. yeah, right! i so enjoyed you, and look forward to reading more from you.

Liz said...

Yup, "supposeably" is classic Joey!

Thanks for your blog and auction story. Made my day yesterday!

Anonymous said...

You should be happy to know, the auction has been taken down. Nothing like a bunch of angry women to get something done. Love your auction, love your blog, added you to my blogroll and passed the word around. This is only the beginning for you! I am excited to see it all unfold.

Gina said...

I'm in Cincinnati which is the home of Fox 19. I'll keep an eye out for your interview.

Stacy said...

Oh, and I wanted to add that, in all your spare time (lol), feel free to check out my blog (as if you don't have a million others to read)

Jenny Thomas said...

Well either Ebay took action and removed his listing or he took the advice to slink away in the middle of the night because you can no longer find the item. What a huge dork!

Jenny Thomas said...

Well either the Ebay removed the listing or the dork did the smart thing and followed the adviced to slink away quietly. WHAT A DORK!

Unknown said...

Imitation is the greatest form of flattery, non?

I have been exceedingly flattered by a good number of people who have copied my articles over the years. :-)

Congrats on your brush with fame! You make your fellow Mommy Bloggers proud....

Amie said...

consider yourself flattered...I guess?? What an idiot for that guy to even try.

yah, "Friends"...good stuff!

I sooo hate the "you sure have your hands full" comments. Why don't you offer to help me instead of pointing out the obvious?!

Sherrie said...

Dawn you ROCK! I haven't laughed so hard reading an EBAY auction (and a blog) so hard in a very long time.

Now, on that book publishing thingy? Check out self-publish that bad-boy and let our dollars come directly to you. Then let the big publishers make you an offer you can't refuse after they see your phenomenal success that they'll want a piece of! are FANTASTIC!

Anonymous said...

Can I just say that I'm addicted to your blog. The fake ebay listing is gone. I'm bummed I missed it, but glad it's gone...what a jerk! Keep letting us know of your upcoming appearances...I'm sure it won't be long before Oprah comes a knocking! Thanks for brigtening my day...make that week!

Anonymous said...

Dawn, you'll be glad to know that the poser no longer has his auction open. You have a lot of fans out here in cyberspace. You've helped so many of us with your witty tales. Sometimes as moms we get so caught up in the day to day that we forget to laugh at ourselves. Thanks for all the laughs. Keep them coming! God bless you and yours!

Lisa C. said...

my husband keeps looking at me everytime I am on the computer now and I start laughing and says to me, "You are reading that Dawn's blog again, aren't you?" Of course I am. I went all the way back to the beginning of your blog and read every are soo funny! We could be good friends if I lived!

Anonymous said...

Please let us know when you do the Fox interview...I grew up a West side Chicago girl but have been living in NE Ohio for a looooong time...;o)

Anonymous said...

LaurieinTX said...
":disgusted: he doesn't even HAVE Pupitar!"

LOLOLOL...PC Aerobics time!!!

Katie said...

Let us know when the Fox 19 airs. I'm in the Cincinnati market and can't wait to watch it!!

Heather K said...

wow!! I wish I had half the wit...hmmm...(would that make me a half wit...)that you have!! You're a great writer...just found a link to your auction on a blog I was visiting....I can relate to the shopping trip...somewhat.. I have 4 kids and the first 3 were born in less than 3 years!! yikes!! but I canNOT imagine adding another 2 to the mix...altho my kids(all girls) would love to have a baby to play with....but they all leave and go to school and guess who would be left with this child...then they all grow up and leave home and I still have another 10 years with this child!!! I don't think so.. Actually truth be told I really wouldn't mind but ya, don't need to worry my little brain about that one..I love my kids dearly and people think we're all crazy to have multiple children but then what do THEY know anyway!
Well take care and keep writing!
Heather(from British Columbia, Canada)

Alicia Sharp said...

Good luck with your interview! Hope all goes well! You are so funny and I wish you all the best of luck! I gotta hand it to ya, I don't know that I could handle 6 kids even if they were all mine! LOL!!

Anonymous said...

YEA!! Ebay removed the slug's listing!!

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to thank you for a very entertainging morning. You are very talented and funny to boot!!!I have put a link to you on my site as I wanted to share it. Wont you have a look if you have time. If you would like me to remove it just say so and its gone. thanks again.

Tanya said...

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" (I hope that is the correct wording)

Proven 1000000 fold over right now! Your blog is now at my #1 of best blog ever, and I have actually put your link on my blog (I keep alot of the blogs I read to myself so I can feel like I am the only one reading them LOL) so consider yourself special :D Thank you for providing wit and humor to light up the days of mothering children (especially when the 3 year olds are like ours, see my blog after this)

Charlene Austin said...

***DON'T FORGET TO COPYRIGHT**** You need to write something like this on your blog....
Important Fine Print...
All content (including text, photographs, and design work) is © Dawn _____. My writings (all original unless otherwise stated) is shared only for your personal enjoyment and may not be copied for publication or for any reason without explicit consent.

RaveKnits said...

Dude! Not cool! You can't go yoinking other people's auctions! I wonder how many other people's work got stolen by this guy, and went unnoticed.

Now, you have inspired me to write better auctions for Ebay, but I'm not going to steal your work, not by a long shot. I just strive to be more like you.

Jess said...

It must already have been taken down (the auction) because I dont see it.
Dang they need to think of their own write up for their auction!

Yeah! Write a book and I will buy it!

Aileen said...

Okay I wasn't going to leave a comment since your inundated with posts, but I just couldn't help myself! Like everyone else I've been following your blog after being lead to your hilarious auction and of course shared it with others. Although, I only 3 boys to contend with shopping, I still could relate to your shopping adventures! But it was the Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde comment that had me roaring with laughter and relating OH SO WELL! That was about the most perfect description ever to describe what I go through each morning with two of we like to say around our house they're a super-balls in a tennis ball world :::chuckles:: thanks again for the laughs Dawn and I sure hope that you can turn all this attention to your advantage, just remember everything happens for a reason.
Major hugs to you and yours!!

MorningSong said...

I tried to see the plaigerized piece but it is gone! I came by to say thanks for the laugh!! I found your eBay bit via another blog and had a great laugh!! We can all relate to your story, although I only have 2 kiddos - it is still chaotic! It is great to see how many others have enjoyed your story too! Blessings to you and your family!

Anonymous said...

You have such a great sense of humor, and have brought countless smiles to so many people. I know that it takes humor to raise children, so keep up the good work!


Anonymous said...

You are great! Love reading about your stories, laugh and crying because I have been there. Thanks for sharing your honest perspective on the daily life of a mom. It's the greatest profession in the world.

Can you repost your ebay story? It's a keeper! For those that did not get to see it on Ebay.

Leayellowrose said...

I would love for you to do me the honor of visiting my son's carepage juliansworld .
I have 4 boys and trips to the grocery store are ,hmmmm, interesting!!!!
Someone told me once, that having 4 kids more than likely would get me a free ticket to Heaven...Wonder where 6 is gonna take you!!!!
Hats off to you ....
Oh and noone should disrespect a mother of one child or six!!!

mrscyborat said...

This comment might get lost in your enormous amount of email but that's ok. :-) You are an inspiration! In fact, I've been toying around with the idea of bidding on a writing job from for a couple of weeks and after reading your blog, I decided to submit a proposal! I'm a homeschooling mom to 4 kiddos and rarely get a moment to myself, so I'm probably crazy. But, I prayed about it and decided to go for it! We'll see what happens! Keep up your words of wit for all of us bedraggled moms!

mrscyborat said...

P.S. I won't plagiarize, either!

Vivian M said...

Dawn: Congratulations! It's already starting! For those of us far, far away...can you copy the article or newsclip onto your blog? Your fans would appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

Although you've heard it countless times before, your blog is absolutely addictive. I love your wit and sarcasm. And the fact that you can quote Friends just makes you that much cooler. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Instant Super Star! Love reading your writing, can't wait for the book to come out!

Anonymous said...

Hey Dawn,
I missed the post everyone is talking about but you know you've got support from all over the world woman. I read this every time my email updates to tell me you have entered a new page. Life is good with you in it. Thanks

Lisa Lacy said...

Dawn -
My friends and I are loving this! Thanks for speaking for so many of us....although I must confess that I am a wimp and just have one child (who has the energy of several, though!) You are the Erma Bombeck for our generation - I have a lot of Erma's books and they are a scream - the world is ready for you now. Those people who think that having six kids is kinda like the Brady Bunch are in for a reality check!
Keep on writin' -
Lisa in Georgia

Unknown said...

This is so exciting to be witness to your rise from MOM to Best-Selling author(ess)Someone else asked if you might be able to provide links to your TV appearances and interviews...sometimes the TV stations will provide that service for you(if you ask)
Thanks for everything..this blog is my must see thing every morning.You are just wonderful,as are all of these lovely people who have written in to show their love and support.

Tami said...


Thanks so much for the laugh! Your auction got posted on my message board (Waiting Women-originally from BabyCenter) back on the day it ended. I passed it on to everyone I know. I tried to access the link you provided to the plagairist, but the auction couldn't be found, so must be gone. Yay! Thanks again for the laugh! I look forward to your book!

Andrea said...

So, I was just writing my own shopping story on my blog this morning. Then I went on my morning blog rounds and found a link to your auction, then was led here. Let me say you put my shopping story to shame. Love your blog and I'm glad I found it. I'm sure I'll be back for more laughs.!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn,

Just found your site though another one, who found it through someone else, who may have seen your eBay auction... Or something like that! ;)

I went back and read all your posts, when I should have been cleaning my house. But, hubby still works for 2 more hours, so if I boogy, I can still get it done and maybe even shower before he gets home! ;)

I am a stay-at-home homeschooling mom of 4. I have always wanted 6 kids, but can't seem to get any more of my pregnancies to stick... Maybe someday I'll be as lucky as you! ;)

Your stories make me smile. I wish I had your ability to write. I have only a handful of funny posts, which is sad because I've been blogging for 5 years now, and have around 2500 posts. *rofl*

I'll be back... Have added you to my favorites! :D


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you reported them that was just so wrong I don't have words for it. :( I'm glad that auction was taken down I just wish I would have got to comment to them first. *holds up my tiny fist*

Anonymous said...

I saw your ebay post and of course forwarded it on to everyone I know. So, you now have a bunch of new readers. I am loving reading it. I only have 2 children but know that life would be so much more difficult without a sense of humor. I'm glad to see you use yours regularly. I try to do the same. Thanks for sharing your life with us.


Mrs. Falkenberg said...

Joey! From Friends!
I'll write more after the hoopla dies down. I've blogrolled you, so I'll be back!

Michelle said...

You go girl...I am having a bit of a hard spot with Ds1 and I am thinking of auctioning HIM...(well, not really...but...). Anyway...enjoyed it very much!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE YOU! I am a mother of 3 (4 if you count DH!), and I often feel like I am about to rip my hair out. I laugh so hard reading your stuff, and I get so excited when my email says you've updated! Thanks for bringing humor into a life that had forgotten humor for far too long!

Cant wait to see the interview on Fox19 here in Ohio!


Anonymous said...

Been reading along, thanks for sharing. I have seven kids myself, 12, 10, 8, 7, 6, 4 and 20 months. It's craziness but I wouldn't change it for the world!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say thank you for the link! My oldest also has vitilgo.

Larry Williams said...

First time to your blog after receiving an email from my sister with your eBay auction. My wife is a stay at home mom and we have one daughter, and I still almost wet my pants laughing. Told my wife she had to take some time to read your stuff.

Love your writing, love your wit, love your attitude. I'll be back to read more. I'm sure it will brighten my day.


Rae said...

I cannot believe someone would take your words and think they could get away with it (I didn't get a chance to see/read it, it was pulled -thankfully- before I could).. esp. w/all your publicity! :)

CONGRATS on your interviews... I hope you will find a way to post it for those of us that are "not in the area" (hint, hint!)

Best of Luck

Unknown said...

Well, the auction is gone now so it must have worked. I wish I could have read the nasty comments...LOL!

Anonymous said...

You have made the world laugh and I can not imagine a more wonderful gift! Having raised 4 children 4 in 4 years, I too remember the shopping days, but ours also included the elusive imaginary friends. I seemed to daily shut them in a car door, or leave them at the store. And they always wanted food that the real life ones were not allowed to have. They became so real in our home that I would set a place at the table for them. Very fond memories. Thanks for your wit.

Anonymous said...


I just happened to catch the word "vitiligo". My beautiful 5 yr old daughter has one of the most severe cases the doctors at the National Institutes of Health, Johns Hopkins, George Washington University & so on have ever seen. It literally goes from the top of her head down to her toes. We watched her skin go from perfect to blotchy in about 6 weeks. I hope that the creams etc will work for you guys & I'll keep you in our prayers. Hanae has no hope of ever getting back any normal skin. She is still the most beautiful little girl I have ever seen & if I knew how to send you a pix I would.

Take care & good luck to you!


Anonymous said...

My "Little" sister sent me (and our other sisters) your pokemon auction story. Little is the youngest of seven kids. It took my parents 18 years to have them all. You know the story, she finally had them all in school, Oldest a senior in high school, youngest in kindergarten, and what happens??? at any rate Little is now 33 years old. We all LOVED your grocery store story.

I wanted to give you another remark for your arsenal when asked about "ALLLLLLL" of your kids. This comes from one of my kids swim coaches.

stranger: "five kids, WOW, you know what causes that now, don't you?"

Coach Jennifer: "Yes, and apparently we are VERY good at it!"

Thanks for the laughs,

Diane (#3 of 7)

Laura said...

YAY! A Book!!! That sounds so exciting!!

Lex said...

I just wanted to say a friend emailed me the link to your ebay auction and I thought it was a riot! I have three boys and I also "love" the comments I get when people ask me if they are all mine! after the "Wow, you have your handles full" comment....and the "you don't look old enough to have three kids comment" (I probably look 10 years younger than I am, my husband and I look like we graduated high school last year, try 12 years ago) ....lets see, I could throw something at them, but then my boys would imitate, I could roll my eyes, but then my boys would see me being disrespectful...... maybe I could throw something low, so my munchkins don't see... I'll try that and get back to you :) Thanks for being a voice of fun out there, I love the chaos of my home and my "outtings" ...... and although you do sometimes feel the need to hide under the racks at the store, so your kids can't find you ..... we still love it!

Anonymous said...

I just had my first book published. It was a lot of work, and it took two years to find a publisher but when it is the right time everything works out. Isn't it amazing how something so small can change a path of a life.

C.J. Carleton

Anonymous said...

Hi there. GREAT Blog! Just wanted to let you know the "supposeably" comment comes from Season 2 of "Friends." That was a Joey-ism, when Mr. Heckles passed away and the gang was cleaning out his apartment o'junk. Lol!

(And yes, I did say Season 2, because sadly, I can probably tell you what season almost every episode was originally aired. I was a former Friends-aholic and went into deep mourning when the show ended. *sigh* Sorry - I'm better now. :oP)

Have a great day & keep up the awesome blog!

RoxC said...

Glad you got rid of the faker. And YAY for the interview! I'm looking forward to it!
BTW I have posted your auction ad on my blog but with a link to your page. It was just so good that I had to share.

Colleen said...

I get the St. Pete Times - I'll be looking for you tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

HI! just wanted to let you know your ebay thing made it to our board as well Baby and Me, all us moms love it! thanks again!

Anonymous said...

I read your ebay, and as the oldest of 6 I laughed so hard. Thanks for having kids and writing about them I just hope you don't scare anyone to bad.

Anonymous said...

Dawn, great e-bay story. I am one of 11. My mother use to use 2 shopping carts also. The age span between the oldest brother and youngest sister is 20 years. My 2nd oldest brother came home from the army and was taking a shower in the back bathroom. My 2nd to the youngest sister came running down the hall and yelled; "mom, mom,....there's a man in our shower." To which my mother very calmly replied; "honey that's your brother." I can appreciate your stories. I have lived many. I have 4 girls. Three teenagers at home and an older daughter. Motherhood is a gift, only I wish that it came w/instructions! Not always easy but very rewarding. Keep up the good work and here's to making $$$$ on a book so you can get a well deserved massage.

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