Thursday, August 30, 2007

Second Chances

At bedtime, my 9 year old was jumping around the room, being loud and goofy because this is what kids do at bedtime. They save up that last little burst of energy and then use it just when we've officially run out of steam. They catch you off guard this way. They wait, hoping you nod off on the couch, so they can go raid the fridge and stay up way past their bedtime, watching stupid stuff on t.v. Thankfully I'm a night owl, but they've pulled this one over on my husband numerous times.

Anyway, my son wasn't really doing anything wrong or "bad". He was just wound up tighter than a drum and it was time for him to get ready for bed. I warned him that he either needed to settle down or go to bed. He chose to go into orbit, so I sent him to bed.
"But Mom, can't I have a second chance?"
" Ummm no. You made your choice, now get in bed."
"Pleeeeeease can I have a second chance?"
"This is non-negotiable. Goodnight."
"But Mom, God gives second chances."

Now how am I suppose to answer that?!

I'd like to take credit for that teaching, but alas it was Bob and Larry in the Veggie Tales Jonah movie, who is to blame, er, I mean, who taught him that one.

"That's very true, honey. God does give second chances. But I'm not God. Now go to bed."

Tomorrow I have an interview with a radio station in New York, I think. Ugh, I can't keep them straight anymore. Also, The Chicago Tribune is coming over to my house to interview me and take pictures. (I don't know how to spell the sound I just made. We'll just insert a "freaked out scream" instead.)


Vanessa said...

Perfect answer :)

Good luck with your interviews! Can't wait to read about you in the Trib!

KATE said...

I LOVED your article in the St Petersburg paper. You're going to do great!!
I love that when they pull stuff like that. It's that darn Sunday School we take them to, & the good things we try to get them to watch. At least we know they are paying attention, right? Even when it bites us in the butts!
I LOVED your response too, Good comeback!
- Kate

Our Army of Six said...

Dawn, you'll do great with your interviews tomorrow. I'm VERY proud of you for continuing this writing and sharing your lives with all of us. It has been so fun this week to read all of your posts. Oh, please don't think you have to do it everyday! Every other day or 3 gives us all just enough time to stress about something and to find an update in our inbox to make us laugh about it. It helps us to all feel a little more normal to hear your stories. Keep it up!

kat, army wife & homeschool mom of 4 in OK

Anonymous said...

God DOES give second chances...but we are very quick to teach our children that God also allows consequneces to follow our choices. Children need to know that Choices=Consequences or they enter life as young adults with an unrealistic view of life. As well we let our children see our choices and consequences as well. Speeding tickets, being late b/c we choose to stay up late or sleep in, etc. Gotta love Bob & Larry! God bless your family! :)

Becky McVey said...

I just got home from the ER for bronchitis and your blog, as it consistently has every day for the past week, cracked me up despite the fact that the laughing only made me cough harder!

Also, you should add "buttbag" to your list of butt-words. It was on My Name is Earl in this form:
"You are a buttbag. That's a bag of butts."

I know because I hear it 50 times a day. My 24-year-old kid, uh, husband thinks it's the best phrase ever. Sometimes, I secretly agree :)

Keep up the great work with your family and your writing. Can't wait to crack a rib over your book someday! Cheers!

jeanie said...

Yay - I get to be first on your newly massive blog!!!

Over here - we ban sugar after 4pm. We also adjust my daughter's clock in her room so she thinks it is later.

It works for us - but then, we have her outnumbered!

Anonymous said...

I have to say that I have really enjoyed your blog/family. It reminds me so much of our own kids when they were growing up. Thank you....

I do have one question though, What does your husband think of all of this ?

Thanks again for the laughs...

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog regularly for the past week, your are incredibly funny! The only reason I decided to comment today was because I was shocked when I saw 0 comments, I usually see over a hundred so I thought I'd try posting a comment since it's first... I mean how exciting, really ;) I also thought you should know that you have brightened my day twice now. It takes a lot to get me to laugh out loud and your blogs certainly work. Hey, maybe if you do this for about 5 years we can all shed about 10 pounds. I hear laughter is good exercise ;) Sigh.. I just don't know how I got along so long without reading your daily blog. Looking forward to your next entry! Take care!

Hey, I wonder if after typing all that I am still first.. crossing fingers... and submit!

- Another night owl

Alida said...

Wow, I caught this right as you posted it I guess because there are not a million comments yet. Hooray for night owls everwhere! So, yes I got to your blog byway of e-bay too. (Are you suprised?)

Just today I posted your blog on my sidebar. I would like to get your permission, however. You have a lot of traffic and if you'd prefer I'll take it off.

I love your blog, you are very funny in a very loving way. Thanks for making me smile.

Lori aka A Cowboy's Wife said...

I bet you are just swamped with emails, phone calls, and interviews. I'm sure it can be mentally, as well as, physically exhausting but I hope you're taking care of yourself through it all. Your writing is outstanding and the the way you tell the story is captivating. I have 3 boys and plenty of stories to share but could never tell them like you. I hope you know what a wonderful talent you have--and I mean wonderful. Take care and enjoy your life;)

Anonymous said...

I just read your ebay item description and thought it was absolutely hilarious!! Reading your blogs I see the tread continues. Best of luck at the interview and w/the newspaper as well. If you do write a book, I would gladly run the BooksAMillion and buy it!!

Pattie said...

I am so excited i am the first one to leave a commet on this post.its only 12:45am central time.I am so glad to know that your kids are full of life and good at making messes just like mine..THANKS FOR SHARING YOUR EVERYDAY MOMEMNTS WITH US..i bet you will end up on gma wouldnt that be fun have you watched the mom sense on my blog Go Check on your kids i am they are up to something unless they are sleeping yeah for bedtime.

Anonymous said...

Okay, your writing is so much like me that it's scary. And, I'm going to copy your "I'm not God" phrase. I mean, I'm ALL FOR VeggieTales training in our house... as long as I don't need to be the living example of "sharing" when I'm trying to drink my Coke in peace... while locked in the bathroom... with a book... and my kids banging on the door asking for a drink.

I also bookmarked your blog. Glad to find ya.

funkitup said...

WHOA!!!! We are living the same life! You are reminding me of the time my three years old planned to barf into my skirt at church on a day that Daddy had to work and I gathered all of the kids by myself to go because it was "the right thing to do." When I grabbed all of the kids-including a newborn who may or may not have been attached to my boob-and ran out of the building and shoved all of them into the suburban while enveloping the barf in the skirt and trying to hang on to the baby , I yelled, "everyone put on your seatbelts, it's going to be okay!" The "BARFER" then had the nerve to say, "but Mom, if everything is going to be okay, why aren't you smiling like Jesus?" FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! Anyway, this is so fun to read in between changing diapers and trying to get some artwork done! THANKS!

K said...

You make me laugh... and TOTALLY take that as a compliment, cause I don't laugh easily.

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm so glad for u. I do hope that it's Z100 radio station. That's the best in the city. I also left a comment yesterday reg. an email I sent to the Ellen Degeneres show about you. Do read the comment if u get a chance.

Anonymous said...


Hint: Don't giggle. Pay attention to your voice and try to keep it at its lower register. Be confident! I don't know if you ever watched American Idol but Melinda Doolittle's "Oh wow, you really think I can sing?!" shtick got old. Embrace that you are loved and be proud of it! I'm not saying be cocky, and certainly we all want to hear how excited you are and how you never thought this could happen to you but at the same time, recognize within yourself that you ARE talented!

Following you daily....

Anonymous said...

I just want to say that I think you're fantastic! You must be freaking out right now with all this attention.

How you manage to keep a sense of humour with all this going on and 6 kids in tow is beyond me - I've got 3... Emily 10, Charlie 3 and Paul 41 (oh, no, wait... he's my husband!) and they often drive me insane!

I've thoroughly enjoyed reading all your posts... I started with the eBay auction and then just had to read you blog - all of it! I look forward to each instalment now.

I can't wait for your book to be published... I'll be first in the queue!

9milemom said...

I just had your ebay pokemon link forwarded to me. That was hysterical. I had to forward it to my mom cuz she sells stuff on ebay now that she's retired. I thought she could use some advice on her item descriptions! LOL!

I am humbled by your blog. I am a beginning blogger myself. ( I only hope to write as well as you!

Anonymous said...

yay! finally chicago gets a piece of the action!! woohoo! sorry i don't like capital letters... :)

Hen Jen said...

oh my, maybe suggest the photo shoot would be lovely outside?..that would be my tactic!! good luck!

I think getting my kids into bed is like herding cats...

Anonymous said...

LOL @ your Son .. So very clever of him to try that !! just love the thinking .. and Good responce mom !

I cant wait to see the pics of your home :) You all look sweet and you have nothing to worry abt !! Just enjoy this *new found fame* Revel in the attention !! God knows we all need some reconition esp. a mother with 6 "Little Darlings "
Debbie xxx

Anonymous said...

The correct response to 'God gives second chances' would be: "Yes dear, but god doesnt make your supper every night. When he turns up to make your supper tommorow night, you can have a second chance then. Unil then, its bed, or i can use the child whacking stick i have cunningly concealed beside me, and THEN i can send you to bed. Whats it gonna be, champ?"

Works with my ten year old son every time.

Crazymamaof6 said...

ok you are hilarious! and i would of course be horrified if the the paper or any media wanted to come to my house! because you have to wonder what they expect? reality, which in my house is plain scary, or the scrubbed and yet still scary house i can't keep up with. are they paying for someone to come help you out to clean before they come? maybe your house is clean, but i'd assume unless you are wonder woman or a nazi your house would resemble mine. like a bomb went off spewing clothes and toys all over. and even after you clean 5 minutes later it is all undone! good luck! I can't wait to see the pictures on the news! or is this just pictures of you and your kids, not a walk through of your house? maybe it will be great!

Angela S said...

God is also bigger than the boggy man. He's bigger than Godzilla and the monsters on tv. And he's watching over you and me.

All moments remembered said...

WOW your life has gone NUTS!!! 6 kids is a lot of work (mother of 4 here) but all the extra stuff that has happened recently! I hope you are good at writing things down so you don't forget. Good luck with both interviews!!

Now for those darn Veggie tales, I say you answered perfect!!! I love when my kids use what they learn on those tapes against me!!!

I have a great bald chicken story. I had to sunblock this poor chicken for a whole summer. Well soon I plan to write a blog about it. My bestfriend who is also reading you blog said you should tell her about your chicken story!! Maybe she can use it in her book!! She thinks you and I are two peas in a pod being a bit out there! LOL!!! Ahhh I just love having fun with life!!!

Good luck tomorrow and smile pretty!!

Morokea said...

That definitely is an awkward thing to answer to. Kudos for being such a tolerant mother (in your position, I would have run away screaming). But your kids sound witty - I guess they get it from you. ;)

bigwhitehat said...

I'm pretty sure God wanted him in bed too.

Julie S. said...

Just wanted to tell you how much you have perked up my day. Glad to hear that you are really considering a book! I would love to enjoy it with my MOPs group. Big hug from a stranger who can really identify -- even though i only have two kids ;^)*

Anonymous said...

hey, url for the interviews, puhleeeaze?

Anonymous said...

Hey Dawn,

You're a legend around my office here in Perth, Australia. Thanks for the laugh. It really made my day. The world IS a wonderful place if a packet of Pokemon cards can make so many people smile!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn:

Spelling will be better this time. Thank you and everyone else who put the links to your other interviews. Again, if possible, please put the others as they arrive. This is great and my hubby and I are having a great time reading and listening to you.

Only in America - huh?

American married to Aussie in OZ

Anonymous said...

Oi! It must feel strange suddenly having more than 200 comments to read.

I wish you all the luck with your new endeavors. Luckily you seem to have a healthy sense of the ridiculous and your kids will keep your feet planted firmly on the ground.

Good luck! I hope you have a lot of fun in the process.

Unknown said...

You are handling this success thing like a pro! Let those offers come rolling in!Best wishes always!

blooming desertpea said...

That one shows that ADHD kids are not less smart than others! Talking out of experience here. As a mom one needs to be quick-witted with kids like your one but I've notice that you have it totally under control - Good on you!

C said...

I'm really enjoying your blog. Congrats on your escalating notoriety--you've earned it. Thanks for the laughs. I have five kids and laughter is often what keeps me moving. :o)

Hope the book comes out soon--in time for Christmas, maybe?

ashtoreh said...

Hi Dawn

I've been following your story since a friend linked me to the ebay entry. You are a very talented writer and deserve all the attention you are getting.

It is not with malice that I say that I have my doubts as to whether this isn't just a marketing campaign in action. There isn't anything wrong with building up an online fanbase for an upcoming publication etc. Kudos to all who are helping you achieve this, be it family or profesionals.

But if this is all a complete coincidence and a surprise to you, I will join the long queue of well wishers, say well done for managing it all so far and advise you to get an agent.

Keep writing.

Lisa Lacy said...

"I'm not God" - what a GREAT COMEBACK!!! haha Keep on writin' - we're lovin' it - congrats on all the attention - you deserve it! :)

Cathie said...

Good luck with that interview.
I am glad you are having fun with all the sudden fame thrust upon you.

Lady J said...

A short time ago I heard a freaked out scream and came running right upstairs to my computer and straight to your blog, I just knew it was you. I thought to myself... "self, she's finally cracked up, I knew with 6 kids it had to happen". Of course I realized my error upon reading your latest entry and heaved a great sigh of relief. You can't crack up now that I've found you, I've started relying on you for my daily dose of belly laughs. :o))

Seriously, you have an amazing talent and I admire you so much. Whether you were a good writer and humourist or not, I'd still admire you for being a Mom to your children and for having a sense of haha about the day to day stuff. As I'm sure you're aware it's the hardest and also the most rewarding job you'll ever have.

Thank you for being you!

Anonymous said...

I hope you don't live to regret admitting that you're not God ;)

Just kidding! I love your blog, for many reasons. I can't believe you can do it all w/ 6 kids when ONE 8-month-old wipes me out. I think you have reinforced our determination to stop at 2!

Seriously, you're pretty amazing. And I thought you sounded GREAT on the interview you linked to. But I know what you mean, I hate how I sound recorded, too.

Jolanthe said...

Dawn -

Praying God will increase your time and patience with your kids (and your kids patience with you too!). Have fun with your interviews and just enjoy this new season that God has brought to you. Looking forward to your blog and hearing about all of the new stuff going on with you. :)


Mika said...

I just wanted to let you know I wrote an article about you, with reference to your blog and ebay auctions. From one mom to another-thank you! If you want to read the article, it's at

Jennifer (Jen on the Edge) said...

My response would have been, "God does give second chances, but we moms ground at the slightest provocation. Now go to bed."

Carla said...

Bedtime!! The word alone makes me frown! VeggieTales are the bomb!! Your son sounds strangely like mine. Have fun with the interviews!!

Unknown said...

I tried this on my mom, and she too used the I'm not God line. When my son (6) does his burst of energy routine I take his deliciously clean smelling self (courtesy of the nightly bath) and let him run around the back yard with a flashlight for ten minutes. Then I tuck his smelly, sweaty self into his clean bed and call it a night. This makes my mom twitch.

The Milk Maid said...

Tell the Tribune you'll bake cookies or something if they airbrush the clutter from the pics... :D

Anonymous said...

".....But I'm not God, etc"........has been has been added to my mom arsenal of comebacks.....

Doug & Stacy Fournier said...

one of my friends emailed me your ebay listing a few days ago. i have started reading your blog and thoroughly enjoy it. i only have 4 kids (including a set of twins), and i could not imagine having more. alot of your posts sound like everyday living for me, you just write it better :). about the "God give second chances" saying, i think you replied great! i will be a continued reader from now and and will add you to my site! have a great week!

Vivian M said...

Good luck on your interview! Better get that book ready quickly. I am very happy for you!

River said...

You gave the right answer. You are not God.

Test said...

Thank God for his second chances!

You'll be fine for your pictures. You're just a real mom and that's what we like about you!


Alex @ I'm the Mom said...

Oh how I know about getting wound up. My 3yr old is very similar but more so when it's his nap and not his bedtime. It's crazy lol.

Good luck with the interview and the photo shoot!!

- Alex

ck said...

company? coming over to TAKE PICTURES???!!! Arrgh! I would be freaking out and my kids would be chained in their room while I frantically tried to clean up faster than they could mess it up.

You are a brave woman!

Anonymous said...

Take a deep breath and try to enjoy the ride.

I love your writing! I have no children of my own, but I love your realistic view of things. You may not always feel grounded or centered, but trust me, after reading all your blogs, you sound like you have it more together than the rest of us.

Have a Great Day!

Anonymous said...

I love your writing style!! I am really looking forward to your book. You bring a sense of humor to any situation, and remind me that its only temporary. To enjoy the cute things now, because in a few years the kids are going to be grown up and want nothing to do with mom

Anonymous said...

I'm not a Mom, yet... But I love your blog so much! I used to do that very thing to my parents, then we'd watch tv all night! Thank you for your blog! I also wanted to say, as a Christian, I see you mentioning a lot of Christian themes in your parenting, and I think thats incredible. Thanks for providing uplifting humor without the vulgarity. *Butt Paste excluded! lol ;o)

Can't wait for the book!

REACHnews said...

You know, I could say thank you, which I know many have said already, so I'll just leave it at... I'm there with ya, sister. I have four boys, and it's a circus here. Keep up the good work and God's blessings. If someone came to take pics of my house, I'd be up all night cleaning, and would possibly try to fake them out by claiming my neighbors house was mine... hmmm...that's an idea. BTW, I have my own business and do you know how many times I have had to take calls in the bathroom to avoid having kids screaming in the background??

Julie said...

Yet again, you crack me up! You sound like a great mom, and I think many, many women wish they could be as witty and funny as you (myself included). Congratulations on all of your success, I look forward to seeing it continue!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! They decided to come over to your house huh? I LOVE it when people do that. If it was me, they'd say on the phone, "We would like to come over to the house to do an interview and take some pictures." Inside I'd scream, "What? My house, didn't you hear me? I have kids. You could get lost in one of their rooms and then we would have to form a search party. Or worse see what my bathroom looks like and send in the CDC to take cultures. You're crazy to come to my house." But unfortunatly my polite side would come out and I'd say, "Sure, what ever time is good for you is good for me." Then I'd be frantically calculating how long it would take me to call in a backhoe and dump truck to clean out my house. I'm not saying I think your house is messy. I'm just saying that's what would happen at my house.
It's kinda funny, my definition of clean has changed since I had kids. As long as there's no risk of infection, I feel pretty good about things.

Anonymous said...

Love it! My three have tried to use theology as a means of escaping what they've been told to do (or threatened with) also, and it doesn't work here either. You go, Mom!

Anonymous said...

I think the next time he has so much energy before bed you give him a choice, either go to bed or scrub the bathroom floor and toilets. Just suggest something you know that he would hate to do. Be prepared to have him choose the chore but I bet after a few minutes, he will want to go to bed.

Since some of your kids are back to school, how has your day been?

Deb said...

My 6-year-old daughter tries the "give me a second chance!" bit every time she makes a choice she regrets too... :)

StampingJoan said...

Out of the mouth of babes! Makes you wonder sometimes doesn't it! I am glad you keep track of what they say. I only have one and have tried to write down things but can't imagine doing it times 6! I am one of 7 and I tell my parents all the time that I don't know how they did it! Good luck with your next interviews!!!!

Anonymous said...

you keep me entertained. love to read your blogs. with 4 kids of my own (all under the age of 5) i know how you feel. good luck with your interviews tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Dawn, Your blog is becoming the highlight of my day. You really have a gift for writing.

A good book that you may want to check out, in all of your free time :), is "The Complete Idiots Guide to Getting Published." You can get it at It may help you navigate the book publishing world. It explains agents, publishers, editors and book proposals in easy, layman's terms. It may help you have an idea of what to expect.

PS. I loved the Butt Paste story. Too Funny! Boys, never outgrow laughing at that word. My 40 yr old husband still cracks up at ALL butt, poop, fart, etc. stories!

Anonymous said...

I am from New York please let me know what station I would love to hear it I find your stories hysterical and so true and anyone with kids can relate!!!!

Unknown said...

Don't you just love it when they bring in a very good lesson into the argument, but it goes against what you say?? My son has said the same exact thing...I came back with, but God also said obey your parents. It worked for me!

Good luck in your interviews! I'm sure you'll do just fine!

Michelle said...

I think you handled that comment well. Great job on the blog and everything else. Hey is that Spaz as a baby in the picture?

Anonymous said...

oh if you only knew how much I have heard the same line. I usually respond with, "yes that is true, but we as humans have consequences for our actions."

They don't buy that one.

LT said...

Good luck!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey there! I'm one of the gazillion new readers you've recently acquired and I wasn't going to bother commenting since I know you're positively inundated with all this attention you're receiving. But since NO ONE has commented on this post yet, I thought I'd just say hello, tell you much I have LOVED your writing and also ask you ... what kind of crazy person has six children?!


This is coming from someone who is about to have my fifth (oldest is nine), with no certainty that we we're stopping anytime soon. A strange breed people like us are apparently becoming, and, like so many others, I just wanted to thank you for your honesty that shows me that I'm not alone in this three-ring circus we call life. Your humor so often serves as a reminder to laugh when at times, I just feel like crying! :)

Thanks for the smile you add to my days now!!

Susan in FL

Lindsey said...

I truly love your blog! I know you hear that from everyone but it really is great :) Good luck with your interview!

from NC

Tarasview said...

HA!The other day my son told me (after bedtime of course) that God WANTED him to PAINT. He learned that from Veggie Tales "A Snoodles Tale". I really love your response though- good one.

Anna said...

LOL! Best comeback EVER!

Hi! I'm Anna, btw... yet another who wandered over from your eBay listing. Love your blog - I read it with my cup of coffee every morning (you know, when I should be reading email and getting my workday started). Thanks for the excellent procrastination material!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I get to be the first one! I laughed out loud - again this morning! How true it is about bedtime! Here's how that scene played out at my house:

3 yr-old in spastic state before bed: "But I don't want to go to bed."

(frustrated, tired mom playing Mommy and Daddy since Daddy's out of town AGAIN & conjuring up guilt tactics learned every mom should know): "It is time to go to bed. You're being disobedient. Jesus doesn't like disobedience."

clever 3 yr-old with too-cute lisp: "Jethus doethn't like thpankinz, either, Mommy."

Even the greatest tactics and even better intentions can be foiled by these clever minds! Keep 'em coming! Jane in VA

AdventurerMom said...

hmm...yes second hances are good, but mom prefers i not use my first chances with trying to crawl into the street or diving off of the furniture...i understand wanting the second chance though.

Anonymous said...

You won't believe it. I just received the "fake" pokemon ebay listing as an email. I also received yours first when this all broke! You are entirely too funny! Keep making us laugh and continue to enjoy the surprises that kids bring to life!!!

Anonymous said...

Ooohhh, I hope the Chicago Tribune posts the pictures on their site! Don't stress, all your newfound fans are moms as well. We all know how hard it is to take care of the kids and the house as well. That's why we have a fake Christmas tree. Nothing else is allowed in this house that require my attention to stay alive! Good luck with everything!

Mari said...


Unknown said...

What do your kids think of all this instant fame?

Anonymous said...

Wow, your kid's smoooooooooth.

But BRAVO! on your quit wit!

Emily said...

I really enjoy your blog. It gave me a good laugh yesterday and I read your whole blog at work...Yeah I got a lot accomplished. Just wanted to let you know I think you are doing a great job. Keep it up.

Angie said...

Keep the posts coming! Good luck on your interviews. BTW, they're coming to your house? I'm cleaning MY house for you. :)

Christine said...

I usually want to comment on your posts but by the time I read them there's usually a billion replies already. (now I see you have moderation turned on so there's probably a million already in the wings waiting, lol) Anyway, I just wanted to ask how weird it feels to suddenly get all this attention? I don't know what I'd do if it were me, it wouldn't be because I'm not funny but that's another story. I think if it were my house my kids (3 boys) would probably start acting up more just so they could say they were giving me more material to use and that they were helping me. lol

Anyway, thanks for sharing. I think mom's love the sense of camraderie (how the heck do you spell that???) and that you talk about your adventures with wit and humor. Makes us all laugh a little when our kids are driving us insane.

Kara said...

LOL! Funny story. Good luck with the interviews.

Anonymous said...

Oh he just had to play the God card, didn't he? LOL.

Oh, oh, radio station in NY? I wish I knew which one!

Oh well, either way it would've been today and I'm sure I already missed it!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh, yes, Bob and Larry are regulars at my house too,and only too often one of them will come up with some smart line like that. Good come-back, though!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your interviews. Just be yourself - that's what we were all drawn to originally. We definitely don't want to change your parenting or writing style.

Anonymous said...

I just now started reading your blog because a friend showed me your e-bay "rant". I only have 2 children, and actually they were usually fair well-behaved. But I really enjoy reading your blog and definitely think you have a future as an author. Good luck with all that. Also, your taste in sit-coms is great.

JoLynn said...

Great comeback!! Great blog also! :)

Hillary said...

Oh yes, the bed thing.... Just when you think you have 'em down, someone has to go to the bathroom, or needs a drink or something! Last night my big 11 yr old flopped into our bed - wasn't feeling well - I diidn't know he was so big. Then my 13 yr old couldn't sleep, so she was in with us for awhile, 3:30 the 4 yr old wanted to come into my bed, but there was no room, so I slept with her.

I feel your pain, sister. SOmetimes a little alone time is all I ask :)
Good luck on the interviews!

JenLo said...

That's pretty funny! He's gonna be in the debate club like my own 11 year old Brainy Boy, I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

I want to see you on Ellen or Oprah. That would be awesome!
Don't ya think?

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much, Bob and Larry! What about when they get up half a million times when they are supposed to be in bed.
"I need a drink".
"I need to go to the bathroom".
"Mom, it hurts when I do this" ::reach around behind self and pinch ear lobe on other side of head::
"I need another hug".
"Mom, yesterday when I ate lunch, I skinned my tongue".
"Mom, shouldn't Pluto be called a Little Planet and not a Dwarf Planet"?

Hafeeza said...

I'm actually the first to comment today!!
I've had the bedtime "Another Chance" happen to me too.
I have 3 boys 13,13,8 and they usually send the 8 yr old to ask since they think hes still capable of getting away with anything!
But my 2yr is now the proud holder of that title and it doesn't work with the boys anymore lol.I didn't tell them that i just smile when he comes to me with that look on his face trying to get me to melt.Sometimes when i saw no he don't seem to care,he was just asking what they told him to,he actually goes to bed on his own sometimes!

Anonymous said...

LOL All because of a creative child with a mind of his own sneaking a pack of pokeman cards into your cart. You didn't know he was going to make you rich, did you? Well, famous, at least. LOL

What a smart kid! We often overlook the incredible talents of our children in the day to day living with them.

Now every other mom in America is going to be trying to train her child to slip pokeman cards into her cart. Kind of like a new kind of Lottery game.

This is great! I hope your fame pays off when you write your book. I'm sure it will be great!

CrunchyCon said...

"That's very true, honey. God does give second chances. But I'm not God. Now go to bed."

I love it. I will definitely be using this one.

We love Bob and Larry in our home as well.

Anonymous said...

DD is 3 but already an expert at avoiding bedtime. We put her in bed, read a story, tuck her in, turn off the lights, and close the door. Then we hear her jumping from her bed to toy box to rocking chair for a while. Then, after a while, she demands food. Of course shes hungry - she's just been jumping around the furniture for an hour! So, when shes been denied Goldfish crackers, her food of choice, she starts whining over the monitor

"Mama. I ned my mama. I need her get me goldfish so I can grow. I hungry and need eat Goldfish so I can grow."

Because forget sugar and spice and everything nice, little girls are really made of Goldfish.

ANd then we laugh, bitterly, because it's 10 pm.

Anonymous said...

I did just submit you to be a part of Ellen's show. She has a section on her website about good websites to visit and why. I hope you don't mind. I sent her yours.
We love you. For all SAHM's with 3 or more kids, you are just such a breath of fresh air. I look forward to reading you everyday.
Your map is getting way full too!
Best Wishes,
Marisa in CT again!

Tiffany said...

"That's very true, honey. God does give second chances. But I'm not God. Now go to bed."

PERFECT response! You are going to do great on both interviews!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck!
I didn't find you until AFTER I read you were going to be on the radio in Des Moines. Of course that was the ONE day I went to work late and didn't listen - when I normally would have been. Dangit.

Kids have amazing minds, don't they? :)

Becca said...

LOL! My 11YO has used that line, too, and I haven't come up with a good response either. *sigh*

Kristy said...

Brings back errie memories of my days at a Christian college where the students constantly whined about the rules with "I don't think ____ will keep you out of heaven"... the general answer became "There are many things you can likely do and still go to heaven, you just can't come here."

Jen said...

"That's very true, honey. God does give second chances. But I'm not God. Now go to bed."

I want to have that cross stitched on a pillow. That is the single best thing I've ever read.

Have fun with interviews!

Cami said...

I didn't know Bob and Larry could come back and bite! Yikes!
I must say you have a very clever 9-yr-old.
Good luck with all your interviews! Ah the price of fame! You're the Erma Bombeck of the internet!

Anonymous said...

I love that you tell it how it is. I am the 6th of 7 children and you have helped me realize we were not as dysfunctional as I thought we were growing up. Recalling the memories of childhood with my siblings is so much fun. Our first child is due in November. I can't wait to be a parent!

Anonymous said...

OMG, you are an absolute riot!! I spent yesterday afternoon reading through your blog. You have the voice of parenting nailed. You are not God - LOL!! I never would have come up with that!! Great job!!!

I look forward to the interview in the Trib!

Suz... said...

good luck!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello! I admit it: I am one of the "carry-over" readers of your ebay auction. I was reading today's post and we love Veggie Tales! My children sing the song "My Sports Utility Vehicle" all the time! Just thinking about it right now makes me laugh. :) I love reading your blog because not only do you crack me up but we just had our third child and plan to have at least one more, possibly two. My Grandma had five and my mom wanted a large family. She got me. lol I'm making it up for her evidently! Anyway, sometimes it's nice to know all around the world life is just as crazy for others who have multiple children. You have became a light in so many people's lives. What a gift. Isn't God amazing? I look forward to the book!

Anonymous said...

I honestly have to say that you are awesome! Kids are so hard but to keep such a sense of humor is just aweseome.. I read your action at Ebay and laughed the whole way through~ you are a great example to moms every where! Congrats on your priceless pokemon cards! From Idaho..

Unknown said...

I remember a time I was told "Jesus would never do that", to which I replied "That's why I didn't get the job". Um, LIGHTBULB, anyone?

My kids go into orbit right at bed time too. And I am like your husband... no energy. I have been known to make them get a toothbrush and toothpaste and come to me, as I lay in bed and brush their teeth. LOL

Good luck on your interview.

Jenny Thomas said...

I have been reading now for a few days. I have found that sitting here at the computer reading your stories may just be the best part of the day on any given day. When the children are bouncing off the walls or bringing small creatures (gecos and frogs tend to be the fav.)into the house, it is nice to see that yes I am not the only one. And here "it is parents like you" who allow your kids to be kids and show the rest of us that we are not alone.
Thank you!

Liza on Maui said...

:) :) :)

Good luck on the interviews. Thanks for the smiles you give us as we read your posts

Jay said...

Oh my you keep cracking me up!

I grew up in a family like yours and then had quiet little of two kids/four years apart. My boys are grown now. Thanks for the memories of days gone by and what I missed.

If my mom were online I'd direct her your way. As it is I've sent my second youngest sister - she only has five darlings spread over 15 years so her place isn't quite like yours but we have had a few laughs at Boo's expense! He should not get together with my nephew Cameron under any circumstances!

Have a grand day !

Unknown said...

I love love love the blog! A friend just passed around a huge email chain with the link to your pokeman auction story... hilarious! *obviously im not talented in writing like you but ocassionally the videos/pictures tell a funny story!*

Anonymous said...

Of course you can have a second chance - tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

LMAO Love not knowing how to spell the freaked out scream. Just do what I do, shove crap in closets and under beds, and medicate the children. LOL J/k of course, no really, break out the benadryl! LOL I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog girl! You crack me up and make me feel normal! GOod luck with the interviews!!

Nicole said...

Ahhh, Veggie of life's evils only surpassed by Barney!!

CableMad said...

Sounds like my son -- he's always looking for the loophole(s) in our rules. I enjoyed your response to this one. :)

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE your blogs!! I am a stay @ home mom of 4 (16 girl, 13 boy, 11 girl, 6 boy). I completely understand everything you are saying...have experienced similar things!! LOL You have a gift to make your writings come to life like we are seeing it along with you. My 6 yr. old son says and does things that I have started keeping a journal to remember (or use as blackmail when he gets older). Just the other day he asked me what the purpose to wearing underwear. ???? He hates to wear them and sees no purpose for them. In fact, when he was younger he called them NONEderwear. That is because he never had any on!! LOL I still to this day have to do the nonederwear check (as if it isn't hard enough to get everything we need and everyone to the suburban in a reasonable amount of time) to make sure he has them on. There have been many times he has been sent back to his room to put them on. Got to love him!
Keep up the great work! It is good to know there is another out there in this world that crazy things happen too. :-)

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, 2nd chances. Gotta love Bob and Larry! I have heard that one too.
Thanks for the smile!

Bobi Jensen said...

Sounds like fun, good luck with the interview!

Anonymous said...

NO comments yet??? What's the matter with people? LOL

It's amazing how well you 'hit the nail on the head' with your descriptions - my boys do the same thing - and when they pull the whole "God thing" I'm stuck. LOL

Good luck on your interviews - Did you ever believe that your sneaky little "shoppers" would vault you into cyberspace notoriety?

LOVE reading you everyday, may the force be with you. ROFLMAO

mom of 4

Anonymous said...

He's a pretty smart kid!!! I couldn't imagine how you felt when he said that! Kids say the darndest things, huh!!! I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your blogs. Every day is an adventure in your house....I pray for you!!!

Anonymous said...

What is it about bedtime that seems to make it a universally crazy time? Too often I will have spent an hour getting all 5 kids to bed and my husband will come home late from a dinner meeting only to undo all my hard work in a matter of minutes!! My husband: "But honey... I haven't seen the kids all day. (whine, whine, whine..) Let me just take a peek at them..." With those words, I'm sunk because the kids smell their opportunity and immediately jump out of their beds because of coarse, "they just want to give Dad a goodnight hug." Let wrestle mania BEGIN....

You will do great on your interview... just be you and the light that we get to enjoy on your blog will shine through!


Felicia said...

Way to go Mom! Way to stick to your guns! (Can you tell I've been there a time or two?!)

Look forward to keeping up with all your interviews. Oh and don't worry about giving away all your good stuff on your blog page. Just take all that "good stuff", put it in a book, and we will buy it anyway because then we get all your hilarity in one book! It's funny enough to read over and over again!

I know you have heard this a million times, but thank you. You have freed me up to be honest about our daily life on my blog page. Sometimes you don't want to tell it how it is for fear of others stepping on your feelings telling you what a "bad" mother we are. Life is real and I kinda like it like that. Thanks again.

A said...

But I'm not God


Tough luck, kid. Parents aren't that forgiving. Heh. :)

Anonymous said...

You make my day with only 2 kids go a lot easier with reading your blog, THANK YOU!!!! And the funny thing is that you go through some of the same stuff I go through, shees... KIDS.

Thanks for being you!!
Loretta S.

Anonymous said...

yes, good answer.

Matchbox Mom said...

Good luck tomorrow, Dawn. You'll do great! The nation and the world has fallen in love with you!!! It's like a movie! Thank goodness for moms like you who are amazing and teach their children...or at least let Larry in the Veggie Tales teach them. hahaha!!! My kids have learned way to much from movies too! At least yours is spiritual!
Love Ya!!!

Jen said...

Sounds like you need one of those rare, let mom escape moments, that mother's rarely get. I stumbled onto your blog yesterday(literally I used stumble upon and there it was) As a mother and a preschool teacher, I found it thoroughly fun and enjoyable to read about someone with a gagle of kids who can still be funny and crack jokes. It is nice to see someone who feels the same way I do sometimes, parenting is hard, but you have to take time to enjoy it and crack jokes, and to keep our kids guessing at how we will react next(example butt paste joke!(rofl). I saw that one lady left a message about her two girls who are fairly well behaved , and she said that she stills feels frustraited by them.....well no matter if you have one child, or 57 they quickly learn how to press mom's buttons!! I hope your interview goes well, and that you keep on smiling! (Jennifer Nova Scotia, Canada)

MP said...

I would shit purple twinkies if someone came to my house to take pictures..omg...

Renee Unplugged - said...

You really rock!
I've been reading your stuff for over a week now and it keeps cracking me up!
Giving me new ammo for incidents with my two boys.
Thanks so much for being a great mom with an incredible sense of humor.
I am so glad good things are happening for you!
You are an inspiration for the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

I just heard about your story this morning on a local radio station here in VA that was discussing your ebay listing. I immediatley went online and have been pouring over your blog! I feel like I'm reading stories of my own life - I have 7 children myself. It's comforting to know that another human being not only understands what you are going through, but is also experiencing it! Is that disturbing, to find comfort in that?! Anyhow, I love your sense of humor - that's the only way we can keep our sanity day-in and day-out - to find the humor in it all! lol Currently, my 3 month old is miraculously sleeping in the sling while my 2 yr old screams at my side. For what is she screaming you ask? I'm not sure. But she says Mommy really clearly, even when she's REALLY upset. I guess her language skills are up to par, huh? Anyway, I just HAD to leave a comment, because I feel as though I know you and your family already! Every entry is like a little glimpse into my own life. It's like looking in a mirror....

God bless you!
Alyssa - mom to 7 in VA
son - 11
son - 8
son - 7
son - 5
daughter - 4
daughter - 2
son - 3 months

Robin said...

Dawn, I'm following along with the others. (Big surprise there!!) Mom to 4 adult kids.

I can hear that "freaked out scream" from here. (MS...near Memphis,TN)

Doors...close the doors to any rooms that you don't want them to see. May be hard with the kids. Florence Littauer said that doors were made so you don't have to look at the mess. And for sure you don't want the Chicago Tribune person to see it either.


Mommy, Esq. said...

You make me laugh! My three (under 4) make me so crazy that I'm constantly looking for the van to pull up and the men in white coats to knock on my door to put me in the straightjacket. Only hope I have internet access where they take me so I can keep up with you. Good luck!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh Dawn! You are so funny! I found your blog through an e-mail that someone had sent me with the link to your E-Bay auction. Your story on there got me hooked! lol

The butt paste story cracked me up! How funny! I wish you all the best, hope your interview goes great, and lean on the Lord! He gave 6 kids a great Mom. :-)

Anonymous said...

My 8 yr old use the God gives second chances everytime he gets in trouble. I tell him he gets his second chance when he gets out of time out.

Thank you for your blog. It is helping me to remember to enjoy my kids (6, 8yrs-3months) through the stressful times. Which is everyday right now, since my hubby is deployed.


Unknown said...

I have to tell ya - you made my day yesterday! I was chuckling to myself all day. Even now, I'm laughing! My co-workers probably think I'm nuts laughing at my computer :-) I called one of my friends last night during my nightly ritual of "trying" to get my kids in the bed. I was holding my two month old in my arms in the bathroom while my 4-year-old was washing up. Since we have so much lightning here in St. Pete, she doesn't like going in any rooms by herself at night. So while I'm on the phone with my friend - I lost the signal. It's just too funny at night. There is NO personal time for me whatsoever. I'm constantly telling someone to get out of the fridge or telling (yelling?) for at least one of them to get back to bed. I love reading your story! It feels nice to know there are others going through the same thing I am going through. Good luck with your interview!

Anonymous said...

first visit- you definitely should be writing- never ending subject our kids- regardless of age, it takes even a college parent back! good luck.

Rita said...

Hi Dawn,
Thank you SO much for talking about the "wind-up" child as I like to lovingly call my older son. LOL It is so wonderful to know I am not alone. I get embarrassed sometime because other Mom's say their boys are not like that??? Yea, right! If they are boys and they are NOT like that, what kind of ropes are YOU using?

I love how God touches our lives. I am so happy for you that your natural gift of writing/humor is "out" there. I know God loves to laugh because He created toddlers!!
==Mom failing off chair laughing==

Keep the humor Dawn, it IS what gets us through.
God Bless you and your precious family.

Anonymous said...

Someone just pointed out, are all your kids named after cities?

Becky said...

God knew that it would take a special kind of woman to be mom to your boisterous bunch (and I'm sure a special man to be dad to them as well, ;o)), and you do a bang-up job of it, I must say. You are every mom speaking about all those things our kids do... LOVE your blog! God bless you and yours!

Anonymous said...

Its really nice to see someone who has more children than me. I have four and people do me the same way. I'm thinking.... I only have four. My mom is a sibling of nine and my dad seven.

I'm busy all the time and it is what it is.

I read your blog on ebay. A friend sent it out.

Jennifer W.

Anonymous said...

As a mom of 5 children (not counting the 6th, my husband), I *salute* you! I have laughed until I cried. Your post about the butt paste had my husband laughing until he was doubled over! Thanks for giving all parents everywhere a good laugh!

Amber said...


Bless you for the chronicles of your life and thanks for brightening mine! Keep 'em coming and I look forward to your book =0)
You are a fabulous writer and it sounds like an even better mom!

Bri said...

I just wanted to say that you have been an inspiration to me lately. A light in my life when things are looking dark as night. {ooh, I sound so poetic LoL}. I have now mentioned you in two of my blogs and thought I would atleast give you the link to read it (whether you want to subscribe to another mother's chaos is another story). So here it is Enjoy, or cringe whichever. I'll never know any different. Thanks for being you.

Kelli said...

ahh! i have half the amount of you and am going nuts! yay to you for being a supermom! i loved your ebay "story", can't believe the response you're getting! hopefully we'll see ya on OPRAH someday! yay for stay at home moms! Ü

Anonymous said...

I like that "I'm not God".

My boys do this all the time too. I tell people not to call my house between the hours of 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm because it's nothing but chaos between getting them showered/bathed, teeth brushed, making sure all homework is completed, making sure they're not killing each other, making sure the room is still intact(the walls at least), and actually KEEPING them in bed once they're thrown in there(not literally thrown. Ok, well maybe literally- once in awhile ;)).

It's great fun always LOL.

Unknown said...

You blog and your writing ROCKS!!! Keep it up and I hope you get a lucrative book contract soon.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh do I feel your pain! I have 5 children and can totally relate to your hilarious stories! A friend emailed me a link to your Pokemon card auction and the tears were rolling down my face as I giggled hysterically! I can't tell you how many chewed pieces of food I've had to carry through stores, or how many times my 2nd grader has rammed my ankles with a shopping cart! I am sooooo enjoying reading your blog today!

Anonymous said...

I love to read your blog daily. I have it saved. I am a mom to 5 and I couldnt help but to get a big chuckle out of the pudding on the ceiling , because the other day my 10 yo and 5 yo got into it and the 5 yo chucked pudding across the room ..yep you can guess what happened. It was all over the place and including dripping from the ceiling.A few days later I found some pasted to the back of the wall by the table .How did I miss that one? Oh and wish I had a dollar for everytime one of the kids tried to have a pet ..Lets see Frogs,ladybugs,fireflies and every dog or cat that comes down the street ! Well you know how it is !
Thanks for the laugh and helping me rember IM NOT ALONE !(wink)

bquinnan said...

Good response. You might have also said, "You'll get a second chance tomorrow night -- we'll see how you do then."

Amber said...

We love Veggie Tales at our house too. It's awesome how kids can comprehend the simple truths from those crazy vegetable characters...and it's crazy when they take them and use them against us, hee hee. Blessings to you as you raise your family up to know Jesus.

Anonymous said...

I'm a pastor, and my 7 year old says the exact same thing (we must have the same veggie tale video). I usually respond with the "er, um... talk to your mom."
Love the blog - it's great to know my wife and I aren't the only one's whose kids do these things.
Grace and peace!

Mandy said...

Ha, he pulled the God card! My 3yo tells her 2yo sister that "God says to share" or "God says you should play with this doll so I can have the Dora house"..... I could go on and on. I love how they take the bible lessons and verses and twist them all up! Thanks for the laugh!

Kelly said...

I love your blog! You help me see that my kids are normal and so am I! I have 4 kids, the second of which is turning 3 today! You encourage me to look for the humor in life's situations. It helps me not cry as I clean up all the baking soda off the kitchen floor or pick up after the F4(4 kids, yah get it?!) tornado that hits my living room every 20 minutes! Thanks for changing my outlook!God bless you!

Victor said...

Oh what radio station. I live in new jersey and I'm sure it will be heard here too. I dont like veggie tales though. LOL poor kid

boogmonster said...

Great come back! My Cameron (6) loves to start the endless conversation right before I close the door. The first thing I say is it is time for bed and we can talk in the morning. Of course, he keeps going and now Aaron (3) starts in on his own story while Cameron is still going on and on. He keeps telling me it is SOOO important and then says something like my eyes are blurry while crossing them! After my first response I say that I am not talking and walk out and shut the door on them mid-conversation. Aaron usually screams that I am mean and Cameron comes out the door. I can't win unless I hide. lol


Anonymous said...

That's the same comment I would have given to my child!!

And you know why children have all this energy and you have none..???

They're energy vampires and they suck it out of us.

Glad you did the E-Bay auction and have become famous because I might not have found your blog otherwise, and it just makes me laugh.

Anonymous said...

We just put our 2 yr old twins into big girl beds....i haven't slept in 4 days! I'm glad they cant reason with me yet =) I hope the interviews go well!

Marissa L. Swinghammer said...

You seem like a seriously awesome mom and are an inspiration to me along with the memory of my own mother. I am very impressed that you are able to keep up with six kids, the blog and all this crazy publicity stuff. Good luck and congratulations on your newfound fame!

princesstomato said...

i have been enjoying your blog too. i wish you all the best!!!!! so amazing!


Fingers To Toes Photography said...

Good luck with your interviews - and That whole conversation sounds like one I have with my kids! LOL

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for sharing your daily hysteria with the world! I have five kids- My son is 14. I do NOT know how parents survive the teenage years. I love reminding him that half of his DNA comes from me-his clueless, crazy, 'stuck in the 80's", dork of a mom.
School clothes shopping this year was an experience that I cannot believe I lived through.

Mornings are my most favorite time of all- its the only time in the whole day that I can have 'me' all to myself.
I read everything you have on your blog. I would definitely buy your book and try to read it before someone tore the pages out and the cat peed on it.
Thanks again for the morning laughter, it is really nice to know that somewhere out there, someone else is eating something stale, standing up so that the calories won't count.

Karen said...

Love the Veggies! But they're also to blame for my kids messed up theology. They're now convinced that King David seriously messed up over a duckie and that the King threw Ester's predecessor out over a sandwich.

Anonymous said...

I am totally enthralled with your blogs. It is a constant reminder of why I will consider birth control after my one. Oh lord, I coudln't begin to imagine six like my one...whoooa....I give you credit, I now feel bad for the insanity that my brothers and I put my mother through as well as my sister. I remember the things we did as a party of four and now I could only imagine the damage six would do. Luckily for me I have one six year old who thinks that she has the answers for everything as well as a the energy of six hienas on speed. I really enjoy reading your blogs and I really get a kick out of the witty things that are said by the 3ft and under ankle biters. Keep it up, I look forward to the relations I have with my one to your me one child can definately stir up some michieve..

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your stories. They brighten the day. Being a single mother of two boys (now nearly grown 18 and 20 years) I fondly remember the things you write about your children. Although, a trip to the grocery store was not always as chaotic as yours, I often had as much "fun" as you. I only gave birth to 2 children, but I have managed over the years to collect many more. At times as many as 3 more than my own. I have a tendancy (damn maternal instinct) to take in wayward children of various ages whose parents fail to provide for them. Feeling that all children deserve to be provided for sufficiently, I have fed, clothed, paid for band camp, etc. for many children that I did not give birth to. They have remained in my home for varying amounts of time anywhere from 1 week to 2 years. Having as many as 4 young boys in my household at once and trying to grocery shop is a very interesting event. Although, 4 is not as many as 6, when you take 4 boys ages 4 to 8 with you, multiply that by 2 each regarding energy levels and ability to cause complete chaos, you end up with approximately the energy level of a grade 5 hurricane when trying to grocery shop. Kroger's will never be the same. Just wanted to say, hang in there. It doesn't get much better. However, reiterating throughout their lives that if they want that (set of Pokemon cards, drill press, remote control car, bag of candy, etc.) then get a job, has worked. Both of my boys work full time jobs and have discovered the value of their hard earned money, purchasing for themselves most of the things they want. Now, if I can get them to repay me for all of their friends that I helped raise, I CAN retire early to Aruba. See you there.

Unknown said...

God does give second chances... but He does not remove the consequences! Roughly translated, "God would forgive you just like I'll forgive you, but you still have to go to bed!"

Can you tell my kids think I'm a mean mom? :)

Mom to Eight

MamaMaven said...

Giood luck with your interviews! Love the answer, yep, its a showstopper!

Unknown said...

I can't wait until your book comes out.......if it is anything like your blog and ebay description, it will be hilarious and a 'must read' for all mom's everywhere!!!!!

I love how you have a light-hearted sense of humor approach to taking care of 6 children--I applaud you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your "I'm not God" comment to your son reminded me of a conversation I had with my daughter when she was 6.

She and her brother were eating and I was sitting at my computer which was in the dining room. I was about 4 feet away from her and had my back to them but I could see their reflections in on the screen of my monitor. She kept fooling around and without so much as turning my head I simply said, "Emelia, stop dancing around - sit down and eat."

There was a brief pause and then I hear this awe filled voice... "Mommy... how did you know?! *whispers* Did Jesus tell you???!"

It took everything in me not to lie to her and say yes.

Anonymous said...

l got an email today from a good friend subject was ebay listing commet was this has to be the BEST item description ever on eBay!!

Very much worth the read!! is sooooo funny!!!
and l loved every thing l read l laughed so much it made my day thanks so much your a fantastic mum

gs said...

Your response reminded me of the lyrics to the song "God Will," which ends in the line "That's the difference between God and me."

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