Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Do I Really Sound Like That?

I didn't throw up during my interview with US 103.5 in Tampa this morning. Nor did the kids go barrelling through the house screaming like banshees while I was on the phone. That's a miracle in itself because everyone knows a ringing phone releases a hormone in children that makes them flock to you like seagulls to a bag of discarded Mc Donald's left-overs in the parking lot (sorry, I don't live on a beach. That's my experience with seagulls.) They sent me a clip of the interview and boy, do I sound like a dork! Does anyone ever like the sound of their voice on a recording?


I have another interview with Star 102.5 in DesMoines tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. central.

Here's a link to the The St. Petersburg Times article http://www.sptimes.com/2007/08/28/Features/EBay_listing_a_bid_fo.shtml

OK, I have to go clean pudding off the ceiling now. Don't ask.


Anonymous said...

Hence the reason I never leave messages on voice mails....hey do you actually read all of these comments?

All moments remembered said...

LOL sooooo hard!!! I just made a new answering machine message and had to erase it! First off the kids were asking me something in the back ground and then my VOICE!! Yikes, how does anyone talk to me on the phone? Oh why can't I have one of those raspy sexy deep voices?

Now about pudding on the ceiling? I had to ask!!

Anonymous said...

I Would love to hear you but not living in the same area dont really know how too .. I Dont even have Austar ( pay TV ) lol

Off to bed Very late after 1:30 am here in Australia and I am going to pay tomorrow tryign to get the kids too school in time !!

I hope the mess cleans up easily :)

Cant wait to read your blog tomorrow :)) I got my Mum into your Blog last night and She was up late reading ! Mums young and Old so Relate to you hun !!

Keep up the good work !
-Debbie- xx
South Australia
Mum too Robert 8 ( In Sept any way ) Ashleigh 5.5 years old ( She will tell you that 5 isnt her age it has to be 5 and a half )
+ Baby Girl Toni 3 years old and will always be my baby

Carla said...

Nice article!! Hope there are many more!!

MJAZ said...

I can completely identify with the phone scenario. Mine seem unmovingly motivated to ask for everything under the sun or pull out everything from the pantry when I'm on the phone. Especially with anyone other than their dad. It's a hopeless battle from which I often find myself hiding in the garage just to get a quick phone call in.

My kids also play with their lightsabers. My boys, 4 and 3, enjoy especially the ability to beat each other sensless with them while laughing at the sound of the ForceFX. Some reason they get a kick out of it happening when the plastic blade comes in contact with their heads. Go figure.

Sila Lumenn said...

Nice interview. Short and sweet, just the way I like 'em. :-) I love the names of your kids! Good luck with the pudding. I hope it's not chocolate.

Anonymous said...

WOW! INTERVIEWS! See you're really getting noticed for your talent! I hope it goes somewhere! you deserve it! Hey I have been wondering, what state do you live in? I'd be cool if you lived close, I'd totally want to be your friend! lol (I know it sounds cheezy) but seriously you're hilarious!!!

mommy of 1.

Angela S said...

Ok, wow...$291 for the pattern...thats even better than the cards!!!

Anonymous said...

I am thrilled to hear how well your doing. I would watch you everyday if you were on t.v.. Just so I know that there are other moms like me out there. I have enough trouble being a disabled mother of two and a half. I couldn't imagine having six children to wrangle up and cage. Does it snow where you live?

Anonymous said...

Don't ask? That's just inviting us to ask. I'm surprised your children haven't taught you this yet :)

blooming desertpea said...

Pudding off the ceiling - is that a new dessert? - LOL - no, I won't ask.

Bella Stevens said...

Truer Words couldn't be spoken. Thanks for my laugh of the day

Anonymous said...

re: that newspaper article: I don't like that they listed your names, as well as those of your children.. I LOVE your nicknames so much more! Spaz is my favorite kid so far, but I never choose favorites. Yeah sure!
I have 40-66 children every school year! I am a bus driver, but I have to admit, you made this year's work so much better now! Seriously, I only have these kids for one hour each morning and again in the afternoon. Yet still, I have to listen to those wonderful whines all the time - "he's LOOKING at me" and such.. now, when they say that this year, I will think of you and your kids, and just giggle to myself and be grateful that I only have them for a couple of hours a day.. As for my job? I love it!!! I really DO love kids, but I only have two of my own, nothing in comparison with you, but I have a husband who is just like your son Spaz – maybe that’s why I kind of favor him!

Thanks again for another day of giggles! YOU ARE MY IDOL now!

becca.elpy said...

That's awesome! I'm not a mom, yet. I just stopped being a child, legally anyway. But I remember stuff we did and your blog makes me laugh. I love it. :)

Anonymous said...

We never sound like we think we think we do. And the phone = kids must be loud and fight, rings so true.I've been checking your blog every day and alway shake my head in agreement. My wonderful 7 children are about the same age as yours, 13,12,11,9,6,4,3. 6 of them start school next, plus I do daycare too. Most days this summer I had 13 kids all day, 2 meals,2 snacks everyday. People said it must be hard I say only at meal time..But any ways I enjoy reading your blog.

Anonymous said...

I am really enjoying your blogs now that you have been "discovered". You make me feel like I am listening to my best friend over a cup of coffee. Thanks! Keep up the good work and I promise to buy your book, watch your sitcom and go to your movie when they are out. Your husband must be amazed by this sudden fame!

Anonymous said...

I just discovered your blog yesterday and of course have read every single one. It was a great day to make this discovery because yesterday was back to school time for my four children, so I actually had TIME to read all of them!
I can relate to so much of what you go through and it is good to know that I'm not alone. We too are veterans of the ER, and that is just because of our three year old!
Keep on doing what your doing because you're awesome! I am now officially addicted!
God bless you!

Jenny said...

I recieved your eBay listing through an email. Looks like I wasn't the only one. You now adorn my blogroll because you made my day! I'm just catching up...

Anonymous said...

Your blog has given me new light on being a mom. I now look at things that happen with humor. I only have one child right now but she is a handfull. I live in Illinois as well in a very small town. What part of Illinois are you in?

Anonymous said...

A link to your auction(sent by a relative) led to my reading your blog. Yes !! Write a book !!!
This is the best reading since the passing of Erma Bombeck.
And I am a 65 yr old male. We are not all evil !!!

Sarah said...

So very true about the release of hormones when the phone rings. Seriously, what's with that?!

morninglight mama said...

Pudding, yum. Could be worse, right- I'm sure you have a story of something worse you've cleaned off the ceiling, wall, child's tongue...

Keep it coming- you are seriously making my day every day!

Heike said...

Hi Dawn,

I remember doing my first phone interview when my daughter was 4. We talked about the benefits of working from home, and how the children adapt and learn from seeing their mom work. While I was talking, a telemarketer called the other line. Promptly, my daughter walks up to me during the interview and says: "It was one of the damn telemarketers again, mama". I just about died!! Luckily, the host started howling on the other end,and recommended I let her answer the phones from now on.

It was live. People love to hear real people...we get enough glitz that we know is not real every day :).

Anonymous said...

*giggles at the pudding*

Wow you are on an interview marathon!

How many are you lined up for? Or are you just getting them as the days go?

I hope they interview you at my local radio station!

Jill said...

I hate the way I sound in recordings too, and on the phone. I sound so WEIRD.

I've heard that the way our voice sounds to ourselves is way different than it actually sounds, because it has to travel through all the bones in our head and whatnot, and that changes the acoustics, so to speak. But when other people hear you talk, they don't get the skull-acoustics.

I only have one kid, but he definitely has that phone radar. "Oohh, mom's on the phone! Time to open up the fridge and pull out all the contents! And use the couch cushions as discuses! And try to sit on top of the lamp! And..." Wow, how ironic is that, my phone is ringing. Gotta go!

Anonymous said...

My family and I absolutely LOVE your sense of humor!

SO appreciated the "It really makes me want you to never have kids ever too!" comment.

THAT person brings to mind something I've pondered on for quite some time. How is it that folks have to get a license to sell liquor, magazines, real estate, goods, etc, drive a car, operate a daycare center, practice medicine/law, be a plumber, contractor, electrician, mortician, carry a concealed deadly weapon, when the MOST IMPORTANT job of parenthood (with the exception of adoptive parents who are put through the proverbial ringer) goes virtually unregulated?

Yeah, I know. You can't legislate childbirth/biological parents-to-be...blah, blah, blah. However, if there ever IS a "Department of Parent Licensing" I'd want YOU to be its SECRETARY!

Best of Blessings to you and yours!

Nancy from Lexington (like your 6 year-old)

Camptown said...

I received your Ebay post in an email forward and I wanted to say that we laughed out loud. I'm sitting here at work thinking how neat it is that this happened to you. You're very witty. I hope you're well. Take Care, Vanessa. www.dirtroadjourneys.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

The phone ringing or the bathroom door closing seems to cause the same behavior. :)

Dawn said...

I have not laughed so hard in a long time. Tears. Honestly. Got your auction sent to me. Came here. It's all so real. I love everyone saying "I ONLY have 4." Mine are 9,6,4,3. We also have 3 invisable kids, "Not Me," "I Don't Know," and "Justin." I usually shop at midnight.

Anonymous said...

Great article...really you should take the publishers up on their offer!! A whole book with funny excerpts about what you've experienced as a mom in real life...not just the made up perfect tv world!! I say go for it!!!

Anonymous said...

I listened to 103.5 online around 8:30 but didnt hear any mention of your interview. I will check on their site later to see if they posted it.

Thanks for the laughs!!!

Aileen said...

Great job on the interview Dawn! Nope I don't think anyone ever likes the sound of their own voice LOL Hope it was vanilla pudding *grin*

Anonymous said...

Did you ever think you would be this famous?? :) Hope you are enjoying it!

Amanda said...

OH WOW!! No comments yet, I had to jump on quick! Can I just say-you make my day!!! With 4 year old twin boys-its nice to know Im not the only one experiencing these things!

Anonymous said...

Dawn...you crack me up! I know you've heard this at least a thousand times, but it is true! My children were running around in the backyard screaming wildly at each other while I read your ebay listing in the kitchen. I laughed, I cried, I read...occasionally I would take a breath!

Parenting is a minefield one ventures into without realizing all the mines that are there. What no one mentions at any of the pre-natal doctors appointments is that the mines MOVE! What works today, won't work tomorrow and never works for the next child in line.

Super Nanny! Love her...although, she has the added benefit of third party perspective. So, you keep muddling through the minefield of parenting six beautiful children (did I mention that I LOVE the chocolate pic?) and I'm sure that if they (or you) don't maim each other before they will make it to adulthood without too many scars!

Kind regards

Heather Spence, WA

Anonymous said...

yes, the first time we hear ourselves on the radio - or recorded in any way, really - it is a shock. but you did great, my dear! congratulations! whatever you gave the kids (hmm... i see it was pudding?) sure kept them at bay for the few minutes on the radio. Awesome!

Dawn said...

On another note...HOLY COW! I saw your red dots below. The counter was at 411,999 and I thought, "Hey, I could be the roll over dot. Cool." So I went to add myself and it was taking FOREVER to load up and stuff. Finally I get added and I'm dot 412,856! No wonder it's going so slow! 857 of us were trying to be the "roll-over!" Way to go, Dawn.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! Read the article from the St. Petersburg Times, still crack up laughing when I read that e-bay listing for the cards. Just want to say you are a wonderful writer. Keep us laughing. I'm a step mom to 3: 18,13 and soon to be 11.


Emily said...

I accidentally stumbled across your story/blog from a couple blogs back.

Oh. My.

How boring life would be w/o the kids. Pedicures and dry clean only clothes would get tired so fast! :)

Keep us updated on when your book is coming out!

Acacia said...

Hey, I lived on the beach, and that's pretty much what seagulls do everywhere.

Stacey said...

Congrats on the article! I'm sure you don't sound like a dork.

Now me on the other hand..we're talking major dorkiness.

Anonymous said...

Oh . . . my . . . god . . . !!!!!

I have found my patron saint!

One of my really good friends linked me to your e-bay listing for the Pokemon cards, and I just about fell over laughing my ass off! I only have three children, but I totally understand your plight. My oldest is 5 and a total hellion, but I now have 3 week old twins that I have christened my milk vampires (they only rise after dark . . . and then they keep us up till the sun rises, when they retire to their cocoons). My older boy behaves much like how you described yours do EVERYWHERE we go . . . “can I have . . .” over and over and over, and when he doesn’t get his way, he throws himself onto the floor with this broken look to him, mouth agape looking much like the catch of the day at the fish market, tears streaming down his face. You’d think that no one had ever told him no before in his life (I could kill my husband, sometimes . . . ). Add to that two newborns that have taken all the attention away from him and you’ve got one psychotic banshee that runs up and down the isles creeling at the top of his lungs with me screeching at him to stop running into things and to please come hold my hand before I come over there and beat him to death. The looks I get are amazing, and they’re usually from people that you KNOW don’t have kids. I’ve gotten those knowing looks from fellow parents, as well, and they’re usually trying really hard not to laugh, and you know that they’ve made those threats before, themselves ;)

Anyway, I could go on for a while, but I just wanted to let you know that there’s another voice in the army of people that understand your pain. I’m the last of 5 kids and my mother has some amazing stories . . . lol. But just imagine . . . you could be like my friend and have eleven kids ;) It can always be worse! Lol

Laura said...

I think maybe none of us like our own recorded voice. I'm sure you sounded wonderful and not at all like a dork!

Anonymous said...

You are just too funny!!
I was once the cause, to my mother's joy and my father's distress of having our whole kitchen redone. (by my father.) It involved glue on the ceiling, so consider yourself blessed!

KATE said...

I know all the comments sound similar, but seriously...You're hilarious!
I'm excited to read your article, I'm off to do that now.
& you can't say don't ask after something like...cleaning pudding off the ceiling. I really was begining to think only insane things happen to me. My cousin even recently emailed me, after one of my stories & told me things like that only happen to me. I'm very glad she's wrong!
Thanks - Kate

Kiefer said...


So where can the wife and I hear your interviews? We are in Oregon and your interviews HAVE to be somewhere on the interweb.

Have you been interviewed on TV?
When is your next interview?
Are you going to be live or semi-live on tape?
What's the fastest land mammal?
I STILL think you're really Carol Burnett.
Hugs from us both (we have 3 boys)
Kiefer and Sandra

Unknown said...

Loved it. And I have to ask -- pudding?

Anonymous said...


Please tell me you yell at your kids. You sound so calm. I only have 3 boys (under the age of 4) and I feel like I'm yelling all day long (get down from there, where did you get that??, etc, etc, etc). You have 6 and you appear to be much more calm....does that come as they get older?

Thanks for all the laughs - I look forward to your new entries on a daily basis.

Christe (Cincinnati)

Cams said...

Glad to hear you're getting the recognition you deserve! Hope to hear you on Jumping Monkeys soon -- I wrote to Megan Morrone to point her to your auction and blog but I think she had already contacted you. She said that your reaction was: "what's a podcast?"

I'm really glad to have found your blog and am enjoying reading it.

Cams, a Scotsman in Luxembourg

Crafty Christina said...

Saw your e-bay listing (forwarded in an e-mail). Just wanted to let you know you're hysterical. You should definitely write a book! Enjoy the fame!

MBKimmy said...

I think you sounded just fine!

RoxC said...

You sounded fine, chirpy and excited. :) Good luck with those book deals!

B Side Mama said...

Way back when I thought I had a great singing voice...stupid freakin tape recorders. I guess ignorance really is bliss. BTW found your blog with all the other EBAYers and gotta say I love it!

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say that I'm not a bloggy type - I only read two blogs: No Impact Man and this blog. No Impact Man makes me feel guilty and this blog alleviates my guilt. How's that for being balanced?
I have three kids and my middle child, the 5-year old is mildly autistic. So he really counts as at least 17 kids.
I love your blog. Thanks for all the much needed giggles.

Anonymous said...


I so applaud you and your ability to laugh at everyday stresses! You and your blog inspired me to start a blog as well, and it is so much darn fun just typing about what I love and our daily lives here. Your children are precious and you are a wonderful mom. Good luck with your fame and I can not wait to see what you do with it next.

Alex @ I'm the Mom said...

You sound wonderful!! Don't worry about it. At least you don't sound like a 10yr old on the phone lol. Whenever people call our house (and I answer the phone) they ask to speak to my "mommy".

Anonymous said...

I love your blog!!! It is so entertaining and I can totally relate even though I only have one child! Children = chaos (fun)
My only thing is where are the pictures! I would LOVE to see your little angels!!!!

LT said...

He was right, you do sound very young!!! That's great!!!

What a great interview, you really did great!

Anonymous said...

Just listened to the interview! You sound so cute!

Anonymous said...

Wish I could have heard the interview, it would have made my day. I settled for reading your blog while I stopped changing diapers for a minute to drink my tea that is now cold. It had me laughing out loud! I am a mother of 5; Ethan age 11, Noah age 9, Kiernan age 1, and 2 month old twins, Lucas and Mehlia. Until about 2 years ago I looked at women in the grocery store and asked those questions and made those comments. "Are they all yours?" and "My you must have your hands full!" Now that I'm on the receiving end as I wander through with the double stroller and the baby bjorn and my dazed and confused look... I really try not to get so annoyed.
Best of luck to you! I'll keep reading as long as you keep writing!

Nicole said...

Keep up the good work! I love hearing about your kids... even if I'm neglecting my own in order to find time to read your blog:)

Anonymous said...

You are my new best friend ....
Anyone can make me smile ..... very few can make laugh out loud.

I enjoy reading you blog daily.
Some people are blessed with a beautiful voice; some can dance their butt off, some can create beauty with their creations.
YOU Dawn have the gift of laughter. Who can ask for more?

I hope your instant fame brings you much happiness and lots of the big bucks.

I hope this attention does not become to overwhelming for you and your family

Anonymous said...

Dawn I read and respond regularly here and just heard your interview, you do sound so young, LOL. Your voice sounds fine, but I know what you mean, I hate my voice it is deep and monotone for a woman. Remember they want first interview when you publish that book we are all waiting for..Keep up the good work...

Anonymous said...

I heard your interview on the radio this morning & wanted to wish you success- thanks for the lighthearted take on the joys of motherhood.

I hope that we get to read more of your writings!

Scrappytbear said...

yes I was sent from the Ebay link. What has happened to your listing and your fame since is amazing. LOL You are pretty funny. I laugh when I see so many people commenting, it just brings to life every single one of those email jokes you've read two million times, about How Many Yahoo Group users does it take to Screw in a Lightbulb. There are zillions of people analyzing everything you wrote, noting all spelling errors, telling you how right you are/wrong you are/good you are/bad you are...and then the inevitable Me Toos who are sharing a little in your fame and glory by comparing themselves to you and seeing that we all read it to. Me me me tooooo! :)
cheers and keep writing, you make funny what drives me nuts all day long. PS I dont have 6 kids and I can still relate to your funnies.

Jenny Spilker said...

I just received a copy of your ebay listing. It just made my day. I had to check out your blog. You are an amazing woman. I will definitely have to look at your blog more often. Thanks for making me laugh and smile.

Making a Merrier World said...

That was a very nice interview! You sounded like you had a brain and everything! A little nervous, perhaps, but not really. I hope you had fun.

Sally said...

You sound so young! I have loved reading you blog these past few days. I look forward to the day when I can say "I started reading her stuff before she was famous" I'll be sure to say it in the all knowing mom voice!

Anonymous said...

ha ha You are hilarious! Someone emailed me your ebay listing and I posted a link to your story at my forum. http://www.sometimessobia.com/forums.php

I used to blog about my crazy life. I have three kids, but anyway, I couldn't find the time to manage a forum, a blog, and three kids under the age of 5! ha ha

How you do it is beyond me! Anyway, if you get a chance, check out our forum, it's a lot of fun!I think you'll like the girls there! I see a few comments here from them!

(BTW, you don't have to publish this...I just think you are funny and would love to have you come over.)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I thought you did a good job on the interview! :) I know what you mean, though. I am always amazed when I hear my own voice at how ditzy and little-kiddish I sound. Erk.

I am completely blown away at how quickly this has happened to you (well, duh, I suppose you're slightly surprised yourself) and it's really fun to follow the story. Congratulations on being "discovered!"

Pudding on the ceiling, huh? I understand. Perfectly. Unfortunately.


Sally said...

You sound so young! I have really enjoyed reading your blog these past few days. I can't wait until I can say "I started reading her stuff before she was famous!" I'll be sure to say it in the all knowing mom voice.

Anonymous said...

You are so great, thank you SO much for giving me a few laughs!!!!

Anonymous said...

Way to go with both the article and the interview! You have an awesome voice too by the way.....do we really wanna know how that pudding got on the ceiling? Sounds rather interesting

I can't wait to see what else you'll decide to do.

-- Linds ^_^

Anonymous said...

You are my HERO!!! I read your blog daily now! Thanks for making me feel like I'm not alone. My crazy house is actually very normal! And knowing that helps me cope. :o)
Mom to Matthew (2 1/2), Daniel (15 mo.), and Andrew (8 Weeks).

AdventurerMom said...

okay...i'm going to ask, for no other reason than you told me not to...why is there pudding on the ceiling? isn't it hard to eat it then?

Bald Headed Geek said...

You sounded great, Ms. Meehan, so don't sweat it! :-)

I know that I am one of the "Johnny come latelies" to your blog, but it really is great. Thanks for giving a frazzled father of four a good laugh (no, make that LOTS of good laughs)!

I will add that our kids have attempted to surreptitiously sneak many items into our shopping cart at the grocery store. I have a definite memory of finding the following items on various trips:
1) A can of potted meat food product (what in the world is that, anyway? It sounds like a science experiment gone horribly wrong).
2) Liver which was removed from the package.
3) A half-eaten ice cream sandwich (gee, I wonder how THAT happened?).
4) A package of eggs with exactly half the eggs missing (I don't even want to know what happened to the missing ones).
5) 37 Hot Wheels cars (all on one trip).
6) A package of very sharp steak knives (scenes from all sorts of horror movies started running through my mind. But, I digress.).
7) One chicken breast (Again, I do not want to think about where the rest of the package went).

You get the idea. Having kids is something which I would not give up for anything in the world, but there's a reason why I have no hair atop my head...........


Wen782 said...

Not a mom, yet. Working on it, though. I've enjoyed reading your posts thus far and hope you're able to keep it up while keeping up with the 'younguns'. Good luck! ;o)

SpaceyMom said...

What made the auction so great is that so many of us can totally relate to the description. My husband and I have 7 children between the two of us and I've often referred to him as my 8th child. In fact, sharing your auction with him today while he was at work sparked this conversation. :)

bigwhitehat said...

I actually sound better on tape. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

I just want to say that I am so happy for you. I, like so many others, have stumbled upon your site and found it addicting.

I always wanted a housefull of kids. Instead, I was blessed with one - to be my heartful instead.

Thank you for being so willing to share your strength, hope, and love to us all!

God bless you and your family!

Anonymous said...

ok so the phone thing doesn't get better as they get older... lol... I have a 14, 12 and 10 year old boys. Everytime the phone rings and it's for me, I actually feel like I've hit the lottery cuz the phone is free and it's for me... Hello I have a full blown teen, pre-teen and active 10 year old. The phone is soley for their use... or so I'm told. But when it's for me it's when the boys decide that is the time to talk to me. We can go hours without a converstation but the second the phone rings I need to give them my attention. My husband is even worse then that, the min I start talking on the phone he has to add his comments to the conversation. UGH... good luck...
Love your humor and approach to raising your kids, let me know how you do when you have a full blown know it all teenager... I love him but I pray daily I don't act on my impulses to kill him... But it's what you do with the thought that counts right :-0
He knows I love him... :)

Anonymous said...

Just listened to your interview--not dorky at all! Make sure to put links to any other interviews/articles for those of us down in Texas!
You are awesome!!!

Unknown said...

Wow! You must be feeling like you've entered a parallel dimension these days. Well, I love reading your stuff, and look forward to your books, production deals, and further locked-in-the-bathroom interviews. I'm really happy for you, lady!!

Anonymous said...

I also found this in an email to your ebay listing. Oh My this was the best I am going to check this everyday you are so funny!!! I agree with most of the others that posted You sound just like a real mother(not Mrs. Martha perfect house and kids). I am a stay at home mom of two boys ages 9 and 2.5. My little one is crazy the name Spaz fits him perfectly.
Do you read all these post!! When do you have time? I barly get to check my email. I will be a regular now. Best of luck with your job and your future success.

12-arrows said...

From a mom of 12 (10 boys, 2 girls) I totally understand and thoroughly enjoy reading your blog! You did a great job on the radio. . . .looking forward to the book! Cindy

Anonymous said...

Ok, just reread your listing on the news site.... I just have to ask..... how on earth do you only spend $289.53 on groceries for a family of 8? I spend over $800 just for my family of 6 and we go cheap!

Loved the interviews, and you sound so young, like 18! You don't sound that bad on the recording, but very good!

G. Parker said...

Wow...if only I'd thought of writing about my kids when they were younger...LOL I have seven, and had them under 8 years...so I feel your pain. Someone sent me your ebay item, and it was a hoot. Good luck.

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Uumm, what to say? Seems that everyone has already said it all. I've shared your E-bay story with everyone I thought could remotely relate. Took the story to the library for story-time and the guy in charge made copies for everyone to take. He also thought that it would be good for his next parenting class. With 4 toddlers in tow I shared the story with the checker at the grocery store. Enjoyed listening to your interview and reading the article. I have really enjoyed reading the posts on here, not even close to reading them all though as I have 6 kids of my own and I sit 2 more during the week day. The ages of the kids are: 13, 11, 9, 7, and 3 yr old twins (three boys and three girls). The ones I sit are both 2 and boys.
It is amazing how many people have come, and are coming to your little piece of cyberspace! What an age we live in!
Good Luck and keep sharing your life with the world!

Anonymous said...

Have loved reading about you, just had to do this, don't know how it works but it's says your blog is worth a fortune, just put in your web address!!


Anonymous said...

I just listened to your phone interview, and I think you sounded great. But you're right, I don't think any of us like the way we sound on a recording. I swear, I sound like a 6 year old girl... and I'm a mom myself! :)

Way to go! I hope that you get some of those writing jobs, what a great way to use your talent to also benefit your family.

Take care...

Jen said...

Of course you have pudding on the ceiling...doesn't everyone?

Unknown said...

I too hate the sound of my voice - hate it. I sound so strange to my ears.

Pudding on the ceiling - been there. I'm here to say that my teenagers haven't improved through the years. You name it, they've done it. 6 kids ages 15-21, oh joy, I wish I could go back to the toddler years.

Anonymous said...

Someone just forwarded your ebay listing to me today and I have been laughing ever since! I have four children, the oldest is 20 and youngest is 9. Your voice rings true with me. Thanks for giving my day a lift! I look forward to reading more.

Anonymous said...

Thier - my fav word!! People are interesting in that they think kids shouldn't be allowed to dress themselves. You sound young on the radio interview and btw I hate the way my voice sounds recorded also. Hubby makes me the one on the answering machine. You definitely need to write a book!!!!!!!

Alicia Sharp said...

I so know what mean about the voice sounding different! Congrats on all the interviews and calls! What is DH thinking about all this? How did you get puddin on the ceiling?

-lowbrow said...

I could of sworn I read that you are only 27 but the st pete times article said 37?! I think you sound 27. Anyways good job on how you live your life, raise your children and view the world and all it brings to your doorstep...and ceiling!

Anonymous said...

Thank you. Your blog makes my day seem almoast normal. Cheers. Aussie mother of 5 boys, aged 8 and under (no twins!!).

Anonymous said...

dawn, you truly are amazing... i love reading your stories, and loved hearing your interview. you are delightful, and i truly hope those folks out there who are petty and spiteful, and jealous of your popularity get over themselves. they shouldn't bring their issues to you, but deal with them on their own.

thank you for your fresh sense of humor and wonderful child raising antidotes. :)

Julie said...

I usually wait till I have a cold and have that deep raspy voice thing going. Then I go around and re-record my outgoing voice mail messages, etc.

You did a great job on the interview!

Anonymous said...

I can relate to the whole voice thing...I HATE mine on any recording...lol

This may sound strange, but I just saw this contest and IMMEDIATELY thought of you....Oxygen’s kicking off its next all-female talent contest and giving one fabulous, funny lady a shot at her own broadband series on shedidwhat.tv!

Here's the link for it if you are interested...I think you would make a GREAT series...I know I would watch...

Sonya said...

Great job with the interview! I think you represented us moms well!

Anonymous said...

Just had to ask if you knew the newspaper was going to publish your full name and those of your children? It seemed like you didn't want the world to know their ages since you use nick names for them . . .

BTW, really loving your blog!

Anonymous said...

I don't have any children, but the four dogs and their numerous freinds run my life. I absolutely love your writing and am so excited for you!

Anonymous said...

ya know, lady, I've been writing about my daughter and family for a few years and nobody's ever offered me an interview ... I have blog-envy! LOL

I've seen so many people commenting to you and have followed a lot of their links to their blogs and I think it's a mother thing, we mostly all have the same sense of humor about our kids and similar styles of writing about it -- like self therapy lol .. maybe insanity is really hereditary - we get it from our kids :-) Your blog has become one of my daily stops now -- thanks so much for sharing yourself and your kids with all of us! Reading you brightens my day :)

Anonymous said...

Well I was just going to say that you didn't sound at all like a dork. But it looks like about 96 other people beat me to it. :)

*Tanyetta* said...

i love your nervous laughter. you totally sounded like you were giving your kids the stink eye if they made a peep while you were on the phone. haha... i loved your interview. 12,11,9,6,3,1=fun times all the time. can we come over for a playdate :)

Anonymous said...

I swear to you on everything I consider holy.. I have and have had chocolate sundae on my ceiling for at least a month. It does not come off and we have the spackel type stuff on the ceiling and the more I tried to scrub, not a good thing, I hate heights, the fall and the blanket someone thought needed to be on my head so I wouldn't see the mess as I am trying to scrub it up.. Anyway.. long story.. Just wanted to say, I feel your pain.. Hope it was vanilla...

Anonymous said...

The only thing I hate more than listening to myself on tape is looking at myself on video. I always looks so weird. But like different than if I were to look in a mirror. I must confess that I just like you because we share the same name.


Anonymous said...

My grandma sent me your ebay listing and then I hopped over to your blog. You truly have a way with words that every mom, especially those of us with more than three and close together in age kids, can relate to. God bless you and yours!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Congrats on the writing offers. I think it's great ;). And you sounded great doing the interview!
I know what you mean though. I hear myself on the camera(you know.. on the RARE video clips I do actually take) and I'm just like... EWWWW! Who was THAT?!!

Way to go :D.

Nikki said...

You sounded lovely! You have a very pleasant, sweet, young voice and your laugh is adorable. :) Don't sweat it, you did great! You never once sounded awkward like a lot of people do in that situation and when you said you locked yourself in the bathroom..GOLD!

Good job. :D

Amelia Antwiler said...

But I want to ask about the pudding. I really do.

I don't like to hear my own voice. I think I sound a bit like Minnie Mouse (not a favorite character of mine). Though, I guess I'd rather sound like minnie than sound like Donald. You sounded great. I liked hearing you laugh and I thought - I'd have laughed at the very same times!!

Isn't God funny? How He does things just amazes me.

Anonymous said...

As a mom of seven, I feel for you!
Happy,crazed, at times, but overall generally happy. :-) Best wishes in your endeavors.

Anonymous said...

Dawn, I've commented a few times and followed you since the bid was only at $12.00 and I just want to let you know how deliriously happy I am for you!

It is simply amazing fun watching this unfold for you.

Anonymous said...

You sounded great! You have a very pleasant voice and an infectious laugh. Good luck with your offers! How cool is that! You must be pinching yourself. :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you, it has been awhile since I have laughed that hard. I found a link though another blog for your ebay listing. TOO FUNNY! I will be checking back on your blog often. I would love to include your blog on my list of places to visit.
Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I have been reading yr blog ever since I stumbled upon yr ebay ad. Never left a comment though. U r so flooded with emails/comment, why add to it? Anyways just wanted to let you know that I sent Ellen Degeneres an email about you. I do hope that you get to go on that show. You so deserve it. I hope you dont mind me taking the liberty of doing so.

You have a beautiful voice and a very sweet laugh. I must say you sound like a teenager.

Becky said...

The pudding on the ceiling in your house sounds like toast in the VCR in mine!
Love the stories. Moms all across the world can totally identify with you. And I agree...you're a little bit Carol Burnett, and a little bit Erma Bombeck with a lot of Bonnie Hunt thrown in for good measure.
Love your stuff. Get a book title posted while surfing this wave of fame...so we all know what to look for in the bookstores!
God Bless you and Yours!

Charlene Austin said...

I thought you sounded great!! Good job on the interview. I see from the St. Petersburg Times article that you are 37 which is my age. You really are amazing. I think I am so not old enough to have kids (heeehehe). I would love to watch your life on a sitcom. Please do a sitcome!! Good luck with everything. We are all cheering you on!

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding? You did a great job with the interview!

Are you going to sign a copy of your book for all of us?

Thanks for your wonderful humor. It brightens my day. I even come here several times a day just to see if you have posted anything more. :)

Make sure you get a "manager" or someone to help you so that these people don't take advantage of your great talent! I am sure you are just about sick of all the advice, huh? ;)

Linda said...

Thanks for all of the laughter, Dawn! I come here to read your blog almost every day! I did want to ask you..is the picture of the baby covered in chocolate on the right side of your blog one your your babies? If so, is there a story about how he or she became covered in the wonderful confection that we all know and love? The baby looks like he or she is having a grand old time getting into something that he or she should not be into, and then doing that "what did I do, momma? look.. I am innocent.. I can't help it if you put it within my reach on the table and then turned your back long enough for me to get that first taste. :)"

Anyway.. if that is one of your children, please tell the story of how that picture came into play. I am sure I will be laughing for sure again.. Take care..

Wendy said...

I found a link to your ebay listing on another blog. I too am now blogrolling you. Funny stuff girl!

Anonymous said...

Today is the day I doubted every so called skill I ever thought I had as a parent. My independent toddler decided that he was quite able to take himself to the potty, being quite too much of a big boy to need mommy. As I finished the breakfast dishes and congratulated myself on having actually showered, I saw the three little 'bombs' that had dropped to the floor, leading towards the bathroom.

I opened the door to see a very busy child, disrobed from the waist down. In an attempt to clean what had fallen onto the floor, every surface (white tile, cabinets, the EXTERIOR of the toilet, etc.) had been smeared.

I literally cried as I told him to stay put. I went and tied my hair back, put on some old, raggedy shorts and began to clean my way towards him. He really was trying to help, but I cried anyway (and gagged) and pondered how much longer until we were into adult depends.

An hour and a half later, it was all cleaned up and the washer was going with its second load of laundry.

Thinking about your blog somehow made it just a little more bearable. It really helps to know that I'm not the only one and that these episodes in my life could be fodder for humor if seen through your lens.

Thanks for taking the time to write.

With gratitude,
A Reader

the one on the right said...

I just started a blog because of you! I thought, this must be the most freeing way to let it all out ... I am a grandma raising my 3yo granddaughter, and it is 100x harder than when I raised her father 25 years ago! The velcro diapers threw me at first, and now ... BRATZ! Heaven help me! Thanks for the laughs, and for nudging me towards sanity ...

Unknown said...

Wow! I love that you named all of your kiddos after cities! That's awesome! You rock..keep up the good work. :)

Anonymous said...

did you really lock yourself in the bathroom... i thought only i did that! :)

Anonymous said...

Dawn, I have spent the day reading your comments and your Ebay auction, I just loved the grocery store lecture. I have a 6 year old daughter and have recently aquired my 5 year old niece living with me as well. I hear the sayings all the time. She wants to watch Disney and I want to watch Cartoon Network, or why does she get the top bunk I want it. But my favorite over the last week was when my daughter lost a tooth, and god forbid the tooth broke in half. The tooth fairy left her 5 dollars that she wanted to spend over the weekend, so I gave my niece 3 dollars so she'd have so money too. Then I got to hear how unfair it was that my daughter had more money than my niece and that I love her more. It goes on and on. It's so nice to see someone find the humor in parenthood. You must be a fantastic mother. God bless you and I can't wait for your book.

Lynn Brown said...

So far I have had to clean yogurt off of the ceiling, but not pudding (yet). By the way, the yogurt didn't come out, and there is still a pink (strawberry yogurt), amoeba-shaped spot on the ceiling. I hope you have better luck with the pudding.

I love your blog. Don't feel pressured to update it every day. We understand that you have your hands full.

Annalea said...

Hi Dawn. Just popped over from your Pokemon cards auction, and had to say hello. (Btw, congrats on that winning bid! Wow.) I'm another one who gets the "Are they all yours?" All The Time. Usually I manage to find an unsuspecting soul (mom or DH) to take the kids while I go grocery shop, but I occasionally am forced to take them with me. =:oS

And I don't need to ask about pudding on the ceiling. lol Any mom who has heard the aforementioned question already knows all about it. ;o)

Thanks for the laugh this morning. I needed it! :o)

Anonymous said...

14:59 and counting.

ReeseFox said...

I wasn't going to write, because I know you have a million and one people writing to you, but after reading the St. Petersburg Times article, I just had to let you know how awesome your kids' names are. Most people give their kids rhyming names, or names that begin with the same letter. I love your originality in naming them all after cities!

Anonymous said...

The pudding sound interesting. One of my little rascals turned off the hepa air cleaner, poured purple grape juice in it, then turned it back on. There were purple spots all over the ceiling and walls of my kitchen.

If you didn't have a sense of humor, you would have lost your mind long ago.

amy said...

congratulations-- you sounded great!

Anonymous said...

*lol* so much! I had to laugh so hard, when I listened to the interview (thanks for the link!!) and you said you locked yourself in the bathroom, *lol* -- been there, done that, only that I most likely sneak into one of my kids bedrooms, because chances are, they are everywhere all over the house but definetely NOT in THEIR rooms, *ggg*...

You sound really nice!

And I like the names of your kids, too, especially Jackson and Clayton!

So long,

Amy said...

Dawn - you sounded great.

I am so thrilled that you are receiving this attention! You deserve it. Congrats.

Tammy B said...

love that little midwest accent ;)

Stacey said...

I wish I would have read this Tuesday night! I live in Des Moines and am so sad I missed your interview. Your blog is hilarious!!!!!

Anonymous said...


it's part way down the page. u can also listen to dawn's interview there. :-D

Anonymous said...

Loved the interview. You did great. Good luck with all these wonderful offers. Can't wait to see how it all turns out.

Anonymous said...

You do NOT sound like a dork!!! You have a lovely voice and you sound like any regular mom which is what makes you all the more adorable!

All the best to you, the hubby, and your gang!

macfam2005 said...

I have to say I have thought many times about having a huge family. Much to the shagrin of my husband. I always wondered what it would be like, now I know. I have to say, I would not have the patience you have. Or the sense of humor. I only have 2 and sometimes I want to pull my hair out. You are officially my hero! Love your writing and I will definitely being buying your book!!

Anonymous said...

a friend emailed me the ebay listing, giggled the whole way through, passed it on to all the mom's I know and just had to check out your blog - first for me as I have never before felt a compelling need to read someone elses trivial thoughts as mine have been minimized to a pre-school level over the past 4 years!!! I just couldn't resist....and have been giggling non-stop. I listened to the interview with Tampa...there's a lock on the bathroom door? I am so impressed, how does one get a lock installed and does it really keep them out? I am currently working on a phone that does not ring, but sends a tone through the house that only adults can hear so that I can sneek off to talk - if I had a lock on my bathroom door this might help the process of being able to complete a conversation without the child-radar being able to pick up on it!
Seriously though, loved the auction description and am having a blast reading your stuff.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the laugh you brought to me today. I am a mom to four children aged 12, 9, 7, and 3 and also one on the way due in Feb 2008. I read this to my hubby because I told him he needed to live my life for a minute! You are very funny and I would love to read your book. And your voice did not sound funny! Loved the interview! Blessings to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

I have 4 boys under 8(no twins) and whenever we are at the dreaded grocery store, a restaurant or any public place for that matter, people look at us like we have 3 eyes! And the #1 question I am asked is, "Are all these yours?!" I can totally relate to you. With my luck, next time I am pregnant I will have a set of twin boys...! With all the craziness, you have to laugh at them and with them! Thanks for your honesty; being MOM isn't easy!

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