Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It's a Wombat!

The other day, while running errands with the kids, we stopped in a pet shop to look around. You want a cheap way to entertain the kiddos? Just go to your local pet shop and let them admire all the creatures there. So, the kids were staring at the birds, then the mice and hamsters, then Lexi walked over to another enclosure and squealed, "Look! Jaguars! Look at the jaguars! Jaguars, Mom! Look!"

I thought, "Hmmm, this pet shop is really expanding if they're selling jaguars now." I peered into the tank to see a couple of ferrets sleeping, all piled up on each other. "Um Lex, hon, those aren't jaguars. Those are ferrets." but I could see how you could confuse them because they look so much alike

"Oh that's what I meant!"

I thought maybe we should take one last trip to the zoo before school starts. You know, remind my kids of the difference between say, zebras and lizards, jaguars and ferrets, and such. So, yesterday I packed up a cooler and the kids and went to the zoo with my dad. Since a lot of kids are back in school, it was pretty empty and the weather was absolutely beautiful!

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As the kids were getting ready for bed last night, Jackson looked outside and yelled, "Mom! Quick! There's something outside! Come quick!" Well I ran to the door but missed whatever Jackson had seen.

"I think it was a wombat, Mom!"

"It wasn't a wombat. Wombats live in Australia." did they learn nothing at the zoo???

"Well, it looked like a wombat," Jackson insisted.

"It was probably an opossum or a raccoon or something," I informed him.

Well, Clay, being the little punk he is, decided to scare Lexi. "A wombat's outside and it's going to come into your room while you sleep."

There went the next half hour as I tried to convince Lexi that even if wombats lived around here, I wouldn't let one into the house and into her room.

Things have a way of coming back to bite you in the butt though. So, a few minutes later, Clay decided that he was scared of killer wombats too and he walked into the family room insisting he could only go to sleep in my bed.

"There are no wombats outside! If there were, they wouldn't come inside anyway. And wombats don't eat people. They eat plants! You guys are reading all the signs in the Australia house the next time we go to the zoo and there will be a test on it!"

Savannah volunteered to take Clayton back to bed. She scooped him up and started carrying him to his room. Awww, how sweet, huh? About halfway there, she shrieked, "Aeeeiiiiiaaaaeee! A WOMBAT!!!"

Clay actually took flight as he leapt from her arms and ran back to the family room.

I slept with Clay, Lex, and Brooklyn last night.


Suburban Correspondent said...

What the heck is a wombat, anyway?

Anonymous said...

So, Where is the Wombat? Not at the Zoo!

Feisty Irish Wench said...

When did you move to Australia?? lol

I am a cold, cruel and heartless mother. I make mine go back to their beds and let them crawl in on my husband's side of the bed after I'm so konked out I wouldn't know if the world ended. I'm just fine with letting him seem like the hero because that carries way more responsibility than I want to own.

Griswell said...

Aren't siblings great? They are always good for scaring the pants off of each other!

Anonymous said...

LMAO! Sistery love is amazing. My kids do the same thing. Clay will get her back when she least expects it.

Mum-me said...

I completely craked up at that last bit - sounds so much like something my older children would do to scare the younger ones!

I never thought of wombats as scary before, but they can grow pretty big!

Jo in NZ said...

aaawww....come on Dawn! You can't leave it there. What was it??

Anonymous said...

LOL sometimes even the best of helpers cannot resist!


Katja said...

As I'm sure many of your Australian readers will tell you, people are safe from the wombats - it's the drop-bears you need to watch out for.

Anonymous said...

Savannah is a girl after my own heart.......

Kool Aid said...

"Clay actually took flight as he leapt from her arms and ran back to the family room."

What a visual! I love it.

MaBunny said...

ROFLMAO!!! I can just picture Clay flying out of Savannah's arms , lol. Bet she got a big kick out of it.
Where did Joe sleep? on the couch?

Anonymous said...

Should've made Savannah sleep with Clay since she sealed the deal. My son slept in his bed without getting up for the first time in 2 weeks. Woo-hoo!!!!

Unknown said...

I love Savannah's sense of humor!

Amanda said...

I had no idea that wombats were such ferocious killer animals! You're kids are so fun!

Brenda said...

Looks like a great day. Strange thing is none of us can tell our kids your Wombat story or they will be scared too!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures from the zoo! What amazes me is how you keep track of 6 kids and still manage to take pictures and videos. We took our 4 kids to the zoo a few weeks ago for 6 hours and I think I was more tired than they all were!

Brooklyn looks so grown up in these pictures. Maybe it was from her haircut? Thanks again for the great blog and my daily therapy!


Anonymous said...

Wow, a trip to the zoo, thanks. I haven't been to the zoo in forever! Your oldest girl (Amanda?) is turning into a real beauty.
Knot Mom

Rosie : ) said...

Oooh boy! The kids love scaring each other, dont they? ;)

At least they had fun on the trip to the zoo.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for a great laugh this morning. Love you. Love your kids.

Anonymous said...

I noticed the little kids had their SafetyTats on. I bought some for my sister-in-law and brother to use with my nephew after reading about them on your blog. I hope they work out well!

Anonymous said...

Your dad looks like he's a lot of fun. The kids are blessed to have him close by.

Knitty said...

Great bedtime story and loved the pictures. Is there a way to save one picture from your slideshow? I have a niece that loves giraffes and would like to use the photo of the two giraffes in a card for her.

Sarah said...

Brooklyn is smiling in every picture! She must of had a wonderful time.

Katie said...

All of your children are gorgeous. But I think I like seeing pictures of Brooklyn they best. She is such a cutie with those chubbie cheeks, pigtails and always a mischevious glint in her eyes.

If I lived anywhere near you, I would offer to take her off your hands for a few hours (or days).

Thanks for an entertaining morning at the soon.

Cath said...

You are too funny!! I just discovered your blog! I will be back for more laughs. Thanks for a great start to my day!

A Moment in the Life of a Mother said...

The Zoo pictures were great. We don't have very big Zoo's in this part of FL. We do have those big lizzards. You never know when you will look up and see one in a tree. Kind of freaky!! The monkey video's were hilarious. You have beautiful children. Kids make life so much more fun. Thanks for sharing.

Carrie M. said...

LOL!! That is so funny! It reminds me of when I was younger and my two brothers would torment my two sisters and myself. They used to actually chase me around the house and when they caught me (they would ALWAYS catch me) they would literally stick my head in the oven. Actually, that explains quite alot about the way I am today...lol.

You're kids have your sense of humor! I love it!!

Rick said...

You're getting pretty good at this photo/video thing. I watched the whole show. But you had to show the gorilla picking his nose and eating it - didn't you? (I assume it was a "he". Seems that life generally works that way.) Maybe a new flavor for Jelly Bellies - gorilla snot! Huh? Good idea?

Roni said...

Now that is funny!!!! She got Clay back and good!!! I remember doing stuff to torment my younger brother...brings back a lot of memories... and a day full of laughter.

Anonymous said...

haha, i love your kids! quiz them on every animal in the zoo and they will love you for it! years down the road when they are in the zoo with their kids they will say "grandma made me learn all about wombats and australia, and jaguars, too so my beloved kids, this is why we never take grandma to the zoo!"



Brooke said...

HA HA HA HA!!! That sounds like something I would have done to my baby brother :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for the laugh. I needed that.

Michelle said...

Awwww, sleeping together just like the wombats do in Australia ;)

Gotta love how things only sink in when they want them to sink in. Good luck with back to school!

Anonymous said...

You take great pictures! BTW, not ONE picture of Brookly crying! I'm impressed!

Anonymous said...

About wild animals in the house...we woke up yesterday and what we initially thought was a mess made by our cats on our stairs was a dead bat. BAT. IN MY HOUSE. We really don't know how it got in, I'm just happy the cats didn't deposit it on my pillow! EWW.

Mom to 4 said...

OMG, I almost spit my drink out all over my screen when I read that! I love how siblings take care of each other!

Jen said...


I little expensive but it might be worth it...

diddlesgirl said...

i just started reading your blog! i love it! I am a mother of two (6 and 2) but I work in the 4 year-old classroom at a daycare . . so I feel i am the mother of MANY more! I loved this post about animals- we just learned about animals in class, did you know that wolves and skunks look suspiciously alike - and both of them apparently love pizza? and sharks eat boats . .. I learn so much from all of my children!

Anonymous said...

Dawn, I love your blog. I've been reading for awhile now, and all the stories and adventures put a smile on my face. To be honest, it makes it hard to wait to have my own kids! Take it easy!

Eileen, 25 :)

Unknown said...

lol this sounds JUST like my two children. That is too funny.

Crazy Raven Productions said...

*cackle* That is so something I would have pulled on my baby sister...because if I didn't, my brother would have. We were competitive about scarring the poor child's brain. It's amazing she speaks to us, and even more amazing what a well-adjusted adult she is.

Jo in NZ said...

ahh, a joke...I see now...

Wolf McTavish said...

My nearly two year old plays "wombat" he puts his head down and tries to force his way through whatever is in front of him, a door, someones chest, his baby cousin, and he knows exactly what we mean when we get cranky and say "NO MORE WOMBATS!" Also, did you know that wombats poo cubes??? there is a lolly company here that makes "wombat poo" lollies, little hard brown boiled lolly cubes with an aniseed flavour:) and I agree, the drop bears are FAR more dangerous than wombats!

Anonymous said...

When I was growing up, I shared a room with my two sisters, and my middle sister and I kept the youngest one in her bed at night by telling her the "miceroys" were going to get her. They lived in the walls and you could hear them (we'd scratch the walls). Poor kid wouldn't get out of bed for anything at night.

Jkhb said...

I would have let them all go to sleep and then gone to sleep in one of their beds!

Anonymous said...

Two things on this subject. First of all, I would like to point out that if you were with Clay and Lexie and Brooklyn last night, you DIDN'T sleep. (Been there all week - we are bed training in her OWN room a 3 year old)

And second of all, I just picked up a guide of acronyms for cell phones and chat groups that teens use such as p911 ( parent alert ) rofl, lmao, wth (what the heck it said), and our favorite hands down was the one we will use for many movie reviews in the future:
WOMBAT. Waste of money, brains, and time. I just loved it.

Then, the next day, you wrote this funny story about wombats. Well, if they are that good for a scare, maybe they aren't a WOMBAT!

PS, 2 of my daughters were terrible 2 or 3 like Brooklyn with the ongoing, neverending tantrums. I thought I would die.

I think I didn't trust my older daughter to be truly sweet again until she was about 5. But, they do outgrow it as long as you don't feed their tantrums. And you can talk to a pediatrician. Maybe your Dr. has ideas, such as sleep deprivation - from a sleep disorder, or too many wombats around.

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