Monday, August 11, 2008

I'm the Worst Mother EVER!

We don't have a garage door opener that springs back up if it hits something. If something gets in the way as the door closes, the door keeps on closing and crushing until the item breaks or the door can't push down any further. Because of this (and my kids tendency to play with things they shouldn't) Joe put the button to open and close the door up high. I mean, really high. I have to stand on my toes to reach it.

This morning, Clay used a broom handle to hit the garage door opener. As the door came down, he did some sort of Indiana Jones maneuver as he tried to slide under the door. When the door started to close on his head, Lexi quickly grabbed him and yanked him out from under the closing door. Unfortunately she got stuck and the door closed down hard around her middle. Austin, Savannah, Jackson and I were summoned by her screams. Savannah and Jackson got out to Lexi first. Although freaked out, they were quick-thinking. Savannah ran to Lexi and Jackson ran to the garage door opener. Jackson pushed the button to raise the door, but instead of lifting, it pushed down harder, eliciting more screams from Lexi. After a second push of the button, the door finally raised, freeing Lexi. She was pinned under there for less than a minute, but it seemed like an hour and half.

I was completely freaked out and the only thing I could think to do was get dressed so I could take her to the hospital. (We'd been having a lazy morning and I was still in my pajamas because that's how my life works. Whenever I'm lazing around in my jammies with the house a mess, people stop by unannounced, or I get a call that a friend needs my help, or an accident happens.)

We got to the ER, I told the triage nurse what had happened, she stamped a paper with the word "Trauma" and rushed us back to a room. No waiting. No filling out paperwork. At this point, I really started freaking out. Lex had stopped crying and I knew she didn't seem seriously injured, but I didn't know what was going on inside her. Could her internal organs have been smashed? Could she be bleeding? Could she be seriously injured? The way we were rushed back and seen by a doctor so quickly had me freaking out a bit.

I was told that Lex would need a CT scan of her abdomen. She'd also need to be stuck in the arm so they could inject dye into her vein. They put numbing cream on her arms so the needle wouldn't hurt so badly and then moved us to the pediatric ER where a bed had opened up.

A new doctor came in with a portable ultrasound machine. Instead of doing a CT scan, he did an ultrasound to see if there were any questionable areas that needed a closer look. He checked out her kidneys, liver and spleen; he looked at her stomach and even took a quick peek at her heart. Lexi was happy because he gave her 2 ultrasound pictures; one of her stomach and one of her heart. She thought those were pretty cool and was surprised to see that her heart wasn't "heart shaped". The doctor thought she looked good and there were no areas that concerned him. Her pain had subsided substantially, so he (bless him!) suggested we take conservative measures and just watch her for awhile.

A dose of Tylenol and a good 5 hours later, we were released. She's feeling much better this evening.

How totally scary though. And I feel like such a horrible parent for not being out there to prevent it from happening in the first place. If you're going to write a comment that I'm an awful, negligent parent, save yourself the trouble. I already know it.

I told Lexi that she was a hero. She saved Clay from being smashed only to get crushed herself. She burst into tears and said, "I didn't want Clayton to die. I had to save him."
Then I started crying. She's my hero. And now I'm off to make some "hero brownies" for her.


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Anonymous said...

Dawn, don't be so hard on yourself. Nobody is perfect! Glad to hear that Lexi (and Clay) are well. Give her an extra hero brownie, and a hug!, from me!

Veggiemomof2 said...

What a brave girl Lexi! I'm not sure my kids would endanger themselves to save the other one. Someone else or a stranger, yes, but not their sibling :/ And then to be rescued by her other siblings. Wow!!

I'm glad they are ALL ok & don't beat yourself up, it's not your fault. (Although I do see you making Joe install a new door soon!) lol

Anonymous said...

oh bless you - you're far from a bad neglectful parent - kids will be kids and therefore accidents happen!

glad to hear there's no serious damage to your little hero!

how many grey hairs do you have now??


Anonymous said...

Hey Dawn,
Been there, had it (the guilt trip that is) Make a double batch of hero brownies, give lecture along with humor to clay to leave the stunts to Hollywood, than thank God that it was not worse!!!!!
Theresa in Alberta

Amy said...

Oh my. How totally scary. I'm crying like a baby over here....but I'm pregnant, so that's totally normal.

Glad she's fine.

Stella Dean said...

And give her a big fat smooch from me too! And then give yourself a hug because you're not the worst mom ever. As hard as we try, we're never going to be everywhere, every minute of the day. It took me YEARS to figure that one out.

Rachel said...

First to post - when has THAT ever happened?

I know - I have several nominations for Worst Mother of the Year (for myself).

Give that girl a squeeze for me (oh, wait, OWWWW - never mind).

Enjoy your hero brownies!

Liz's Random Thoughts said...

I'm glad your daughter is ok! Thats amazing what she did for her little brother!

Anonymous said...

How scary! I'm glad that she isn't hurt and thankfully she saved her brother.

little.birdy said...

I don't know Dawn...I think you raised your kids right. The fact that all of your little ones were so quick to run to each other's aid really says a lot. I hope Lexi enjoys her hero brownies!

Andi said...

Now I'm crying too! Please stop beating yourself up! This was not your fault. Lexi is going to be ok and hopefully you will be too.

Anonymous said...

What a brave brother and sister. I know the feeling of "the worst parent ever" because my daughter was burned with a firework set off by her dad - even though I was nagging about everyone still being too close. She was 50 feet away, but it misfired and hit her. The lesson all of my kids learned was there is a REASON mom sounds like a lunatic sometimes, and now when I offer a caution for something THEY ACTUALLY LISTEN. Sit them all down and discuss how serious this was, how no one is to touch it, and this is why, and how MOM IS ALWAYS RIGHT. You're a great mom, I love your blog - I have 4 girls, and when I'm feeling the chaos I check your blog to relax (okay, that means everyday). I'm glad it was all okay.


Anonymous said...

This totally made me tear up. I think we all have moments, sometimes several a day, where we feel like terrible mothers. I am glad Lexi is ok. You are not a terrible mother, try not to be too hard on yourself. Although I know that is tough to do when your child is hurting and you feel like you should have prevented it. ((hugs))

Anonymous said...

Oh, Dawn, don't beat yourself up about it.... our kids can get hurt anytime, anywhere in a multitude of ways. You are not a bad mommy... :( Lexi is an awesome kid and hero brownies are perfect.... Have one, too, to acknowledge that you are the best mom in the world for your kids...

Unknown said...

I can totally relate. My youngest once stuck rocks in his ears at the park on easter sunday..and I was right there with him!! But, he was 3, and sneaky.So we spent easter sunday in the ER ..and my oldest who is now almost 13,once rode his bike on the street after I had specifically said not to...I heard screeching tires and went running outside and got there just in time to see a man drive away (giving me a nasty "your a bad mom" look) and my son rolling onto the lawn accross the street. (he swerved when he saw the car,thank goodness!!)I shook for hours after. It was such a close call. And yeah, I was inside,not watching when it happened. He was 8 at the time and we lived in a super safe quiet no traffic neighborhood(total fluke that there happened to be a speed deamon driving down our street that day) so I figured it would be ok to run inside and make some phone calls. Because,you know, I expected him to stay on the sidewalk like I specified!! I have never let my kids go outside alone since!! I think these things happen to most moms at some point,so dont feel bad!! We all have those "I'm the worst mom" moments!!

DeeMarie said...

Oh my goodness!! You are so not a horrible mom. You have raised your kids to love and protect each other and nothing demonstrates that more than Lexi's heroine-like move. What a girl!! Glad she's already feeling better!

chris said...

My youngest girl went to her first day of school today which made me very nervous. After reading that story I stoped working to spend some time hugging her.

Anonymous said...

You're not a horrible parent. Accidents do happen. Might I suggest, though, finding a way to fix that problem with the opener now, possibly replace it with a newer system that will prevent the accidents in the future? It *shouldn't happen again, but you never know. Really glad your daughter is ok, and what a great sister to want to save her brother like that without thinking of herself!

mnhyrkas said...

Oh my goodness! You've had a rough day. I'm so glad Lexi is ok and that the accident wasn't worse. How sweet of her to be the hero, and don't beat yourself up about the accident.
Just a note though, if you ever went to sell your house it wouldn't pass inspection and they'd make you replace the opener anyway, so you might as well do it now for your own peace of mind. You probably already planned to. Hope you have a better day tomorrow. :)

Brianne said...

That sounds awful! I am so glad to hear that Lexi is alright. And you definitely are NOT an awful parent. Accidents happen and you cannot be everywhere at once. You took precautions by putting the button for the door up high. You were not negligent; don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I hope you're all feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! I hope she really is okay. And she is definitely a hero and a fabulous sister!

And you are still an amazing momma!

The Flying Circus Mom said...

You are not by any means a horrible parent..we both know that we can't always be everywhere all the time and watching all the time. So don't feel bad, just be thankful that everyone is ok, bless your heart I know you feel terrible but you are a GREAT mom..!!!So sorry you had such a scary day....smiles :)

Suburban Correspondent said...

Oh, you horrible woman. I'd never do anything as bad as that. Nope. I would just leave a 3-year-old strapped in his car seat in a car on a day in the ninety-degree range and then COMPLETELY FORGET ABOUT HIM! FOR 45 MINUTES!

I thank the Lord every day that the older kids left the car doors open as they got out. It saved his life. But, I'll tell you, I spent the rest of the day sobbing uncontrollably. And I still feel sick thinking about it.

Feel better yet?

Brooke said...

How scary for everyone involved! I think this is one of those times you just have to forgive yourself and thank God that no one was seriously hurt. Unless you are omnipresent (which I think is a bad idea), there's not much you could have prevented this. It's just not possible to think of every (stupid) dangerous thing before your kids do. Yay for Lexi and her heroism!!

Erin said...

Oh my goodness!!! I would have been scared out of my mind. Kids get into things, so don't beat yourself up about it. I am just glad she is ok!

Anonymous said...

Honestly Dawn, you are by far not a horrible mother. You did the right thing, you took her to the hospital. And if you were a horrible mom, you'd not have taken her to the hospital. Think of how amazing she was to have rescued Clay like that! YOU had to have taught her something. Stuff just happens. Doesn't the Bible say that "the rain falls on the just and the unjust"? Stuff just happens, sometimes good stuff, sometimes bad stuff. Praise God she is fine!!

Tricia said...

How scary! I am glad to hear that she is doing well this evening. And, I don't think this makes you a horrible parent....but I might get that door sensor now!!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, what a scare! I'm glad Clay and Lexi are both alright, but don't beat yourself up about it. You did exactly the right thing. Kids get into accidents, that's their job. You're raising a great group of kids who obviously love each other and look out for each other. How lucky you are!

Give Lexi a big hug and an extra brownie and tell her again how proud you are for her quick thinking. And, maybe this weekend you'll look into a new garage door opener.

Anonymous said...

omg! thank g-d she is alright!

dragonfly domain said...

Lexi, You too are my Hero! *sniff*
Mom you have done a fine job with those kids. DO NOT sell yourself short.

BandK said...

No verbal flogging here -- you've already done so a million times already, I'm sure.

I just hope that the first thing you do tomorrow, is run don't walk to the nearest Lowe's or Home Depot and purchase a new garage door opener. The kind that has the safety features. If you can't afford it, for the love of God I'll kick in $20 and start a fund.

Hugs to you because I know that must have given you the fright of your life. Thank God that everyone is okay!!

Hands-Free Heart said...

Wow! The end of that story had me in tears. She really is a hero. And relax a little can't be in 6 places at once!

Anonymous said...

No - you are not a bad mother. For some reason kids just seem determined to give us grey hair at every opportunity.
It makes me wonder how on earth they actually manage to make it to adulthood.

My son when he was around 13 years (when you think you can trust them a bit!), used to go for bikerides with his best friend.
I gave all the usual warnings - stick to cycle paths, dont talk to strangers etc. and thought I was doing a good job.

Until one day I asked where they had been....."oh to the park" - yup so far OK - "and threw stones in the gravel pits" - what gravel pits????????

Seems there are gravel pits (filled with water and goodness knows how deep) next to the park........

Figaro said...

The only thing you need right now is a big hug and you have it! Here is one for Lexi too! What a wonderful sister she is to do what she did. You are a great parent to instill love for her brother like that!

Anonymous said...

DAWN! How does that make you the worst mother ever? Our kids do dangerous things sometimes. We try to prevent it as best we can, but they still get ideas in their heads that they know are wrong, but they do them anyway. A bad mom would have yelled at the kids who were playing with the garage and then sent them to their rooms. Instead, you took your daughter to the hospital (smart!) and then made brownies for your quick reflexed and very brave girl. Sounds like a good mom to me. And it takes one to know one - I have called poison control at least 8 times.

Anonymous said...

Don't beat yourself up. I have a friend who backed up over his daughter with his car when she was 2. Like Lexi, it was in the middle of her body. They still have the pants she was wearing. The seams broke from the compression.

Let Lexi know God has special destiny for her. My friends daughter will be a dentist in a year. :)


jennsquared said...

You are not the worst mother ever. I can think of plenty of things that other mothers don't do that lead to more horrible lives for their children.

Accidents happen, and Lexi is definitely a hero. I hope Lexi feels better very soon!

Lois said...

You are not a horrible mother. You can't be everywhere all the time. But I would suggest getting a different garage door opener. Even if it is really expensive it is worth it to not repeat this.

Hooray for your hero!

Unknown said...

Don't be so hard on yourself!! We all have moments like those. I, myself, have a few!

Anonymous said...

You ar enot a horrible parent. Things like this just happen sometimes. An awful parent wouldn't raise a daughter willing to save her brother or 2 other children who race to save their sister. It could be a wake up call though? It might be time to install a motion censor. (JMO.)

Heather said...

Oh, big hugs Dawn! I'm so glad Lexi was ok and that's so great that your kids worked together to help each other! I'm praying for you and for Lexi tonight.

mom2lo said...

A tear! Seriously! Those last 5 sentences evoked a serious tear! You're still a great mom and you obviously have GREAT kids--no matter what anyone else (including yourself) may think!

Denise said...

How scary! I can't even imagine how scary that was for everyone. I hope she continues to show no signs of problems. She was very brave.

Anonymous said...

Dawn, Don't beat yourself up. Every parent has one day or two days like that. I have 3 boys and we have been to the e.r. often! Silly accidents that should have never happened. My son(3 at the time) drank bleach thinking it was bottled water. Why did I leave it where he could reach it? He was fine,not enough to do damage to anything, but I don't know who cried more in the ambulance, me or my son. The paramedics had two of us to take care of that day!

Anonymous said...

You dear, sweet Mother. No way can you be everywhere to protect your children. I have raised six children and my constant prayer was for Heavenly Father to watch over them and keep them safe.

Please don't beat up on yourself anymore. You are one of the most resilient, patient and kind mothers I have ever had the privilege of knowing. I really feel we all know you and empathize with you. Anyone who criticises just doesn't "get it."

How grateful to know that all is well with Lexi and that she is such a heroine. She really was Clayton's angel at that moment.


Marjorie said...

How sweet and Heroic of little Lexi to save her little brother. I only hope that my kids will save each other if it comes down to it like that. I'm pregnant with number 5. How do you do it? I'm telling you right now that I am never again letting my kids play in the garage alone even if the door opener is so high. And I don't judge you. I know that it is not always possible to keep a sharp eye on all your kids at once.

Anonymous said...

don't feel so hard on yourself, these things happen. At least lexi was able to push clay to the side! I bet bow you're thinking of getting one of those sensors that stop the door if someone gets too close. Just be glad at least that Lexi didn't get hurt badly. And this DOES NOT make you a bad mother. you're a great mother and if anyone says otherwise they are idiots

Becca said...

You are not a horrible mother. The crazy thing is just that life is so crazy, and can be so fragile. Your children are lucky to have a mother that cares for them and loves them. All children need that. I'm sure it was a traumatizing experience, and hope you all will recover fully. It's just unfortunate (for all of us( that sometimes it takes these life-altering moments to appreciate so much what we have!

Anonymous said...

There is a safety device you can purchase that has a light beam that when tripped will make the door go back up. It is installed near the ground. Good thing to have with kids.

A quick google search for garage door photo eye will provide more info.

Sorry you had such a scare and I'm glad everyone was okay.

Anonymous said...

Oh Dawn! Your beautiful little Lexi. Isn't she also the one who had the horrible ear infection while in Florida? Tell her that a reader from far, far, far away thinks she's a hero too.

As for that door ... your handiman husband needs to replace it with something safer. While this was an accident, it's also a warning that it may happen again and (God forbid) not turn out as well.

AND ... YOU ARE NOT A HORRIBLE MOTHER. This could have happened to anybody.

Kathi D said...

Of course you aren't an awful, negligent parent! But you do need to get that garage door fixed or replaced. That is just too scary!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a crazy day! All I can say is don't be so hard on yourself. Accidents happen. You're doing a good job with your kids... obviously or Lexi wouldn't have done that to save her brother.

Anyone who says otherwise should win a FREE TRIP to your house to live your life for a day.

mmm... brownies...

Lucrecia said...

what a sweet sweet girl she is - she made me tear up!

Anonymous said...

No, you are not a negligent parent...we can't be there all the time and we don't think things are dangerous until our kids figure out a way to make them dangerous. And that would make just about everything dangerous. My youngest is a four year old boy also and he can figure out just about anything...child proof caps, how to get onto the roof, how to use daddy's circular saw, how to cut an apple with a butcher knife, how to star the lawnmower after climbing on top of the fridge to get the key...enough said, you know what I mean. Don't beat yourself up over it. However, please tell us (meaning your readers) that you're going to replace your old garage door opener with one that has a sensor to spring back open????? And Lexi probably needs some hero chocolate chip cookies tomorrow. Happy Baking!

mommeeof10 said...

Time to have hubby either remove the garage door opener or replace it with the new ones that reverse if they hit something. We don't have a garage. One less place for stuff to collect.

I just drop off unwanted but in good condition stuff at the store run by the domestic violence shelter. They sell donations to support the shelter. My 12 yr old found 5 pairs of pants, 2 skirts and 5 short sleeve shirts there Friday for $25 total. They look like they were never worn by the original purchaser. I buy thermos' and tupperware containers there.

Anonymous said...

no judgement here- only grace. we've all had things happen to our kids when we weren't there to prevent it. just hug her a little tighter and be thankful. your a great mother, and heaven knows it's by grace that kids make it to adulthood.

Stephanie Honeycutt said...

Dawn! Don't be so hard on yourself!! You have SIX kiddos, and they are all awesome. You are a great mom, and who cares if you were still in your jammies! I know how proud you are of Lexi for saving her brother. Don't beat yourself up!

Anonymous said...

I don't know a parent who hasn't ever done something where their child was scared or injured and they thought they were the "world's worst parent".
Thank goodness Lexi was there and tried to get Clay out. She is definately a hero and deserves brownies with frosting and sprinkles! Congratulations on raising a quick thinking daughter!

Anonymous said...

Oh Dawn, how scary for you! I don't think you are a bad parent at all what so ever! I only have two and I know I can't keep my eyes on them at every waking moment! My 2 y.o. got into the medicine cupboard twice last week - it truly only takes a second. Just know that the majority of us read your blog because we know you are a good mom and admire you!!!! Not looking for you to mess up. Take a deep breath and know you're raising good kids!

Anonymous said...

I don't think there's a mother out there who can't look at your story and say "Oh my goodness, that was almost me the other day", or "I completely understand." The world is too big to protect our kids from everything, no matter how hard we try and how desperately we want to. How blessed your family is that nothing worse happened!

Anonymous said...

How cool that your kids care that much about each other.

Anonymous said...

Holy crow, what a wonderful girl Lexi is. I'm so very glad everyone is okay.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that girlie being a hero tonight! Thank God she's okay--what a nightmare for you all!!

As for the worst mother in the world guilt, stop that!

~Hugs and thankful prayers Lexi is okay!!

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! Way to go Lexi. You really are a hero. :)

Boy Mom said...

First, you're a great parent! Only a great parent raises a heroin who will grab her little brother at her own peril.
Second, it's so weird how the ER trips never take place when you've come home from a night out and are still in your really hot little black dress, the one that takes off 10 pounds and/or 10 years. I've been to the ER in a swimsuit which did not take off 10 anythings, PJ's, sweaty gym clothes. Just once I'd like to have make-up on.

Glad everything is OK!

Anonymous said...

Dawn--So glad to hear that Lexi is okay. Don't be so hard on obviously raised your kids well enough that Lexi knew that she had to get Clayton out of the way of that door. Keep your chin up.

Anonymous said...

Bless your heart! These kinds of things happen so quickly...just today I had a "heart stopping" moment with my son (who happens to be a Jackson- great name!) and though it was all fine and dandy and nothing at all actually did happen, I was reminded how so much can happen in a split second.

I am so glad to hear that Lexi is doing well. That was SO sweet and brave of her to want to save her brother. Seriously- I am tearing up here.

Brenda said...

((((((((hugs)))))))Dawn. You are a wonderful mother. Accidents happen to everyone. I'm so glad your babies are ok.

Heather's Haven said...

God love you Dawn. You are not super mom, you cannot be everywhere at once. Good job, Lexi for saving your brother. And good job GOD for saving Lexi for any major harm. Hope tomorrow is less eventful.

Anonymous said...

Come here girl .....

(((((Hugs))))) Pats on back..
Kiss on cheek
Large rum and coke.
Key lime pie


You are a great mom. Period!!

disconnect your door opener until Brooklyn starts high school.

Thank you Lord for keeping an eye on Lexi.

Anonymous said...

awww, the last part made me cry....such a brave little girl..

Anonymous said...

Dawn cut yourself some slack and enjoy a "hero" brownie also! You are a great mom to some extremely creative children! Lexi~ WTG supergirl, If I lived closer I add chocolate chips and frosting to those brownies. You Rock!

Anonymous said...

First of all, NO YOU'RE NOT!! (But you might want to consider a garage door upgrade now!)

My daughter was watching my reaction as I was reading and wanted to know what happened. I told her Lexi got hurt saving her brother from the garage door hitting his head, she said, "That would have been worser! He could have lost his mind!"

Lexi truly is a hero! What a great sister. My two kids are right about the same ages--my daughter's 7 and my son just turned 4. So scary! Your other kids did great, too.

amylouwhosews said...

Isn't it nice to know they really do like each other?

I'm the worst mother ever. I stopped the shopping cart with my 2 year old in the back to get her to sit down and she fell out onto her back onto the cold hard Target floor. Totally my fault. Totally lucky she was okay.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Greater love hath no sibling than this, that a sister lay down her life for her brother.

What a lucky boy Clay is to have such a caring and wonderful sister!

Mom's cannot be everywhere. That's why they have daughters.


Anonymous said...

This brought tears to my eyes. I can't imagine how scared you must have felt at the possibilities of what almost happened to Clay and what could be wrong with Lexi. Thank the Lord that both are okay. Lexi is a hero. What a wonderful, loving, and brave sister.

I know how guilty you must feel but try and forgive yourself. As much as we joke that we have eyes in the back of our heads, we don't. We can watch them like a hawk and bad stuff can still happen. Or we can trust we know where they are at and what they are doing and before you know it, they are so fast and have gone and done something to get hurt. There are a lot of bad mothers in the world and you certainly are not one of them. I don't know the details but we all make mistakes (not saying you did). I can't tell you how many times one of my kids got hurt and I felt responsible for not doing this or that even if there wasn't anything I could have done, I still had the guilt. That's our job; to love and protect, right? So when they get hurt because of the love part the "I should have this and I should have that" comes out. This was a terrible "accident" that luckily turned out okay. I'm sure something will be learned from it - we now know Lexi is a hero and Clay needs to be locked up (just kidding). But seriously I had to child proof my home for my third child literally 100 X more than the other two needed. He's now almost four and we still call him "trouble". I could totally picture him doing something like this.

I'm so happy they are both okay. Thank you for sharing this story when you didn't have to. Because you had the courage to share you will put this situation on the radar of other parents (who may not even have the button up high). My door has the sensors but I don't want my kids to get out without me knowing so now I'm thinking about the "button" location.

God Bless.

Kalynne Pudner said...

Dawn, you know you can't be everywhere. That's what guardian angels are for. And heroic siblings. Celebrate Lexi, and no more guilt now, y'hear?

Living In Green Jeans said...

Lexi is a hero and you are a great mom, we can't be in every spot at every moment and it sounds like your children stepped up, you must be doing so much right as they figured out how to help free her and Lexi was willing to save her brother, you obviously are doing a fantastic job. I am glad Lexi is ok.

Anonymous said...

I have tears streaming down my face as I am reading this. Thank God that Lexi is ok! She truly is a hero to save Clay. And you are not a bad mom. Kids do things that they shouldn't all the time. My hubby is an ER doctor and beleive me he could tell you stories about bad mothers and you don't even come close to qualifying. Are you breathing steadily yet?

Anonymous said...

I am glad that both kids are ok. Lexi was thinking quickly to get Clay out of the way.

Don't be so hard on yourself. It happens to every parent at some point.

Anonymous said...

awww.. Your a great mommy!
I can't imagine what went through your head that that moment! Poor Lexi. I'm glad she is ok. and I bet Clay doesn't try that again! WOW.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy that both of the kids are okay. You tell Lexi she's my hero too!!! I just about cried when she said she had to save her brother!

Anonymous said...

Well God bless Lexie!! For a kid to risk herself to save her brother... She's quite the brave hero.

Dawn, don't blame yourself in any way. Kids do kid things - including dumb things that put themselves & others into danger. You can't be there everything single second. We recently had a tramatic event here. My son's best friend rolled our go-cart over & broke his arm. My hubby blames himself...he was there, but didn't prevent the boys from bringing out the go-cart when they had a guest, and he didn't make them slow down. I was at the grocery store when it happened, ...wished I had stayed home. BUT Hind sight is 20/20.
So give your kids an extra hug, count your blessings it wasn't a tragedy, and hopefully it scared the rest of the kids so they will never touch that button again.

Keren said...

You're up to at leat two pregnant moms in tears from your story (not to mention the story about the woman who left her toddler in the car). Scary stuff. Mostly because I think we all realize how easily these things can happen to any of us... I think I'm going to go make some brownies too...

Stephanie said...

Wow! What an ordeal! You are not a bad parent. Things happen. Thankfully it was not worse. What a sweetie you have! Also, I'm glad I'm not the only one who stays in her jammies till I absolutely must change.

Anonymous said...

don't you dare think you are a bad parent!! unless you want to be glued to those children's behinds 24 hours a day, sometimes bad things will happen! and truly, you could have been 10 feet away and it still could have happened. take it as a compliment to you and your husband that your kids worked together to help each other! and thank God that she is ok!!! i think maybe you might need a few of those brownies too...

Anthony Baker said...

I don't think you are a horrible parent. If you were a horrible parent then Lexi would have held Clay under the door! You are an awesome parent for raising such an awesome kid!

Amanda said...

Dawn, you are not a bad parent. If anything you have taught your kids how to look out for each other, just think of how Lexi reacted and then the others to rescue her. You had done everything right by putting the button up high. Kids will always find a way, no matter what you do. Everyone is OK and you have a bunch of children that are totally there for each other and, despite the grumbling you do about the stupid things they do, when it is needed they have amazing brains and reaction times and problem solving abilities!

Anonymous said...

I think the fact that you're raising a daughter as totally selfless as Lexi goes to show that you're not the "worst mother ever." :-) Seriously, you should be so proud of your daughter (I know you are) and proud of YOURSELF. Life happens, accidents happen, nobody is terrible. Go enjoy those brownies! I'm glad you're all healthy!

EmilytheCreative said...

I hope she continues to feel better. And you, my dear, are not a bad parent. Kids will be kids and they will eventually get hurt. How I see it you are a good parent because you taught your kids to take care of each other. That can only be learned by them seeing you do it yourself. Now go have a hero brownie with your wonderful daughter!


Anonymous said...

I'm balling my eyes out and I'm not pregnant nor do I have kids.

You arent a bad mom! But maybe now would be a good time to get one of the ones that do bounce back?

Anonymous said...

You, Dawn, are FAR from what I would call the 'worst mom ever'. Try not to be so hard on yourself. Everyone is ok and that is truly all that matters. You are a fine fine mother.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't read ALL of the comments so sorry if I'm redundant but as a mother of only two, I know I can't be everywhere at all times, so as a mother of six, I can only imagine how tough it is. You are a great mom, look how well you taught Lexi. Have a brownie yourself. You deserve it too.

Anonymous said...

you know very well you cannot be everywhere at once. if you had been in the garage watching them something else could have happened inside the house and you would have said the same thing. i'm glad she is ok and what a great sister for saving her brother!

Anonymous said...

A bad parent would not have children who would willingly rescue their siblings. A bad parent would not rush their child to the hospital after said accident. A bad parent would not make hero brownies. A bad parent would not beat herself up over this or any accident. So in my eyes you are definitely NOT a bad parent. Thank God they are all ok. And please, please get a new garage door. One less thing for you to worry about.

Rebekah D. said...

I'm so glad Lexi is O.K. How frightening for all of you. You are NOT a bad mom. I only have three kids, and I still had my 3-year-old turning over my 2-month-old's bouncy seat face-down onto the concrete floor - with her in it! - today, while I had stepped inside for literally 15 seconds! I don't know how she didn't get hurt, but that was one of those moments that I had to send my 3-year-old to his room so I wouldn't hurt him myself.
It is physically impossible for one Mom to be in six places at once. Accidents will happen. It's not your fault. I think you're a great mom, and your ability to find humor in situations that would dissolve me into tears is inspirational. Give yourself a break and Lexi another hug.

Anonymous said...

Dawn Meehan -- you STOP that right now! You are NOT an "awful, negligent parent"!

Clay was just being a kid and Lexi, bless her little heart, was looking out for her bro. Then, to top it off, the calvary jumped in to save the day. You do realize that you and Joe have raised ALL of these wonderful, thoughtful, caring children, right??? How could that be considered awful and negligent?? Stop being so hard on yourself! You're a great, wonderful, nurturing, caring, loving, FUNNY Mom who can't be everywhere at once!

Have a brownie for me and hug all of your little heroes, too!


Donna in PA :)

Michelle said...

Ohhhh freaky freaky freaky!

These are the things that I'm so worried about with the wee ones -- the things where you wouldn't dream of having to make a rule about them (really, should I have to explain that Goji berries don't go in your nose or that a bar of soap is a bad thing to put inside your bottom?).

I'm SO glad to hear that Lexi (and Clay for that matter!) are ok. Has Joe replaced the garage door yet?

Higgins Family said...

I think everyone else spoke for me. (And if there were any negative comments I hope you delete them!) Any parent knows exactly where you are and what you're feeling today. You and Lexi are my heros!

Anonymous said...

Active kids----active busy boys-- I have one of those. My 12-year-old was playing football and tried to jump over a chain fence, missed, and smacked down on the cement on Saturday---he broke his arm in 2 places. When he came home to show me his totally deformed arm I thought I was going to flip out, but remained rather calm.
ER trips are no fun ESPECIALLY when they zip you back quickly like that and start whipping out the ultrasound. They did that for my son too because they could not feel a pulse in his broken arm.
I'm only 35, but think I got a few gray hairs that night.
Again, active boys brings injuries. Curious active boys---ahhhh. Don't be too hard on yourself. You tried to prevent this accident and the little guy used a broom--classic!
I'm so glad everybody is okay. The big lesson learned is that with all the chaos going on---your kids were there for each other. That is an amazing parent in my book!

Anonymous said...

You are not a bad mom. You may have saved me from some trouble. We just bought a house with the same type of garage door opener. I hadn't thought too much about it because my daughter is 14, but we did have some friends over on Sunday and their kids pressed the garage door opener thinking it was a doorbell. I think that you and I need a trip to SEARS!
You are not a bad mom. A bad mom is my daughter's birthmother who put cocaine and alcohol into her developing body while she was still in the womb. That's a bad mom.

Kyddryn said...

No, sugar, you're not a bad mum.

Now you know your children recognize an emergency and can pull together to act as a team when they need to. They've had a graphic lesson in why they aren't supposed to play with that button or the door, and your daughter has two of the coolest pictures a kid can have for her scrapbook.

I am glad that everyone is OK. Take two brownies and try not to stay up all night fretting about what is past.

Shade and Sweetwater,

FoxMcLeod said...

Wow. Today I was at the pool (in the fenced-in kiddie part w/ my 10 mos old) talking to a mom of TEN!! While we were talking, her 3 1/2 year old escaped while she was watching the newborn under an umbrella, the 2 year old splashing us and the five year old harassing the 2 year old. Seriously!
Next thing we know, the life guard whistle is screaming and the little 3 1/2 year old boy was jumping into the pool by himself. I was so startled I lost grip on my dare devil 10 mos. old and she went in face-first.

You are NOT a bad mom. You're awesome. We are not infallible. That's what God's mercy and grace is for, right?!

Stephanie said...

What a cool kid! She is absolutely a hero!

Don't be so hard on yourself (easier said than done!). These wacky things happen, and we feel so guilty, but honestly, crazy things just happen, whether we're around or not. You're a great mommy!

Mrs. Schmitty said... scary. Lexi is an absolute hero and a trooper!! Don't beat yourself up, these things happen!

Anonymous said...

Don't ever think you are a bad parent! You share so much with us all the time, about your family, your faith, your church, your kids! If anyone reading your blog can't see the love between the lines of the text, then they are blind. You, missy, are one heck of a mom. Don't you ever forget that! (P.S. we did Power Lab at our church, too . . . Lexi, Jesus gave you the power to help others AND be brave! AHA!)

Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] said...

You're amazing on EVERY level.

You are NOT Wonder Woman, as much as your evil twin wants you to believe.

Unknown said...

That last paragraph made me cry!

You are not a bad parent!! You are like every one of us!

While on vacation my 1 year old got 4 different goose eggs, scratches, bruises and cuts on her face. She looked like she was beaten. IT WAS HORRIBLE! I made myself sick over the biggest one. I felt horrible.

We are human. We are parents. We cannot be there every single moment.

You are a great mom!

Unknown said...

Wow- this post brought tears to my I eyes. I am so happy Lexi is ok- but please don't feel guilty. I can totally relate though- on the still in the pajamas thing when accidents happen....I (accidentally) shut the door on my toddlers fingers when still in my pajamas. His hand was fine, but I still feel horrible about that. It seems like no matter what we do right, something bad still happens. It is so hard being a mom!

Anonymous said...

Scary, and glad things are alright. I hope Clay learned a lesson from this.

Anonymous said...

Dawn - stop feeling guilty right this minute! As EVERYONE else has said, you cannot be everywhere at once or anticipate every boneheaded move a kid might come up with. You are obviously an amazing mom who has raised loving and caring siblings!

I have 3 kids, ages 8, 13, & 15. When the 8 year old was 2, he was on a little ride-on dragon in our driveway (which slopes down toward the garage doors). I looked away for a minute to respond to his older sister and looked back to find his face covered in blood. One of the front wheels hit a small pebble and caused the toy to stop and he went flying over the top and did a face plant in the driveway. Falling knocked his 2 top front teeth up into his gums, cut the inside of his mouth and generally made him look like the losing boxer in a championship match. Two ERs (local and Children's Hospital), a pediatric dentist and 6 hours later, he was home safe and sound. I was right there and it still happened.

I'm so happy that everyone is doing well. Hug your wonderful, quick-thinking daughter and take a deep breath. Tomorrow will be better!

Anonymous said...

You are NOT a bad mom. It is natural to blame yourself, but you can't be with all 6 every second. And the whole hero thing, who do you think instilled those qualities in your daughter? You did with your guidance, your faith, and your example. All of us are hugging our kids tighter tonight and checking on them an extra half a dozen more times while they sleep. And maybe, just maybe you having the courage to share this story has reminded someone who reads it to replace their garage door with a safer type. It all worked out. Breath, just breath-- your babies are okay.

majikfaerie said...

so glad she is okay! what a full-on thing to happen!
and anyone who says you're neglectful is a dumb dummy poopoo head. you cant watch even 1 kid 24/7
how would you like to come over and we'll chill out with my tia maria and leave the kids with the DH's. i've got a big chocolate cake and we'll be laughing about this later ;)

Feisty Irish Wench said...

So sorry this happened to you guys. It makes for a craptacular day all around.
At the very least if you can't get the new garage door opener, have the handy husband visit the electrical dept at Home Depot and get the outdoor power outlet cover. There's one that is essentially a giant hinged bubble. Install it over the garage door switch and at least slow the buggers down when they dig a broom out to hit it. And since Clay loves the broom so much, maybe he can be in charge of sweeping the kitchen, garage, driveway, sidewalks, patio and whatever else needs sweeping for a while. Brooms are for sweeping, not playing chicken with the garage door.

Anonymous said...

i've always been freaked by those garage doors. we don't have them in germany and i'm glad we don't.

really glad your family is doing ok and that lexi didn't get hurt. she is a hero! hope her brother can appreciate that ;-)

give her a huge ice cream!!!


Anonymous said...

Dawn, we are all just mom's doing the best with what we are given. You are not a bad mother. You love them each with all your heart. Hold her close it was a close one but Lexi is ok thank God. I was crying reading you message. Just think what a wonderful little mother you are raising in Lexi already putting her own life in danger for her brother. You are right she is totally a hero!

None of our kids would be better if we really could put them in a nice safe bubble as much as our mother hearts would like to.


Anonymous said...

Brave girl - I'm glad all was ok and your not a bad parent unfortunately these things happen.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet girl for wanting to save her borther! And what a great mom for raising kids who care so much about each other!

Dawn S

Anonymous said...

Don't you dare blame yourself for what happened! Accidents will happen, especially with children nomatter how careful you are. Lexi is a true hero for saving Clay, and your other children were very quick to act too, they did everything just right.
Thank God she's not hurt bad.
Bless you all

Anonymous said...

Wow! How scary! I'm glad that Lexi is ok, and Clay is fine as well. Give her an extra big hug from me.

Then take a deep breath. My father, after I had children, told me that sometimes their guardian angels show up for overtime. I think that's what happened today. Thank your lucky starts they were there, get a garage door opener installed that will automatically raise if it hits anything (the cost is worth your piece of mind - your kids are creative), give Lexi the hero-worshipping that she deserves and move on with your life. Just don't forget.

Big hugs Dawn. I still think you're a good mother.

Hoffman Family said...

Accidents happen. This by all means makes you a bad parent. I think we ALL are glad things turned out well. Funny how kids fight with each other - then turn around to 'save' one another...wonderful!

Unknown said...

How scary! I'm glad that everyone is OK.

A new garage door opener is under $200, which is probably less than what your ER visit cost (and definitely less than the value of a child's life). Please consider getting one with that important safety feature. Here's one:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad she wasn't seriously injured. And you're not a bad mother. You're an amazing mom who obviously raised her kids right.

Shawna Lee Coronado said...

Follow the advice and get a safer door - ASAP!

Meanwhile, since Lexi officially saved Clay's life, this means, of course, that Clay OWES Lexi. :-) Perhaps this means Lexi has a ticket for a good couple of months of no naughty behavior from Clay in exchange for the glorious saving of his life?

Nicole M, Delaware said...

I had 3 kids in 3 years- NO twins. When the middle was 2 years old he broke his arm jumping off the couch. When I picked him up b/c I was so scared of the way he landed, he floundered around and fell- causing the fracture to turn into a clean break. Talk about guilt! I think I cried more than he did. My wonderful husband started making jokes about my parenting the next day (completely in jest) and years later the story has changed into his jokes.
However, I am betting you will occasionally have the 'flash' of Lexi under the door as I have of my son falling out of my arms. Mother's guilt- it is a horrible thing that never seems to go away!

Anonymous said...

Dawn don't beat yourself up. When my son was 5 he dropped the swingset on his head. I paniced misdialed 911. By the time the ambulance got there I was a mess. He is now 16 and perfectly fine. He likes to brag about his scar though. Typical boy!!
Be proud of the great kids you have raised. To be selfless for one another is a wonderful trait.

Lorene Martins
Perry, KS

Katina Sharp said...

The fact that your children are willing to get hurt to help another one of them suggests that you are NOT a horrible parent. Unless your kids travel like litle ducklings, you can't be with all of them at the same time, and accidents happen. Bless you and your children.

Irishmama said...

Hugs to you and Lexi today!

Heather said...

You are a great momma! You did all the right things in face of crisis. I have 4 boys and we always have some sort of crisis going on around here -- and most of the time we come thru it a little bit more knowledgeable! Am grateful the kidlets are okay and have another valuable lesson learned. Remember - you are only one person, and as a parent you truly are doing the best you can!

And as another reader put it - I bet said door gets redone so that it doesn't crush things under it!

Rene' Preston (Cervantes) said...

Ok, I'm in tears now!! What a completely self-less act for Lexi to do. WOW!! Dawn instead of beating yourself up, look at the fruit of your labor and how well you've trained your daughter to look out for her younger siblings!! Incredible!! She did exactly what her mom would have done if in the same situation. Good Job parenting!! I pray Lexi is feeling better this morning.

Anonymous said...

Totally teared up now! Our garage door is a total source of fear for me anyway only because I went to leave once and the spring snapped and it dropped so hard and fast, anyone would have been crushed under it. I always make my 3 year old stand at my feet while I am opening and closing it. No idea what I'll do when they can reach the button! Hopefully, they'll still be super afraid of the door!! WTG Lexi for being a super hero!!!

Anonymous said...

What a harrowing experience! Lexi was quite a quick thinker to get Clay out of the way. I'm so sad that she got hurt in the process though. You're not a bad mother. Things happen. What matters is that both Lexi and Clay are okay and there was no permanent damage to either of them. Give Lexi a hug for me. The little hero deserves it!

MaBunny said...

OMG Dawn, you are soooo not a bad mom!!! We can't prevent every accient in our childs lives. YOu had no idea what your little man was planning and Lexi is a hero no doubt! I'm very happy to hear no permanent trauma.
Yea your kids may drive u nuts a bit, but they sound like good people to me! You and Joe are doing somthing right!

Darla said...


Accidents happen.... even when your right there. When my oldest who is now 5 was less than a year old she walked across a floor furnace that was in the living room/kitchen doorway in the house we were living at. It burnt her feet severily and I felt really awful because I was just at the kitchen sink when it happened not even two feet from her! I also had a couple other kids there that I was baby sitting and none of them tried to help my daughter. So in my eyes Lexi is a hero! She was so brave and so awesome in rescuing Clay! Give her a big hug for me! I almost cried reading your blog about what happened. I'm glad she's ok... When that happened to my daughter she was just learning to walk and was walking with a toy that helped her stand up as she pushed it so luckily she didn't fall and wasn't burnt worse... Today you can look at her feet all you want and you won't find a single scar! That's why I say accidents happen! I have 3 kids and I can't stay right on top of all of them constantly so I know there is no possible way you could do it with 6! I don't think your a bad parent... after all... your only human... and no matter how much us mothers like to think we're "super mom" none of us really are.

Anonymous said...

For about $300 you can have a new code-compliant garage door opener installed with all NECESSARY safety switches. For God's Sake and the sake of your children and their friends and any pets you might have - get it done!!! You know something like this will happen again! You can't be there to rescue and protect them every minute but your garage door in it's current condition actually COULD kill one of them - I am NOT joking. I will be in Chicago over Labor Day - if you absolutely can not afford to fix this then I will gladly come to your house and do it for you. Again - I am NOT joking! from Sparkle

Anonymous said...

You're not a bad mother. You can't possibly be everywhere all the time.

However, perhaps it really is time to start thinking about getting that garage door opener replaced with one that has better safety features. It'll save you from worry and you won't have to make emergency trips to the ER, at least, not for garage door accidents. ;)

Roni said...

Hi Dawn, I know its been a while since I last left a comment, but I couldn't go today without saying something. You are not a bad parent at all. Accidents do and will happen no matter where you are. I am just so glad they are ok.. Tell Clay to leave the stunts on TV until you can get him into stunt training classes... and Savannah.. give her a hug and smooch.. She really is a hero looking out for her brother.. You shouldn't feel bad... you should feel so proud that they look out for each other...

On another note... the kids are so lucky to have such a wonderful fun loving, and hilarious mom.

Robin said...

What a day! And I'm sure I'm repeating what many of the previous comments have already said but it needs said again....don't be so hard on yourself. We as parents can't be there to anticipate every accident and injury that may happen to our children. Now if you were to offer your children illegal drugs or leave your loaded gun sitting on the end table then I would say you deserve to be called a bad parent. Please tell Lexi what a hero she is and that I'm proud of her!

Anonymous said...

I'll add my admonitions not to beat yourself up. Stuff happens even when we're watching. I think the fact that your kids worked so well together in a time of crisis is a sign of good parenting. Hopefully, this will be a lesson to the kids not to play with the garage door again. Maybe it's time for a new garage door opener, though. :) I hope everyone is feeling much better this morning.

Mark and Abbie's blog said...

Definitely not a bad parent. I've had guilt trip after guilt trip because I wasn't cloned and could be there when someone fell or jumped off of something or crushed their fingers or swallowed camping fluid (wait I was there but didn't know that's what happened until after). So, if you're a bad parent, then we all are. It'd be nice if we could clone ourselves or just corral them all into one little cage (I mean room).

Anonymous said...

You are not a bad parent! You are doing an excellent job. Look at what Lexi did for her brother! You are teaching them to love one another and to look out for each other! And they are doing it!!!Stuff happens and you deal with it well. God bless you all!

Anita in Indiana

PS Are you sharing those brownies? I need a few myself! ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Lexi and Clay are ok. I would have been so hysterical I couldn't function.

You are not a terrible mother-I think you're a great one! Give all your kids extra hugs and don't be so hard on yourself! :)

Unknown said...

OMG i'm so glad that they're both safe...Lexi is an awesome sister to have saved her brother like tell Joe its time for a new garage

Vicki said...

Oh please...I'm crying because of the last bit of your post. Kids will be kids and things happen. We can't be with them all the time. Don't beat yourself up so much. Your a great Mother and Lexi is a great friend and sister.

jerilynne said... are my hero for having 6 kids and still having a sense of humor...i'm raising 4 by myself and people look at us crazy cause we are always laughing and making jokes..they think i should be sad..whatever...and miss lexi did an awesome job..she's my hero son has add/adhd and we are on a first name basis at our local{hole in the wall} hospital..the doctor calls my son "paycheck" he knows as long as we live here he will have i'm the bad mom not you!

girldawg said...

Glad to hear both kids are okay. What a big girl Lexi is!

You don't even have to put in a whole new door, you can just install a sensor pack for about $50.

Anonymous said...

Things happen. You're not the worst mom. In fact, you must be a pretty great mom to raise a group of kids that are willing to help each other out, even risking their lives for each other. That story brought tears to my eyes.

My worst mom moment: Walking into the living room to find my 7 month old sucking on a razor!

Tonya said...

I just watched your video on 5M4M and had to stop by. That sounds so scary. I'm glad she is ok and what a brave girl to save her brother like that. But man so scary. Don't feel bad kids can get hurt like that with us right there watching. Just ask my 3 yr old that took a head dive off a planter at the park, yesterday. It must be something about Monday :) I was right there watching and he still hit his head on the cement.

Anonymous said...

My son tried to go under the closing door when he was about 2. I thought he was coming in with his Dad. I nearly had a break down. It completed freaked me out.

I also tripped while putting the door down and had to roll out from under the garage door in an Indiana Jones roll. My garage was like yours. It freaked me out.

Now we have moved and don't have a garage. Once less thing to worry about.

I am VERY glad Lexi is okay. Try to have a quiet Tuesday.


Anonymous said...


You obviously taught the kids that that door was dangerous or Lexi wouldn't have known it would hurt Clay. You can't be everywhere all the time, but you did your job of teaching them the dangers. Lexi is such a brave girl - she acted quickly instead of freezing up, and you taught her that, too. When you've got little ones, accidents are bound to happen! You've obviously done a good job with all of your kids.

Anonymous said...

*Tear* what an awesome big sister!!! And kuddos to the ones who helped her. You are a wonderful mom Dawn.... they did the right thing, and they had to learn that from somewhere. Glad to hear no real injuries.

Anonymous said...

Eight months preggers and also a little teary. You must be so proud of Lexi. What a great big sis! My 4-year old does crazy stuff ALL the time. We've been there, and things simply happen in a super quick minute. You are a great Mom. Don't beat yourself up too hard. Hugs to you too...

Anonymous said...


What would you say to your friend if she relayed that story to you?

Stuff happens?
You can't be everywhere all the time?
Blaming yourself gets you nothing but a stomach ache?

K. Now go to the mirror and say those things to yourself.

Go on... ::: nudge nudge :::

To Lexi: You rock for saving your little brother!
To Clay: :::forehead flick::: Quit bein' a mischievous mini-McGuyver! :-)

Valerie said...

So scary and so sweet - what a selfless act. We have the same garage door issues so you just hit on one of my biggest fears.

The Gang's Momma! said...

No criticism from this corner - accidents like that can happen to any of us. Blessings to you all while you "recover" from the scare. And give Lexi a big hug - she's got the makings of a super mom inside her brave heart :)

Rick said...

"I didn't want Clayton to die. I had to save him." Lexi acted just like Jesus.

Amanda said...

No, I'm the worst mom ever! Me, Me Me! Most girls say so, so it can't be you!

That is soooo totally something my kids would do if we had a garage door. They figure out things like that to do all the time. They have been known to go out and get in the car in the driveway without my knowledge. They go out to dad's workshop where all kinds af evil machinery lurks. It is just by the grace of God they all make it out alive each day. And I sooooo totally would have been in my jammies, and probably wouldn't have even changed to go to the hospital. I am such a bad mom that I might not have thought to even take my kid to the ER. I'd have said "oh suck it up, you'll be fine."
Think of it this way. The mom's who worry so much about whether they are bad moms are usually the best ones!!!

Anonymous said...

You are not a bad mom. You cannot possibly watch every child 24/7. Its just not physically possible.

Lexi.. you should be SO proud of yourself! You're a wonderful sister :)

Amber said...

You are NOT an awful parent. I'm so glad everything turned out okay!

Janet said...

Of course you're not a terrible mother. You're a wonderful mother. You have 6 children and haven't killed any of them yet. You can't watch them every second, and you certainly couldn't have anticipated Clay doing something like that. Although I probably would have beat his butt with that broom handle, but that's my issue.

kmorales4 said...

What a beautiful ending to what must have been a horrific day. You go bake those hero brownies for that girl. She deserves them. Heck, so do you, but please don't let Clay have any. He should be punished for pulling a stunt like that and taught that those kind of games can cause a child's death. So NO BROWNIES FOR YOU MISTER.

BTW, you are most definitely NOT a bad parent. I thank Jesus that your children weren't hurt, but accidents like that can happen to anyone. I'm glad it wasn't worse than it was.

Rosie : ) said...

Accidents will happen, even if you were there. Hwo many stitches have you been through yet with your kids? ;) Out of the 7 of mine, we've had two sets of stitches, one crushed hand. There have been a few close-calls for stitches, but sometimes putting a butterfly band-aid was enough. Only two of those were at school, under tacher supervision, so apparently, it doesn't just happen at home. :)

Don't beat yourself up over it, guilt involves intention. You did *not* intentionally wish for your child to do something silly like that (he is a boy, and you raised a good daughter who wanted to help her brother. No bad intentions in that!

I am very happy for the way it truned out and it was probably a learning experience for the other kids. I doubt they'll be trying that again. :)

Anonymous said...

The concensus seems to be that you are definitely not a bad mother, and I have to agree. Good heavens! I had enough of a time with only 2 children! But I do have to say that there's one in every family and Clay seems to be yours. God bless you all. Extra hero brownies all 'round.

Anonymous said...

Ohmygosh! I can't even imagine how scary that must have been for all of you! What a wonderful sister Lexi is. That just goes to show what a GREAT mom you are; you've taught your kids to watch out for each other. ((((big hug))) Don't be so hard on yourself!

AlaneM said...

Dawn, DONT beat yourself up (although I totally would too) it was an accident & you can't predict the future!

Did Clay learn a lesson? I'll bet he was freaked out too, prolly good for him a lil bit.

Please tell Lexi I am so proud of her! What an amazing kid to put herself in that danger - she didn't think about that though did she...just worried about her brother. Give her a hug from a fan in WA will ya?

PTL everything turned out ok - another example of how He has you in His hands eh?

Anonymous said...

I check your blog every day, so I feel like I know your family. I am so very GLAD that she is ok. Please don't blame yourself, how on earth were you to know what would happen. It was an accident, and they are both ok. You are far from a bad mom.

Andrea S in MI

Cookie said...

Glad to hear she's ok! Did she share a brownie with Clay?

Anonymous said...

Dawn, I am glad everyone has been supportive. As awful as you feel, it is nice to know that other folks have had similar experience and do not judge you.

I will share my "worst mom ever" story. When my Austin (now 7) was 3 years old, he gashed his forehead 3 different times in one summer. He was playing with a balloon the first time and trying to keep it in the air, spun to hit it and fell into the edge of the oval coffee table and split a place right above his eyebrow. I was 2 feet away and couldn't stop it from happening. We just about got that one healed up and he was running from his brother at Grandmas and turned a corner that has pointed chair rail and smacked his forehead into the corner and split another spot. About a month later, he was getting into his jammies and lost his balance and hit his face on the corner of his bookshelf. Again, I was right there, but it happened so fast I could not stop it. Those face cuts bleed like nobody's business. I was so paranoid, I started taping cushions onto the corners of any edges he could bump into and get hurt. It was a difficult summer for him, but 4 years later I can say, that is the worst 3 injuries he has sustained. Sometimes bad stuff happens, but thank God, kids are resilient. My son has faint scars beside his eye, on his forehead and just above one eyebrow. He likes his scars, but I still remember how my heart stopped each time they happened.

Thank God Lexi was a hero and saved her brother. Thank God HE protected her from major harm. Thank God those children helped each other and responded quickly....Thank God you still have 6 beautiful, healthy, intelligent children. Now, give yourself a break from all the verbal abuse and take your new van to the Home Depot to buy that new sensor type door opener!!!!

Unknown said...

Big hugs from J-town. I'm glad Lexie and Clay are ok. Try not to be so hard on yourself, we do our best, it's all we can do. I keep telling my kids that.

Annaberri said...

I hope Clay gets Lexi's chores for at least a month. Does he feel bad that he tried that and landed her in the hospital?
You are a good mom, and back in the day, all doors were like that.
How about a new garage door, though? I have no idea how much they are...
Yikes! I hate that feeling in the pit of your stomach!

Anonymous said...

I am in tears just reading that, how scary!!! I am sooo happy that she was not seriously injured. Quit beating yourself up, and be happy you still have all 6 kids in one piece!! I have 3 kids and have a hard time keeping track of them so I give you credit for keeping up 6!!!

Autumn said...

How incredibly frightening!!! ((((DAWN))))

And Lexi, sweetie, you are one heck of a hero!! Way to go! You are an AWESOME big sister!!!! You deserve a whole batch of brownies!!! (though, do give your mom one ;) )

Turtles In Northern Florida said...

I dont think I have the time to write how many times Ive felt like the worst mom ever. But the bottom line is that you arent the worst mom. Accidents happen and there is no way you can be everywhere. You are a good mom.

Anonymous said...

You are NOT the worst mother ever! You are not even close! Don't feel so bad; it was an accident, there was no lasting harm, and I think that all of your children will be more wary of the garage door now, huh? You did the right thing by taking her to the emergency room and by putting the button up high in the first place. And Lexi is definitely a hero. It's amazing, what people are willing to do for those they love.

Kristen said...

YOu are a great mom! I have been drilling into my 8 year old son that he needs to come running for a grown up when he sees another child get hurt. he just stands there frozen!

Anonymous said...

Dawn, with six kids to watch, it's not humanly possible to be there every time something happens to one of them. You're a good mother, and you've obviously instilled in your kids the idea that they need to watch out for each other when you're not there. Lexi and Jackson both used their quick thinking skills to save the day, and they wouldn't have those skills if it hadn't been for you. You're doing a great job. I admire you every time I read your blog. You're amazing, Dawn!

Anonymous said...

My mother's heart is breaking for amazingly scary. But how amazingly wonderful is Lexi! Way To Go, Girl!

Anonymous said...

Dawn, what an awful fright! Thank God all is well. M-mm brownies!;) You are a great Mom. I only had three and had this experience: My oldest, then 10, had a bike accident requiring stitches on his chin. A week later, while loading the crew in the car to go get his stitches taken out, my 3 year old decided to walk on the stone wall that surrounded our yard and fell and split his head open. So while the oldest was in getting his stitches out the youngest was getting his first stitches. (He was so proud) A week later, while loading up the gang to go and get the stitches out, Mr. 3 year old got up on the wall again and - you guessed it - another busted head wound requiring more stitches. When I tried to tell the doctor what happened I just burst into tears. The doctor's response? He laughed. By then I had learned there's a law written somewhere about kids doing the exact opposite of what you tell them, so the following week I told Mr. 3 year old to go out and run on the wall so the nurses at his doctor's office would have something to talk about. When I got to the car he was sitting in the back seat trying to fasten his seatbelt. Go 'figger'? These kids are 31 and 38 now. Motherhood is timeless.

Jessi said...

Dawn, you're not a bad mom. Accidents happen. Even when you think you've got the bases covered. Thank god she got Clay out and is ok. I teared up at the end about not wanting Clay to die. What a brave girl and what quick thinking children you have! Very lucky bunch. Maybe you guys can look into the garage opener with the sensors? Ours came installed with that type and it's saved our trash can and run away toddler. Don't feel bad. Everything turned out ok. We all do the best we can.

Anonymous said...

Darn that Indiana Jones!!! Kids will be kids though!! Everyone has something tramatic at sometime. What a great family you are to rush to her and because of that everyone is okay! Give yourself a pat on the back, you deserve it. And maybe everyone should get some hero brownies, they all were heroes!!

Kaye said...

You are certainly NOT a horrible mom. If you were, you would not have raised such caring children that they would risk themselves for their siblings. I know that hindsight makes you ask yourself why you weren't there, but you honestly can't be at all places at all times...and with all of the kids, they are bound to be here and there and not together, so what are you to do?

Seriously, I know you were terrified, as any WONDERFUL mom would be, but everything is okay. Praise God she is fine and everyone has learned not to play with the garage door.

At the end of the day, it's all okay. And you are a great mom.

Shari said...

Oh Dawn: I am crying because you think you are the worst mother ever and that Lexi wanted to save her brother. Hon, that could have happened to any one of us. You obviously have taught your children right because she was quick thinking trying to save Clay. And look how Jackson and Savannah responded. Please be EASY on yourself! Plus, you can't have your eye on six kids 24/7. It's impossible. I am glad they are both safe and you need a big bubble bath! Take care! You are one amazing Mommy and that's why I continue returning to this blog!

Anonymous said...

Just another person dropping in to tell you that you are NOT a bad mom. Look at it this way: You went 13 (?) years without this happening. And on the plus side, you have obviously taught your children compassion for others.

Accidents happen. Kids will be kids, boys will be boys, etc. There is no way you could have known Clay would decide to use a broom handle to prod the garage door opener. That's not to say Clay is some horrible kid either. He's just filled with natural curiosity.

Well-done on keeping a level head and thinking to take her to the ER right away. If I could, I'd give you a Hero Brownie too.

On a slightly amusing note, I almost said I'd give you a Heroine Brownie since you are a woman. Luckily I caught myself before posting (even though the other is spelled differently, it still looks wrong). :)

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why any one would comment to your clearly difficult story, that you didn't have to tell!, with a raised nose attitude, not suggesting, but telling you to get a new garage door. Well duh people, I'm sure the ER wait gave her time to think that one up.

Dawn, you're a great mom, and a great friend, to share something so personal with the whole of cyberspace, in the hopes to prevent a similar accident with our children.

Hear Hear for raising brave, loving children. And hear hear for Hero Brownies. Keep up the GREAT work!

MayberryMom said...

Every mom out there with kids that are old enough to get around on their own, have a story to tell that gives them that feeling in the pit of their stomach.

Mine happened 6 years ago when J. was almost 3 and S. was 6 weeks old. We went to a Milwaukee Brewers game with our church. We were tailgating in the parking lot beforehand (you HAVE to do this at a MB game!). I had to go into our van to feed S. J. was with Dad. J. told Dad he was coming to me. Dad thought that meant J. saw me and let him go. Nope. J. didn't see me, I was just coming out of the van. one of the guys in our group saw me come around the van and said "J. just went that way to the next row of cars!" I ran and found him TWO ROWS away. *shudder*. 6 years later it still gives me that horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Accidents are called accidents for a reason.

Regarding the garage door opener: we live on a tight budget too so I know that it's not all that easy to just run out and buy another one. And having those means people assume they will always work. They are not foolproof so having one doesn't guarantee anything. What you do there is your business and nobody else's.

Crazy Raven Productions said...

I'm crying too. Lexi is a helluva great sister and I hope she mends fast. Huge hugs and many many good thoughts to her. Hopefully Clay will realize that, and never do anything that dumb again.... at least for a good long time. Is there an address people could send get well/go girl cards to her?

As for not being out are not omniscient, and you shouldn't think you have to be. Kids are amazingly creative when they want to be stupid. You did everything you could do to safeguard that garage door button.

Crazy Raven Productions said...

And I have to agree with Shari... all of your kids did an amazing job there, in both rescuing Clay and rescuing his rescuer. Hugs all around!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't you dare call yourself a bad mommy. How on God's green earth are we expected to be everywhere all the time. You are a very good mommy because you reacted to a bad situation and took the right steps to fix the problems. Things happen, and I am just glad to hear that everyone is ok.

Wineplz said...

Wow! How scary for you and the kids. I'm so glad to hear Lexi is alright! That's the important thing to focus on is that she is alright.
You are far from the worst mother...all of us have had moments (some of us more than others) where we weren't able to prevent our child getting hurt. My 1-yr old busted his lip badly on a friend's coffee table while under my husband's watch...obviously not as scary and traumatic as your story, but my husband felt guilty for a while because the baby bled for a LONG time and felt as if he should've been able to prevent the fall. Or when my oldest fell down the steps because I stupidly left the door open, not realizing he was following me (he was about 18 months at the time). Every time I looked at those bruises on his face I'd get all upset. But those feelings of guilt are normal and ok, as long as you don't dwell in them.

Simply put: If you were a bad mom, you wouldn't care that Lexi got hurt.

p.s. major kudos to the other kids getting in there to help!!! make sure they get some of those brownies, too. :)

faithlessone said...

What brave kids!
Don't worry yourself. Nothing got broken or damaged, and they probably won't do this again. *hugs*

Enjoy the brownies!

Sharlene said...

you can't be everywhere all the time. You are very blessed to have such a wonderful daughter. That is such love to risk herself to save her brother. I guess the lesson that we will all take from this is to make sure we have one of those garage doors that does stop and if we don't, then maybe its time to do a switch out.

Kristi said...


I read this and it brought tears to my eyes. You are NOT a bad parent! Look at what you've taught Lexi. She's learned to be selfless and that is a great quality to have in a child. She's obviously learned that from you! : ) I am just so glad to hear everyone is ok! Blessings, Kristin

Anonymous said...

Just the fact that one child would risk their safety to protect a sibling is proof you are a good mom and have taught them to love and care for each other. Impressive mom! :D

Erin said...

What an amazing family you have!
I can totally understand the being hard on yourself, and the fear of something happening to your kids... but this was clearly an accident.
I'm so glad they're both okay.

Anonymous said...

Lexi, Savannah and Jackson were all heroes and quick thinkers too.
Why are they that way?
Because you and Joe have brought them up to be that way.
The way your kids look after each other is amazing. You and Joe are both heroes for doing such a good job. You can't be everywhere at once which is why it is a good job you have 6 kids.

Unknown said...

Man, I so am there with you! I just lived through watching my four year old almost drown, and my 9 year old being the savior of the day. There is just nothing scarier. Thank goodness your kids are so unselfish. When it counts that is. :)

Anonymous said...

Bless Lexie's heart!! You are not a bad mom. Of course take that with a grain of salt. This is coming from a woman who was feeding her 14 month old peanuts. PEANUTS!!! She inhaled one into her lung and had to have it surgically removed. Juuuuuuuuuuust wanted to give you a moment of levity.


Anonymous said...

What a scary feeling you get when one of your babies is hurt..Thank God she was ok..Please dont feel bad , You ARE NOT A Bad momma...And anyone that says so and thinks accidents dont happen are freaks!! Again im glad poor Lexi is ok big ol hugs headed your way!!

Becky said...

On the contrary, Dawn! I think you are a terrific mom who has raised wonderful, quick-thinking kids that are daring and witty and adventuresome learners that all look out for and take care of each other.

That Lexi had the wits about her to rescue her brother from danger, to the point of putting herself in danger to do so...was indeed very brave and heroic, and speaks very well of the job you've done with them. Some kids would have been just 'dull' enough to stand by watching it happen without springing into no, ROCK as a mom.

Short of duct-taping the kids to chairs where you can keep an eye on them at all times, there really isn't a way to keep track of every single thing going on with each of your children all at one time. It's apparent that the Lord protected both your kiddos from injury, and I'd be willing to bet that all your kids learned some valuable lessons out of this experience that will stick with them for life.

It'll also make GREAT material to reminisce about over Thanksgiving dinners 20 years from now, lol.

Cassie said...

Hope Lex is feeling 100% better today!

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