Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I Cleanin' Mommy!

I heard a kind of splashy noise coming from the bathroom. I went to investigate.

It's kinda hard to see just how much water is all over the toilet seat unless your monitor is tipped just so.

The floor was pretty well flooded too. (Again, I had a hard time capturing this on film. Take my word for it.)

And there was Brooklyn just cleaning away with my Swiffer duster. The Swiffer duster she'd repeatedly dipped into the toilet. The soaking wet, dripping duster that she was using to mop the bathroom floor, walls, sink, toilet, and tub. (Brooklyn was playing dress-up with Lexi's clothes)

She looked up at me innocently as I snapped her picture.

"Look Mommy! I cleanin'! I cleanin', Mom! See?"

There went another stack of freshly laundered towels...


pednurse said...

How sweet! She was just trying to help you out. And, hey, she wasn't having a tantrum!! I'd rewash towels any day for that over a tantrum!

Ariel said...

Oh lovely! Thanks for the 'help' there little sweetheart!

Jessica said...

Your tile is beautiful! Did you guys do it yourself?

Anonymous said...

How cute is Brooklyn? Very - just be thankful it wasn't a "dirty" toilet bowl!

So many comments on yesterdays entry...God bless Lexi for her quick thinking! He was surely watching out for her as she was watching out for Clay! Don't be hard on yourself - try as we might we can't be next to them every second. When my youngest was 9 months old, he was bitten on the cheek by our (up until then) very mild mannered dog. Prior to he had never bitten anyone or even growled. I was 2 feet away when it happened & hated myself for months.

All's well that ends well.

Burnsville, MN

Michelle said...

Dawn, your bathroom ROCKS! I love it! I may have to use some of it as an inspiration for our eventual remodel. One day I'll post pictures of our brass, pink, black and white bathroom. With a decent toilet (we replaced that part).

Better cleaning than making dirty? She's picking up something from Mommy!

Joanna said...

Look at it this way...she wants to be just like her fabulous mommy who she sees cleaning the bathroom and toilet! What a compliment! If it were me, though, I think I'd just quit cleaning altogether so they never learn those bad habits!!!

Sharlene said...

Well isn't she a helpful little angel?

Becky said...

Awww, that's so darling.

Love your bathroom!

Anonymous said...

So cute...my 4 year old decided to wash towels the other day...she took all the freshly laundered towels she could find and dumbed them in the bathtub with her. Then she climbed in and swished them around...got a couple out and cleaned the bathroom. Thankfully nothing went in the potty.

Anonymous said...

Who says that Swiffer Dusters are "not for use on wet surfaces" (it says so on the box)?!!! You should email the company your adorable pictures of a 2 year old using their product just to prove that they can, indeed, be used wet (how much cleaning got done, however, may be another story...).

I also second those who are loving your bathroom. I'd kill for that tub, and the tile is beautiful!

Hope you're having a better day today and that Lexi is much better!


Anonymous said...

Ahhhh bless! :)
She really meant well....perhaps maybe channel her energies into something a little less wet.

Anonymous said...

It really is quite cute!!! She looks oh so pleased with herself!!

Suburban Correspondent said...

Isn't that how you do it?

Anonymous said...

Arn't they just so helpful!!

BTW LOVE the tile in your bathroom. It looks great even with toilet water all over it :)

Darla said...

This happens all the time at my house... I've finally gotten to the point that I keep the bathroom door closed at all times (and my bathrug hanging on the shower rod drying from the last "cleaning spree"). The pictures of brooklyn cleaning are simply adorable though!

rachel said...

oh, she's so proud of herself!

Anonymous said...

My son tried to help many times. The most vivid being the time he got chocolate on his shirt and decided to wash it for me. Of course his makeshift washing machine was our toilet. Then he took a soaked shirt and THWACKED! it on the floor. So cute but I didn't take any pictures. The chocolate on the shirt was from the cake at my brother's wedding reception. Yep, he made such a mess we had to leave the reception.

Anonymous said...

Brooklyn smiling...how cool! Kind of makes up for the mess to clean up, right? HA!

Anonymous said...

Did anyone every tell you Brooklyn is such a sweetie pie?

...... yeah, I thought so!

Unknown said...

I believe my kids did this too when they were little!! Ah, memories!!

Cassie said...

What? I clean my bathroom with toilet water and a duster all the time, don't you? ;)

Holly Wilcox said...

All I have to say is that bathroom is awesome! When did you do that remodel?

Anonymous said...

Awww, but she is so precious doing it. Save that picture and show it to her when she is 13 and refuses to keep her room cleaned

Jen said...

This happen frequently in my house. My daughter LOVES to clean with toilet water. It drives me insane but she is "just trying to help" URGH!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, gross! But she's very cute.

MaBunny said...

Oh she looks so sweet and innocent. Now if she has an inkling for cleaning, stear her in the right direction, lol. I had a similar incident with Nicole when she was about that age, lol.

Tricia said...

This is why I am scared to touch any part of our bathrooms. My youngest has done this MANY times. It's hard to fuss at them when they think they are being ever so helpful.

And, we have the same tile in our bathroom...you have excellent taste!!

Brenda said...

Hmmm. Make sure you check out any glasses of water she brings you carefully.

Glowstars said...

That is so cute! I can't believe how well trained you've got her!

Anonymous said...

This post reminds me of the time my oldest daughter, around the age of 4, brought me a boquet of flowers from our front yard... right after I had spent all day out there planting them.

TheHMC said...

Yay! My kid isn't the only one that pulls this kind of stuff.

Rock on.

just a girl... said...

thank god it was only water. Your daughter is beautiful

Anonymous said...

LOVE your bathroom! At least your little Brooklyn didn't then slip on the wet tile and smash her teeth thru her bottom lip like a certain son of mine did . . . twice. It's fun explaining THAT one to the ER people. Especially when you have to do it again a month later :)

If he wasn't two at the time I would have thought it was a plot to see how many times he could do it before Child Protective Services came to visit!

Kathy D.

Jennifer in Wisconsin said...

I bet her sister was just THRILLED to hear she was cleaning in her clothes. Too cute to be mad at. That's how they survive. :)

Rosie : ) said...

Our youngest, Mister Crinkle-Nose, like to dip his hands in the toilet and play in it. We keep the door closed in the bathroom, but sometimes Miss Cutie-Pie decides to "clean up" with him and uses the plunger to "unplug" the toilet (it wasn't plugged in the first place.) It creates a nice puddle in which they can both play in the "rain".

At least your daughter was helping. :)

Nancy said...

Bless her heart for trying to help. Next time just be sure she knows where the toilet brush is;}

AlaneM said...

Awww, she's so cute & proud of yourself! I hate those moments, funny? Yes. Cute? Yes. Good intentions? Yes. High annoyace factor because you now have to clean up what she cleaned up? YES, YES, YES!!!

AlaneM said...

I almost forgot, your bathroom is awesome!!

Stacey said...

I just wanted to say I love your bathroom! How nice of Brooklyn to 'clean' for you.

Anonymous said...

Brooklyn is my favorite!! Can I pinch her face? She's so adorable!

Anonymous said...

I did that once to my parents when I was little. I filled up a bucket with water, dumped it out onto THE WOOD FLOOR, and then started to scrub and wash the floor. Of course they come downstairs and see it and I'm all "lookie, I'm helping clean!" and they couldn't be mad at me. Oops.

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