Haven't you always wanted an awesome refrigerator blog button? Sure you have! And now you can have your very own Because I Said So blog button! Here it is:
Is that awesome or what?! You can just scroll down and take a peek on my left side bar to grab the code to install your very own! Thanks Pulsepoint! You guys ROCK!
If you haven't yet, you can order my book HERE! Order it, read it, love it, then email me and tell me how awesome I am. All the cool kids are doing it. Well, my kids have yet to tell me how awesome I am, but other cool kids are doing it! And thank you to the people who left such nice reviews about my book on Amazon!
Do you guys know Jenny from "Jenny On The Spot" fame? Well, you should! She's absolutely hilarious! She cracks me up! And she likes glitter. I like everything about her. Well, except the fact that she runs. That's just wrong. But she wrote up this great blog post abouther, I mean, me! You have to check it out HERE!
If you left a comment to win a Peek, check back HERE to see if you were one of the winners.
If you haven't yet, you can order my book HERE! Order it, read it, love it, then email me and tell me how awesome I am. All the cool kids are doing it. Well, my kids have yet to tell me how awesome I am, but other cool kids are doing it! And thank you to the people who left such nice reviews about my book on Amazon!
Do you guys know Jenny from "Jenny On The Spot" fame? Well, you should! She's absolutely hilarious! She cracks me up! And she likes glitter. I like everything about her. Well, except the fact that she runs. That's just wrong. But she wrote up this great blog post about
If you left a comment to win a Peek, check back HERE to see if you were one of the winners.
And now, your questions answered...
You have such a gorgeous smile! How long did you wear braces as a kid?
Thank you. I had seriously messed up teeth as a kid because I was a huge thumb sucker. Don't you remember this picture?
You have such a gorgeous smile! How long did you wear braces as a kid?
Thank you. I had seriously messed up teeth as a kid because I was a huge thumb sucker. Don't you remember this picture?

I don't really remember how many years I wore braces though.
My question is....would you still write your blog if you thought noone was reading?
Absolutely! No one listens to me when I talk here at home yet I continue to blabber on and on. I'd continue to write even if no one read it. In fact, when I first started my blog, I only had like 5 readers and yet I continued to post every day.
PS: how was that Toast Brooklyn made you?? was she cooking it in the BBQ? Yummo!!
Brooklyn and Lexi "cook" for me daily. I can't even tell you the amount of plastic food I've "eaten" in the past year. Let's just say that if it was real food, I'd weigh at least 600 pounds right now.
Austin had the best line in your video blog when he reported that he was "cooperating" and appearing in your video blog. Typical 14 yo response.
HA! You should've seen the first take! Because of his less-than-wonderful attitude, we had a talk about cooperation before shooting again. He and Savannah don't really want to be featured on a video seen round the world. I have to respect that, but I asked them to cooperate for the intro video at least.
So...you are having a book signing, how exciting. I'm sure you have seen the write up on their site "Come meet the next Irma Bombeck, Dawn Meehan, mommy-blogger, as she talks about and signs her new book, "Because I Said So." the next Irma- yowza!
Yeah, and you know the first thing that came to my mind? They spelled Erma incorrectly! LOL!
Yes, I'm having a book signing at The Book Stall in Winnetka (north of Chicago). Anyone within, oh say, 6 hours, needs to come to the signing!!! I have this fear I'm going to be sitting there twiddling my thumbs for two hours. Please come out and say "hi"!!! It's Saturday, April 4th from 2:00 to 4:00! YOU CAN GET DETAILS HERE!
Should I just buy my book there so you can sign it? If I buy it from Amazon it may not arrive in time and then I'd have to stalk you for a signature - not cool. Tell me what to do.
I think you should order at least 12 copies from Amazon to give to all your friends and if they don't arrive in time, you can buy another dozen or so from The Book Stall.
What? I have 6 kids to put through college!
I also thought we were hearing from your hubby Joe! I was kind of excited! I mean your friend Joe is a great writer, but why not let hubby Joe say a few things one of these days?
Sorry to disappoint you, but Joe's not much of a talker and he's definitely not a writer. He's never expressed an interest in saying anything on here either.
My question is....would you still write your blog if you thought noone was reading?
Absolutely! No one listens to me when I talk here at home yet I continue to blabber on and on. I'd continue to write even if no one read it. In fact, when I first started my blog, I only had like 5 readers and yet I continued to post every day.
PS: how was that Toast Brooklyn made you?? was she cooking it in the BBQ? Yummo!!
Brooklyn and Lexi "cook" for me daily. I can't even tell you the amount of plastic food I've "eaten" in the past year. Let's just say that if it was real food, I'd weigh at least 600 pounds right now.
Austin had the best line in your video blog when he reported that he was "cooperating" and appearing in your video blog. Typical 14 yo response.
HA! You should've seen the first take! Because of his less-than-wonderful attitude, we had a talk about cooperation before shooting again. He and Savannah don't really want to be featured on a video seen round the world. I have to respect that, but I asked them to cooperate for the intro video at least.
So...you are having a book signing, how exciting. I'm sure you have seen the write up on their site "Come meet the next Irma Bombeck, Dawn Meehan, mommy-blogger, as she talks about and signs her new book, "Because I Said So." the next Irma- yowza!
Yeah, and you know the first thing that came to my mind? They spelled Erma incorrectly! LOL!
Yes, I'm having a book signing at The Book Stall in Winnetka (north of Chicago). Anyone within, oh say, 6 hours, needs to come to the signing!!! I have this fear I'm going to be sitting there twiddling my thumbs for two hours. Please come out and say "hi"!!! It's Saturday, April 4th from 2:00 to 4:00! YOU CAN GET DETAILS HERE!
Should I just buy my book there so you can sign it? If I buy it from Amazon it may not arrive in time and then I'd have to stalk you for a signature - not cool. Tell me what to do.
I think you should order at least 12 copies from Amazon to give to all your friends and if they don't arrive in time, you can buy another dozen or so from The Book Stall.
What? I have 6 kids to put through college!
I also thought we were hearing from your hubby Joe! I was kind of excited! I mean your friend Joe is a great writer, but why not let hubby Joe say a few things one of these days?
Sorry to disappoint you, but Joe's not much of a talker and he's definitely not a writer. He's never expressed an interest in saying anything on here either.
SSO- If asked, would you go on Dancing With the Stars??
ROFL! Ummm, no. I dance like Elaine. Only a little worse.
And now for our musical guests, REO Speedwagon!
ROFL! Ummm, no. I dance like Elaine. Only a little worse.
And now for our musical guests, REO Speedwagon!
I ordered the book through Amazon and can't wait to read it. I also order books for several grocery/retail stores and was disappointed it isn't on our order form yet. :( When it does I promise to do so.
I ordered 15 from Amazon.com and took them to church today and gave them all away. Of course, people paid for them first. I should have had at least 10 more!
Haven't you always wanted an awesome refrigerator blog button? Sure you have! And now you can have your very own Because I Said So blog button! Here it is:
Is that awesome or what?! You can just scroll down and take a peek on my left side bar to grab the code to install your very own! Thanks Pulsepoint! You guys ROCK!
So, okay I must be stupid because I can't figure out to make this work? More instructions for dummies plse - lol
Cool! Thank you Teresa!
And wow, Sandy! I can't believe you sold that many books at church! I stayed home because it was fifth Sunday and I thought I didn't have to teach. I didn't realize Cindy did away with that! Oops!
And just scroll down to where the blog button is on my blog (bottom of left column) and copy the code under the picture of the fridge. Then paste that code into your blog. Go to the customize tab on your blog and click "add a gadget", then paste the code in. I hope this helps.
Ahhh, the chat about cooperation. Is it a bad sign that I have this talk with my three and five year olds already?
I have the book signing on my calendar, but I don't think you have to worry about twiddling your thumbs. MY only concern is that ummm (shhh) I've never been to one so I don't know how it works or what you do. I just know that I'm stopping at the Lou's in Buffalo Grove on my way home... just saying :)
Don't ya just love the bands of the '80's! Just takes me back..(class of 85 here) You might be interested to know that LOVERBOY will be in Ft. Madison, Iowa in Sept. Only about a 4 hour drive for you I think.
I would love to come up to Chicago for your book signing, but I'm moving into my new house that very day. Do you plan on traveling in the region to support the book? (hint, hint - come to St. Louis!)
heeheeheee.... heeheeheee... You're made out of Awesome. Sure wish we could take all our kids to a coffee shop and "visit" whilst our offspring tore through donuts and the sanity of others. We could approach it as a "social experiment"... I think your little Brooklyn and my Lucy would either swoon or exasperate people to death! Oh the public fun!!! And the writing material!!!
I totally relate to #2. Totally. AND YOUR BOOK IS OUT? I've officially been too far away from the computer for too long. And I have about a month worth of blog posts to catch up reading on here! Thank goodness for spring break!
This completely reminds me of your blog.
Dawn - I LOVE your site! And the new blog button! I made sure to post it to my blog right away. I can't wait to read your book!
Congrats on the book coming out. Wish I could make it to the book signing, but I am much to far away (about 16 hours)
Love the Seinfeld clip...this is why I don't dance in public...I have always been afraid that I look like Elaine
THAT! is what REO Speedwagon looks like!!!!!
Are you serious?
I'm 27. I've gone my entire life with out seeing a video of them but loving their songs, and now I have to say that I'm not sure I can ever enjoy another REO Speedwagon song after seeing this.
Was he serious with those shoes? Are they boots or high tops or what? And his belt and his hair what is that hair? Nope. I'm not sure I can ever take a love song seriously from someone who looks like that!
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