Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday Sound Out

From Chicago, where the river looks looks like lime Jello, it's Sunday Sound Out with Dawn Meehan! Tonight: answers to your questions and musical guest Toad the Wet Sprocket! And now, skydiving legend, Dawn Meehan!

I'm so sorry... I saw the first picture [of the play rehearsal] and immediately went 'huh?' I mean, what's that lady behind you doing with her leg up on the couch. Is that really what I see?Is it some kind of psuedo ballet dancer warming up for her part?
LOL! Yes, she plays the part of a woman who wants to be a dancer, but isn't very good at it.

Thanks for the info on Spanx. I also have a class reunion this summer (my husband's) to attend and this will hopefully help lots. Any recommendations on which size to pick so I do not pick the wrong one?
It really doesn't matter what size is on the package label because they're all the same - XXS. You will need the jaws of life to get out of them.

I realize I'm one of your older readers, and I'm not familiar with these spanx thingies. So I have a question - If they are snug enough to defy the work of gravity, can you still breathe well enough to say your lines and get the necessary projection for stage work?
You know that scene in Pirates of the Caribbean where Elizabeth passes out from the too-tight corset? Yeah, that's what it feels like.

On a different matter:Would you ever consider getting some Ex Libris stickers to personalize(briefly) and mail out to those of us who were here at the start of all of this?
Sure, I would! I'll speak with my publisher about it.

I directed this play [You Can't it With You] a few years ago, and it's really a blast. So... what song did you have to sing, and will there be a video posted of you warbling?
I sang I'm in the Mood For Love as I threw myself at the poor Gman, lost my balance, and fell over the back of the couch. As far as video, I know the whole show was recorded. I'm not sure how to put a section from the DVD on here though. Hmmm, I'll have to look into it.
It was so much fun! I always have a blast doing shows. We had a great, fun bunch of people to work with and I haven't laughed so hard in a really long time, but I've got to admit that I'm glad it's over. Now things can get a little more back to normal around here.

I have a huge bruise on my leg today, not from falling over the couch, but from walking into the couch as I exited the stage in the dark. Duh.

So now I'm confused, the diamond shaped building is not really the Prudential building? I grew up in Chicago and that has ALWAYS been the Prudential building.
I dunno. That's what I always thought too! I guess that building is the Smurfit-Stone building. The Prudential building is across the street.

your kidding about the river being dyed green right?
Nope. Not at all. Here are some pictures and a video about it.

We need you to go back downtown and get a picture of you or some of your kids standing next the the American Gothic statue so we can see just how ginormous it is!
Please? :-)

How 'bout I just photoshop us next to it?

What, no pictures of the "Willis" Tower?
Willis Tower! Snort. It's the Sears Tower, it's Comiskey Park, and it's The Rosemont Horizon. Who are these people who think they can just change names like that? Grrr!

So how did you feel about the interview in general?
I think it went well! I forgot all about it and missed it this morning though. Did anyone listen to my interview on the MIX this morning? How was it?

It just occurred to me that it was you birthday on Tuesday, wasn't it? Did you intentionally not mention it? Or do you just intentionally ignore birthdays?
Eh, it was just another day. I learned something about my age this week: it stinks to be 39. No one believes you when you tell them you're 39!!! I might as well just skip ahead and tell people I'm 40.

the shirt my parents gave me

the card my kids made me

the card Brooklyn made me

My publisher wants to know if you belong to any book clubs so they can be sure to include those in an author-chat promotion next month. If you belong to a book club, leave me a comment and let me know which one! Thanks!


Sandy in Illinois said...

I woke up this morning at 5ma, 6am and then again at 7:08am. I remembered about the radio interview and knew I couldn't find the station quickly enough on my radio so I went to my computer and followed your link to the station. I began listening about 7:14am. I thought you sound GREAT. Natual and Relaxed. I'm hoping that they post a podcast so I can listen to the beginning too.

Anonymous said...

That shirt is awesome that your parents gave you. Do you know where they got it from? I would love to have one.

Anonymous said...

what is that box next to you on the floor. It look like a rubics cub.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to wish you a Happy Belated Birthday!

Nina said...

happy birthday. I agree about 39, I'm going to be 40 this year and I've been telling people "I'm almost 40" since I turned 39...its a weird year.

Anonymous said...

My moms group has a book club I'm a member of -

Love you, Dawn!

Anonymous said...

LOVE this song,Dawn! Do you remember dancing to this song while pregnant with Austin at my wedding? It was the song we'd picked for the bridesmaids/groomsmen dance.

Jen Bowie said...

Oh, thanks for the link to see the river dyed green! Right now, we live in Texas and I went shopping for a few St. Patrick's Day items for the's ALL stuff related to beer and drinking. Now, I know that's a favorite pastime of the Irish, but I couldn't find any fun, kid-friendly things! It's definitely not as big of a holiday here as in good old Chicago! Happy Birthday, too!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn, Happy After When my sister turned 39 her employees at work decorated her office with Happy 40th stuff. Now that was a kick in the butt. Kristine in Michigan.

Anonymous said...

hee hee the picture of you with the cards makes you look like you have TINY legs. Oh, they're not yours...


Tamara said...

I *love* my spanx. I think EVERYONE should have a few pair. Unlike yours though, mine are not crotchless, except of course the pair that my dog got to, but that's another story.

Also, happy birthday! And your sippy cup shirt is fantastic!

Anonymous said...

I don't have a book club, but I do have a book review blog. Are you doing a virtual tour?

Cheryl-Somewhat Crunchy Mama

I'll link my book blog instead of my regular mama/homeschooling blog

myless said...

I belong to The Pulpwood Queens Bookclub of Anchorage,AK. They are an international club started in Northeast Texas. My club is helping start a chapter at a womens correctional center here in Anchorage next month. Inmates can't use the internet so they can't read your blog. We'll have to introduce them to your book. I'm sure they can use a good laugh.

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with SSO, but I just wanted to let you know that my copy of your book arrived from last Thursday and I've been enjoying it ever since. Ever since I stumbled upon your blog (from the Pokeman episode), I've loved your writing. Congratulations on the book, and continued success with your blog.

Deborah White

Anonymous said...

Just say you are 39....for the first time. I'll be 39 for the second time in a few months, you yung'un you!

Anonymous said...

What's with the random video from my all time favorite band TTWS? So cool. I still wear their concert Tshirt from 1992 - how pathetic am I?

And sorry - no book clubs here.

Anonymous said...

I thought your book wasn't supposed to be out until Apr. 1st. I had it on preorder from Amazon, and lo and behold what should show up in my mailbox today?? YOUR BOOK! YAY! Congrats, Dawn!

Anonymous said...

I remember when we moved and we had a big party for my mother's birthday that year to show off the new house... she turned 39 and everybody brought cards with "Happy 40th" or suchlike. That was fun!
However, I wondered if it was intentional that all your boy are missing a piece of their head on the photoshopped picture (besides Jackson) ? ;-) Did wou want to tell us something?
Greetz from Germany,

Anonymous said...

I hope you are kidding about Brooklyn pooping out the Indiana Jones figure?! All I can say is....OWWWWWW!!!!

Anonymous said...

What, not "fly From Heaven?" I think I've heard All I Want one time too many. Back in the 90's

And I missed the interview and I'm bummed because I just remembered it NOW.

Lisa-Anne said...

We have a Christian Writers Group that would be interested, about 45 people who are very interested in your story. :)

Anonymous said...

Guess what I got in the mail today? I bet you'll never guess. :) I pre ordered your book a couple months ago on Amazon. It wasn't supposed to be shipped until April 1 but, instead, I got a great birthday present - your lovely book. It's heavier than I expected. I guess that just means I got more for my money. Congratulations on the release!

Michelle said...

Sorry, I was at choir practice during your interview but do want to go look it up tomorrow when I'm coherent again :)

Uhhh stupid question but what's Ex Libris?

Congrats on the play going well. And lastly... I am SO glad I'm not the only one still calling it the Horizon. Oh, and I'm going there for a Wolves game on the 28th :) Yay, me!

dhaynes said...

I can't believe I missed getting your book from the auction by $5! We were gone Sunday so I couldn't bid again, oh well got my Amazon one, it'll have to do. I'll have my grandkids sign your kids' names in it - lol Happy Belated birthday and we too have a book club. The Tuesday Book Club, there's about 14 of us and we've been together since May 2005.


Anonymous said...

I belong to the Rhapsody Book Club. It's mainly a romance book club, but they do offer other selections as well.

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