Thursday, March 26, 2009

Still on Spring Break...

It's still spring break here and I'm trying to stay away(ish) from the computer and hang out with the kids.

I've just got to say that although we're going through some tough times and changes, my kids have been AWESOME! I cannot say enough about Austin and Savannah right now. I've been so proud of both of them today!
(Don't let it go to your heads, guys. I'm sure I'll be back to complaining about your teenage ways in another day or two.) ;)

Austin and Savannah sometimes use the expression "you got served!" As in:
1. A slang expression that is usually used when someone proves that they are better than someone else.
2. Another way of saying "You got burned!"
For example: Those shoes are so ugly.
Not as ugly as you are.
Oooo, you just got served!

OK, well Clay has caught onto this. (You can always tell the little kids who have older brothers and sisters by their speech!) The only problem is, he doesn't know what he's saying. He says, "You just got deserved."
For example: You can't throw.
Oh yeah? Well you throw like a girl!
Oooo, you just got deserved!

You have a problem.
No, you don't have a problem. You have many problems.
Oooo, you just got deserved!

Now, Austin and Savannah have adopted Clay's new saying into their vernacular. These guys just crack me up. Life would be so dull without them.


Suburban Correspondent said...

Thank goodness there are redeeming moments like those with teens - otherwise they would never live to grow up!

Oh, and thanks for the link the other day - it was fun "meeting" some new people.

Michigan Mama to 2 said...

Tough times & changes, oh, I hope its not what I'm thinking . . .

Keren said...

My 3-year old likes to jump off the back of the couch onto the couch yelling, "Look out hello!"

Cracks me up every time.

Heidi @ Tayterjaq's Rebels said...

I can definitely relate to little ones picking up not so cool sayings from the older ones. The words "he is hot" sound tolerable coming from my 16 year old. Horrible when coming out of the 4 year old's mouth (loudly) about the elderly gentleman walking past us.

Michelle said...

Yep, you can totally tell the ones who hang out with their older sibblings. Or the ones who hang out with their grandmas... "Goodness gracious, Mommy! Did you see that car?" Yep, that would be my boy who's destined to be beat up on a daily basis in school :)

Anonymous said...

So much better than what my kids teach each other. My 8 year old has my 3 year old believing it is okay to back talk me. @@

The Queen said...

"You got deserved" haha, how cute is that? I love it!

MaBunny said...

I'm glad everyone is doing well through the tough times...sometimes they just take stuff and roll with it and if you show them they are loved it all works out in the end:))

Rick said...

Very funny - often you deserved what you get served.

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

I can imagine this then getting down to Brooklyn and her deciphering it to being:


Anonymous said...

Very funny! I love it when kids are just being kids. It always makes me laugh.

Heidi said...

I hope things are ok. I know from reading your blog things haven't been well for sometime now. I hope you can work through it and have a positive family life.

Wanda said...

I love that! They are so sweet! Definitely one of those watch what we say moments.
Kids certainly mock everything, huh?
That's priceless!

Sue Bohlin said...

"Tough times and changes". . . oh Dawn. Whatever it means -- and I wince with fear -- I am praying for you to know God's grace and strength. :::HUG:::

JackieVonn said...

Dawn, I have to tell you that I just got my copy of Because I Said So in the mail this evening, I'm up to chapter 3, and it is so cute! Thank you for writing about being a mom, and helping me to remember to smile about it all. Have fun for what's left of spring break.

mom said...

I am now saying that. Thanks.

Tough times and changes... I think you have your readrs concerned and our minds racing. Its hard to read that and not want to know more in respect of your privacy.

Finished your book. Laughed out loud several times. Thanks for a nice read that is humorous AND informative. I feel like you are the family down the street now.

MPMommy said...

Haha! Reminds me of a Funny Home Video clip where there were two kids making muscles for the camera, being tough. The older brother was saying, "Hey! You wanna piece of me!?!?" and the little sister was saying, "Hey! You wanna piece of ham?!?" She thought he was saying, "You want a piece of meat?!" heehee

AiringMyLaundry said...

Kids crack me up.

My son has started to say, "Oh my goodness gracious!" and it never fails to make me laugh.

Tandoori said...

You got it!! I think the first word my little one is going to utter is R-E-M-O-T-E

TDM Wendy said...

I think I will use that one next time my kids get in trouble and receive their consequences..."You got deserved suckas!"

Brenda said...

I love this story. I have thought of it several times over the last couples of days.

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