It's here! Finally! After months of waiting, dozens of SSOs, 4982 PB&Js and about a million loads of laundry, the official day of my book release has arrived.
Of course, as Murphy's Law would have it, my book has arrived in the middle of a RECESSION.
With that in mind, I wanted to do something fun for my faithful readers who can't afford to drive all the way to Chicago for my official book launch party.
This week, I'm offering two people the chance to win an exclusive, digital copy of the first chapter of my book, Because I Said So, signed by me and my kids.
To enter, all you need to do is sign up for my mailing list. I'll draw two names from the list this Friday, April 3rd.
So you'll actually have a signed, limited-edition, future collector's item. Even if I don't end up on the NYT bestseller list for all eternity, my kids will each be president or a nobel peace prize winner, or inventor of a cure for cancer so their signatures are and will always be priceless. (Just go with me on this one!)
Of course, as Murphy's Law would have it, my book has arrived in the middle of a RECESSION.
With that in mind, I wanted to do something fun for my faithful readers who can't afford to drive all the way to Chicago for my official book launch party.
This week, I'm offering two people the chance to win an exclusive, digital copy of the first chapter of my book, Because I Said So, signed by me and my kids.
To enter, all you need to do is sign up for my mailing list. I'll draw two names from the list this Friday, April 3rd.
So you'll actually have a signed, limited-edition, future collector's item. Even if I don't end up on the NYT bestseller list for all eternity, my kids will each be president or a nobel peace prize winner, or inventor of a cure for cancer so their signatures are and will always be priceless. (Just go with me on this one!)
Ready to enter?
Just fill out the form below: (If you've already subscribed, don't worry. You're automatically entered into the drawing.) And yes, I promise to keep your information strictly confidential. It will never be shared, used for spam, or even bartered for rum or chocolate. Honest.
hi..just wanted to let you know that i saw your book at a christian bookstore..it looks awesome..
What a wonderful idea! I´m signing up...
Recession or no, I think people can afford 10 or 15 books for your book. Congratulations! (If you get a bunch of comments about how for 15 bucks, some people have to make a choice between buying your book or feeding their family, I'm sorry!)
Hey Dawn, I am SO EXCITED for the official lauhcn of your book! I live in Alexandria, MN & we got about 8 inches of snow last night & today. More on the way. IF it settles down I'm going to brave my way to Winnetka--that's where "Sister's" was set, right? Anyway, have a GREAT launch! You are so awesome THANK YOU!!!!!
I just got your book in the mail from B&N! I'm putting the kids to bed early & snuggling in to read it tonight!
I am buying myself your book as a "Mom needs to buy something NOT for a child" treat!! I have been anxiously awaiting the release and am SO very happy to go into an actual book store to purchase it tomorrow!
Oh wow, I always wanted to write a book but had no idea where to start. This is awesome! I've heard about your book through cyberspace, I'm def. going to have to get it!!!
Just wanted to let you know that 3 out of the 4 barnes and nobles and borders near my house (NJ) have sold out of your book. I reserved my copy online at another book store a little far from my place and I am going to pick it up tomorrow :)
Hi Dawn, Congrats on the launch of your book! I got a giftcard for CHRISTMAS and have been hanging on to it for your release! Man, has it been burning a hole in my pocket. I could not rush out to get it today due to the kiddos being sick but I'm going first thing tomorrow! Congrats again!
BTW - are you able to keep us updated on how many copies you sell? Sending ~*~ many success vibes ~*~ your way! ;)
I love your blog and have to find your book. Thanks for the reminder.
Congrats, Dawn! I hope the launch goes well. I thought I'd signed up for the list long ago but I just realized that I never got any updates, so apparently I failed that one! :)
Good luck tomorrow.
I got your book about two weeks ago from Amazon. I sat down and read it all in one day (What? It's not like it's Anna Karenina.) I LOVED IT!!! It was the classic, vintage Dawn that we all know and love. I give it two enthusiastic thumbs up. The grocery shopping with all the kids episode can still make me pee my pants.
-Beth in MI
What fun! Thanks for sharing a piece of your life with us! I enjoy this blog and your upbeat attitude.
Guess I'm behind on my technology information...what's a digital copy and how can you sign it and how could you sell it on ebay for millions when you get all big and famous?
Congratulations, Dawnie. :) You're one of my favorite people on earth and I'm very proud of you.
Your book rocks! I read it from cover to cover already...
now for those who live WAY from from Chicago but in the US... will you accept mailed in books to be autographed?
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