It's HOT here in Florida! When we first moved into our house, I set the thermostat at 72 which is what I kept my house at in Illinois during the summer. When I told my friend who lives here that my air was set to 72, her jaw hit the floor, and I started to realize that I'd probably need to make some adjustments if I didn't want a $500 electric bill. I've been turning the temperature up a degree every day. I'm up to 76 so far and honestly, when I come in from outside, it feels a little too cold sometimes. I guess anything less than the outdoor temp (approximately 400 degrees) is cool.
I'm pretty sure I'm single-handedly keeping Unilever in business with all the deodorant I'm using every day! I'm almost to the point of rubbing a stick of Degree on my head to keep the sweat from pouring down into my eyes. I know, I'm quite the babe with my hair matted to my face.
But I've figured out the secret to living in Florida during the summer! When you're not in the air conditioning, you need to spend all day at the pool or beach! What a great way for anyone to spend their free time during the summer! And I've got an awesome giveaway to help you do just that!
Here’s what you’ll find in the “Don’t Fret the Sweat” beach bag (valued at $137):
Exclusive Don’t Fret the Sweat beach bag
2GB iPod Shuffle
$25 iTunes gift card
Beach towel
Beach ball
Sports water bottle
Vaseline Daily Aloe Fresh Moisturizing Body Gel
Unilever deodorant sticks
Ways to enter:
1. Leave me a comment here (BE SURE TO INCLUDE CONTACT INFORMATION) for a chance to win.
2. Like the Don't Fret the Sweat Facebook page here. Then leave me another comment letting me know that you liked the page for another chance to win.
3. Tweet about the giveaway and leave me another comment here letting me know that you tweeted about it for another chance to win.
I'll choose a random winner on Monday, July 18. Good luck!
I am working with Unilever to help parents raise healthy tweens through the Don't Fret the Sweat page and have been compensated for my time.
1 – 200 of 327 Newer› Newest»Wow! What a prize package! Thanks for the chance to win.
davelovesjulie AT hotmail.com
I honestly thought about looking into relocating with my family to Florida as Ohio has nothing to offer anymore...after you're relocation I am seriously rethinking that....
I'd love to win!
I LOVE Degree deodorant. TN has been experiencing hot weather as well I have been relying on my deodorant.
I liked the facebook page
Sooo... as the first person to comment, do I get, like, extra credit, since I don't Tweet? (I know... my kids keep telling me I'm SO lame not to... what can I say...) But I'd love to win the giveaway! And as a former Floridian, let me give you a tip for surviving the humidity: baby powder. Under the boobies especially.. really does help. You're welcome. ;-)
- Sally dshnry@yahoo.com
And yea! I liked the "Dont Fret the Sweat" FB page!
- Sally dshnry@yahoo.com
Sounds like you have it all figured out... I think I would spend all my time at the pool....
I already like the dont fret the sweat page...
I can't imagine that kind of heat!!! I hope you're settling in and getting beach time.
That's sounds like a great way to beat the heat!
I tweeted about your giveaway!
clicked "like", hope I win! Thanks! lbcaj78@gmail.com
susan helliesen
562 665 7389
First all all here is my info for me to try to win!
Loretta Ledford
You are such a funny lady and a great lady for us moms to look up to! 6 kids by yourself and your doing a great job! I live in Georgia so I understand the HORRIBLE heat and humidity! Yes the key is swimming all summer! Plus it gives you a nice tan!
It's hot up here in North Georgia as well! Stay cool! sspalp@hotmail.com
I also liked the facbook page as well! :o)
liked the fb page
One more comment to let you know... I "liked" the Dont Fret the sweat facebook page! :D
tweeted and retweeted
Oops... You needed contact info again... Okay Sorry! I liked the dont fret the sweat facebook page.
Loretta - Ledford.07@gmail.com
I'm a third generation Florida girl, so I know all about this heat! :-) baptistness(at)gmail(dot)com
Liked their FB page. (Initials VLM.)
I'm near Austin, TX, so I'm dealing with the same issue of attractive sweatiness....
We keep our house at 80 all the time to try and avoid the crazy high bills. Not the best, but it saves money!
I keep ours on 74, but my husby turns it to 71 when he gets home.
I liked their fb page1
We're finally feeling the heat here in Utah, but we don't have the humidity to go with it, so it's not nearly as bad! Still, we spend a lot of time at the pool :)
Tweeted it!
Anything to beat this heat and humidity but especially deodorant!!! Count me in... happe2b50@yahoo.com
I also clicked like too! happe2b50@yahoo.com
I would enjoy winning the giveaway, especially the ipod, as my mp3 player is old, old technology. Alas, I will be out of internet range all next week, so wouldn't know if my name was drawn.
And you definitely want to raise the thermostat! I'm in MI, and set mine no lower than 79, if I'M in control of it! Can't stand the big electric bill! My sisters live in teh Phoenix area. They say the key to living in the hot climes - for 3 months, go from A/C house to A/C car to A/c store or work, and back again. How we spend our winters up north, they spend their summers down south. Inside as much as possible!
You may be melting now, but you'll be enjoying the sunshine in February when there is 2 feet of snow falling in Chicagoland. Keep your eye on the prize!
I "liked" the page on FB.
What a fun prize pack! It would be awesome for the beach in MI where the summer is too short!
Oh, I could totally use this prize package! My air conditioner went out right when we hit a heatwave here in Fresno, so we've had to figure out how not to fret the sweat!
I also 'liked' the Facebook page: )
What an awesome contest! My email address is linked to my blogger account. YAY.
AC is nice, but the pool, now...that can't be beat!
nospam at cascadehomebuyers dot com
I don't "tweet" so I hope this is good enough! I would really like some spoiling! Thanks for giving everyone a chance to win some AWESOME prizes!
I need more pool time! This would definitely help :)
I don't know how you can stand that heat - I would melt right into a puddle!
I'm excited about this giveaway - I need me an ipod!!
I liked the page too :)
I love the beach. If I could live at Indiana Dunes I would.
Just liked!
I definitely needed that giveaway bag last week. Camping in Arkansas in 100 degrees with 200% humidity sounds very similar to Florida! Send it to me, please, so I will have it for the next trip!!
As a fellow Floridian I can second the spend all summer in the air or in the pool. It's the only way to survive!
First off, I'm glad you guys are adjusting to the move..I've been checking back in to assure that!
Secondly, count me in for the drawing! oh yeah baby: edvikm2001@yahoo.com
I could totally use that too! Me! Me! Me!
wahooooo thanks for a fun giveaway!!! have like the page!!!!
Thanks for the chance to win. I hope it cools down just a tad for you. Nikki
I would love to win!!
Gee, although I don't actually live in Florida, I sure have been sweating as if I did..., ;-). If there is any chance that I can participate even though I live on another continent: corinna.steinert@gmx.at
So long,
What a great prize package! Everything to be outdoors. Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
Hi Dawn,
I live in Texas and we travel to Florida every summer to visit the in-laws. In my house we keep it about 74 degrees during the days of summer and 71 at night. However when we go to Florida they keep turn the a/c down to a whole 78 only b/c they know how we like to keep it cold. 78 is far from cold i may as well stay outside well hope i win. sasha in tx
Another one of your awesome give a ways!! tmderose3@yahoo.com
I would love this. tjrussell at juno.com
Awesome give away! As a mom to 3 boys, 2 in puberty and 1 approaching it, I understand 'don't fret the sweat'!
I liked the FB page!
I tweeted about the contest! Fingers are crossed to win!
This is a great way to beat the heat (even in Minnesota) I would love to win. erinbess@gmail.com
Cool! I live in the south too. It's been so hot here.
What a great package! Our thermostat was set at 72 (I didn't realize what my hubby had set it on) and we just paid the June electric bill. It was twice what the neighbor's was - he got it in error, opened it and looked at the amount. The amount left him in shock because when he delivered the bill to us he kept saying the amount over and over. Needless to say, it's not 72 in our house anymore. limar082002@cox.net
Great giveaway! I'm in TX where the heat index the other day was 129. It's a wee bit hot here too.
Nice prizes. I haven't tried Degree but I would love to. Thanks,
kennytina AT charter.net
Once you have lived through one summer in Florida, you will forget that there is anywhere that isn;t this hot! kathymills80@gmail.com
I also liked the facebook page! kathymills80@gmail.com
I would love to win my own ipod.
WOW- I would really like to win!
I "liked" the facebook page!
That prize sounds like a great way to survive summer in Florida!
would love to win summer is my favorite season and this would just add to it!
What an awesome give-away!
Kylaleanhart29 @ gmail.com
My friend in NEbraska keeps her A/C on 78 and I thought that was absurd... until I went there and realized if the heat index is 117, 78* feels prettydamngood!
I think I am already a fan of Don't Fret the Sweat, but I will double check!
It's going to be warm in Chicago this weekend!
I would love this prize. jmay16@gmail.com
I liked your page on Facebook too. jmay16@gmail.com
I also tweeted this page!!!! jmay16@gmail.com
What a great prize package! Would love to win this~ Rebecca M. captainamerica1019 (at) yahoo (dot) com.
Awesome--as hot as it is here in NC I can't even imagine going further south!!
I liked the page too!
Thinking of all the weight your losing from water loss!!! :-)
Stephanie seatacsab@msn.com
LOVE!! I so need this- the heat index here in sunny SC yesterday was 115 degrees!! Seriously!! And we have no pool or beach nearby!! Oh- and did I mention that I am 6 1/2 months pregnant!! AHHHHHH!! :-)
Thanks for the great giveaway!!
I "liked" Don't Fret the Sweat on Facebook- Jenn Walden.
Thanks again!!
I can't imagine FL in the summer, but I'm glad you are managing. You are gonna love it in January! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
merdecker at nc dot rr dot com
What a great giveaway, Dawn...just for the record, here in central PA we keep our AC units set around 80...I figure anything that's cool with limited humidity is good!! Enjoy your life in FL!! Chris in PA
I'd love to win!
Just what I need at the beach! Thanks for the opportunity, Dawn. Missing you in IL. kl54@sbcglobal.net
400 degree weather outside is definitely not cool.....good luck with keeping cool. leekbecker@yahoo.com
You know....July 18 is my birthday! What an awesome gift. Just saying.....
Ooh, ooh, I wanna win! Thanks for the chance!
larisetty at hotmail dot com
Just liked it on facebook for another entry. Thanks!
larisetty at hotmail dot com
There's really nothing better than swimming pools and beaches! And we leave our temp at 70 degrees during the summer (Nashville). I pay the exrta... I just can't stand being hot at home!
I liked your Facebook page! :)
I would love to win the beach bag!
I liked "Don"t fret the Sweat" on facebook.
Thank you for doing what you do. dawn.ramage@gmail.com
born in Florida but haven't been there in years - hope you are finding some fun beach time in all the heat - lubrundage@comcast.net
Nice prize pack! Thanks for the opportunity.
Me! Me! Pick me! I wanna win!! (I also want to move to Florida, but that's another story altogether).
We are coming to Florida in 8 days. I'd love the gift set.
I could use this as a reminder of what summer feels like once the cold Minnesota winters hit!
Would love this giveaway! scpalmtree06 AT aol DOT com.
I liked them on FB too.
Would love this giveaway! scpalmtree06 @ aol . com.
Woo! I liked it on Facebook! My nine year old gets a little "ripe" and uses Dove.
I forgot to give you my contact info., for my inevitable win. jbvieregge at comcast.net
Cool prizes! Hope you adjustment to Florida isn't too painful! Lisa2starr@gmail.com
I clicked "Like" at FB
I'm leaving a comment, pick me pick me! :-) Fine me at thelemmas at yahoo.
I'd love to win. I'm in NJ, but the temps have been more like Florida/sauna lately.
What an awesome giveaway :)
Very cool giveaway! I'm sure you'll eventually adjust -- good luck!!! :) stacykayetaylor at excite.com
It's not so much different in Georgia as far as the heat...we just don't have a very close beach to visit. :( But I'd still like to win the bag!
The Crunchy (Grouchy) Mommy - mommyiscrunchy.blogspot.com
I just 'Liked' the Don't Fret the Sweat page on Facebook!
The Crunchy (Grouchy) Mommy - mommyiscrunchy.blogspot.com
Just tweeted about it, too!
The Crunchy (Grouchy) Mommy - mommyiscrunchy.blogspot.com
It's hot enough here in the upper mid-west. I think I'll just avoid FL altogether this time of year.
WOW this would be an awesome prize. I'd love to win something like this.
Not to make you jealous or anything, but it was 68 here this morning (Iowa). I couldn't believe it! It felt fantastic after all of the very hot weather we've been getting. Not sure of your temps down there, but we've been having 90s plus heat index for the past few weeks, so 68 was very welcome. plymjp at gmail dot com
What an awesome give away. My friend in Texas shared this secret with me when I was a bridesmaid in her outdoor wedding (I know, right)
Put pantyliners in your armpits (stick them to your shirt) to keep from having pit stains. My illinois friends think its a hoot whenever I bring it up!
Hope I win!!
Awesome prize package I liked the Don't Fret the Sweat page
I liked the page don't fret the sweat page
AND, like the rule follower I am ....I liked the FB page!
laura.fowler75@gmail.com :)
I may hate winters where I live, but then when it gets to be summer and I have friends living in places that have an average temp over 100* every day I'm pretty happy here lol. I've heard it takes 2 weeks to adjust to climate changes, so hopefully soon you won't feel like your melting all the time!
Liked Don't Fret the Sweat on FB
Me! Pick me!!
psychomomtats at gmail dot com
Even up here in Boston, the heat has been brutal this week. I could just tape the deodorant under each pit with the cap off so it would reapply as I walk.
kfabijanic at hotmail dot com
What a cool beach bag full of goodies - I would love to win it!
I'd love to win the prize...who wouldn't?? I see Stanley changed his clothes... lsconte@gmail.com
me.. me... me.... Thank you!
would LOVE to win!
Great gift package! The only way I tolerate hot weather is near a pool or the beach!
ckirby50 AT gmail.com
I liked it on Facebook!
ckirby50 AT gmail.com
I'll trade you....it's freezing here!
I "liked" the Facebook page =)
Sounds lovely!
I visited my sister in the panhandle over the Fourth weekend. The heat was pretty bad, but it was the overzealous air conditioning everywhere that got to me!
You will get used to the FL heat. I've lived here since '96 and could never move back north. You are right about being either at a pool or the beach when you are outside. Otherwise it's just too hot.
clicked like :)
I would love a beach bag full of goodies! lightningbugs3@yahoo.com
I would love a beach bag full of goodies! Thanks!
I'd really like to enter but I don't want the whole world to have access to my email.
I'd like to enter but I don't to post my email for the whole world to see.
Woot! I'd love to win this. :) Valarie73 AT gmail DOT com
I'm gonna run right over and tweet it too [Hipchick73]
Don't worry - Florida gets better, in September or so...heh. :) Sure am enjoying the stories!
Liked your page too!
What an awesome package!
Jasmin - jazzymomma23@gmail.com
And I like the FB page!
Jasmin - jazzymomma23@gmail.com
What a great package!! Thanks for sharing!
You want pesky things like contact information for a prize giveaway? Geeze! ;)
Thanks for sharing!
Ooh!! Pick me! Pick me!
Mary G from KC
Hi Dawn!
Glad to hear of the solution to the heat. Would lov to win your giveaway!
tsgpllc (AT) aol (dot) com
I also liked the fb page:)
I liked it too...
Mary G from KC
it's hot here in georgia, too, with temperatures last week near 100.
thanks for the chance to win!
A goodie bag could make me forget about the triple digit temps here.
How awesome! I hope to win this terrific prize! Your body may adjust to the extreme heat over time. If it makes you feel any better, we have had a heat index of 110 all week here in SC and it is humid too! I am hoping this weather pattern will change REAL soon! Take care and enjoy sunny FL!
I tweeted about it, too!
That covers several of my kids' birthday gifts! WHat a great giveaway!
I also liked the FB page! Thanks again!
I live in Southern California. I only use my air conditioner a couple of days a year. I don't think that I could get away with that in Florida. If I got this package, it would be my first ipod. YAY
This formerly-Canadian girl would probably melt in that heat! emilybelli@gmail.com
Google SAYS it includes my email, but just in case, here's my comment, AND I liked on FB!
I am in Redmond, Washington and it has been staying approx 72 out and lower. In fact I think we have only had three days of summer so far and that was around the 4th of July. I do not envy you being a Washintonian I do not think I could handle that type of heat. I always say you can always add clothes or blankets, but you can only take so much off. krambow@gmail.com
Liked it......
Kansas is just as hot Dawn! Our heat index a few days ago was 120! And that was at 7PM! Would love to win your giveaway! vthawk01 @ gmail.com ~Krista
WOW, great giveaway. I live in hot humid SC. I liked to FB page. Lemme win, lemme win, lemme win! LOL
Lysa, in SC
2nd comment to let you know that I like the Don't fret the sweat facebook page! One day I'll win one of your giveaways! ~Krista
I live the mountains east of San Diego and it was 49 here this morning! Very unusual. HOWEVER...it will get hot and I will be sunburned like a lobster if I don't have some of that sunscreen when I'm playing with that beach ball next to my beach towel while listening to my iPod shuffle and staying hydrated with dry arm pits!
Yay giveaways! My iPod got toddler-stomped, so I hope I win! kelseyquiring@msn.com
I would love to win!
I also liked the Facebook page.
Maybe you need an A/C like mine. Have it set to 74, but it never goes under 76. Granted it stays running all afternoon trying to get to 74. The A/C company came out & yes there's a problem, so maybe you don't need an A/C like mine after all :)
All those goodies will be great to win. Hope I'm the lucky comment that is picked!
mjc1273 @ hotmail . com
Ok, I re-joined the twitter world JUST FOR YOU! :D ~Krista vthawk01 @gmail.com
Dawn, from Phoenix (where it's a dry heat, like the inside of your oven), it can be in the 110-115's for months on end. A/C just petered out and now owe a fortune, but can't live without it here. I cringe if thermostat goes below 78 and that's a stretch for me who pays the bills, I'd prefer 80 and turn on a fan.
What a great prize package! sarahkay1@yahoo.com
I liked the Facebook page too!
Love Degree! I'm in TN and my electric billed doubled this month because of the excessive heat :( Would love to win "cool" stuff! carmack844@charter.net
Great prize package. I could really use it! kris.hamilton@yahoo.com
I "liked" the Don't Fret the Sweat page! kris.hamilton@yahoo.com
I'd love this, since my new house doesn't have central air...
OH! Pick me! Pick me! momnextdoor@live.com
I am right there with you and the sweat in the eyes. Here in AZ its finally monsoon season so we have the triple digits and the high humidity! Our air is set at 82 so we don't have to have a second mortage to pay for the summer electric bill!
Just liked Don't Fret the Sweat on FB! Thanks for the giveaway!
Wow! My daughter turns 12 Sunday and she would love this! What a birthday present this would be!
I just liked the FB page
Sounds like a wonderful gift set!!!
Thank you again for sharing your life with us!!
I just tweeted about the giveaway..I even @ tagged you in my tweet!
Would love to win! :)
ESTMom2Kids at gmail.com
I "liked" Don't fret the sweat. :)
ESTMom2Kids at gmail.com
I tweeted about your giveaway. I don't know how to link to it. ?
ESTMom2Kids at gmail.com
Next week is going to be the hottest week of the summer in NW Indiana. So, of COURSE, it is 4-H county fair week and we will be out there every day caring for our rabbits. Luckily Degree works well for both myself and my 13 yo.
khazewinkel @ gmail.com
Oh, and liked the FaceBook page too!
khazewinkel @ gmail . com
Thanks for the opportunity to win a "Don't Fret in the Sweat" beach bag.
I love your blog and I would love to win! I live in KY and it is HOT as h e double hockey sticks here so I feel your pain!
I tweeted! LOL. Tweeted. That word still cracks me up.
I'm in Phoenix, AZ. What other reason do you want to pick me?LOL!
My email wannababy78@gmail.com
We keep our temp at 72 up here, too, but when we're in FL on vacay my husband STILL sets it that low which makes me NUTS!
e-mail longdazeshortyears at zoominternet dot net Thanks!
I posted earlier that I tweeted, but but didn't put my email. dramachick837@yahoo.com
Sorry 'bout that!
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