When are you moving or did you already move?
I'm leaving Tueday and planning on arriving in Florida Thursday. Then again, you never know just how long it will take to get somewhere when you have to stop for bathroom breaks every fifteen minutes. I'm not looking forward to the long drive with no one else to take a turn at the wheel. I'm not looking forward to the boys turning my car into a gas chamber. And I'm definitely not looking forward to discovering a decomposing Chick*fil*A sandwich a week after our arrival in Orlando. (I'm speaking from experience here.)
I'll be thinking of you lots (and lots!) this week. Safe travels... and hooray for new (and well deserved, and long overdue) beginnings! And just so we're clear... I get to live with you in the winter, right? RIGHT?!?
Tell you what, you clean up any vomit messes that might arise and I'll find a spot for you in my house.
The following questions are about my most recent video. Here it is, in case you missed it.
And was that a tiny little fart I heard at the end of the bloopers?
Ha! The kids were all wondering if anyone would pick up on that. Charming, no?
Were the reactions of the people at the store real? Loved the mom that couldn't get her kid in the cart fast enough!!!
Most of the people in the video were friends who so graciously agreed to let Savannah film them while they looked at me like I was a freak. They did a great job! I don't think they were really acting.
So funny and so true! Did I catch one of your kids sneaking in a "That's what she said" at the end? Hysterical.
Sadly yes. Darn that Steve Carell! That was Savannah in the video, but it's usually Austin who does that. Sigh.
A question for your next SSO: Do you ever get told Brooklyn should be a model? If so, what do you think of that?
Yes, I do. Often, in fact. I wouldn't have any problem with her getting her picture taken for say, print ads. I mean, dressing up and posing for pictures are two of her favorite things in life. But I don't have the time to schlep her around to auditions and such.
Because I Said So (and other tales from a less-than-perfect parent) goes on sale July 5th! Because I Said So: And Other Tales from a Less-Than-Perfect Parent
Remember, watch the video, then leave me a comment here. I'll choose one random winner every time I stop between Chicago and Orlando this week. For an extra entry, share the video on your Facebook page or via Twitter. If you share it, leave another comment here linking back.
Have fun! Enjoy! Good luck! And say a prayer for safe travels if you're so inclined. :)
ok when i watched the video i laughed so SO hard (esp with the people's reactions in the market!!!) and a little 'wee' may have come out AS i was laughing....so surely THAT deserve one of your books.....and with that living ACROSS the world...and probably never getting my hands on your book!!!
**pick me pick me pick me**
Does leaving a comment the first time you watched it count? I think I was the fart comment! lmbo
Loved the video... I watched it the day you posted it on Facebook... Hubby thought you were CRAZY! I was like nope just a good actress..
Posted on my facebook page.
I had my 8 year watch your video and it is perfect for teaching them just how silly she is. I love it. Have a have journey. I can't wait to hear about the trip.
Oh my word Dawn you are sooooooooooo crazy! You had me cracking up!!! I'm sure there is never a dull moment in your house unless it's when everyone is asleep and probably not even then! Oh and btw your girls are beautiful!!!
Your video was awesome. The throwing of the fits totally reminded me of my 3.5 year old nephew. Praying for safe travels as you embark on a new journey!
Finally an advantage to living overseas!! I get to read your blog posts as soon as you publish them!! I have been reading your blog for over a year now and I love it! good luck with your move!
I linked your blog to my FB account.
I laughed so hard, I cried! I can't tell you how many times I wanted to throw my own tantrum!
Watched the video. Miss you already. Safe trip and much happiness.
I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed; this was the only way I could figure out how to link to my post.
Safe and fun travels this week!
Hi Dawn, I follow you on FB and think you are a totally awesome Mom - I loved your youtube video....hmmm, I wonder if my kids would like me to act like them - twin girls aged 7yrs and my baby girl who just turned 6 yesterday! Take Care of you and yours and I look forward to hearing more of what's happening with you all! Liz, Scotland.
How very generous of you! Safe journey :)
Hey again...okay, I've also 'shared' your you tube on my FB account - under Elizabeth Lorraine Leebody...not sure if leaving this comment here is what you mean by linking?! (I'm not very good with technology LOL)
Liz xox
Great video! You and your kids look like you have a lot of fun together! Good luck on the move. I can't wait to hear about the adventures!
I think your video is really funny but really true all at the same time!! I also really needed a laugh today so it was the perfect time to watch that!! Praying for safe travels for you and the kiddos!! Welcome to your new beginning! :)
I hope you have a very safe and as uneventful as possible with 6 kids can be trip. Can't wait to see what God has in store for you in your new location! :)
Dawn, I loved the entire video. Laughed from beginning to end!! And safe travels...can't wait to see pictures of the trip! Chris in PA
Love the Aldi scene! I feel like acting like my children many times. I too have six children, but am blessed with a wonderful husband who makes it all doable. I can't even imagine doing what you are doing. Kudos to you!
Praying for safe travels for your family. Enjoy your new beginnings.
Love reading your blogs about your life and kids. It is nice to know everyone is not perfect.
Shared your blog with video on FB.
Loved the video! lol my four year old also thought it was great :D loved it! hahaha I laughed so hard! Good luck on the move! Safe travels!
Laura Kay
I just shared the video on my fb page!
Laura Kay (A novel review)
Had tears in my eyes laughing over the grocery store part of the video!! Have passed your video on to my daughters and grands and will be happy to share it on facebook. Have a safe and fun trip into your new life!
And don't forget to wipe! :)
Have a great trip!
Awesome Video, I love your blog and cant wait to read your new book. I hope this is the right place to leave the comments for the contest! Have a safe trip!
I loved the video - even showed it to my 5 year old who actually thought parts of it did look like him. Hey, if I win, I'll come over and get the book from you and maybe help unpack (or maybe not - where ever I go so do my boys).
Loved your video as much the second time as the first! What great kids you have, Dawn! Chicago will miss you! Safe travels.
Loved the video -- I know that when I come to your blog, I will leave with a smile! Thank you!! Good luck with the move and new life in Orlando!!
OMGosh, Dawn...I laughed so hard people in the next office thought I'd finally had a breakdown. Thanks for giving me a lift on a MOnday!! :) Good luck on your trip to Florida. God Bless!
Love the video...especially the scene on the grocery store floor. Oh, and the neighbor on the roof with a leaf blower! You had such an ADD moment! :) Safe travels to you this week and many blessings as you start this new chapter in life!
I posted your video to FACEBOOK! Too funny to keep to myself!
Every kid should have to watch that video. Priceless. You are definitely the fun mom. Safe journey on your new adventure.
Best wishes in Orlando! You all deserve a fresh start! What a wonderful adventure you guys are starting...
I laugh every time I watch this, I think it's because I know if I haven't encounter some of the situations yet....I soon will!!! I love your sense if humor! Hope your trip goes smoothly. :-)
Loved the video and the bloopers afterwards. Many laughs!
I think if we all took 5 minutes a day to act like a 5 year old the world would be a better place. I once ripped up a deck of cards because I kept losing at a game of poker. My kids claim I was yelling bad things while ripping the cards up, but I have no memory of that. Therefore, it did not happen. Good luck on the move and I hope the kids sleep the entire way. Is that asking too much?!
I watched the video and I so want to do that to my kids at some point. I think every kid does most of that. My boys don't eat cereal so we have avoided the laying on the floor crying thing... so far.
I've watched the video several times... its hilarious. Have fun on the trip to Orlando.
Love your blog. Have your books. Have a safe journey. I wish you nothing but good things in your move to new and better things.
Praying hard! And I watched your video last night and re-posted it on my FB page! www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1413773393
The video just makes me laugh. Obviously you had a blast making it, and you all just love each other. a.lot. God has great things in store for you, and I am excited to see how it all plays out. Great job- all of you!!
Shared the video on my fb page!
LMAO Dawn you & your kiddos are HILARIOUS!!! :) How fun! You guys should make all kinds of PSA's like that!!
Your video was hilarious. I was laughing so much I almost peed my pants. My husband was looking at me like I had three heads.
Good luck with your move. I wish you all the best. You deserve it.
Terri Taylor
Oohh Dawn, that was hilarious!! Hailey & I just watched it together & couldn't stop laughing.
I'm soso excited for you all on your new life in Orlando! I hope everything settles quickly & smoothly for you! Hopefully I'll be able to make it back down to Florida (with or without the kids) & we can finally meet up for margaritas!!!
Lots of love & luck!!!
Safe Travels!! I'm a military brat so I do remember those awful tearful goodbyes, BUT think of all the new friends you and the kids will make in Orlando!
I wouldn't have the guts to do all of the things in your video.
Good Luck
Everytime I watch your video I die laughing.. LOL I have shared your video on both of my FB accts since you first posted it! Have a safe trip Dawn. Prayers from us!
Loved your video!! My kids are grown now but it sure brings back memories!! LOL
Best of luck on your move!!
mary dot brasher at gmail dot com
The first time I watched the video (last week), I loved the oh-so-subtle "That's what she said" comment. The second time I watched the video - after reading the comments, it was find the hidden fart (does that sound like a game our kids would play? Yes, yes it does.) The third time I watched the video I was struck by how happy of all you seem. The laughter comes so freely, and it's clear that yours is a family filled with love at its core. Safe travels, and all the best to you in your new world!
Pick ME!!!! I LOOOOVED your video! I was laughing SO hard at the outtakes!!! :D :D Your kids are AWESOME! XOXO Good luck with your new adventure!
I'll be praying for a safe trip. Too bad no one could go with you to help with the driving. When my sister was moving her and her kids from Washington State to North Carolina, my mom went with her (my sister's hubby was in the military and couldn't help because he was working). Big help to my sister, I'm sure. Good luck!
Fun video...Have a safe trip to Florida...and HAGS (have a great summer)!!
I watched your video when you first posted it and laughed so hard at your in-store tantrum that I cried. Just watched it again now and I'm laughing my butt off.
Praying that you have safe travels and that your kids don't drive you crazy before you get to your new home. Can't wait to hear about your moving adventures!
That video cracks me up. No really, you should see my face, it's full of cracks and wrinkles. *sigh*
I'll be thinking of you (and all your pit stops)! And don't forget... draw my name! Just wash your hands first, will ya?!? ;)
Have a safe trip! I will be looking forward to your posts from Orlando!
Love the video and I would really love your book! I cant believe you put your hair on thre grocery store floor! Yuck! Also, if you drive through Memphis, you can spend the night here. We have a pool and lots of extra bedrooms.
Totally hysterical of course! I wish you a safe trip and a wonderful new beginning for you and the kids!
Have safe travels! I have watched that video quite a few times and can't stop laughing at it. How did people in the store react while you were filming this? I can't imagine grocery shopping and seeing this, I would be glued to watching you LOL
LOVE the video! Did the kids learn anything watching you do that in public?? If yes, I'll try it!! :D
Safe travels and happy beginnings!
I watched it! And left a comment!
I loved your first two books! Pick me!
I loved the video and so wish I could just be a go with the flow parent. I bet you are a blast to hang out with and the memories your kids will have are priceless. They will be so funny to hear them relive in say 20 years...remember when mom threw that huge fit in the grocery store :)
Safe travels...
Loved the segment of you throwing a tantrum in the store. The people's reactions were hilarious. Have a wonderful trip to Florida.
I love the outtakes the best. With Jax trying to be so serious. :)
Safe travels!
Loved the video and the bloopers! Safe travels on your journey. I look forward to reading about the adventure and new life in Orlando.
Can so relate to video. Have a safe trip.
I love the video Dawn. I'm impressed at how much time & effort you spent on this all while getting ready to move!! You & your kids are so funny & you all did a great job. Thanks as always for all the laughs, I'll be praying for your trip to your new home, God bless!!
Love your video!! Oh the fun of driving cross county with kids. I have never done it with mine, but my grandma braved it and took my sister, brother, and cousin to PA and FL a few times. What a joy to be stuck in a van for days on end. We live in AZ and before we even got out of the state my sister was asking are we there yet!!! These trips were where I first got to see flightening bugs and fireworks for SALE on the side of the road. AZ did not all the sale of fireworks until last year! Amazing times, but I don't think I am brave enough to tackle this with my kids, and there are tv's and games that we never had. A book and a walkman were our only outlet! Again good luck and save travels.
Funny stuff. I'm sure you had a great time filming it. Best wishes for a safe trip to Florida and for getting settled in quickly.
I think I laughed too hard at your video. My kids were looking at me like I was crazy. Could have been the laughing, could have been their permanent look. Not sure.
I'll be praying for a safe trip for you. I was a single mom for a few years, and it's tough! Just makes me appreciate the amazing husband I have now.
Well I have posted it on my Facebook page so that must warrant some Brownie points! LOL
this was really good, its a hit for sure. I loved the neighbor, I am so sure you will not miss him when you move. Be safe!!!
I watched the video when you posted it before and loved it.. Here's to a really excellent adventure tomorrow!!! You'll love Florida in the winter.. No more midwest snowstorms but hope you kept a coat because it does cool down in the middle of the winter but it doesn't last Forever,, Safe trip and happy driving..
The video was very funny and oh so true!!! LOL! I hope you have a safe trip and can't wait to hear how everything goes!
I NEED to show my kids this video, its just hilarious. I just found your blog recently and am really enjoying it. You have a lovely family them seem so happy. Well done to you. Best wishes from across the globe.
Good luck on your drive down to FL! I will be praying for safe travels, and well behaved children for you :) Your video was HILARIOUS! Laughed the whole way through. :)
I so want to do the temper tantrum in the store!
loved, loved, LOVED the video. Did I happen to mention I loved the video? As a mother of five and one who threw many many fits I can so relate. Praying for safe travels and a wonderful new chapter of your lives. God Bless.
I did leave a comment last week. My co-workers think your video was weird. They have no children, how would they know what is funny to moms and kids?
Why does Blogger not let me log in and comment from work? I'm Mommeeof10, but will comment from my livejournal account if this does not work
Very funny video! Great addition with the "onlookers" giving you strange looks and trying to run away. I truly hope you and your family find peace and happiness in Florida! Safe travels to you--I definitely don't envy you the long drive with no one to spell you! Good luck in everything!
I loved the video. But my sixteen year old son thought it was very disturbing.
I've watched your video multiple times, and laugh even harder every time! Great job! And best of luck on the move!!!
Absolutely hilarious video...oh so true! Even made my husband watch it. I cannot wait to read you need book. I have a signed copy of the first one and loved it...passed it on to a bunch of friend who have gotten good laughs too! I wish you the best of luck in FL. :)
Gee, you've been around a few kids in your day, huh? LOL You have this behaving like a kid thing down! I watched your video the day you posted it on facebook and I was literally LOL! I watched it again today and laughed just as loud! Thanks for the laughs!
Posted more than once on my facebook /Firday.Ketchup and over at my blog http://belindasbaubles.wordpress.com
Please travel safely and I hope the relocation runs smoothly.
Belinda in Brisbane Australia
And I found it so funny I HAD to share with my friends!
Love the video. Your kids and friends are awesome to help you out with your video projects.
You will be in my thoughts and prayers this week. Safe travels.
1. I love your voice
2. You & your family are beautiful
3. My 2 year old found this video hilarious!
4. I love the video, love your books, love your blog, love you! Can't wait to read more!
Can I please get this book? Can I please, please, PLEASE?!!? I want it ~ I promise I'll read it! I will~Honest!! I promise it won't just sit next to my bed! PLEEEESE!? I promise! But I REALLY WANT IT!! Please? Please!? I PROMIIISSE I'm gonna read it! Please! I want this! Please! PLEEASE! I WAAANT IT!
shared on my fb!
Loved, loved, loved the video. The kids did such a good job of looking exasperated with your antics! The bloopers were priceless. Good luck with the move...honk if you come through the Nashville area!
Like everyone else, I watched the video and laughed and laugher and laughed. I have watch it 3 times now....... it is just so funny.
I also sent it to email friends and posted it on my FB wall.
I hope I get a signed book !!!!
Keep the smiles and laughs coming.
Have a wonderful trip.
Donna in Indiana
I hope you have a safe journey!
That was very funny! I will have to have my kids watch it tomorrow!!
I have never laughed so hard watching the video. The part where you were laying down in the aisle stomping your feet was SO funny!!!! I sure you randomly pick me, I'd be on cloud 9.
Good luck with the trip!
You used my question about the supermarket, so you know that I already watched your video... But once again, I really enjoyed it. And my 16 yr. old son thought it was pretty funny too!
Love your Cubs Jersey! Nice job (all 7 of you) on the video. I love how you are all able to put yourselves out there .... not a shy one in the bunch. Best of luck with the book sales. I'll be buying my copy :) And fingers crossed for your move (and your drive).
LOVED the video! The tantrum was definitely the best. You should have saved it for last! Congratulations on the move. Have a safe and fun-filled drive! Well, safe at least...
Love this video, it made me laugh so hard. Good luck with the move. Be safe!!
LOVE the video. I laughed so hard, and so did my kids. That is, until, I told them that they behave the same way. Then I got eye rolling, sighing, and a "yeah right mom, I DON'T act that way" LOL!
Loved loved loved your video. Your kid's expressions are priceless!
Love the Cubs jersey! Have a safe & uneventful trip to FL. LOL Can't wait to hear the tales from the road.
Amy from WI
Not only have I watches it, I shared it on FB right after it was over. Praying so that the move goes well! When you get there, hang in there! Every time I've moved I went through a period of depression, not knowing where I was going or how to get anywhere...just give it time! You'll be okay!
Have a safe trip! Just keep thinking about dipping your toes in that warm clear Florida water with a cold Mommy drink in your hand and hopefully that will get you through a few hours of the trip.
Just posted the video on my wall! http://www.facebook.com/findbecki
Hi Dawn, I'll be thinking of you and your family today as you begin your journey. Wishing you all the best.
This was a great video. Good luck with the move!
-Donna W.
Love the video! Be safe while traveling. I'm sure you will have plenty of blog material from the trip alone :)
That video was too funny!!!! IM so happy for your family and your fresh start. Enjoy the trip!!!
You nailed it! What a great idea--I think you might have some copycat parents out there using this idea. ;) LOVED the bathroom scene! :)
OMG, I laughed so hard! My 3 yr old thought you were funny, but said, "Mommy, that lady isn't acting nice." If that isn't the pot calling the kettle black. It's sad that this chapter of your life is ending, but you have a brand new chapter to look forward to now. Good luck on your cross-country journey!
Loved the Video! So funny! I'm mom of 9 month old twins. Can't wait to see what is in the store for me :)
The video was hilarious, I would not be able to pull that off! The bloopers were the best. I have Because I Said So, the original version, but I would LOVE a signed copy of the revised version. You are a great mom and writer. Good luck with everything.
Love it, you're all very creative.
I shared your video.
did you get permission from the grocery store manager first or did you just go in and start filming? Loved it!
I guess my first comment (yesterday) didn't take. I loved your video! I think my favorite part was Lexie's giggles, but 2nd fave was your on-the-floor tantrum in the grocery store. No way I would have had the guts to do that.
Wishing you and the kids a safe and happy (and trouble-free) trip to FL.
Linked to your video on twitter http://twitter.com/#!/CourtClifford
Loved your video! Have a safe trip and good luck with your new beginning in Florida!
That video was awesome! I was cracking up! Love ya and your kids! :D
Love this video! And your books!
The video was so funny and yet disturbing... Ha-ha! I showed my kids and they thought it was great too. Now, I just tell my six-year-old, "Do you really want to look like the lady in the video?" It helped her realize how ridiculous she looks throwing a fit. Thanks so much!! I would love to have your book and have more reasons to laugh!
Watched your video, it was very funny. I was cracking up the whole time. Good luck on your travels!
i loved the video
It's a stick! :-)
Even my 8 yr old thought that was nasty and was so confused why you weren't literally walking in your kids shoes ;-)
LOL too funny had to share on FB. :)
Found your tweet about it & did a retweet. You're gonna be FAMOUS Dawn!! :)
My 3 and 5 year old thought the part on the video when you asked for someone to wipe you butt was great. For days I heard them say it and giggle!
funny. my son wants to watch the worm mixing again and again. I probably shouldn't have let him see this. its given him ideas. though he did point out that someone is pointing at the little boy on the front of your book, NOT NICE as I've tried to teach him. pointing.
I thought the grocery store was the best part! Have a safe trip and enjoy Florida!
That is so hilarious!! Safe and smooth travels!
Tweeted your post for extra points :)
I am so very happy for your new, well deserved life! I wish you the best of luck and lots of blogging to come!!
The video was hilarious. My husband kept giving me weird looks from across the room for laughing so hard.
Sending prayers for safe travels and new beginnings.
Thanks for the laugh! Loved the video! Have a safe travel and good luck on your newest adventure.
Loved the video! Thanks for the belly laughs! :) Safe travels! IL will miss you!
Thanks for the laugh Dawn!
It's been a really rough week here and my smile was taking a break. Thanks for bringing it back.
Hope you have a good trip
Love the video. I always wanted to do those things to show my kids how ridiculous their behavior really is. Now, all I need to do is show them this video. Thanks for providing this public service.
I have to admit, I couldn't watch the video all the way through the first time. It was just tooo silly. But, I'm in a silly mood now, and I enjoyed your demonstration of what typical kids do!
Travel mercies on your move!
I just peed myself a little from laughing. Chicago is going to miss you. xoxo Beverly Mom
There was a tv commercial for a cold/flu rememdy here in the UK where the mom throws herself on the floor and has a tantrum to avert the kid having one. Love that commercial!
I shared!
Awesome video! Best of luck in your travels!
Here's wishing you a safe drive, and an easy time unpacking! :)
great video. good luck with the drive!
I want a signed book!
That video is hilarious. My kids watched it with me. They all agreed spitting out the hamburger was gross, the revolving door made them laugh, and that they have all whined about not getting to push the button in the elevator. (Mona was trying to follow everyone carefully and said at the first viewing, "I though she owned SIX kids. I only see FOUR." I don't think your two older kids look like kids to a seven year old.)
I watched the video and you guys are very clever and funny. I have always wanted to do the rolling in the aisle having a fit thing. I'm guessing it was liberating. Drive safe-ok, in our family we tell each other "Drive like you're on drugs". Everyone tries to drive safely, so instead we say to drive like you're on drugs. We're weird that way.
I've already read your books, you're great, and the video was so funny I watched it twice. I'm 57 and it made me hark back to my days as a five-year-old. I begged my mom every time we went to the swimming pool. "Please momma, can I puuulllleeeeaaasssee jump off the diving board? I promise I won't drown!" I drove her insane.
One chapter closes and another opens. Good luck on your jourey to Florida and get well soon wishes to Clay and Brooklyn.
I have watched your video numerous times because it is so funny!!!!! I am also a single mom and now a grandmother who has been divorced for 30 years. I, too, divorced when my kids were small, therefore, I know the joys and disappointments of raising kids alone. I admire your strength and courage for taking such a big step in moving with six kids away from family and friends to a strange but a new and exciting challenge. I love your humor and can't wait to read your blog each day!!! I pray to God that this new endeavor will bring much happiness, good health, financial security and a handsome prince who doesn't mind cleaning up vomit! Good Luck to you and your family.
Finally got to watch the video last night, keep forgetting to at home and work doesn't allowe youtube, although it does allow YOUR blog! So very funny, my fave part is your meltdown on the floor at the store - I bet you guys had a blast filming that!
Good luck to you and your beautiful family as you begin a new chapter in your lives, I wish you much love and happiness always!
I'm laughing so hard my mascara is running into my eyes. Burns like all heck and I'm pretty much blind, but still laughing! Loved it! Hope you got a new toothbrush :p
Thanks for doing (and filming) all the things that we WISH we could do as grown-ups to prove a point to our kids! I hope day 2 of your travels are safe and healthy. I hope that Clay and Brooklyn feel better and the rest of your crew stays healthy! Fevers would be no fun while trying to move into your new place...in hot, sticky Florida, no less.
Loved the video. Stay safe as you travel!
I watched your video...the fit in the grocery store was hilarious- especially the lady that threw her kids in the cart and took off!
I hope to win a book!
Love the video - the floor tantrum is now a classic!
I posted your video to facebook after telling a few girlfriends how funny it was - great video!
Loved the video! My husband heard your tantrum and I had to restart it for him! Travel safe. Bonnie
Great video - am praying you have a safe journey!
Hahaha! I LOVEd the reaction of the shoppers!! I also loved the "That's What She Said" comment at the end!
That was a hoot. My youngest, alas, thought it was weird. Apparently, he has no memory of any time in which he jumped in puddles (still does) repeatedly went through revolving doors, or otherwise had to leave because someone was throwing a tantrum!
your video was awesome! you are an absolute riot and im going to have to find a way to get a copy of your books! i love to read, but this will definately not be a book for me to read in bed next to my sleeping husband at night because im positive i wont be able to stop laughing....i better save it for when hes at work so he doesnt think im completely crazy :)
love the video....hope you guys have a safe trip!!!
LOVE the Bloopers the best!
Safe Travel to you!
Loved Loved Loved the video!
Safe travels...praying to St Christopher for you!
thanks Dawn, I laughed like mad. I love you!
Hahahaha! Finally watched the video and am glad I did! Looks like you guys had tons of fun making it!
my husband and children helped me enjoy your video :) so much so that I had to watch it again to catch everything I missed... :) would love to win a copy of your book :) you have the best blog!
Hilarious! Good luck and drive safe this week! I hope you and your family love Orlando--my sister lives there and loves it. There is so much to do with kids, not to mention being able to just be outside all year round! Love your blog.
Lisa (latelford @ gmail . com)
Your video had me laughing so hard! The store bit was the best :) Safe travels!
Ok, so, anyone miss the "That's what she said" comment after "It's so hard" at the end?!!! Naughty boy! ;-P
Have a great trip! I'd love a free book!
SOOOO???? How's the new place??
Hope your kids are feeling better and glad you made it to Orlando. Funny video. hope the book does great!
You are Awesome!! I made my boys watch it too, and they were giggling. Thanks! :)
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