Clayton, who recently turned seven, is my latest budding artist. His subject of choice is dinosaurs. And poop. And dinosaurs that poop. Yeah, I’m inordinately proud.
As you can see, these dinosaurs are having a lovely little conversation. One is saying, “Fart you.” The other is replying, “Poo you.” These are the kind of details they never show you on those National Geographic specials, but I’m pretty sure Clay’s depiction is spot on.

And here are the conversations my kids have with each other . . .

and this . . .

“Really, Clayton? A dinosaur pooping???”
“He’s not pooping! This dinosaur is laying eggs. It looks like they’re pooping when they lay eggs, Mom,” Clay slowly explained so my feeble brain could keep up.
“Silly me. Why on earth would I possibly have thought you were drawing poop?” I asked, rhetorically.

This dinosaur has no feet, but what he lacks in limbs, he makes up for in teeth. Lots and lots of teeth.

I’m not sure if Clay is critiquing his drawing or if this is the dino’s dialogue. I don’t think the drawing is bad. Maybe the dinosaur is just complaining about something. Or maybe Clay is just commenting that this dinosaur sucks as opposed to bites. You know, since the dinosaur above got all the allotment of teeth.

“This is great, Clay! What a realistic drawing of a dinosaur! And there’s no poop in sight! Wow, we need to hang this one up on the fridge!”

Ahhh, and here we are. People shooting a, hmmm, what is that? A giant mouse? I love how the one guy is caught in friendly fire. And the dripping blood is a nice touch. Well done, Clay. There’s no doubt in my mind, his pieces will be showcased in the Louvre one day.

I just noticed the new book cover. It looks rather harsh (personally I just don't like pointing fingers 2 inches in front of my face). I hope this is not a mad mom book now.
Wow, Clay writes nice for 7, I can barely read my seven year old's printing. However, the genre is about the same, who taught them to spell all those bodily functions anyway?
Love the drawings, and they would probably make a great children's book! Kerri thinks the ginormous teeth picture is the coolest. :o)
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