Let's pull back a bit and take another look, shall we?
And this is why the folks at our local ER know us by name. This same child (with more energy than should be allowed by law) made it one whole day in school before getting in trouble. sigh I think it's going to be a looong year of trying to teach him self-control. On the bright side, he read his homework story twenty times tonight. He thinks it's so cool that he can read now! I was so proud that I hardly even noticed the fact that he couldn't sit still and bounced all over while poking everyone who walked by while reading...
I know I haven't been around, writing as much on my blog lately. The good news is that I'm feeling much better now! I'm back to an almost normal diet and even though I seem to be on the "fast track digestive plan" (if you catch my drift), I'm doing really well. I'll break down and schedule my surgery in another week or two.
In other news - I'm working on a manuscript and have a deadline of this week. I really need to finish it before my editor hunts me down, but I'll be back soon. :)
And remember, in the meantime, you can help me finance Clay's therapy by pre-ordering my book HERE!
The best times in a kid's life are spent in a tree! I know.
..well at least he's outside and not stuck in front on the TV.. *grin* and good luck with your MS
Yogurt will take care of the fast track digestive plan. Its all the antibiotics. Just wanted to let you how I look forward to your blog. Makes my day.
I can only imagine the trouble that Clay gets into and how much his teacher loves him. My favorite students were always the ones who pushed me beyond my limits. Made me stronger.
I just started reading your blog but so far I love it!! Its so nice to hear that there IS another blogger with kids like mine. They get into mischief and act up. My son sounds just like your youngest son. A good heart and full of energy!
It's okay babe, they know us by name at the ER too. In fact, I keep telling them they should just name that hall after us. ;)
Just one small question.
How on earth did he get up the first part of the tree without any branches etc.?
Oh, City-Girl, that's nuthin! ;) LOL
When I was young I practically lived in a tree .. I didn't break anything either. It was my hiding place and once the other 3 siblings found me .. well they just couldn't climb like me so it remained 'Donna's Place'.
Put that picture in his baby book.
He will have lots of stories for his kids too.
Donna from Indiana
We made it 5 days before getting a note. So I guess you win.
Glad you're feeling better.
One whole day? The teacher should be flattered he feels so comfortable already. It takes my son about a month before I get a note or a phone call. The first month he's too busy being on his best behavior because it's a new person.
I do catch your fast track digestive issues. My husband had colon cancer and now his colon is much shorter so when he has to go, he *really* has to go! It never fails that about 5 minutes after dinner, into the bathroom he goes. Goes. ha ha.
Forget how Clay got into the tree in the first place. What I want to know is how you got that first picture. It looks pretty much straight on & not like it was taken from a much lower level - like the ground.
People teased me when I was pg with my second boy b/c my first one was at the ER so much. We have managed in eight years to have three broken arms (one with pins), six sets of stitches, and one concussion (not counting goose eggs, non concussion knocks to the noggin and the stuff mom used skin glue on at home)
Pretty sure its best I stop at two :)
I have a son who sounds remarkably just like that. Amazingly, he's now 11 and isn't dead/hasn't been killed yet. :)
Good luck with your surgery! I have had 2 surgeries for dermoid cysts ( same thing , different name) Praying you feel better soon!
Oh how I laughed at the picture of Clay! My baby boy (then 25) did a little tree climbing last April with his mates after only a couple of beers, fell out and broke his spine, sternum and a coupke of ribs! He was one very lucky boy and, although he is sporting some fancy metal work to hold the vertebrae together while they heal, he's on his feet and will make a good recovery. I'm sure you will be as impressed as I was to learn that he climbed higher than the other lads. We now have him back home with us until he's fit to return to University and independent life again - probably early next year.
I really thought once he had left his childhood and teen years behind that we had got past the hospital trips for those delightful 'boyish pranks' that seemed such a good idea at the time. Just goes to prove that boys don't grow up, they just get bigger!
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