And now for answers to this week's questions...
Why do they [kids] do these [stupid stuff like sticking Tic Tacs up their noses] things??!!
Much like how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop, the world may never know.
Have you seen the new coconut M&M's? Saw them at Walgreens today and thought of you :)
Yeah, that was nice that you thought of me, but did you mail me a bag of 'em?
I am confused. You finally sent out a newsletter? I thought I had signed up, but went to sign up again, and it says that I have signed up. Yet- I still have never received one... what is going on?
It's one of my those mysterious computery things. But never fear because you can read a copy of my latest newsletter on my website DawnMeehan.com.
I feel your pain. We took our kids to our State Fair and took them to the DNR fishing pond on Grandparents Day when the Grandparents could fish with the kids.
Ok, there's probably a logical translation of what DNR means, but all I can think of is Do Not Resuscitate. I guess that makes sense because you probably wouldn't want to go to heroic measures to save a fish you just caught for dinner, but I'm pretty sure that's not what it means. My brain is already filled to overflowing with texting abbreviations so I can communicate with my teens. Someone help me out here.
Oh no she didn't!! And you do NOT look like a grandma!!I'm trying to decide if that's worse than when someone at my daughter's pre-school last week said, "So you're expecting another one...?" Ah, no... that would be the "baby weight" I put on five years ago!!
Ouch. Yep, I think that one is worse. I've gotten that one too. In fact, I wrote about it in my new book You'll Lose the Baby Weight (and other lies about pregnacy and childbirth).
Good for you, for sticking through it! At least you can watch Savannah cheer them on! (Right, you did say she was a cheerleader? I'm just guessing she cheers for the same team Jackson play on.)
Savannah would never be caught dead cheering. Lexi's my cheerleader.
just to correct you...the white lines on the field are every 10yards not 5 (sorry)
Just to correct you, the white lines on a football field are every 5 yards like I said. Remember, I'm the football EXPERT now!
You have BEER at your games?? I'm so jealous!!
I had like 20 comments and emails to this effect. See? This is what I'm talking about! Football fans feel strongly about their beer. And noooo, there's no beer at Jackson's games. But I was talking about football, in general. Kids games, professional games, games on TV... I mean, heck, the only reason I even glance at the TV during the superbowl is for the Budweiser commercials.
Hi Dawn- I love your website... It's so real... Is it just a coincidence that your kids have names that are cities or did you plan that???
My kids are named after cities??? Oh man, how did I miss that all these years?!
For all you Lands' End fans, I've got a Friends and Family discount at Lands' End! Just use Promo code: LESHARE and Pin: 3171 for 25% off and regular priced items. It includes free shipping and is good Fri - Mon!
My latest article about the new PASS card from American Express is on my review blog. I'll be writing posts about helping teens to learn about and manage money. Join in the conversation HERE!
DNR - it could possibly mean Department of Natural Resources.
Oops, sorry about that... DNR = Department of Natural Resources. Their building at the fair was all about the outdoorsy stuff... so the kids got to fish and shoot a gun.
Department of Natural Resources. Although I thought Do Not Resuscitate at first too.
D - Department
N - Natural
R - Resources
Silly people who like to fish have to pay the DNR to fish legally most everywhere. Just another tax. I await Fishing 101.
Hey Dawn just to let you know DNR also means Deparment of Natural Recources. Also to the lady that signed up but didn't recieve a news letter, she should check her spam folder thats where mine was. have a great day.
Is it just me or is the reminder to remember to email Dawn a Sunday Shout Out question come right after reading the Sunday Shout Out?
How about a Monday Shout Out for all us late people. I really feel there's more fashionably late people here than snobby on-timers.
DNR=Department of Natural Resources!
DNR=Department of Natural Resources :-)
DNR = Department of Natural Resources :)
Given the context, I think you can safely assume DNR = Department of Natural Resources. In many states, that's who licenses hunting and fishing, amongst lots of other environmental and land management tasks.
On the rare occasions you watch an NFL game on t.v. have you noticed that they super-impose colorful lines across the field to indicate where the play started, and how far the team has to go? We took our erstwhile dtr-in-law to a university footbrawl game and she looked down at the field and asked where the red line was. That wasn't the cause of the eventual divorce, but nobuddy in the family was sorry to see her go.
ROFL!! Love the turkey hat Monica ;)Gigglesnort Hotel! Now there's a blast from the past. That guy, can't remember his name, was a magician with clay! Blob was my favorite. Those were the days when Saturday morning cartoons was something that you looked forward to all week and wasn't ubiquitos with the 24/7 programming these days. 'You think you kids got it rough, why I remember when...' DEAR GOD! I'M OLD!! Lol!!
You are so hilarious!!!
I am going to blog this.
so i've been wondering about this for awhile. lexi's in, what, 3rd grade? 4th? what does she cheer for? and since when do elementary schools have homecoming? i'm really confused by all of this. but perhaps we just do things differently here and i'm missing out.
um, guess you don't need another Department of Natural Resources. Oh well, at least you know someone's reading. Just out of curiosity, DO you know how many people read your blog on average, do you get web stats (or just those silly, um informative what-was-typed-to-get-you-here stuff)?
Hey Dawn, nothing to do with the SSO, but I just found this on another blog and thought you might enjoy it!
Woohoo my comment made it to the Sunday Shout Out ;)
I so wish we had beer at my kids games/practices!
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