On top of all the writing, I've just been crazy-busy. I've been so busy, in fact, that I've kinda shut down. When I get overwhelmed and I don't know where to start, I sometimes just kinda turn off, shut down, and do nothing. Do you know what I mean? Do you ever feel so overwhelmed with all you have to do day in and day out without any help and without enough hours in the day to accomplish everything? Do you ever lie down in bed at night and go over a mental list of everything you wanted to get done and didn't?
Lately, I feel like I'm swimming and swimming, stroke after stroke, swimming hard against the current. My muscles are sore, my lungs feel like they're on fire, and yet I keep going, thinking - just a few more strokes and I'll be there. I'm almost to shore. And then I look up and the shore is just as far away as it was when I started. Some days, it's hard finding the energy to keep fighting a losing battle.
I don't know where to even begin on all the work I have to do and instead of making me want to tackle everything, it makes me just want to sleep in the hopes that it'll all disappear when I wake up. In fact, I'd probably still be sleeping right now, if it wasn't for my friend, Eric. Last night, I mentioned to him that I was out of milk and hadn't even had time to stop at the store for more, and the most tragic part about it was that I couldn't have any coffee today because I can't drink it without cream or milk or something. Ew.
So, this morning, after I dragged my butt out of bed and I woke up my three youngest (the older three had already gotten ready and left for school), I trudged over to the couch where I lay back down under a mound of blankets. Ten more minutes, I thought to myself. I've got ten more minutes to lie here like a slug before I have to get up.
Just then, I heard a knock on the door. There stood my friend, Eric with a cup of Dunkin Donuts coconut coffee with cream and sugar (my absolute fave, just the way I like it) and three cups of hot chocolate for my little ones. How sweet was that? Not only is he an awesome, thoughtful friend, he's my Handy Manny. AND, he didn't even make fun of me when he saw me with my hair all Medusa-like, make-up smeared on my face because I was too tired to wash it off the night before, and ratty old pajamas. You can't beat that. Seriously, if he hadn't shown up, I was planning on driving the kids to school in my pajamas and coming back home to take a nap. He inspired me to get off my butt, shower, and do something productive. So, thanks Eric, for the coffee, for being such a great friend, for making me get off my butt and do something, and for not making fun of my lovely morning look, and my even more lovely, morning, pre-coffee attitude.
So yeah, there will always be those times when we have to continue to swim against the current and struggle to get to where we need to be, but now and then, just when we're sure we're going to drown, a friend with a speed boat will come along with a hug, some coffee (or a margarita) and a little, much-needed break and it will be just enough to make us want to jump back in and keep swimming.
Creative Commons picture from Wyscan's photostream
What a blessing to have friends like that!
Whoa, whoa, whoa.... a new book, a great friend and some liquid motivation is great but let's not loose focus on what's truly important... coconut coffee?!?!? Canada does not have such a thing. Can it be mailed? (hint hint) ;)
Seriously, though... awesome work on the manuscript. And you don't have to explain your MIA... I can't speak for everyone but we'll be here no matter what, waiting patiently. Mind you, some of us will be waiting without coconut coffee.
Just saying...
You have gotta love the friends that make you realize you just gotta keep swimming. He sounds like an awesome friend.
So, are you saying there IS life after divorce? Hear hear!
Motherhood does that to all of us, Dawn, and most of us don't have six to keep up with! Thank God for good friends, because without them to help us up and out, we would soon give up.
You are amazing; a total inspiration to the rest of us lowly mortals who feel bogged down and overwhelmed with 2 or 3 kids and a husband! Never forget that, and never let anyone tell you differently.
Its great to have friends who can do the smallest thing and it just suddenly makes the day so much better.
hang in there.. you have more strength than you realize..and your friend dropping by was and angel in disguise just to help u get thru the day :) BTW yr facebook badge pic looks fab.. u r looking hotter day by day :)
There's a ship out
On the ocean
At the mercy of the sea
It's been tossed about
Lost and broken
Wandering aimlessly
And God somehow
You know that ship is me
'Cause there's a lighthouse
In the harbour
Shining faithfully
Pouring its light out
Across the water
For this sinking soul to see
That someone out there
Still believes in me
These are some of the lyrics from a Garth Brooks song. I do understand where you are - I've been there. There have been days where I've played this song over and over - to remind myself that God is there to pick me up when I feel so overwhelmed.
God bless your friend for being there and helping you thru this morning. It does get easier. Just keep doing what you can do and what doesn't get done today- will still be there tomorrow.
I know and can relate so well to this post. I wish there was more I could do to help you in some way, I think having friends to see us through is one way God has of helping us to not give up. I know of so many times when a friend showed up at just the right time with words or deeds that gave me the strength to go on. You're an amazing person for tackling all that you do, you give it your best, and once again, you should know I admire you!
Dawn, listening to the Smiths won't get you out of your slug-ness.
That's awesome you have such a great friend.Now did Eric and his speed boat also clean your house?That's the kind of friend I need,lol.And they still need to bring coffee and donuts.
Aww - lovely!
Whar awesome friends you have. You are one lucky lady. :)
Sorry it has been tough going...been there done that...wait, still there and doing that! Hope things get a little easier. And you are so right, thank goodness for those type of friends!
Aah.... nothing like a friend bearing coffee to get rid of the morning pre-coffee attitude!!
You sound like you need a hug today so here you are
Remember, breath in and out, put one foot in front of the other and you'll get there in the end. He doesn't give us more than we can handle, whether we realise it or not.
Oh, Dawn! I hate going over the "did not accomplish" list in my head at night. What a treat to have coffee delivered to your door...sweet friend. I hope today is better.
I definitely do the whole checking-off-the-things-I-didn't-do list each and every night.
I think most people believe that at some people you reach a certain point and you can breathe easily. When the kids are all in school? Retirement? I don't think that time ever really comes. There is ALWAYS something. But that's part of what makes life wonderful--being busy, needed, wanted, and loved, like you so obviously are! What a friend :D
Must. try. coconut. coffee.
So glad you have such great friends and that you got your coffee!!!!! I hope the rest of your day turns out great!
Sometimes I say the same thing to myself....just keep swimming, just keep swimming! You are amazing and awesome. Keep believing in yourself and accepting help from friends when it is offered. Life has its ups and downs for all of us married, single or divorced. But the great thing about women is that we can be strong when we need to be. And when we can't be strong, we know when to accept help. Have great day!
I know exactly how that feels! However, I feel a little ashamed to even say that considering I only have 2 kids AND I have a husband to help. But when things get overwhelming I just shut down too. If I don't know where to start...it's just easier not to. Eventually something kicks in and I figure it out. Thankfully for you, that "kick" was your good buddy Eric. :)
Is Eric single???!!!
If you find yourself in this "pull the covers over my head" funk much longer, please have you family doc check you out. What you are describing is often a sign of clinical depression.
I think that "I'm drowning" feeling is so common. I said that so many times last year while my husband was deployed. The bills, the house, the kids, it all becomes to much and you just have to take a break, breath, have some chocolate and a drink... and move on. You have so much support, love, and good thoughts coming to you. Use it and accept help whenever it's offered. Just keep swimming :)
What a great friend and the whole story is motivating me to get off my duff this morning!
And I must tell you that I thought I couldn't love you or your blog more and then you tell us your fave coffee is DD! I love DD. I can't start my day without it. All other coffee is basically swill in comparison. You are a gal with good taste!
Thanks for sharing! I really thought I was the only one who did that when I feel overwhelmed!
Quick question - are you and Spuds still friends? I may have missed an update Ü
It's so great to have awesome friends like that!
I asked for one of the cookies you posted a little while ago and I didn't hear anything from that. So I'm taking the hint and I'm not EVEN going to ask you to send some of the donuts no matter HOW bad I want one (or 3)!
yes, and I do the same thing - shut down. don't do anything and then get more and more overwhelmed.
do you know, since you've been divorced you've gotten prettier and prettier in your pics, its good for you, huh?
So I signed up for emails a long time ago (before the first book came out)...I just double checked, and when I fill out the information it and submit it tells me that I am already signed up, but I have never received a newsletter... :(
wow, I love this post. It's so encouraging. I really admire you for all you manage to do even when are sick and feel like you're in over your head. Every time I read your blog lately I loose any excuses I had to do less or feel lazy. I'm praying for you that you have the strength you need to tackle everything that needs to be done.
I too sometimes just have to give up on the day and go to bed. Eric seemed to step in just in time. Friends don't let friends miss out on morning coffee.
Dawn, I want you to know that after reading that whole wonderful and inspiring post all I came away with was I had no idea Dunkin Donuts made a coconut coffee and that I have to try it! THANKS!!!
Thanks. And as to the rest of the blah blah I'm sure it all meant a great deal to everyone! I GOTTA GET SOME O'THAT COFFEE!!!
Just to echo what Pat said - what you described did sound a lot like a real depression. If you find those feelings keep up, please do go to your doctor.
And just so you know, I'm not a total stranger buzzing by trying to diagnose your life - I know you won't recognize me because I never comment but I have been a fairly regualar reader over the past few years. :D
What an amazing friend! I got a little teary eyed reading it. You are an amazing woman and an amazing mother! Thanks for sharing.
Hugs to you!
Keep swimming and remember not to measure your progress to shore, it's ENOUGH what you accomplished today. You'll make it ashore.
If your feelings of being overwhelmed continue, and that feeling of just needing to hangout under those blankets doesn't improve, talk to your doctor. Depression has these same "red flags" and it can happen to anyone. Even awesome writer super moms who get it all done while drinking coconut coffee!
Remember to take care of yourself too. :)
Thank God for great friends who don't judge but know exactly when to show up, right? Stay strong. ;D
My first response to overwhelm is usually shutdown complete with multiple hours on the net - twitter, facebook, reading blogs, gaming, anything but what I really need to be doing.
What great support you have :) There is no better friend than one that brings you Dunkin' Donuts coffee (I didn't even know they had coconut).
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