Monday, October 15, 2007

Um, Just how Many Cameras do you Have on You?

I was on ABC World News tonight! I know some of you caught it. While watching the segment, I should've been thinking, "I'm on TV! Cool!" Instead, the only thought going through my mind was the recollection of the Friends episode where the gang is watching an old video of Monica and she says, "...the camera adds ten pounds." To this, Chandler replies, "Just how many cameras do you have on you???" It's time to go visit my friends at Weight Watchers I think.

In every frame of the segment, I noticed my three year old jumping around like the monkey he is. And I just love the part where I tell him, "You get to have pudding for breakfast. No one else does!" Sounds like I'm bribing him, doesn't it? Not that I'm above a little bribery now and then, but my toddler had just had a tonsillectomy and was crying because he couldn't have a waffle. I was trying to explain that waffles were too scratchy for his throat and it was special that he got to have pudding for breakfast. Yep, that's me, perfect mom that I am, feeding my kid chocolate pudding for breakfast on national TV.

Anyway, the woman who interviewed me and wrote up the segment, Barbara Pinto, is awesome! She was so nice and, despite the fact that she leads a much more exciting life than I can imagine (she flew into a hurricane to cover the news!), she seemed genuinely interested in me. Here's the story she wrote on Mommy Bloggers.

Tooth Update~

I love my dentist! Whenever I have a tooth problem, this guy fits me in his schedule right away. I suspect he even skips his lunch time to see patients who have emergencies. He cracks me up too. He used to be so uptight when I'd have my kids there at the office. If he heard the baby, out in the waiting room with my husband, cry, "He'd get this worried look on his face and nervously ask, "Should you get the baby? I think I hear him crying. Do you want to go see what's wrong?" Now that he has a daughter of his own, his attitude has changed to one of, "Your baby's crying? Really? I didn't notice any crying." Funny how that works, isn't it?

Anyway, I lay down, got my pretty blue bib pinned on, and opened my mouth. My dentist took a look at my gums and said, "AAAEEEWWWW!" as he kind of jumped back. I'm thinking to myself, "this can't be a good thing when your dentist says 'Ew'." So he sticks a hunk of cardboard in my mouth to give my gag reflex a work-out while he takes an x-ray. The good news is the tooth is fine. Hooray! The bad news is that my gum is infected, however, a week of antibiotics and I should be good to go. Next week, he'll fill the first of many, many craters in my teeth.

Fridge update~

The repairman who came to my house last week told me that he'd have to order the part. Perfectly understandable that they wouldn't keep replacement parts on hand, them being an appliance repair service and all. He said it should be in by Saturday or at least by Monday. I hadn't heard anything from them, so I gave a call this afternoon and asked when they were expecting to get the part in stock. The girl on the other end of the phone replied, "Oh, we have that part in stock now." She made it sound like they'd had it forever.
"Umm ok, were you ever going to call and let me know? Do you realize I have a family of eight and we've been working without a refrigerator for a week?""
Anyway, it's scheduled to be fixed on Wednesday.

Bye Bye Birdie update~

I misunderstood my son. He didn't have to sing a song from the movie. He just had to wear a costume and/or bring in a prop and talk about the musical from the chosen character's point of view, using that character's mannerisms, and speech patterns. Whew. He did his presentation today and didn't vomit or pass out. Life is good!

My daughter, in typical little kid fashion, jumped up and down again and again and again this evening while saying, "Look at me! Mom, look at me! Look what I can do! Mom, look! Watch me!" I eagerly watched to see what she'd come up with this time. I absolutely love watching the kids' impromptu shows; watching them sing, dance, or otherwise perform. This time, it was a gymnastics exhibition. My daughter put her hands down on the floor and kicked her legs up. Right into my face. Oh well, why not have both cheeks hurt? At least I can say I'm balanced. ;)


Anonymous said...

If I scream and yell and say, "Look at me! Look at me!" will you get mad if I accidentally kick you in the face while I attempt a hand stand?

Martin Noziglia Mene said...

Hi Dawn, Im Martín from Argentina and im very interested in reading your blog.
Because of this i wrote a post in my argentinian blog. I hope you visit it.
Congratulations by the way!

Best regards
pd: I saw you in ABC yesterday

Anonymous said...

I am reading this and noticing the time. It's amazing that as Moms we seem to be in it for the long-haul at night. Here it is 11 PM and I am just now getting to my computer. Amazing how it feels like it was only 11 AM not long ago! My 5 year old son asked me one time, "Mommy, why do you stay up longer than me? Why don't you just go to bed like you tell me?"
IF ONLY IF ONLY!!!! I wish I had the time, but unfortunately there is no maid that comes in and magically gets things done. Of course that works for my husband! Amazingly that little helper happens to be me.
Congratulations on your success! You've made me enjoy laughing on those days when there seems to never be an end!
Dawn in Kansas

Anonymous said...

I saw you on the news - you were fabulous!!!! You looked great- seriously - you looked very put together! (which is what you would not find if you came to my house) :-) your hair was brushed!

All moments remembered said...

You need to wrap up in Bubble wrap!! LOL!! You nut! Glad your tooth is going to be okay!! Enjoying emailing with Mimi now! Julian is my hero for courage!!
Have a good night!!

Anonymous said...

ah i wish i had known to turn on the tv! i cant believe i missed you!! is it possible for you to get a copy and post it online?

Anonymous said...

For those of us who didn't get to see the interview, will you post a link? I'd really like to see it!

Anonymous said...

Way to go on TV. My favorite part of the broadcast was when Jackson appeared to reject his sandwich and pushed it away from him. At least that was my impression of the event.
HE, Illinois

Victoria said...

Great spot on WNT!! Congratulations!

Can you spare like, a hundred of your readers? That'd be great, k, thanks.

I mean, jebus, woman! 20-30K!! You rock!!

Anonymous said...

I was mistaken. It was Clayton who rejected his sandwich. I knew that, I just got confused.
HE, Illinois

Anonymous said...

I missed the interview and would LOVE to see it! Is there a web link you could post for us so we could watch it online???? Thanks!

Jennwith4 said...

That dentist was just like my husband! He was soooo uptight about babies until ours came along. Actually it took him a little while to get used to our first one.

Kami said...

Hi Dawn, I got on the ABC website because I missed the segment. I could read the article, but wasn't able to get the video to work. Have you been able to watch it online? I love your blog!! Thanks for all your doing for moms everywhere.

Kami (mom to 2 sets of twin boys)

Jan Scholl said...

so for those of us with no broadcast tv, will we be able to see this on the internet or via You Tube or something?

Anonymous said...

I think the moron repairman needs to be whacked in the head. How stupid is that to have the part in and not take care of the customer. Wonder if it has anything to do with not being wiling to pay the service charge. I would definitely complain big time!!!!!!!!!

What a relief for your son and you too that he doesnt have to and perform. Altho he'd probably be happy if he could just take the costume and hang it up and say this is the costume and wave his hand towards it.

Glad to hear your tooth isnt as bad as you thought!!!! Just think a few more quiet times at dentist and youll be smiling pretty!!!!

I missed you on tv. Though I rarely get to watch tv even the one my hubby put in kitchen has kids surrounding it most of the time. Especially the older ones!!! Most night I DVR shows I like to watch and stay up til 1 or 2 am catching up while I fold clothes vacuum and ect. Wish I had a heads up that it was going to be on!!! Oh well maybe one day I'll get to see ya!!!

Seriously call that repair place back and make heads roll!!!!! Take care, Elisabeth

B said...

I saw you on TV!!! :)

As a new mommy blogger it made my heart sing to know that this phenomena could make the national news! Congrats.

I love the blog, btw.

I'm glad you're puttin' it out there for all the momma bloggers in the world. It's truly great!

Anonymous said...


my husband pointed out the piece tonight on the news.

you are very real and hilarious!

six kids, wow. that's amazing.

Anonymous said...


I saw you on TV this evening. I think it's so awesome that mommybloggers are getting noticed. I started mine not too long ago. I haven't taken to writing about my daily experiences just yet. I want my blog to be more of a collection of articles and a place to learn how to make money from home. I guess you have scored there! I hope to reach your level soon!

-Lisa, mother of 3 -- yes that's enough for me :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn

I just finished reading the article about Mummy Bloggers (sorry, I'm too aussie to even type m-o-m-m-y!). What a great idea, to use your material for a sitcom. I can see parents around the world rolling around the floor laughing so hard that they cry already! You'll never know how often I split my sides laughing reading your blog, and having my kids asking "what so funny Mum?". Of course, they're not parents, so they never get what I find so hilarious!

LouAnne said...

I dutifully watched every night last week and wouldn't you know we had to go to Costco tonight and I missed you on TV.

I too went to the ABC news website and although next to your story there is a little video icon, the video doesn't seem to be there.

I am SO bummed! I wish I could have recorded the news tonite; I usually do, but our vcr died & we have this new digital dvd/vcr and neither of us can figure it out!

Ah technology!

Anonymous said...

They replayed your tv spot bright and early this morning. I caught it by accident. Congrats on the news coverage and your success with your blog.

Karen said...

Congrats on being aired on TV! Sorry I missed it. Hope you're feeling better with your meds soon. Gotta love a good doctor! He sounds like a keeper. I'd call the fridge warranty place and complain. We ended up getting all the money returned for our TV that malfunctioned while under warranty because of a snag in fixing it. And we got to keep the TV!

Suburban Correspondent said...

Please post a link to the video segment! And have fun with your "me-time" at the dentist.

NadineDiwanyFit said...

Hey Dawn!! I saw you yesterday on ABC news, all the way to Egypt!!!! you looked amazing. I was so thrilled, I actually thought i might miss it cause it was supposed to air a long time ago, but surprise surprise, i was watching the news yesterday and all of sudden you're there!! yay!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, please post a link to the WNT interview for those of us who missed it (and don't have TIVO or anything even close to modern TV technology)!!

Krys72599 said...

I was washing dishes post-dinner when my husband went and turned the TV on. All of a sudden, over the sound of the water, I hear him say, "Do you read mommy blogs?"
While I *did* take time to turn the water off, I RAN to the living room in time to catch the end of your interview! By the way, my rubber gloves dripped all over my nice hardwood floors 'cause I never took them off when I went to watch World News Tonight! Another chore I had to take care of... Sigh...

Michelle said...

The impromptu shows may never cease!

Last night as i was taking a moment for myself and playing music on my computer, my 8 yo begins to choreograph a ballet dance number to "Assassin's Tango" (the song played in the restaurant scene in the movie Mr & Mrs Smith). Of course, not to be left out of the attention giving, my 11 yo joins in. Life is good!

Rhonda said...

I happened to have the news on yesterday, and saw your segment. I remembered you saying it would be on and they cut you for something else. I was so glad I was watching the night they finally decide to broadcast it. I have been reading ever since the eBay auction. It was nice to see you and the children in action. Good luck with your book.

Heather Everingham said...

I just have to say at our house it isn't called bribery we call it incentive! Nothing wrong with a little incentive, I probably give my kids incentive daily...

Nicki said...

Sorry I missed the interview. I wish I'd caught it. Anyway, glad you aren't going to require a root canal--antibiotics are much easier. And hopefully life will be easier with a full size refrigerator. I really don't know how you've managed without it!

Anonymous said...

I saw your segment on WNT and loved that they featured mom bloggers! I'll be back to read more!

Anonymous said...

Loved the segment on the news....especially the part about the hilarious? Total crack up. Mom's connect all over the world through blogging, it's wonderful and powerful...

Anonymous said...

I saw you last night on TV!!! I was flipping channels and just happened to come across it. I read you blog every morning and just laugh! Thanks for the morning giggles. P.S. I think your family looked great on tv!!!

Anonymous said...

I am a new reader and enjoy your blog so much... Imagine my surprise when I flipped on the TV at 3 AM (yes that's right - I randomly flip channels at 3AM - the only time I have control of the remote)and saw a story on mommy bloggers. In my stupor, I suddenly realized, "Hey, I know her..... " Proudly, I was able to stay coherent for the entire story! You were awesome. I was glad to see the faces behind the blog....Nice to meet you. Don't worry about how you looked.... You should have seen me! ;0)

Anonymous said...

I saw you on tv last night!!! I was so excited.... it was like one of my best friends was on tv. I read your blog everyday and look forward to it!! Keep the giggles coming!!

Kemp Kuties said...

My Mom's of Mulitples group was talking about your blog and I decided to visit. Next thing I know, you're on ABC News w/Charlie Gibson. (Totally recorded it too).

My favorite: who else gets to have chocolate pudding for dinner?

I've been blogging since July and love it. My twin daughters (almost 1-year) want their own keyboard to type on too. I see a blog in their future...

Anonymous said...

I thought it was Joey that asked "how many cameras are on you?" :-)

Anonymous said...

I saw you on the news! Great job - it is nice to see your success!

Anonymous said...

I missed the TV thing but just went and read it on their web site. It was great. I missed it cuz I was feeding 10 kids supper, My 7 + 3 daycare..I love your blog for one main reason it's familiar. And it's those things we might not see as funny at the time that when retold seem hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Darn It!I was even watching t.v. last night(Dancing with the Stars)which is really rare for me,but I turned the tv of before the news was on. Oh well,I guess there's always next time.

Anonymous said...

Although I missed your segment on TV, I did get to read the story. I remember clicking on a link to your eBay ad and laughing, simply because I could relate to the whole Pokemon phenomenon.

Six kids, my goodness! (I can barely manage my three). And to live without a fridge for a week is simply superhuman.

I've added you to my google reader so I can keep tabs.

PS - Take the book and sitcom deal. Do it for us mommy bloggers everywhere! While your blogging experience is certainly unique, you gotta ride the wave. Congrats!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Wow, I saw you too! HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE FAMOUS? *Wink*

Kudos to you!

AutoSysGene said...

Glad the tooth is on the way to being fixed and the refrig, too.

Aren't kids tricks so much fun...

Anonymous said...

$4,000 a month!? I'm in the wrong business...

ShellyBlake said...

I just read the article (I missed the show last night)...and you're being asked to write a sitcom? What a great idea! But where on earth would you find the time! LOL

Michelle said...

So cool that you were on the news!!!

Julia said...

I saw that on the news! I walked into the kitchen and was like "OH! I KNOW WHAT THIS IS!" and my parents looked at me like I was nuts. Dad blinks a few times and goes "uhh yeah... it's the news..." to which I roll my eyes and say "yes but no. it's the news broadcast thing of the mom who writes the blog I read. she's awesome." my stepmother gets this offended/amused look on her face and says "if I started a blog would you think I was awesome?" no answer is necessary to this blasphemy.

ashley nicole said...

I was driving at the time and missed! But, yay for you and no more tooth pain!!

Have a great day!!

SJayneI said...

Love the Blog! I want to know how you make so much money from blogging. I work with a site, but only make pennies a month. I desparately want to stay home with my kids, but need some extra money!! Can you help?!?!?!?

Anonymous said...

Let the Blogging Begin
Well, thank you Jeannie, Dawn, and ABC for giving credibility to blogging. My good friend, that would be Jeannie, (and avid reader of the newspaper articles and small Magazine I design, write, and occasionally publish free to the public when we can afford to print it) saw Dawn’s story on ABC News. Knowing me, she called and said, “This is for you, it is what you were born to do.” Don’t you love when rhymes slip out like that?
A few years ago, during one of my many searches for legit publishers and writing sources, I’d read about blogs and considered it, I think I even created one. But I had never heard of it or any actual people who did it, I asked my husband what he thought about my blogging and he said that it would be great if I started jogging. When I told my mother that I had thought of blogging on the internet she became distressed and said that she thought she had taught me better than that.
SO, still searching for a way that I could write with a freedom of speech Celebrate Magazine was born, and although we have some subscribers, we have no advertisers, (enough said). Still, writing is like breathing to me. It relieves my stress, helps me think more clearly and has probably saved my life and the lives of others who I may have written a letter to then shredded!! LOL Seriously, writing is more about helping people in daily life and making them laugh. So today I join the jogging nation because of you Dawn, (I mean blogging nation). With my many personalities (I mean, points of view) it will be anything but boring. Perhaps you will give me a read at http:\\

Kandy Seaton Smith said...

I'd find out how long they've had that part in stock. But then, I'm mean that way LOL.

I'm really sad that I missed you on TV...hopefully it'll be on YouTube soon and I can catch you then :)

Glad your tooth is fine...praying the antibiotics kick in soon and you're pain-free in no time :)

I can't count the numbers of times my kids have whacked me in the face with various body parts/household objects/sporting equipment/etc. I love your attitude though :)

Denise said...

OH NO! I missed it! :( I hope a link can be posted up. I looked on abc world news and all I could find was an article on you but not the segment. :(

Anonymous said...

this is the link to the article..i can't seem to find the link to the video..yet!

Mom Blogger: 'It's Like We're 'The Brady Bunch,' Without Alice'


Anonymous said...


I'm new at this. I actually was thinking about getting into this and I saw you on TV last night. Great story. I'm somewhat of a late bloomer when it comes to a stay at home mom. I was missing out with my son and decided that I couldn't miss out anymore. It was scary at first, but I have every bit of faith that it will work. After seeing story, believe it or not I got an extra boost from it.

Any advice for this newcomer??????

Stay At Home Late Bloomer :o)!
"Loving it"

Mari said...

Congrats for getting your story on ABC! Hahah, that comment you made about Chandler and Monika, priceless; so funny! I must commend you for just being yourself, writing about your family and getting a huge national television network interested in what you do. I just started blogging, although I don't have the hits you do! I'm going to email you because I need advice! Great job!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I went to the ABC site and I couldn't find a video, but the story is at
I'd love to see it, though! Do you think ABC would post a link to it on your site?

Kimberly said...

Oh yeah OFCOURSE it was on and I missed it !
I really hope someone taped it and YOUTUBE it for those of us who missed it !

I emailed you by the way


Magnoire La Chouette said...

Saw you on TV!!!
I guess I'm not one of your normal viewers...
47 and single and CHILDLESS!!!
Well, I do have an 81 year old Mama I live with.
Actually, I've have very limited experience with children.
I'm a Reference Librarian but with the State Library of Louisiana and we don't have a Children's Section.
But your writing reminds me of Shirley Jackson's two books about her children called Life Among the Savages and Raising Demons. Yes, that Shirley Jackson who wrote the horror classics The Haunting of Hill House and The Lottery.
I do remember growing up with 2 big brothers and my oldest brother was the one who could come up with some interesting ideas that would lead the rest of us into trouble.
Keep up the good work!!!
Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler!!

Anonymous said...

I missed the interveiw! : ( Are you going to have a link for it so those you missed can see it. You're my hero... reading your blog lightens my day. I'm living vicariously through your success!! Good luck with everything.
Mary in Arkansas

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn, Guess who I saw today at noon on our city news channel in Alberta, Canada?? yup, it was YOU, in the flesh. They were wondering when you found time to blog with all those kids. LOL But the male news guy said Moms always have time to themselves about midnight. LOL
Louise from Alberta, Canada

Anonymous said...

It was so cool to see you on tv last nite!!! I was practically jumping up and down telling my husband "THAT's the woman from eBay!! I read her blog!!!" LOL
You have a beautful family....congrats on *everything*!!

A mom in NJ :-)

Anonymous said...

Is your ABC appearance available anywhere to see?? I missed it!! Help! :)

Anonymous said...

I am so sad I missed!!! I should have been recording each day, but lets be honest I really don't understand most of what is on there.
Lets home they run it agina sometime soon!

Anonymous said...

Gee Dawn,

I went to the dentist about three weeks ago to find out I had several new "craters" to fill, but that most of my previous ones were "old" and had to come out: to the tune of 13 (I know why it's not lucky) and 2 crown. That makes 3 for me. Am I a queen yet? The only good thing about all this is that I'm getting rid of the aluminum wheels in my mouth and my mouth doesn't actually look like a black hole (like I walk around with it open for everyone to see). Well, as much as I'm paying, now I do, who cares what they think!

Brandi said...

I missed it, but I'm glad your segment finally aired. You don't have to worry about "crying wolf" anymore!

Becky said...

LOL, I'm cracking up at all the people congratulating you on getting to keep your tooth! Now a corporate business person or some other professional employed outside the home might raise a puzzled brow at such a thing. Being the SAHM's that many of us are, however, between changing diapers, cleaning crumbs out of carseats, tackling mountains of laundry, getting dinner in the crock-pot, shuttling kids to sports practices and other myriad details we spend our days tending to... these...these are the small victories that we spend our days striving for! Corporate execs might delight in contracts landed, or increased quarterly profits...but our victories, though smaller, are no less important. Ours might not come in the form of a saved tooth, or a broken fridge miraculously still under warranty, but we've all been there in our own way and do rejoice right along with you, Dawn, because these, these are the days of our lives.

taximom2 said...

Dear Dawn-
It's Wed. and I just read your post on Mon about the visit to the dentist. I must tell you that as a dental hygienist, your gums may have an infection due to STRESS!!!!YES, if STress doesn't screw up everything else in our lives, it is also a common factor in why one develops gingivitis!!!! GREAT. PLEASE don't take the advice I've read in your comments about getting dentures! HELLO-OOO! That's the worst thing to tell anyone unless your teeth are periodontal-laden!! I live in Mississippi and OH at the mouths we treat, I've seen some beauties let me tell you. But someone who is young, and beautiful with a little gingivitis is easier to fix than your FRIDGE!!!! Take those Antibiotics and FLOSS! HA! GET REAL- I'm a mom too so who has time for that?! As I floss my patients teeth I often wonder - Did I floss my own this week? hehehe
Take Care and keep seeing that Dentist- HE SOUNDS Like a Great guy!-Take care
MoM in Mississippi- or should I say Tooth Fairy in Miss!!!!

divanicki75 said...

Can someone please post the video on You Tube or the link on here? The ONE night I missed the news, Dawn was on :(

Mommy 2 Mikey & Mia

Anonymous said...

You made National Geograhic's Green Guide Blog.. ...

Why Moms Don't Go Green
11:11 am - October 16, 2007

(Hint: it's the same reason they rarely comb their hair or complete a thought.)

If Leonardo and Al ever wonder why the average American mom is not embracing the Green Movement with zeal and passion, all they need do is read this hilarious eBay auction:

This posting is written by the woman who writes She auctioned off some Pokemon cards she purchased after her kids threw the pack in her cart unbeknownst to her. I don't think I've ever seen the routine hilarious madness of a mom's typical day described with this much accuracy. If Melissa Etheridge can handle what this mom is managing and simultaneously find a way to do the ingredient checks, price comparisons, and careful scrutiny to ensure that no phthalates will leach from the plastic bottles, no non-organic matter went into the cracker production, and no pesticides were sprayed on the apples, well then hell, she deserves more than that Oscar….

© The Green Guide, 2007

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