RULE 2 I'm not sure how things are today, but saying, "Hi, Mrs. Anderson! Good afternoon, Mr. Smith! Hello, Miss Jones!" while walking through the hallways would've given you instant nerd status back in my day. I do like the random capitalization and missing punctuation, however.
RULE 3 Heaven help the kid with ADHD in this class.
RULE 4 Maybe this is a southern thing, but I think "yes" and "no" is sufficient. Using "ma'am" and "sir" is almost an insult where I'm from.
RULE 6 Yes, this rule makes sense, but these are junior high aged kids we're talking about here. Why take up precious wall space with a poster about covering your mouth? If they don't know to cover their mouth when they sneeze by age 12, I'm not sure they'll ever learn.
RULE 7 ...or even more worrisome is the incorrect use of the word "then" by a teacher.
RULE 9 So, if the teacher hands out an assignment and the student doesn't thank her within 3 seconds, do you think she takes it back?
RULE 13 I don't have a clue what this means, but in junior high, shouldn't kids be able to understand the concept of "talk quietly"?
RULE 15 Here's my new rule to replace this one - Less is More. Stop talking already!
RULE 16 Can you imagine explaining this one to the principal? "Why were you sent here, Johnny?" "My teacher said I didn't clap loudly enough."
RULE 17 Ummm, what's with the random hearts? Is this a class rule or a note written to someone's boyfriend?
RULE 20 My replacement rule is this - Learn When it's Appropriate to Use "Lie" and "Lay". They are not interchangeable and they have vastly different meanings.
I’m replacing those gems with posters of famous, successful people who struggled in school and/or were told they were failures, but persevered and succeeded despite their rocky starts.
Good luck with school!!
And, I gave you a blogger's choice award. I know it's cheesy, but it was fun and I wanted to try and keep it going from the blogger who passed it to me. If you'd like to accept it, please click below:
The Crunchy (Grouchy) Mommy - mommyiscrunchy.blogspot.com
Ha ha ha ha - oh dear can just imagine my daughter if she'd been in a class with this many rules all posted up around the back...first job would have been to see how quick it took her to break every one of them I reckon
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