To all my Greek friends, Christós Anésti!
[in regards to my musical guests 2 weeks ago] THAT! is what REO Speedwagon looks like!!!!!Are you serious?I'm 27. I've gone my entire life with out seeing a video of them but loving their songs, and now I have to say that I'm not sure I can ever enjoy another REO Speedwagon song after seeing this. Was he serious with those shoes? Are they boots or high tops or what? And his belt and his hair what is that hair? Nope. I'm not sure I can ever take a love song seriously from someone who looks like that!
Hello? It was the 80s! We all looked like idiots back then. Case in point...

Just wondering if you used duck tape to mend your pants. I know that is one of your preferred sewing materials.
Ha Ha Ha, that's very funny, but everyone knows that staples work better in a case like this.
Your kids were so well behaved and cute at your signing.
Thank you. It's amazing how they can act in public and around other people. They save the worst for me at home.
Congrats! What a wonderful day. But I have to ask (so off topic) who are the guy and girl blondes in your slideshow with the amazing eyes? I think they are the last or second to last photo. I've never seen such amazing blues!
LOL! That's a friend from high school, Sue and her husband Brian.
you look awesome on the pictures, absolutely radiant:)
Eh, it's just the sweat on my face that makes me "glow".
Here's a SSO question! Do you have a title for your next book?? What about a tentative release date?? Can't wait to read it!
I don't have a title yet, but I can tell you the book is about pregnancy and the tentative release date is next spring.
I just ordered your book last night and absolutely can't wait to read it. I was just wondering if you had any idea how many copies have been sold so far, or is it too early to know something like that?
No clue, but I can tell you that my mom has bought 80. LOL!
Do you think the Duggars would read your blog (or mine, for that matter) and wonder what the big deal is? Do you think they laugh at Jon and Kate plus 8? Do you think they ever watched 8 id Enough or The Bardy bunch? Just silly random ponderings this fine morning!!!!
I don't think the Duggars have time to read any blogs!
Hi, question here for SSO... (all the way from the Netherlands). I just finished and LOVED your book- well done... But... Did I read correctly and do you have a dog as well, besides 6 kids? I read about dogfood and such and was just wondering...
We did have dog, Cody, who was part German Shepherd and part Husky. She died when Clay was a baby.

(Cody with Austin when he was a baby)
please tell me that the whole fridge is new and I'm not just totally unobservant? Please?
Uh yeah, it's new. You know, since OCTOBER.
No wonder your kids all gave me dirty looks when they saw my Sox Jacket at your signing lol. Gotta ask where that playground is? Looks like my kids would love it.
Nah, Joe, Austin and Savannah are Sox fans. We're a house divided. And the playland was in Rockford at the park district.
BTW, Savannah is a lovely young lady... she's so pretty. Oh, question, not that I have a young teen who does this or anything, but does she look in the mirror frequently saying things like "I'm fat and ugly" one minute and then the next "I look thin today" and then "I'm ugly and fat" and so on. Just asking.
LOL! Actually, no. Thankfully Savannah has a pretty good self-image. Although, I know from talking to my friends that your daughter (the one who doesn't do this) is not alone. I think it's pretty common which is kinda sad. Unfortunately media and peers tend to have a destructive influence on self esteem. We as parents need to do everything we can to help bolster confidence and a healthy, positive self image by modeling one ourselves and by talking about unrealistic expectations and by making sure our kids know they're loved for the person they are, and they're appreciated for their many talents and attributes.
And in other news....
Dunkin’ Donuts (my favoritist coffee) is having a special "Iced Coffee Day" event for Tuesday, April 21! Stop by your local DD to get a small iced coffee for only 50 cents! (Coconut is the BEST!) Plus, 5 cents from each cup sold will go to Homes for Our Troops, a national, non-profit organization that builds specially adapted homes for severely injured veterans.
Dunkin’ Donuts is also launching a nationwide call to recruit one million new volunteers to support Homes for Our Troops’ efforts. The first 200 people to sign up as volunteers will receive free Dunkin’ coffee for one month.
You can check it out HERE!
Oooo and I need to tell you about this chance to win 10K and be the permanent host of the Johnson's YouTube Baby Channel! Johnson's has launched an online search contest for real-life parents to serve as the host of the JOHNSON'S® YouTube Baby Channel. Here's your chance to show off your little cutie(s) aged 6 months to 3 years. To enter, parents must submit an under-three minute online video showcasing tips and ideas surrounding bath time. The bath time theme coincides with the 50th Anniversary of the iconic Johnson's NO MORE TEARS® trademark formula and the introduction of Johnson's new Bubble Bath & Wash product. What do you have to lose, right? You guys are the real experts on bathtime and what parent doesn't like taking videos of their precious little ones? This contest ends Sunday, April 26th, so hurry and get those cameras rolling!
I leave tomorrow for Georgia where I'll be doing some television and radio interviews. I come home Wednesday. I have 19 radio interviews on Thursday, then I leave Thursday evening for Indiana where I'll be doing another television interview before returning home Friday. You can follow me on Twitter (mom2my6pack) and I'll be taking video of the whole trip for my videoblog on the Guideposts website as well. Oh yeah, and you can pray for Joe who will be watching the kids this week while I'm gone!
And finally, want a way to win a copy of Because I Said So? I've got a couple ways for you to get your hands on a copy!
You can visit Guideposts for a chance to win a copy of my book (and other awesome prizes like a V-Tech V.Smile, leather diaper bag filled with Johnson's baby products, or a robe, slippers and nightgown set from Lands' End.)
And you can visit The Book Club Cookbook for a chance to win one of 75 Because I Said So books.
Hurry though! Contests end April 30!
And, of course, you can order copies for all your friends and relatives HERE. They make great Mother's Day presents. (Hee hee, just a shameless little plug there.)
And for your musical enjoyment, here are the Jonas Brothers with Love Bug...
Hey Dawn -- where in GA??
I'll headed to Atlanta, Donna. :)
WHERE IN ATLANTA? times thats close enough to go if I have details LOL... I am sure you have posted them before and somehow i may have missed them!
Ooohhh... thanks for the easter greetings! There were red eggs, midnight services, and other lovely Orthodox goodies all weekend.
I'm a teen who is addicted to your blog, Ms. Dawn- this also prepares me for baby-sitting jobs. Loved the beach bag idea!
I keep trying to enter to win one of your books at and it keeps telling me my email address is not valid! Very annoying! Help!
Have fun in GA -- and hopefully it doesn't rain there.
And I KNOW the top part of the fridge has been there since October but ummm has the whole sides and bottom been there, too? Really?
Cody was a GORGEOUS dog. I love dogs from afar.
And I think I'm going to bed before I puke -- not because of you. I've been feeling rotten all day.
Dawn- Long time lurker just delurking to say- We also had a female shepherd/husky mix named Kodi! She passed away this past December. I miss her. She was such a good dog.
Love your blog! I just started a parenting blog as well, and I'm asking parents to anonymously confess their bad parenting moments without judgment by mailing a decorated postcard. Check out my blog here:
Christós Anésti my friend. I think I am gonna be a fun of your blog.
Dunkin’ Donuts (my favoritist coffee) is having a special "Iced Coffee Day" event for Tuesday, April 21! Stop by your local DD to get a small iced coffee for only 50 cents! (Coconut is the BEST!) Plus, 5 cents from each cup sold will go to Homes for Our Troops, a national, non-profit organization that builds specially adapted homes for severely injured veterans.
Dunkin’ Donuts is also launching a nationwide call to recruit one million new volunteers to support Homes for Our Troops’ efforts. The first 200 people to sign up as volunteers will receive free Dunkin’ coffee for one month.
OMG Dawn! My hubby and I totally ADORE Dunkin Donuts coffee and are totally bummed that there aren't any in Louisiana! His mother sent him coffee for a couple months as a Christmas present, but we've used it all and miss it! I know they recently started selling it in stores down here, but it's EXPENSIVE... As a now-famous author, you think you could do us a favor and advocate for a Dunkin Donuts to be opened in this backward state? PLEASE? Lol.
First of all I hope you are having a GREAT time at Disneyworld. I know you are. Your comment about your mom and oinking into the phone cracked me up.
Second of all, I just had my kids and husband look at the picture of your dog Cody because she looks amazingly like our German Shepherd/Corgi mix Bailey!
Here's a picture:
The coloring is just the same, but your Cody looks bigger and has a fluffier tale.
My girls just said, "It's a big ole Bailey!"
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