First thing after dropping the kids off at school, I went to the bookstore with my friend because she INSISTED on running out and buying the book with me so she could brag to everyone. It was pretty cool seeing my book on the shelf of the store! The employees there congratulated me and everything.
My book on an actual book shelf at an actual book store! Woo Hoo!
My friend, Ginny with Clay and her goddaughter, Brooklyn.
I got home, threw some Happy Meals at the kids and took Clay to school early so I could have a little conference with his teachers. On my way out of the school, I twisted my left ankle and dropped like a rock, landing on my right knee. I honestly didn't think I'd be able to stand up. My ankle hurt so badly, but I was on a tight schedule, so I limped on out to my car and hightailed it to an appointment about 45 minutes away.
I came home and had just enough time to pee before grabbing Jackson and rushing him to his doctor's appointment.
I texted Savannah on the way and begged her to mix up the meatloaf and throw it in the oven. (She did an awesome job, by the way!)
I got home as Savannah was putting dinner on the table. Thankfully Joe took Austin to baseball practice. When he got back, I, ran (or more like hobbled) to Target for diapers and soap and toothpaste and stuff. I suppose I could've put off the Target run for a little while longer, but I had already been using dishcloths as diapers and giving the kids gum instead of making them brush their teeth for like a week so off I went.
I woke up this morning with a stuffy nose because I always get sick before speaking in public. It's tradition. So, come on out and see me sneeze all over the place while I limp around like an idiot, because I don't have time to go to the doctor for my foot, at the book signing on Saturday!
Such is the glamorous life of an author. Well, at least when the author is a mom first. :)
Congratulations. :D
I would take a runny nose over what happens to me before public speaking any day! Instead of my nose rebelling against me, it's my stomach. Before leading my first Financial Peace University class I spent the entire day in the bathroom. I even had to write on my notes:
- Greet everyone and introduce myself
- Ask everyone for their names/why they're here
- Smile and take deep breaths
I told them all what was on my list and they laughed and I felt better.
Okay, now that I've finished my own blog post, under you're blog post, I'm off to do my dishes.
Again - congratulations!!!! And I hope your ankle feels better before the book signing!
Congratulations!! I read your blog everyday and I am honestly so happy for you.
And yes, I will buy the's on my to-do list!
Ouch! I did the exact same thing last week--twisted left ankle, landed on right knee. Hope your ankle feels better soon!
Hi Dawn!
Congrats, Dear Lady. You deserve it!
It is an exciting time when our literary bundles of love make it to the shelves of our local bookstore. Revel in it! I can't wait to see you on Oprah!
Congratulations on your book signing! Wish I lived near Chicago!
Congrats! Sorry about your ankle and knee. I went searching all over here yesterday and couldn't find your book. I'm going to try again tomorrow.
Congrats Dawn!! I know how you feel about the ankle (broke mine last week)!
Good luck and hope you feel better soon!
Congratulations! I had to tell you - while I was calling the library to tell them to buy your book (I want everyone to know about it!), my 2.5 year old got the toilet brush and was splashing toilet water all over the bathroom. It seemed fitting, since that sounds like something that might happen at your house. I am pregnant with my fifth child, and an aspiring writer myself, so I always enjoy reading about your adventures. God bless and congrats!
Big congrats to you!!!
Big Hug Dawn!!!!!!!!! I am so excited to run out and get the book myself. And you better sign it the next time I see you.
Congratulations! It couldn't happen to a better person. Breathe it in - let it out. Shout, Scream, run around the room, sit down and sip a glass of wine, change a diaper and hand out the snacks, jump up and down, do whatever you want, smile, cry, laugh. Whew. Happy, HAPPY Day. Enjoy it. Let it sink in. The awe, the wonder. I am soooo happy for you! 8D WOW!
I can't wait to read the book! and I hope your ankle feels better!
Congratulations! That's so exciting. I was just on Amazing looking around for a fun mom book and I saw your book and found your blog through the description.
I'm so thrilled for you! I hope to do the same thing one day.
Congrats on your new book!
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !
From Baltimore, MD
Congratulations, Dawn!
So excited for you...and can't wait to read the book!
Ah man, sorry you had such a rough day. But congrats on your book-so cool to see it on a shelf! I was planning on asking for it for Mother's Day, but I don't know if I can wait that long.
Congratulations Dawn. I am happy and proud. I look forward to getting my copy.
I can see you now being introduced at your book signing. This is Dawn, mother and author, and this is her crutch.
Hi Dawn and congratulations. I have been a reader of your blog for a long time now, but never commented before, I LOVE your blog. There are times when I can see my own boys in your wonderful family, you get through it, and if they are lucky, the kids survive too lol. Mine are 29 and 30 now and I have two wonderful granddaughters from them. It is true, grandchildren are Gods way of praising you for letting your children survive. May you be blessed when the time is right :)
Hope your ankle is much improved for your book signing x x
Congratulations! I have my first book signing in May and I am so nervous-- Just got my posters made yesterday.
Yea for your book and boo for your ankle. Feel better soon too -k-
Glad you got to see your book on the shelf!! Sorry about your knee/ankle accident - hope it heals quickly! I got your book in from Amazon and already finished it! I plan to blog about it soon - probably after dinner!
Congratulation on your book!!! If at any time you come to Northern Virginia for a book signing, I will be there!
Hope your ankle gets better soon and your stuffy nose goes away too.
So excited for you....I'm heading out tomorrow to get my copy!
First off, congrats on your book! That is fantastic.
Second, ouch, I'm sorry about your ankle.
YOU ROCK!!! Congratulations on all the wonderful things God has thrown your way! (Not without your hard work too I must add)
Hope your ankle is better.
I'm going right out to buy your book after work today. I'm so excited! Congratulations!
I hope your book is H U G E!!!!
Congratulations on the book hitting the shelves!!!! I can't wait to read it. Thank you so much for the laughter I get when I read your blog! It always makes me feel like I am not alone in this crazy Mommy gig. I only have 2 boys but sometimes their energy level seems like that of more!
Hope you are feeling better for the book signing!
YAY!!! This is so COOL!!! I was so hoping I could take a picture of your book on the shelves in GEORGIA but I just didn't have time to run out to the Barnes and Noble in Alpharetta today. I will get my 2 copies when I get home from the beach and take a picture then!! :)
I can't wait to read it!!!
Yipee! Congrats!!
Hi, Dawn -
Congratulations on your book! I came across your blog while I was googling the blog convention in Chicago this summer... (random...). You're living my dream - congrats!
Congratulations on your book release day!!! That must feel awesome. Sorry about the injury, though!
Oh I totally forgot to ask how your ankle is doing. That should have been one of the questions ;)
So did you move the book that had the picture facing forward so it had the spine out so your book could be picture out? I would totally have been doing that if it were my book. Not that I'll ever have a book, but I can plan for the small details anyway!
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