You know the rules they have in places like this? Rules like: no shoes, no gum....? Yeah, well those rules are in place for a reason. I didn't realize Lexi had gum in her mouth when she ran off to play. I found out, however, when she came back to me after five minutes of playing, with these words, "Mom do you have a knife?"
"A knife? Nooo. Why would I have a knife? And more importantly, why do you need a knife???"
"To cut the gum out of my hair."
A little proof that my kids are monkeys
The monkey bars: not just for swinging on, oh no. You can hoist yourself up there and just hang out, or maybe take a nap if you'd like.
The teenager stopped sulking for a few minutes to help Brooklyn join the other monkeys.
Yes, yes, he's wearing a Sox shirt. He's playing on the Sox this year. When he found out what team he was on, he asked, "Can't I play on the Cubs instead?" LOL! Good boy!
Should I be concerned that Brooklyn spent an awful lot of time spinning around this pole?
Yeah, well.... moving's Brooklyn with her boyfriend Jason.
He's looking pretty proud here, don't you think? "Yeah, she's my girl. What can I say? I'm a chick magnet."
Brooklyn, on the other hand, is looking like, "Mom, can I go now?"

"Really Mom, take the picture already and let me go!"
"Really Mom, take the picture already and let me go!"
She probably wanted to go because she had to check on her purse...

I'm fairly certain Brooklyn's going to grow up to be a bag lady. She is forever carrying around bags and purses filled assorted, um stuff. Today, she needed to bring the top of a plastic pineapple, some socks, a bracelet, a pirate's treasure chest, a tiny baby blanket, a plastic boogie board, and a yellow ant from "Ants in the Pants" fame with her to the playland. Hey, you just never know when you might need these things!
I'm fairly certain Brooklyn's going to grow up to be a bag lady. She is forever carrying around bags and purses filled assorted, um stuff. Today, she needed to bring the top of a plastic pineapple, some socks, a bracelet, a pirate's treasure chest, a tiny baby blanket, a plastic boogie board, and a yellow ant from "Ants in the Pants" fame with her to the playland. Hey, you just never know when you might need these things!
If MacGyver were to show up at the play area I bet your daughter would have been able to provide him with the makings of a cluster bomb with enough left over to foil a bank heist just with what was in her purse!
I want a belly tattoo like Brooklyn!
A belly tattoo....too much time spinning around that pole - nah, you've got NOTHING to worry about ;-)
Hahha, Brooklyn is my favorite!!! I think she's such an adorable "bad" girl. Look at the tattoo on her tummy, dancing at the pole and a boyfriend at this age, lol!!! She's just lovely!
She'd surely win the "what's in your purse?" contest they have at bridal/baby showers. :) Looks like thay had a fun day.
Oh Dawn, you do make me chuckle!! My daughter has just turned 6 and she loves ( and has done from a very young age!) to carry purse's and handbags with her and she would totally understand where Brooklyn is coming from with the plastic pineapple!!
My daughter does the same things with her purses- with board game pieces, puzzles.......... I would be surprised if we have all the pieces to any game in our house. She is 3 and does not quite understand that no, they are not her money, or no, it is not her baby's toy. 3 is great age- mine is my youngest too and they seem to have quite the personalities! Does she set up parties all day long? We have 'parties' going on for her babies in every corner of the house! We take pictures of them all!
that place looks like fun! I love the contents of Brooklyn's purse.
hey there..hope all is well..anywho quick question..did you go to enchanted castle? just wondering..
My daughter is always carrying around a purse too. And I used to be concerned when she was 2 and stand on top of tables and take her clothes My other daughter,3, has a little "boyfriend" at her preschool, how cute!
My daughter also carries a bag of... stuff. She currently has a purse filled with assorted magic markers, her diary, a flashlight, a webkin, a calculator (that she pretends is her cell phone), and some hot wheels cars. And she's 7... so Brooklyn might not grow out of it any time soon.
That playland looks like a lot of fun! I had to laugh about the "bag lady" thing because Little Bear is the exact same way! Every day when she goes off to kindergarten, she packs her little folder, plus about 82 of her toys and other assorted objects! Or, if we;re going somewhere, she'll ask to bring her purse (which she actually stole from her cousin) and then she'll pack it with all sorts of random stuff! She's like, "Hmm, strange piece of plastic from some unknown broken toy? Can't leave home without it!" Whenever anyone in the house loses something small, the first place to look is in Little Bear's bags!
So i just thought i'd say that i have the exact same purple aero hoodie as savannah. Now you can tell her one of your random readers in michigan occasionally is dressed the same as her. I'm sure she'll be thrilled.
Too cute! And you're right Jason looks awefully proud!!
Great pictures! And loving those geniune smiles!
No wonder your kids all gave me dirty looks when they saw my Sox Jacket at your signing lol. Gotta ask where that playground is? Looks like my kids would love it.
Ah yes, I just recently had to give a gum haircut...days after she'd had a real haircut. SIGH. Your kids are such cuties!
Awesome love the bag lady's purse! lol
I'm sure you know but Goo-Gone gets gum out quite nicely and leaves an "awesome" new do! lol
the pole comment made me laugh! Dawn you're so funny!
LOVE the purse photo...too fun! :)
FYI thanks to my baby number four gum comes out very easy with Peanut Butter!! That we have done a lot!
BTW, Savannah is a lovely young lady... she's so pretty. Oh, question, not that I have a young teen who does this or anything, but does she look in the mirror frequently saying things like "I'm fat and ugly" one minute and then the next "I look thin today" and then "I'm ugly and fat" and so on. Just asking.
We wanted a girl soooooooo bad but the gum story reminds me....can't get gum stuck in those buzz cuts my little boys beg for every summer, lol! Good luck with your bag lady there!
Waterboarding is sooooo last year. The new thing is hanging on the Monkey Bars!! :)
ahh, the tiny pink blanket from the Fisher Price Dollhouse. You wouldn't believe the strange items I find in the house covered by this apparently extrememly versatile blanket. It can cover a tiny plastic baby, or a jelly bean. A rock, or a bunch of pennies. It can also get crammed into just about every opening in your house. And yet, it always turns back up and never gets lost. It's a "magic" blanket (unlike the boy blue one which I haven't seen in months!)
First off the pictures are great! You've captured their personalites beautifully! Ugh! Gum in the hair is never fun. I remember a family across the street from me as a little kid. Their daughter got gum in the cats fur but instead of using peanut butter to get it out they shaved the top of the cats head. It was like a reverse mohawk! Excellent right? LOL!
What fun it would have been to have a place like that when I was a kid. All we had were trees and playground equipment that would probably be declared a health hazard by today's standards. No soft padding surrounding the play area. Just good old hard dirt. Who would have known that I was taking my life into my hands back then on the monkey bars?
I just found out today that Armstrong, another cancer battler, died of a seizure after being placed in his wheelchair.
I'm devastated. This is just too many kids!
We had the same reaction when our daughter was put on the Yankees. My husband was born and raised in Boston and is a huge Red Sox fan. It was kinda ugly.
Just thought I would drop a note that butter really does help get gum out of hair! You slop it in on top of it and then you can comb the hair. Although you might lose some hair at least you don't have to cut out a huge chunk!
That sounds like fun. The friend of a friend of mine is talking about opening an indoor playground in a warehouse space like Pump It Up... good to know there's a market :)
And your monkeys? And the poles? Whatever it is, Little Miss is following the same path. I'm hoping it's something else! She loooooves her poles.
How's the gum coming along?
Been a while since i've a chance to stop by here. As i was catching up, i read about the gum in the hair...
if you take the lighter fluid made for refillable lighters, and pour it on the gum, it will literally fall apart and slide right out of the hair! had a friend tell me about it, and i thought she was NUTS. lol.. then my oldest one day stretched out her gum and wrapped her head! so, i tried it and it worked! i felt 'safer' having her lay on the counter with her head over the sink so i could immediately was her hair afterwards... but as strange as it sounds, it really works!
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