SDKD (Stupid Drivers of the Kiss 'n Drive) is no laughing matter. It could affect anyone. It doesn't discriminate between race, gender, or religious affiliation. If you, or someone you love, is affected by SDKD, please pay attention.
Now, the Kiss 'n Drive is not a difficult concept. You pull up, drop your kid(s) off, and drive away. Simple really. But for some reason, it completely baffles seemingly normal, intelligent, grown adults. Why is this? Well, let's take a look at where it goes wrong.
See how all the cars are lined up in front of the school? What's that? Yes, I know it's a medieval castle. Just pretend. See how the yellow car is pulled up to the very front of the school? Yes, I know it's still a castle. Work with me here! Concentrate on the line of cars! See them? Good! This is the proper way to line up.
Pull all the way up to the car in front of you. Don't leave gaping holes. Make use of all space. This lets other cars pull in behind you.
Every car in line should stop, let their children out wherever they are in line and then drive on. If you are not first in line, and thus closest to the door, you STILL NEED TO LET YOUR KIDS OUT. Yes, I know that might mean that they'll need to walk an extra twenty steps. Guess what? Who cares?! Your kids can walk a freaking twenty steps! It won't kill them! They could use the exercise! YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE FIRST IN LINE TO LET YOUR KIDS OUT!
Let's suppose Elmo doesn't let his kids out of his dump truck, but the cars behind him do let their kids out. When the yellow and blue cars move on, Elmo will pull up to the first position and stop to let Elmo Jr. out. Meanwhile, the cars behind him will be stuck there, waiting for Elmo to get his act together even though they already dropped their kids off like good little Matchbox car drivers.
Now let's see another mistake parents make...
Look at Mater. What's wrong with this picture? Besides the fact that the school is a castle! Yes, that's right, Mater didn't pull up to the front of the line. He just stopped right there for some reason. You know what happens when Mater does this?
A huge pile-up of cars behind him. Do you really want to be responsible for Thomas cracking his face on the bumper of a yellow car? I think not.
Here's another problem that affects some (and by "some", I mean a stinkin' LOT) of people.

See this mother and son? Yes, I'm aware they're sitting on top of the car. The doors don't open. Once again, work with me, people! I don't exactly have Steven Spielberg's movie budget here. In this picture, the mom says goodbye and junior heads off to a fun-filled day of learning. Ta-da!
Let's see what happens when a parent doesn't say a brief goodbye...

still talking...

still talking...

Meanwhile, this is how the drivers behind them are feeling...

If you have the burning need to get out of your car to stretch your legs, talk to other parents, help your child open the door, or have a Chinese fire drill, you need to use the parking lot (that's the place where you can PARK.)
Once your children are out of your car and walking into the building under the supervision of the teachers, you don't need to watch them until they're inside, coat hung up, and seated at their desk. I promise you, ninjas won't attack your child on the way inside.
(Just pretend they're ninjas and not a knight, a Lego guy & a pilot. I make no promises about knights, Lego guys and pilots since, as everyone knows, they're inherently evil.)
And I'm almost 99% positive that a dinosaur won't eat your child as they take those ten steps into the school.
Finally, if you can't follow these six simple rules, your child needs to RIDE THE BUS!
If you, or someone you love, is affected bySDKD (Stupid Drivers of the Kiss 'n Drive), please pass this important public service announcement on to them.
Clock photo was taken from Robbert van der Steeg's Flickr stream.
I hear you Dawn! I live in a small town now and every single parent, PLUS parents that don't have kids get the concept of SDKD wrong too. So much so the road outside the development is blocked by stupid parents in their SUVs and 1/2 the road inside our development which leads to the back of the school is blocked!
If they can't get the simple concept of SDKD how on earth did they learn how to cause that little pee stick to read + ?!
Of course if they didn't want the pee stick to read + and they're that dumb they probably bought their preventatives at the DOLLAR STORE!
The last place you want to save money when it comes to preventatives IS THE DOLLAR STORE!
And you know what's worse?! you can also buy those stupid pee sticks AT THE DOLLAR STORE TOO!
Beep! Beep! Move it you %^$#@ers!
Oh oh, I so feel you on this situation!!! I cannot stand drop off/pick up at my daughter's school, it literally gives me hives. I cannot count the many times I am "trying" to drop my daughter off and some moron will stop in the wrong area (and they so know its the wrong area) and then get out of the car walk around to the passenger side, get their heathens out, zip up their coats, etc., then stand there watching them enter the school. Then finally pull away and not pay attention to someone coming in the drive thru lane and totally cut them off. Meanwhile, there are 20+ cars backed up into the street making it impossible to turn left until said moron gets the hell out of the way. UGH UGH UGH!
Oh my gosh, how did I ever forget the important rule of STAY IN YOUR CAR! If you need to get out, use the darn parking lot!
love it! I pull over (in an extra parking lot) get my kids to put there back packs on.. and grab their lunch boxes... plus hugs and kisses. THEN I pull up to the school ;) Our drop off is different though.. only 2 cars can "unload" at a time and there is always 2 adults standing outside to open car doors and help them out ;)
I love this post. Love it love it love it! I also wonder why, when it's 75 and sunny parents insist on picking up their kid to drive them 13 feet to their house. Really? Your kid can't walk? I mean back in my day I walked up hill to school, both ways, in the snow, and I didn't have shoes! :)
That is why I walk my son to school. We live 6 blocks away and walk most times. I know there are those who live closer and drive... ugh!
Thank you for the fantastic illustrations -- I wouldn't have gotten the concept had not Legos and Mater vehicles been involved.
Great post!
Oh yes! Different name, same problems....called the "Hug and Go" at our school. meh
ROFL! I feel your pain, Dawn! It's a wonder I have any hair left on my head after day upon day of this very thing.
Ooh ooh ooh can I add one more? If you are not in the marked "drop off" area, and let your kid out anyway, you are not then allowed to PASS cars in front of you who have waited their turn and stopped in the drop off area. That's dangerous and I really don't care if you're in a "hurry". Leave earlier dummy.
I forgot to mention that there is no excuse for people like the ones in my town to drive their kids to school when they live 2 blocks away! It burns! It burns!
ha ha it.....we have nothing like this in Australia...instead we get the parents who cant read the "Staff Parking Only" sign and come roaring in and out of the carpark, ignorant of the kids trying to leave school....
OMG...I don't usually comment but this one, I just had to. I HATE drop off in the morning. My kids usually hear me saying "C..O...M...E on and move it". Our door that they enter is maybe 7 feet from the drop of and parents still seem to think they have to watch them enter. What you think someone is going to snatch your child within arms (cars) length. I due a lot of steering wheel banging with some sighing every morning. I'm pulling away before the side door is even closed. I think they should do a drop off 101 for parents at the start of school.
Ahem!!! I couldn't have said better myself!! I need to copy this and post it all over my children's school!!!
You nailed it on the head!
Sooooooooooooooooo funny!!!! Thanks for the laugh...
I hear you on this one Dawn. It is so frustrating when parents can't follow these simple rules. I once was behind a parent who felt the need to drive next to their child for the entire length of the school. They were the last car in line able to let their kid out, I was supposed to be the 1st person trying to pull all the way to the end of the row.
We have safety patrols stationed to wave the parents down and open and close car doors for the kids and people still get it wrong.
OMG I'm so copying this and giving it to my middle school here in town... I HATE HATE HATE the kiss n drop cuz people don't get the concept. After school is even worse then before, now a days I have been sending my older son to deal with it as I'm libel to get out and dummy slap some of the drivers therefore causing the hold up... This was great! Thanks for sharing!
How funny! We don't have a kiss and cry, but we do have a residential street, curb cuts and people who take their cars and cram them everywhere. The sad thing is that there are a few people who can't find a space and they PARK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD! Ah yes. Then there are the people who decide to park, blocking other people in other spaces and go into the school to discuss quantum physics with the teachers. (Elementary school, so just know that the theoretical discussion is a very long one.) My mother-in-law has been stuck for 10 minutes or better because she's been blocked in by thoughtless people. Me? I just walk. It's a mile, but my nerves just can't take the drop off sometimes. Argh.
Thanks for the visual.
My granddaughters school has the same issue...but add on that there is a "NO LEFT TURN" sign at the parking lot exit, that people when they are leaving the parking lot, they want to turn left....and can't seem to realize that they CAN'T because of all the traffic coming from that direction including buses that pull up and stop. So picture the line of cars waiting to turn left or right into the parking lot, but some idiot ignors the NO LEFT TURN sign at the exit of the parking lot, they want to turn left, can't, more cars are backed up behind them to the point the parking lot is full, no one can turn right or left into the lot which means the lines both ways waiting to turn in gets longer but some idiot is still waiting to turn left.........
Hahahahaha! I love how you put things! That is so funny but would drive me totally bonkers too!!!!
With all of the travelling you have been doing lately, how did you find the time to come up with this? It is priceless! And darn funny, too! The visuals helped me a lot!
It still happens at the middle school level...drop offs aren't supposed to happen in the bus line, but they do every day! It gets a little tense when they see the buses barrelling (sp?) down on them from their rear-view mirror. But, they still drop off, kiss & hug, and then watch their child take 10 steps to the front door of the school! Oye!
Awesome post!
Informative... Educational... Accurate (even down to the dinosaur)... and the perfect use for Tow Mater.
This post has award winning written all over it!
The thing that really burns my britches is when some yahoo pulls up in the left lane and drops junior off at the head of the line in the left lane. That means that junior is dodging between cars to get to the curb and those of us who are at the back of the line who are (permitted, at our school) to pull into the left lane to pass those morons who watch Susie not get eaten by dinosaurs and are then blocked (because not only are they in the left lane, they also have to watch Junior not get eaten by dinosaurs on the way into the building!) And, all this happens within the vision and under the supervision of the principal, who "patrols" along the sidewalk to welcome kids to school. I'm waiting for him to jump out and yell at the parents, but no........ apparently that's my job. Urgh!
AmandaMcGregor74 said... "we have nothing like this in Australia"
My daughter's school has an arrangement reasonably like this, and it's in Australia. A few of the other schools around our suburb also have drop off queues outside of them, as well.
In our case, it's actually parallel parking on the street with special restrictions on stopping and standing at certain times of the day (i.e., drop off and pick up times), so people can pull out if they're in the middle and people in front are still dawdling around.
However, it's still a pretty narrow street and there are issues with pulling out and going around and dropping kids off outside the proper drop off area and, at pickup time, people actually parking in the pick up area prior to school letting out.
Personally, I park up the street about a block and have my child walk to the car, at least in the afternoons. Some mornings I let her out a bit early and get her to walk the rest of the way, too, just to save dealing with the traffic. When we lived closer to the school (about a ten minute walk), we walked every day, rain or shine. (I miss that, actually; good exercise.)
tis post is hilarious, dawn! i love your 'low budget' movie illustrations! you should seriously consider writing comics too!
Once again, you have made me giggle. My kids attend a Christian school, and pick-up and drop-off tests my Christianity every time. Seriously. Love One Another never gets taken to the limits more than at these moments.
funniest. thing. ever.
What do you do when the SCHOOL breaks rule #1? My kids school doesn't want you to let your kid out until you are at the front of the line. They have TWO ladies that stand out there and open your car door to let the kids out. That means only positions 1 and 2 are allowed to let their kids out. I want to scream "You're doing it wrong!" My kid now takes the bus.
My kids take the bus. This year there is an alarming new trend in which all the new parents get out of their cars and walk up to the bus and greet their child as they get off the bus. I'm still amazed every time I pay attention to it.
I swear you were dropping off @ our school!! hahahahahaha true! But you forgot an egregious rule infraction, one that occurs at my son's elementary school every afternoon. The school is on main street, and there is only room for about 10 cars in the circle by the front door, so you have to get there 40 minutes early to not have to block traffic (which I do every day to avoid annoying people trying to go about their business on Main Street). There's always one or two cars that are there that early because they're taking kids out of school early, so we frequently get to move up when these cars move left and leave the line. Except when the guy in the tan minivan is more interested in reading his newspaper than paying attention to common courtesy to others, that is. He's also the guy who picks up so many kids that he HAS TO get out of his van to pop the back door open to stow the bajillion backpacks etc. that said children have with them (I don't drive a minivan, but I'm pretty sure there's floor space in the actual van, no? Maybe I'm the ignorant one) instead of staying in his car as instructed and getting the heck out of the way as quickly as possible. We have a "no left turn" sign, too, on top of all of this. It's a wonder I've only taught my kids one or two new exclamations of frustration instead of the entire gamut....
At least you have a kiss and drive we have stupid u-turn parents or park at the stop sign parents or wait to pick up your kids at the stop sign thereby not allowing other people to get into traffic properly parents and then wonder why everyone behind you is honking or waving their hands at you parents. Yup it just doesn't matter where you live there are always going to be people who believe it is their God given right to break any and all traffic rules to pick up or drop off their kids.
This was hysterical... there are a few exceptions to your rules, however. My son is 3 years old and in spec. ed preschool at the elementary school. I HAVE to get out or my car (but not until I pull up to the VERY front, to make room for others), because the aide who comes to meet him in the mornings takes FOREVER to get him out of his carseat. It actually SAVES time!
The people that really bug me are the ones that stop in the left "passing" lane to let their kids out, or who stop about 6 car lengths from the car in front of them in line to let their kid out for the middle school next door, causing a traffic jam for the elementary parents.
Totally perfect! I believe that this post should be given to every prospective students parents during the interview process at every private school. Parents should have to take a test over the material and be rejected if they do not understand the process!(not sure how to enforce in public schools!)
Ok, Dawn. Next mission - the pick up demonstration! It's just as bad. This must start INSIDE the school with our crazy kids who can't figure out how to get from class to front door in under 20 minutes. ugh.
Oh my gosh this was great. My son's school is a charter school where I am pretty sure 85% are parent drop/pick up. However the school has teachers and aides out there making sure we are quick and follow your set guidelines to a key. My son always takes his time and I am consently yelling at him to HURRY up and get out so I can go SHOPPING! J/K about the shopping but it bugs me he is not lightening fast getting out, I mean he is in 1st grade he knows the drill. And next year I will have two getting out of the car. I will have to make a video for them on the proper loading and unloading procedures. Thanks for the laugh!
Absolutely hysterical! I remember having the same problems when the teen was in elementary school. Another reason why I'm glad I homeschool now. Phew! =)
My kids are grown now, but they never got a ride to school-from me or anyone else. We live one block from the elementary school, about a mile from the middle school and a 7 minute walk from the high school. Wait-I drove my son to high school one day when he had a huge project to carry for art. I wouldn't let them ride with friends either-if they couldn't walk to school, well, they just couldn't.
What I can't deal with today are the busses that drive past my house with maybe 10 kids on them. Many of the busses are nearly empty because of the parents who drive the kids or the kids who drive themself.
A few years ago a local HUGE high school closed their student parking lots to do construction on the buildings. The parents were up in arms because their kids had to RIDE THE BUS! This school is really NOT on the beaten path so the parents didn't want to drive them.
But guess what? The kids rode the busses for two full years and got over it. Of course, they reopened the parking lots and now all the kids are driving again.
We have no "drop off" places. It's just insane if you make the mistake of driving past a school between 7:45-8AM. Seriously.
we have the same problem here, except we have to compete with the teachers parked on the street so there's not much space to pull to the curb. So you have parents who make a lane in the street letting out kids who then dart between the cars who managed to pull to the curb. Teachers are working the cross walks and ignore all of that. In addition, due to school security, they locked down all the doors except the front door to enter thru. We've requested to have someone at the side door just till the bell rings, but so far no luck. I still let my kids out there and they just have to walk around to the front door. I wish I could forward this to everyone at our school!!!
OMGoodness!! This is awesome!! This exact thing happens every morning at my kid's school, too!! So hilarious!!! You are so cool! :)
Love it - but I wish I could share it on facebook! So true and very nice job illustrating it!
OMG! You've been to my school!?!?
I totally agree with all of this except #2. My son is in kindergarten and goes to a K-8 school, so there are tons of people everywhere. At the front of the drop off line is a gate into the school and that is where all the adult supervision begins. I only wait long enough to make sure he gets through the gate and then I drive away. I do make sure to pull forward far enough that there is room for the car behind me to pull into the driving lane.
This was hysterical. I get what you are saying, however, in our district, you must pull up to the front of the line. We aren't supposed to let kids out before we are up front near the door. Parents do, but it's frowned upon.
Thanks for the laughs though. Way too funny! :)
OMG, that's hilarious! My favorites are the ones who stop to open the door, then their child has to put on his coat, then find his backpack, wait, he has to get his soccer bag too, hug and kiss, mom gets back in, wait, the kid left without closing the door. Arggh.....
This is SO true! I will say/add two things: First, what is with the people who put stuff IN THEIR TRUNK that their kids need to take in?!?! Really?!?! If you have that much crap you either need a bigger backpack or a servant to carry it for you. Sheesh!
And second, my Oldest Boy had to have someone watch him walk in. It was a bit crazy and we knew it, so we ALWAYS parked, got out with him and walked to the door. BUT we used the PARKing lot. See how that works?
I loved the system at my nephews school. Mum (OR auntie in my case!) drives up to gate, official school caretaker opens car door, 'little darling' gets out, you say "goodbye" to little darling and "thank you" to caretaker. Then you drive off! ~Simple! Can be done in 20 secs.
Dawn, you perfectly expressed my frustration with the Kiss 'n Drive at my son's new school! At his old school, they made it ALMOST idiot-proof. Parent volunteers lined the Kiss 'n Drive along the entire allowable drop-off area. They opened and closed car doors and prevented parents from parking and leaving their cars. In spite of this, you still had parents dropping off their kids in the parking lot or out on the street, because they were in too much of a hurry to wait the 2 minutes to get into the K&D (wonder if they would still think it was a waste of time if a kid got hurt or killed?). However, most parents followed the rules and it worked pretty smoothly. HOWEVER, at my son's new school, the only people out front are the safety patrol kids and the principal. She watches parents break the rules everyday and says nothing. And every single one of your rules gets broken every day. We have an extra one too, that seems to come up during the afternoon pickup - parents come into the school grounds and line up in the K&D and on the outer edges of the parking lot leading up to the the K&D. A few parents will park their car on the outer edges of the parking lot (where it is narrow and there is no room to pass them), walk into the school to find their child, then eventually wander back, load their kid into the car, then finally turn into the parking area to bypass everyone in the K&D to leave the school. In the meantime, traffic backs up into the driveway and out into the street (older neighborhood with narrow streets), keeping everyone behind them from being able to pick up their kids! There is usually much swearing from me during drop-off and pick up times!
I thought I was the only one who found this so annoying. At the high school it gets better. The sophomores with permits drive to school and then the parents have to get out to switch seats. It's so annoying. Let the kid drive after school!!!!!!!!!!
So sounds like our school!! .
Oh Dawn, if only you could lead a seminar for all the clueless parents out there. Life would be much better! I hope your surgery goes well- I'll keep an eye on Jackson in art class, and remind him to be extra nice to you this week!
Erin Wood- Grove art teacher
We have the rule where only the front of the line can let their kids out. My little one is in kindergarten so I wait in line in order to park in the lot to get out of the car and help her get herself together and close the door. Note again: I PARK, not just hang out at the front of the line like half the parents do.
I love this post. Last week, I was following behind a woman in a station wagon. I stopped behind her when she stopped, dumped out a bunch of teenagers and their stuff, and was ready to move. Meanwhile, she got out of the car, went around, helped her speshul snowflake out, got the backpack out, hung it on her back, and gave her a big hug and kiss. Then stood there and watched until she got into the building. Meanwhile the line of cars backed up into the next county, and I was late for work. HATE!!!!!
Oh my! This is a national epidemic?! I thought it was only at my schools! ugh!!!! people get a clue! Thanks for the PSA! I will pass it along :)
ROFLMAO!!!And so glad so many feel my pain.I take and pick up my grandson.He's in kindergarten so we have to drive up and drop off,but the 1-5th grades can park and walk but do they?NOOOO and they have to go to the trunk and get backpacks out and then they forget their coat on the front seat and WHO gave the parent permission to get out of the car???grrrr And of course these are the grades 1-5,GRRRR. The principal is awesome and stands out front,sometimes in the rain,holds a sign:"Pull forward.Kiss and Drop" :~)
Seems to me, the easiest thing to do is to just let your kids _walk_ to school.
Thank God -- and this needs to be said -- I live in a country, where we don't even know such a thing as a Kiss'n Drive.... because most kids walk to school or take public transportation.
So long,
One word: FABULOUS!
Right on, sistah! Here's my pet peeve -- the drop off line wouldn't be so bad if more kids actually TOOK THE BUS. That's what it's there for! I make sure my kids get the bus nearly every day, but boy, if they have a big project or have an off-morning and miss the bus, it's going to be a good 20 minutes to get through the parking lot (yes, this is really true at our middle school, whose lot is designed rather poorly.) Every time it happens, I see the same parents dropping their kids off. And why? Are these children too spoiled to ride the bus? In many cases, yes (though not all, certainly. I know some kids who really can't ride the bus, for various reasons.) Worse yet, some of these parents are my friends! Good people, not selfish people! I just don't understand. Thank you for letting me rant. :-)
Hey Dawn
Got a good one for you:
What do you call the ones who line up - oh lets say an HOUR before school is out!!!
Do these people not have a life!!!
I am howling at this post! This has been an issue at our school and at a recent PTO meeting a Dad stood up and said that everybody just needs to be patient while his wife "transitions" his daighter out of the car in the morning. He'll never make that mistake again! That meeting was quickly followed up by a letter from the principal outlining the drop-off procedures. Things like "Say your good-bye's at home" and "Do not get out your car" Things are much smoother now!
Wahahahaha! Thank you. And this is why I park on the street across the street from our school and walk across the crosswalk and walk them back to my car---when I don't WALK the two blocks to my school. to get them. Thanks for the laugh! And Good luck tomorrow, I'll be thinking of you.
OMG I love this it is sooo true!! The same thing goes for the afternoon pick up too!!! :))
omg so this happens everywhere?!?! i thought it was just my kids school!! you forgot 'do not put your childs backpack in the trunk. make them hold it!'
you continue to make me laugh. you are amzing.
I love this post. :)
I don't mind the school drop-off so much (I PARK my car in an actual parking space and walk my kids up to school) but I LOATHE the pick-up. People (like ME) who actually park have to park backwards to make an easy exit, because NO ONE will let you out of your spot, nor will they let you turn left to get out of the parking lot exit. Grrrrr. I try to be nice and let people out, but I'm usually not in a big hurry at that time.
Let's work together here, people. We've obviously ALL got kids that are getting out of school...COOPERATION is the key word.
This is so true at my kids' private school as well. We have parents who insist on waiting til they get to the door before they let their kids out and in the meantime our kids are already inside the school so we have to wait on them. And some of these parents that do that also insist on helping their children out of the car, and making sure their backpacks, lunch box, jacket, etc. is on them and give them a hug and kiss. Our kids know the rule, get out, get your stuff out of the trunk and close it then get on the sidewalk so we can leave. That's if we are in the car, now if we were in the van, there's more room for their backpacks and lunch box to keep with them. Either way, the morning drop off just tests our sanity.
and that is exactly why we walk to school.
That was hilarious! I was crying, I was laughing so hard! You are so creative - please keep writing! :)
I loved your post so much that I had to share it with my husband who loved it as well!!! Too bad more parents didnt just "get it"! I want to print it out and have the teachers put your post in every backpack!!! It prob wouldnt change anything though...those people dont seem to know who they are!!! Great job! Hysterical!
LMAO!!! Best. Post. EVER. I am the pick-up line nazi at my child's school...emailing and calling the principals to try to get control on the idiots that can't follow the simplest of instructions. It's not that hard people! Thanks for the good laugh!! =)
LMBO! this is comical!! thanks so much for this post!
at my kids' old school we had this very issue, but the pick up was even worse! the drop off/pick up line actully goes THROUGH the parking lot so u dont want to park unless u got lots of time to wait for the people that pinned u in... then people will not only prk in the do/pu lane, but also in the driving lane, get out of their cars, and go stand on the playground because thats where all the classes release to... i've even see a person get into and move another persons vehicle because it was parked in the driving lane and the parent was pushing their kid on the swings!!! thats school was assinine!!!
we have since changed schools and the new one is great at this, they are on a narrow one way road that barely is 2 car widths accross and they have a staff member out IN THE ROAD directing traffic, and she is a stickler on it. she does NOT let anyone stop in the driving lane to drop off or pick up, period! u have to keep driving and go around the block if needed until there is parking space available for you in the right lane, no exceptions. i'm sure if there was an absolute emergency she would llow it but that hasnt happened yet.
So funny! Thank you! I work at an elementary school and morning traffic is part of my job. My goal is to make it a better experience than the middle school (which we no longer endure, we walk in...). I agree that every parent that doesn't get the concept of kiss and drive should have to go to a class that teaches them to correct way to drop off one's children.
And this is why we moved across the street from the school!
You are so awesome and funny!
This must be why we homeschool :-D
If I didn't know better I would swear our kids went to school together. Seriously! How hard is it people?!
I think I have to go potty now from laughing so that in the rules somewhere? No potty breaks while in line?
I LOVE this! At my kids school, which is in the middle of town, there is a drop off lane, but it is also the exit lane for the entire school, so you must be quick. I get very upset when a parent does not have their child ready to exit the car right when they stop. They have to finish their breakfast (which should be eaten at HOME) and then gather their things, put them in their backpack, locate their jacket, ask for lunch money/permission slip/cookies for bake sale, etc. Do this before you pull up to the door!! As I am pulling into the parking lot, I am screaming, "DIVE! DIVE! DIVE!" to my kids - this means, unbuckle your seat belts, zip up, I love you and get out! By the time we pull up to the drop off door, they are crouched for a jump! There was one time when I actually did not let a child get out of my car because she was not ready. I took her with me, circled the block, parked in the parking lot and walked her in myself, all the while having words with her. She did not do that again.
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