Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

In years past, I've really tried to make cute, creative, unique costumes for my kids (like HERE.)This was not one of those years. I know I had an excuse - I was busy planning Joe's surprise party, then I was busy with writing stuff, then I was out of town to L.A., Orlando, and Sonoma, but still...

Instead of putting on my creativity hat when Jackson asked, "What should I be for Halloween," I think I said something like, "Put on your baseball uniform. Ta Da!" Actually, I got him a helmet, he wore his Bears jersey, and I slapped some mascara under his eyes. While we were in Disney World, I pulled a couple princess dresses off the rack and told the youngest girls, "You're going to be princesses." Clay wanted to be a monkey which was fine and dandy with me since we still had the perfectly good monkey costume he wore last year. Done. Austin didn't go trick-or-treating at all. He was content to pass candy out to kids. Savannah and a couple friends had decorated mathing orange t-shirts a few weeks ago, so they went out and did a little trick-or-treating with their decorative shirts and spray painted hair.

We never even went to a corn maze or to a farm or to pick out pumpkins or anything. I never even took out any of my Halloween decorations this year. I didn't put up a single window cling, nor a ghost, or pumpkin figurine. I didn't buy any hay, Indiana corn, apple cider, pumpkins or gourds. I didn't make any carmel apples. I didn't make any pumpkin pie. It's like we just bypassed fall and I have this fear that my kids are going to remember this one Halloween when we didn't do a darn thing to celebrate fall. They won't remember any of the times we went to corn mazes with our friends. They won't remember the hours I spent working on costumes. They won't remember carving pumpkins and toasting seeds. They'll remember the year we did nothing.

Or maybe they'll remember the cool trip to Disney World and forget all about this lame fall/Halloween. One can hope.

Oh well, at least I didn't make them go as crazy pickle arm guy.


Lo said...

Brooklyn has the BEST I'm so adorable now hand over the good stuff!

Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] said...

You were with them - that's what they'll remember. You're an awesome mom!

Lisa Brooks (Henry) said...

"I'm crazy pickle arm guy... GIVE ME SOME CANDY!" Thank you so much, my DH and I have had that going through our head for days trying to figure out the context.

Michelle said...

Hee hee! I had the same Halloween. NO decorations at all, sans the pumpkins (uncarved) that the wee ones got from the Pumpkin Fest at preschool. And umm, Little Miss was almost an indecent Tinkerbell. But hey... we had fun doing other things.

I've NEVER been to a corn maze around here, but I keep reading about the corn mazes that people do elsewhere that sound so fun. Where do you go for your corn maze? Harvard or something like that or closer?

Amy said...

Welcome to my life! Ha!

Liberating, isn't it? ;-)

Elizabeth F. said...

Those are cute costumes! I was way laid back this year with costumes. And good thing too, cause my kids changed their minds 14 times, at least! LOL!

Hey, come check out my give-away: 1 case "bot" Fortified Kid's Flavored water. It's so awesome!

Amanda said...

Omgosh that picture of Brooklyn and Clay is precious. Happy Halloween! The kiddo's look so cute!

Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad, I wasn't able to do anything this year, we went to a pumpkin farm but all we really did was take a tone of pictures and look around, I wasn't even going to take them trick - or - treating, well to be truthful I didn't my mom did, and my sister turned them into zombies.

Your kids may remember the year you did nothing but mine are going to remember the year we were homeless and staying with family.

I really do love reading your blog, and I do hope to buy your book when it is released.


Jkhb said...

Dawn, it is still fall, you can make carmel apples, pumkin pie and go to the corn maize after Halloween. And they all look happy with their costumes so it doesn't matter if you made it or not. I made one this year and bought one this year. Last year we moved and I bought both. Give your self a break they only remember that they had fun and got CANDY. Don't forget to save me a carmel apple, they are my favorite!

Andi said...

I spent the entire night of Halloween sleeping! And not one person came to my door for trick or treats. Just as well. My kids were with their father for the holiday so it was just me. Hubby was at work so when the kids came home, they woke me up in my cozy chair and then we all went to bed. I am so glad November is here.

I am so glad that you had a great time on all your trips. You make me laugh, or at least giggle.

Glad the hubby got a taste of mommy stuff. All hubbies should have to deal with it at least once before the kids hit kindergarten. Happy Saturday!

Anonymous said...

In the scheme of things, missed decorations, etc. isn't a big deal. Time with family is more important that rituals.

Unknown said...

Hi Dawn,
You still have one more chance to do a corn maze! Today, Nov. 1st, Keller's Farmstand (2500 Johnson Rd, Oswego, IL) is hosting the All For Hope Fall Festival from noon to 5pm. This is a charity event that benifits Cancer Care at Childrens Memorial Hospital. We will have lots of fun for the whole family. Please visit for more info. Hope to see you there, but if not, please keep us in mind for next year.

Shan said...

Your kids look happy and that is what is most important. That and the fact that they didn't go as pickle arm guy. Gotta love Adam Sandler!

Patois42 said...

All my kids ever remember about Halloween is overdosing on sugar before their mother takes all the candy to give away to church.

Knitty said...

It doesn't matter what you do, they will turn out warped and blame you anyway. ;)

Just kidding.

By the time they are adults, sitting around the Thanksgiving table with you and their 36 kids (better book a banquet hall), they'll mention this year just to try and make you feel bad. Don't let them get to you. Just slip their kids some red pop and a diuretic for the long ride home! :)

A&EMom said...

Last night as we were frantically searching for the other treat bucket on our way out the door (never did find it) I pulled down the Fall Bucket and my nearly 5 girl took in all the Halloween decor with huge eyes. I promptly apologized for not getting stuff out, you know, like before halloween. She smiled and said, "That's okay, Mom."

And so it is. And will be with yours as well, I didn't even take mine to Disney!

mommeeof10 said...

My kids found the large plastic skeleton and hung it from the porch ceiling. They carved a few pumpkins. That was it. If they wanted to decorate, they needed to clean their rooms and help sort the summer clothes so we can put them away and get out the winter stuff. They didn't care, so I didn't make the effort.

Wendy said...

Possible SOS question -

For all us new bloggers out there, can you tell us how you got people to read your blog before the bonanza that was Ebay? And how did you learn to do all the extras on your blog like finding out how people found you on Google (I know you answered this before, but I couldn't find it!) and counting how many people visit your blog? Yup, compared to me, you're a technical genius! :o)

Oh, and just to let you know - I uses my caulk single yesterday! Yippee!

Shellie said...

I think they won't care, it was different, but good. How often do you get to go to Disney for Halloween? I totally didn't do anything but throw together lame costumes at the last minute and didn't even do pumpkins (gasp!) They had a blast anyhow. Life goes on...

Anonymous said...

Brooklyn's cute little face is priceless! I still remember she was crying her guys out! haha


Vivian M said...

Don't be too hard on yourself! We can't be perfect and supermom all the time.

Gidget said...

You still have plenty of fall left to do some things if you want. Besides, they still got to go trick-or-treating and that is really what Halloween is all about!! Don't beat yourself up! You seem like an AWESOME mom and I am sure that your kids all know that!!

Lowa said...

NO worries, girl. The kids will be totally fine, really! They will remember all the fun stuff. Just because a few years (this may happen again, just so you know!) aren't like all the others...really, it is ok. You are doing GREAT!

Meant to tell you, Lexi is the same age as my only daughter (I think??) and they remind me a lot of each other. The same cute grin all the time, but Lexi has those adorable glasses too!

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