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My idea for week two is to bake something for someone. Make a cake for a neighbor, bake some cookies for your coworkers, whip up a pan of brownies for a member of your church who's been going through a tough time, recently had surgery, has their hands full taking care of sick kids. I mean, who doesn't love baked goods, right? And this is a perfect way to get your kids involved. They can help you come up with names of people to whom you can deliver the goodies, and they can help you bake or decorate the cookies, cupcakes, etc. What a fun way to spend time with your kids and teach them about selfless giving!
I made a pan of baklava that I'm going to bring to work to share with my new coworkers who have helped me, shown me patience while I've learned the ropes, and simply befriended me. I hope they enjoy it. :)
So, who's with me this week? If you choose to participate every week or just now and then, please, please, please leave a comment here and let us know what you did, how it made you feel, and how you think it will affect others. I can't wait to hear your stories!
Now you must take more time to post the recipe for that baklava! I mean, you only have 6 kids, a full time job, play taxi cab driver, chef, and maid......give me that recipe NOW, woman! Hee-hee!
Here's mine for this week. We're getting close to the time when my FIL will have to go into a home. My MIL is much younger, and doing fine, but she hasn't been able bring herself to check out facilities and get him on waiting lists. My husband has been trying to convince her to do it and has offered to go, but she keeps turning him down. Two days ago, I called her and informed her that I'm flying in because she shouldn't have to do this alone. She's making appointments and we're going to figure out which place makes the most sense. In between appointments, I told her, we'll go have lunch and get all wild by having a glass of wine (each!) with lunch!
It's not a fun thing, but I'm determined that we're going to have a good time and lots of laughs as we get all this sorted out!
There's an old lady (neighbour) who is recovering from illness and you've just inspired me to take her a cake. We get so busy we forget to stop and think, don't we?
Thanks for the idea!
Helen - family stories past and present
Hey Dawn!!
I participated in this on FB. I haven't baked anything yet. Hopefully I will start this weekend.
Pay it forward 2012...I promise to make something handmade for the first five people who comment. They must in turn post this and make something for the first five people who comment on their status. The rules are it has to be handmade by you and they must receive it before 2012 ends... it can be as simple as making a friend some cookies. This could be fun! :)
It's a great idea. I bake something most weeks, though usually really small batches.
Except for a handful of specific toys for a few kiddos, ALL of my Christmas gifts were baked goodies, and I think appreciated more than anything I could have bought.
This week we baked for several people: I made a dinner for a friend who had recently had surgery, my daughter wanted to pack a lunch for her teacher for school (who as it turns out did not bring her lunch that day) and my almost 3 year old wanted to bake special cookies for her friend who can't have peanuts. (Not that all cookies have peanuts, btu I loved how she was trying to remember her allergies... so we baked her best friend cookies!) Also (although this was last year) we brought tons of desserts to the police officers on Christmas Eve this year. We always do it for fire fighters, Law enforcement and dispatchers on Thanksgiving, but we did on Christmas Eve this year. I would love to say it was selfless but it wasn't. My husband (their Daddy) is a police officer and it was a way to include him in our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day when he couldn't be otherwise and to make the others who were missing their family feel special.
I love the idea of Pay It Forward. Hated the movie but that's beside the point.
I will play with you. Let's see. My neighbor just had a hysterectomy and the husband is run ragged. I will make him a wonderful little treat - don't know what yet - and sneak it to him!
I made an apple cobbler for my assistant's birthday. It was a new recipe, and fortunately, it turned out pretty good!
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