Over at Subway's Fresh Takes on Family Time, there's an article about creating an album of shame. Basically, it talks about how, in this digital age, we simply delete the pictures wherein a family member has bad hair, a double-chin, or a goofy smile. Or maybe we go to town with Photoshop, ensuring everyone looks perfect in the family photo. This article encourages us to keep those goofy pictures and use them in our own Awkward Family Photos type album. I couldn't agree more! With six kids, it's near impossible to get them all looking and smiling at the same time. For every "perfect" picture, I have fifty hilarious ones and those are the ones I love. They capture my goofy family much better than the posed, matched clothes, smiling ones.

Check out Fresh Takes for Family for inspired ideas on fun family traditions! And, as always, you can submit your own story for a chance at a Subway gift card and a chance to have your story featured on the site!This website is a part of an incentivized online influencer network for Fresh Takes on Family Time Powered by
The strange and funny pictures that accidentally are taken with my camera always end up being out favorites and end up in our yearly scrapbook.
great idea, and love the Qtip picture :)
I find that the BEST pictures are the unedited, untouched, and usually hilarious sides of us that are rarely seen. :)
Looks like someone is having fun :)
Can't wait till I have my own little one "soon" 38 weeks as of yesterday !!
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