Monday, January 17, 2011

My New New Year's Resolution

I feel like Lexi gets ignored a lot. She's quiet and doesn't make a fuss. She's maternal and likes to help care for Brooklyn and Clayton. She's my little helper and she not only doesn't complain if I ask her to do something, but usually she's done it before I even ask. She's just a very, very sweet little girl.

And she broke my heart last week, when she said, "Mom, can we just have some Lexi and Mommy time soon?"

I feel like I've been running some sort of triage, attending to the kids who need it most. Unfortunately, it's taking up so much of my time, that Lex has gotten a little lost in the shuffle. So, today, I took Lexi and Savannah (who also needed a little time away from the house and everyone) to get pedicures. It was a completely logical idea, you know, since it was freezing and the snow was coming down fast, adding to the inches already on the ground. I mean, who wouldn't think of wearing capris and flip flops to the nail salon, right?

I mentioned on Facebook how I never wear socks. I really hate things on my feet. And before you say anything, no, I don't have a sensory disorder. I just hate things on my feet. And arms. I just hate things touching my feet and arms. And neck. Ohmygosh, I cannot stand to have anything touching my neck or it feels like I'm suffocating. But no sensory disorder. Just plain ole ordinary no likey touchy stuff.

Anyhoo. The no wearing socks thing? Yeah, well that can make for some dry heels. I use the Ped Egg often because it makes my feet smooth and soft as a baby's butt. But I also use it because it grosses my kids out. After rubbing it across your no-sock-dry-heels, you open the container to find what looks like half a pound of grated parmesan cheese. Yep. Totally grosses the kids out.

But I hadn't used my Ped Egg recently. So the nail tech took a look at my heels and said, in Vietnamese, to her nail tech husband, "Ewww, wanna trade with me? I'll do the girls' feet and you do this lady's. Look at her heels! I bet she doesn't wear socks."

I looked at her with raised eyebrows and she translated for me. "Oh, I ask him what he want for dinner."

He laughed and replied in Vietnamese, "Ha ha, no way! You're on your own! Be thankful she doesn't want you to give her a facial. Do you see the size of those pores?"

The nail tech looked up at me and said, "He say he want hamburger for dinner."

But I was not buying it. I just added an 11th New Year's Resolution - learn Vietnamese.

Anyway, the girls and I had a nice time this afternoon. I think the next time, we'll do our own pedicures here at home so we don't have to walk through a blizzard in flip flops and so I don't actually have to learn Vietnamese because I'm basically too lazy for that.


Anonymous said...

They aren't talking about you. They do love it when you think they do, though. My old nail techs would share stories and such with me...when they would speak in Vietnamese it was usually gossip about whoever wasn't working that day or someone's new boyfriend. One of the younger ones who spoke English without any accent told me quietly one day that they can tell the paranoid ones, and if the paranoid ones are mean about it, they WILL act like they're talking about them even if they're just discussing what the head lady's six year old did at school the other day. There's a reason I loved that place and hate that I moved away...

MHW said...

Well done Lexi, good for you for just asking for a bit of time out without making a big deal of it. She's a special kid. x

V1nce said...

Great now I know where grated Parmesan cheese comes from *blech*

killercoolhappiness said...

I think this was totally an adorable idea. One day you and the girls will laugh at the crazy time you walked through snow in flip-flops for a pedi. This is something they are sure to remember and will certainly make them feel important. Did you guys get matching colors? I too have 6 kids but there is only 1 girl in the mix and she is 3 so for now we do our pedis at home because she won't let anyone else touch her feet. How do you spend time with your teenager? My almost 16y/o seems to be the one that gets lost in the shuffle at my house because he is so independent and requires less from me. I love having a big family. The only downfall during their growing up years as you know is finding time for all of them. But we are supermoms right? We can figure it out or tune out the criticism we get for being irresponsible for having too many kids^ insert eyeroll and sarcasm here^ You are an inspiration to me -sorry for the long comment,Lisa from FLA- come see us at the beach!

WeaselMomma said...

Oh my, I hate when you know that someone is talking about you, especially right in front of you.

For me, they usually chatter back in forth in their native tongue, chuckle, then turn to me and say "You lip too?".

noexcuses said...

That is hilarious! I love the translations! It's the same here!
I hate shoes, also, and our heels could be twins! Glad you found some time for the girls! I'm sure you made their day!!

Sarah said...

I'm so glad you got some one-on-one time with them. I know they really cherished it. :)

Laura said...

I have the same I-hate-socks thing going on. But I've discovered a wonderful money saving use: instead of using sandpaper (cause, you know, I have such a frequent need for sandpaper), I just rub my heels against whatever needs some smoothing out.

Jen Reil said...

That is hilarious! We lived in Taiwan for 4 years and when the locals found out my husband could speak Mandarin, they'd switch over to Taiwanese or Haka so they could talk behind our backs in front of us. I wish I could have had some magical translator ear piece to wear around them. Ha ha!

Den Momma Extraordinaire said...

Oh man. I bet that did break your heart. But ya know what? She refused to fade into the wallpaper of life and instead confronted you with the "hey, I'm here too" thing. Good solid backbone and high five again to you and your family.

Robin said...

Sounds like a great time with your girls! YAY for YOU!!

Feralhousewife said...

You should google for the blog of a vietnamese nail technician couple. You are probably on it ;)

April said...

I'm so glad you and your girls had a wonderful time!

I'm not trying to diagnosis you but I have that same problem with my neck and its because I have a thydroid problem - I can not wear anything on my neck! Never knew they where connected until an old family friend told me that's why I can't wear turtlenecks!

Well I hope you have a wonderful day!


Holly C. said...

You crack me up!

MaBunny said...

glad you got to do a girls day!! can't wait for one with my daughter

Keren said...

What? No link to this?

Anonymous said...

I read your today's entry as I was taking the last bite of my lunch - spaghetti sprinkled with parmesan.

I have to say I had a little trouble getting it down when I read about about your "heel cheese"...

Kimberly said...

You don't need to learn Vietnamese, you need to MAKE FRIENDS with someone who is Vietnamese and take her with you! (It's much easier to make friends than learn a new language).

SSO question: I bought your book from Borders instead of Amazon (because I'm like a special super shopper there and I got a discount). You still get credit, right? And is this a book I can give to a first-time mom and not scare the crap out of her or should I keep it for myself?

Kris Roach said...

If you have a minute, watch this, you will get a chuckle...

Glad you and the 2 girls had a fun afternoon. Great that Lexi spoke up, smart girl!!

faithlessone said...

Aww!! When I was Lexi's age, my favourite thing to do with my Mum was to give eachother manicures. (I don't do pedicures - can't stand bare feet, sorry!)

I'm glad you're making time to do some good things with your kids. I guarantee those will be the memories they keep - not the bad stuff.

Sherry said...

Thanks for the laughs... and I'm glad you got out with the girls.

Katherine said...

That is FUNNY. So you don't buy the hamburger thing?

I have looked at that egg thing and it just sounds painful... but now that I know you get cool foot shavings, I might have to get one. The teen boys would LOVE that!

Unknown said...

I was going to ask you how the girls were doing. Glad Lexi mentioned a time for you and her and sure she loved being there with you and Savannah too !
I went and got a pedicure back in June as my friends said it was so relaxing and since I go barefoot all the time I decided it was time to try it. I kept telling everyone that they better not cut me......guess what..... Yep, the guy cut the end of my big toe and the blood went everywhere. I have not been back since. LOL
And I agree with you cause they would say things to me and I kept saying 'what' and then they would say it so I could understand and then talk their language again to the other workers. I was very uptight about that.
I might go again in March as I am going on vacation and want to have soft feet and no 'cheese' that might show when I wear my sandals...hehee

I loved this post too !
Hugs to you all....
Donna from NE Indiana

CAM said...

Hi Dawn,
I just wanted to say HI and to say that I've been reading your blog for about a year now and LOVE it! I love to read all the crazy things your kids do. I am only 25 and 4 months pregnant with my first baby and I hope I can be a mom like you. You take things so well and seem to laugh them off and enjoy your kids. I bought and read your new book and LOVED it! I read it all in one night and laughed so hard. Thanks for being such a great role model :) and I hope things start getting easier for you and your family.

Nadia said...

ok, I'm so glad it's not just me!! I know lots of people hate socks, but I can NOT stand long sleeved shirts or turtle/mock neck shirts(which is all that my mom, grandma, and aunt like to wear!!)

but since it's been -35 celcius here for over a week I've been forced to not only wear socks, but boots..all day long LOL.

Amy said...

When you give someone money, you GIVE it to them. Regardless of what someone may think you SHOULD do with the money, it's not their choice. Their choice was to provide what they wanted to. It's your choice in what you do with it. I've been reading your blog for years and while I don't know you, I feel like I do and it breaks my heart to read about all of your tough times. Please stay strong, your kids need you and will not doubt become strong, responsible adults thanks to your example.

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord, what you do with any donations made to you is your business. I gave what I could and hope that you use it however best meets your needs. I don't need a listing of what was paid with it.

I am an only child and I suffer from depression, have since I was about 12, but wasn't diagnosed until I was in my 30's. I can't describe the feelings that overwhelm a person. I'm sure you know this, but it really sounds like Jackson may suffer from a bipolar type illness. I understand from my counsellor that it brings on big highs and big lows. Just my 2 cents and not even worth that.

I firmly believe everyone needs something just for them, whether it's cute toe nail polish or a book or flowers or a new purse (umm, that's me - LOL). Anyway all the best. I feel bad that you all are having such a rough time of it. You ALL do make this childless woman laugh. Pokemon is still my go to on a very bad day.

Nancy in PA

Marly said...

I hate shoes too and really need to give myself a pedi. My toe nails are still orange, from Halloween :-P

Mrs. Smith said...

I laughed so hard at your translations story!!! At least your gal speaks some English, all I can get out of mine is "Pick Color" for all I know I am over or underpaying, cause I just give them cash and say thank-you!

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