Thursday, December 30, 2010


I went to grab my purse so I could run to the store. This is what I saw...

This is what my purse is supposed to look like...

Notice anything strange? Yeah. My son, the comedian, thinks it's funny to turn my purse inside out every chance he gets. Fun.

"I turtled it, Mom. We do that to the purses and backpacks of kids in school. Ha!"

Thanks, Austin! Love you!


Melia said...

Just wanted to say that I LOVE your purse, turtled or not.

Grateful for Grace said...

How sad is it that I didn't notice. I was like, "Hmm... the straps look different." Sigh.

Jen said...

Oh Dawn! If he's turtling your purse , he must have some of his old self returning??? I saw this as a blessing, really! I'm sure he still has some recovering to do? Prayers for Jackson and I hope he returns soon!

V1nce said...

Hmmm... I think DCFS allows you to turtle comedians as long as you gave birth to them. I read it somewhere on their website.

Reminds me of that I Like Turtle's zombie kid on Youtube.

It also might help keep some of the kids in line but then again they'd probably look at their inside-out sibling and beg you non-stop to turtle them, right?

Amanda@runninghood said...

It actually looks really cute "turtled" . Is it supposed to do that...I mean, is it reversible? Ha! funny.

Vicky said...

Great sense of humour LOL

Melanie said...

Cute! Your purse is *almost* reversible!

Anonymous said...

Just think, now you have TWO purses, instead of one! Don't you love how kids are always trying to help :D. I swear I think they spend more time thinking up ways to mess with us, than they do working on their homework! LOL.

Anonymous said...

LOL and I am sure that was funny the first few times. What a great imagination!

Frau Mahlzahn said...

Well, actually, it _does_ look really cool that way. So, cheers for Austin for a good idea, ;-)!


Laura~peach~ said...

hugs and prayers... tell jackson he is a wonderful guy and that we are thinking about and praying for him :)
love the turtled purse :)

Anonymous said...


Looks like Austin was in a good place when he turned your purse inside out. Very cute. Better that than the alternative.

I will toast to a Happy New Year to you and your family.


that's awesome! I love the silly stuff kids do (when it's happening to someone else, of course); it shows a great sense of humor! Amy @

T.M. said...

Bwahahaha! I will NOT be sharing those pictures with my daughter, lest she get any ideas. I hope you don't have too much stuff in there that makes it too obnoxious to return it to it's un-turtled state.

Jen@Scrapingirl said...

Crazy young people. :) That's quite funny.

MaBunny said...

hahaha, good one Austin!! That purse is pretty Dawn!

Sarah said...

Funny--hope this means Austin is feeling better. Praying for Jackson and your whole family, and trusting God that 2011 will be a good year for y'all.

Julie H said...

How cute! Probably not so much when you are in a hurry though lol

HeyItsBeej said...

I heart Austin. Next time I get up there, he and I are gonna have to have a practical joke pow wow. I have a few to share with him. Mua ha ha!

Amanda said...

I love that amid all that's going on, he still has sense of humor. I really liked it turtled. They should make one that way.

Sila Lumenn said...

Ha! You've got a great kid there. I'm glad he feels like pulling pranks. *hugs* to all of you.

BTW, turtled or not, I love your purse. Care to share where you got it?

Anonymous said...

Uh oh! I'd say Beej and Austin hooking up could mean that much more than your purse is turlted. :) Love ya, Cheri

Alyssa said...

that's funny :) Just be thankful he didn't actually stick a turtle in it!

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