Thursday, December 9, 2010

Don't Be Jealous!

How much email do you get every day, Dawn?

I get more emails than I have time to read, so I delete the silly stuff in order to make time to read the important ones like this.

Hello How are you today, I hope all is well with you .I am sorry to worry you with my proposal for a relationship with you, but I know that you will grant my request in good faith and understanding, My name is aja I just went through your profile and i have no options than letting you know that i am interested in having a relationship with you, I will also like to Know you the more, you can send an email to my email address ( this is it ( so that I can send you more details about my self including my picture. I believe we can move from here. But bear in mind that love has no colors barrier, no educational back ground barrier, no socio-economic barrier, religious, language, nationality or distance barrier, the only important thing there is love. I am waiting for your mail to my email address above. Yours sincerely. Aja,

Woo Hoo! I think I've found my next husband!


Julie H said...

Please send $2K via paypal or western union...

~L0SERM0M~ said...

THAT gave me the friggin' willys...((shudders)) Keep your freakin doors locked at ALL times! EEEKKK!

~DokterKenny said...

Oh see now Aja sounds dreamy!Not to mention he has made it clear he isn't Caucasian, he isn't form this country, he has no job, he worships Satan, and can barely speak English. :-)

Sarah said...

WOW. YIKES. I wonder how many people would take that seriously and reply? Probably more than I'd like to know, that's for sure!!! :X

Sharon said...

Snort...snort! Have you ever heard of the Nigerian scams looking for money? This is a scam of a different kind...looking for a wife! Aja might be a real person but I doubt I'd like to meet him or his friends!

Robin said...

WOW! What a catch!! I've received the emails that tell me they have a financial proposition for me. They have access to an "account" with no heirs so they'd like me to say I'm an heir. How many people fall for that?!?!?! Geez!

Chris said...

Seriously...if you SHOULD respond, I'll just bet it's someone from Nigeria who wants you to give them money. Or maybe he really DOES want a relationship. LOL!

@ly said...

I also get the ones that have $$ for me and they want your bank/credit card info to give it to you. Yeah right! Just mail me the damn check! LOL!

Donna. W said...

Now that's funny, I don't care WHO you are. I think you've chalked up enough experience not to be taken in by a Nigerian.

V1nce said...

Hey, I was serious Dawn dagnabbit. I accidentally had my email set to Dell Overseas Tech Support!!

4 easy payments...

PamGram said...

That dirty rotten 2 timer. Aja gave to me a love of me an send one email to meet or send picture to one email that is here to. LOL Be carefull,I think he may have multiple wives/girlfriends ;~)

Unknown said...

Oh, yeah, sign me up! Did you notice that part of his email address is "john"? Wonder what he's REALLY looking for? Besides, money, that is....

Rick said...

Aja beat half of the available men in America to the punch.

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