She hasn't taken this dress off for the past 2 weeks. It's just not worth fighting over. What other time in your life can you get away with this, right? Could you see a 38 year old woman walking around in a Sleeping Beauty dress day after day? People might think she was a bit strange. Although I have been tempted to wear a tiara to the grocery store...
Yes, she has chocolate smeared all over her face and a scratch under her eye from where Austin headbutted her. He's part mountain goat. They were jumping around in a pile of leaves at the time.
The kids were ever so helpful. They went into the neighbor's yard and raked up all their leaves. They raked and scooped and gathered them up. They loaded up their arms and carried the leaves out of the neighbor's yard for them. And they dumped them into our backyard. Joe was thrilled with this. We have like 50 trees of our own too so they had a leaf pile back there that was 10 stories high. Gotta love the fall!
And, on an unrelated note, I did a review on my other blog for the VTech Kidijamz Studio HERE. I noticed that Peggy Larson had left a comment on that post saying,
"Caden: ooooo I want that!
Cman: yeah, I want it too!
Can we get it?
will you get it for us?
will ya? pweeeeze?
will ya?
Good enough for me- ummm of course they say that about EVERY toy commercial that comes on tv! But it would be cool to win something, so it's worth a try. LOVE YA DAWN! And we're not saying that to win- we know you do the random thingy."
I really wanted to give them the Kidijamz Studio, but I'd already said I was going to draw a random number, so I asked Stephen, the PR guy for VTech, who I was working with on this review, if he might be able to come up with a second one for the Larsons. And he did! I'm so happy to be able to send the boys their own Kidijamz Studio courtesy of VTech! Thank you Stephen and VTech!
If you see this, Peggy, act all surprised when you get it. ;)
That is Awesome Dawn! So glad Coleman & Caden get to share in the fun, they definitely deserve it!
And Brooklyn is too cute in her princess dress. You're right, why fight it? Let he wear the heck out of it and have fun while she can =)
I love that even a few years latter she still looks like the picture at the top of your fridge. *LOL*
I think that it is so cool that Vtach did that for you and her. congrats.
That is soo cool that C-Man and Caden are getting one. They soooo deserve it. Thanks Dawn... dede
Alright, I'm 38 and wore a tiara in Cheeseckae Factory...are you trying to tell me something? :)
Congrats to those who won the VTech...and yeah to you Dawn for asking for another one!! I see some happy kids in the future!
look at those eyes.i love this cute pic
How are you so functional off so little sleep? I was reading your twitter updates and good lawrd. As soon as my baby is sleeping for the night I crash into my pillow!!
I saw a grown woman walking around downtown with fairy wings and a wand the other day. I'm guessing her mom didn't let her wear them when she was a child. ;) Hopefully, Brooklyn will get it out of her system now!
Oh wow, I loved VTech toys when Nicole was little and that is fantastic that they worked with you and gave one to Caden and Coleman.
My daughter has a similar dress (sleeping beauty I think) and she wears it all the time! I am not sure if she has worn it for two weeks, but probably close!
Dawn you are AWESOME!!!!! My heart aches for Team Larson right now. You will put a huge smile on the face of those boys at a time when they really need it. You rock!!! I was directed to carepages by you. I started reading about King Julian, after he passed I did not think I would ever read another and then came Team Larson. I feel weird being involved in their journey. I sometime find myself telling stories to my friends and family and they ask "Who are these people?" They think I am nuts for reading the updates (Maybe I am) but I know that they all can use every praye rout there. I lnow Peggy's b-day is Thursday I think I will send her a card. Thank you so much for all the laughs on your blog and for your acts of kindness. I can't wait to read the update and see the pictures of the boys getting this.
I wish I could walk around in my princess dress all day, maybe then someone would realize that I should be respected (or committed).
You are so wonderful to gift the Kidijamz Studio to the Larson boys. I am sure you will make two little boys very happy!
YEAH! I am so happy you were able to swing an extra one for Cman and Caden... though I was going to ship one over there if VTech hadn't agreed :)
Good going!
Colmen and Caden will love the Vtech toy. Just wanted to report that the neighbor kids came to my back door the other day asking if they could have our leaves. We very happily let them have all they wanted. Didn't make a dent in our pile though.
So is she wearing her princess outfit in church too? I'm sure everyone in your town is getting a kick out of it. She is really cute though, chocolate and all. As far as the leaves, I would like to hire your kids to move my leaves to the neighbors behind me. They never put their dog in and he has been barking every night around 4AM when the newspaper van comes down the street. So needless to say, I'm up as well.
That was AWESOME Dawn, I know those boys will be so happy and that is a great credit to Vtech as well. They not only make great products, but they have great hearts.
Kim Fissette
EGV Preschool
I am sooooo excited that Cade and C-Man are getting a really cool fun toy. What a great way to brighten up the Larson's day!
Thank you dawn and VTech!!! :>)
Vicki in GA
okay, I know this is off subject but, I was wondering if you had a couple Disney world tips for me;we are going in march from the 9th to the 17th (six days in parks). just wanted to know how you survived it! I have three kids (4) (11) (15) all girls. got any tips for me? love ya! bye
Ok, I'm not as bummed anymore that we didn't win!! Not that I really was in the first place... :o)
I know that those boys deserve it! You are such a blessing to them!! Go Team Larson!!!
Dawn - was the guy at the fabric store named Victor?
That is so great of vtech, I was trying to decide between two similar toys for my 9-month-old for Christmas one is vtech and the other fisher price, I am going to buy the vtech one now, it's nice to know they are a generous company!
My daughter was a princess every day for a year. I had made her the princess dress for Halloween and I washed it at least once a week if not more often. You will look back and remember those princess days fondly.
OMGOSH!!!! HOw awesome is THAT?!?! You are the best Dawn! The boys will be THRILLED. And please get me the email of Steven so the boys can send him a thank you!!!
THANK YOU DAWN! May your kindness come back to you TEN THOUSAND fold.
p.s. can Clay come play it with them? THAT would make a good video!
Awww, what a cutie she is :) And if it makes you feel any better, there is a little girl in Little Miss's preschool class who wears a princess crown (ok ok ok, tiara) to school EVERY day.
And just remind Joe about how good leaves are as fertilizer. You'll have such GREAT grass next year :)
tres muey cool.
How awesome are you and Stephen from VTech??? Coleman and Caden are going to love the Kidijamz Studio. You rock, Dawn!
Brooklyn looks so cute in her princess dress. And she always looks her best when shmeared in chocolate! :-)
Awww. Reminds me of my girls old dress up days. I have similar photos of them when they were little, now both in college. Congrats VTech winners and thanks Dawn for taking care of your reader. You are awesome!
Awesome, Awesome, Awesome! I'm so glad VTech was willing to share with Caden & Coleman! What a great thing!
The leaves yeah, but the fact that you got the Larsons a Vtech!!!!!
My dd is 6 years old now, but she went through that stage of wearing her princess dresses EVERYwhere for almost a year. It drove her older brother crazy! LOL
So begging for something in a child-like fashion works with you? I'll have to keep that in mind when you're reviewing some kind of man stuff. Do you ever review man stuff?
Dawn, my littlest girl had a dress just like your princess dress there. And she never took it off, either, even when it was 4 sizes too small for her. It eventually ripped, and there were tears all round.
I don't know what it is about girls and princesses. But it is cute! If only they didn't insist on wearing the dress out of the house....
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