Monday, November 3, 2008

No Clever Title Comes to Mind

I'm doing a thing for BlogHerAds and part of this project includes me videotaping a shopping excursion. I took my whole family because I'm stupid because I thought it might make for an interesting video. We scared people near and far. I apologize to anyone who might have been near Woodfield Mall this evening. I didn't accomplish what I needed to and I'm too embarrassed to go back there, so I'll be hitting a couple different malls tomorrow. I'm only bringing Savannah with me because I don't want to be kicked out.

Clay, as always, has way too much energy for one person. I wish I had a tenth of it. He was walking along, doing pirouettes, banging off the walls and just being goofy. Of course, when I pulled out the camera, he calmed down some and my battery died a couple seconds after I started taping, but you can get an idea...

This reminded me of the video Peggy made of Caden walking down the street in NYC. Speaking of, the Larsons are heading back to NYC so Coleman can get some further treatment. For those of you who are new to my blog, Coleman Larson is an adorable little boy with a twin brother, Caden. Coleman is battling cancer and his mom, Peggy updates his CarePage almost daily. The Larsons have a strong faith and despite going through some really rough times, they always manage to see the rainbow at the end of the storm. If you haven't "met" the Larsons, go to and sign up. It just takes a minute. You can access his page by typing in "colemanscott" with no spaces and no quotation marks. Anyway, Coleman's counts were down and he wasn't feeling well today, so pray he feels well enough to travel to New York in the morning.

So, we grabbed a bite to eat after the shopping "fun". We ran into some friends of ours there. When they came up to the table, I said, "Hey kids, wouldn't you like to go home with Uncle Dave and Aunt Brenda?" You know, because they were still wired and acting nuts and I figured why not share this special time with Dave and Brenda who have no kids of their own.

When Dave and Brenda left, Savannah asked, "Are they really our aunt and uncle?"

Austin looked at her like she was stupid and said, "No! They're our godparents, duh!"

Just for the record - they're neither the kids' aunt and uncle, nor their godparents. My kids are SO smart.

I have to go to bed. I'm so screwed up going from Central to Pacific to Central to Eastern to Central to Pacific to Central and off Daylight Savings Time in the past 2 weeks. I have no idea what time it is, but I'm pretty much always tired. Whose bright idea was Daylight Savings Time anyway? I can never figure out how to change the clock in my car and it ticks me off.

Tonight Savannah asked, "Is it really 8:30 now?"

"Nope. It's 7:30," I answered.

"Why don't you change it so it's the right time?"

My kids already think I'm technologically inept. There was no way I was going to admit that I didn't have a clue how to change the clock. "It'll be the right time in 6 months. Just be patient."

It was dark, but I'm pretty sure she rolled her eyes at me.

Have a good night! :)


Anonymous said...

You know... this last time change gave you an extra hour of should be grateful. I look forward to this time change, its the one in march that i dread. Which also leads me to remind you that it will only be 4 months that your car's clock is incorrect, not 6. :) it is annoying how dreadfully difficult those clocks are. "turn on the radio, adjust it to 89.7 fm then turn the AC switch 48 degrees to the left then hit the play button on the cd player, then this will adjust the time" GAH i was flabbergasted that our new van actually had a time button. it took me forever to find it (although it was clearly labeled by the clock) because i was looking for some complicated sequence to complete. A CLOCK BUTTON? my technology is advancing.

Lowa said...

YOu are so funny about the time change! I am the same with no clue about the clocks and all. And coming from Saskatchewan 19 years ago, I STILL don't get this. We never changed time my entire childhood, it was always constant. This is just weird to me.

LOVE the video of Clay! So typical! My boys were the absolute same:)

I will try the carepage. Trouble is I read enough of those as it is and cry my eyes out and feel so helpless. All we can do is pray. God is in control, it is just hard on me, so I can't imagine how it is for those families:(

Anonymous said...

OMG I really swear that Caden and Clayton are the real twins. THAT video soooooo reminded me of Caden! Gotta love em- they keep things 'interesting' right?
Thanks for mentioning our journey- you know we appreciate the prayers so much. Especially since Coleman vomitted before bed tonight. Oh how I hope our flight goes smoothly.
Now I have to get to bed too!
oh and I had the same trouble changing the time in our van. Stupid digitals. Why can't they make them with a simple dial? Oh yeah, then Caden would be turning the dial constantly and I would NEVER know what time it is! :)

Bec said...

I totally agree with you about DST! I completely disagree with the commenter who said you should be greatful for the extra hour of sleep. Everyone with small children knows that the only thing this time change does is make the kids get up an hour earlier, and you have an extra hour of craziness during the day. When you have small children, the March time change is the best because you feel like you got an extra hour of sleep, even though you totally didn't!

Shellie said...

We should all move to Arizona and skip DST, I am so messed up right now. I agree, why change the clock when it will go back to being right in 6 short months? I can't see the video because apparently I'm missing plugins recently as well, but the description sounds like my kids as well.

Mum-me said...

My son is 11 and he still acts like that when I take him into a shopping centre!

I know how to change the clock in my car - ask my husband to do it. Easy!

mommytoalot said...

Good morning!
Thanks for making me laugh this morning!
The video of you little guy was hillarious and reminded me quite abit of my Jim.
I have taken my gang shopping all at once and now my 14 yr old refuses to come along. Even with bribes of cool clothes and new shoes. He would much rather wait til dad takes him..alone...

Bekah said...

Hahaha! Your car clock story really made me Laugh Out Loud! Sounds like something I would do....just wait 6 months! Thanks for always making me smile! :-)

Anonymous said...

Don't you just adore the roll the eyes thing? There must be a rule engraved in granite somewhere. My 38 year old still does it whenever I say something with which he doesn't fully understand or agree. It is such a major pet peeve for me that I sometimes imagine I can hear them roll when we're talking on the phone. And of course, I maturely respond with hands on hips and as close to a teenage impression as I can get, "Duh. Motherrr," bobbing my head side to side. I still believe when we get their Mom to grow up my kids might stand a chance of following suit. It's just a thought.

Anonymous said...

I actually have a clock that "knows" what time it is. You just plug it into the wall and off it goes - it automatically adjusts for Daylight Savings time, and when the kids or cats unplug it or there's a power outage, I just plug it back in and it resets itself. It even remembers the two alarm settings I have programmed in. I don't know how it does it. It's not the kind that requires a battery backup to do its magic either, which is good, because the kids steal all the batteries anyway. To heck with OnStar and airbags and all that fancy stuff... what I want to know is why they can't put THAT technology in my car...

Brenda said...

I know this! You say "You can go ahead and change the time for me (on car clock)." When they ask how tell them you'd like to have them use their problem solving skills to see if they can figure it out on their own. Its good for them! And this is when the moms do the anser to the eye roll and we wink!

Jkhb said...

I don't know how to change the clock in my van either! I already went to panic mode sunday when I thought it was 5 instead of 4. I relized it about 5 min later.

Anonymous said...

Hey there! Saw that you were at Woodfield. Do they have the tree up yet? Just wondering

Ang said...

You'll have to move to a place where daylights saving doesn't exist Dawn! I live in Fort St. John, B.C. Canada and we just don't do it. There's some sort of technical reason, but I prefer to not understand it. Part of the year we are B.C. time and the rest we are on Alberta time.

Anonymous said...

the only time my kids are awake before me is on the weekend, now why can't they sleep in like everybody else in the house? I don't know but since the time change I have been up before my kids, maybe because it's a school night I don't know, I just hope they sleep in this weekend, I guess we will see what happens.

Coleman is a cutie and I sure hope he poles through all of this, I did sign up for carepages just to see his site and it just kills me to see a child with cancer, I have him in my prayers and do hope he makes it to NYC ok. He looks like a fighter and I know thats just what he is doing, (FIGHTING)

Jillybean said...

Why is it that little boys can't walk anywhere without touching everything they pass?
And then when they get a little taller, every time they walk through a doorway they need to jump up and see if they can touch the top of the doorway?
Or is it just my boys that do that?

Turtles In Northern Florida said...

I have never been able to figure out the clock in my vehicle. Thank heavens my children have figured it out. Now they just change it for me!

Anonymous said...

The whole time change is crazy! I wish we (the entire USA) would just quit messing with it!

BTW-I tagged you. Come to my site to check it out.

Anonymous said...

Ooh ooh ooh! That SO had potential for a "clever title" contest!
Too bad I can't come up with anything catchier than "Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care?"
(And now I have the tune in my head...)
p.s.- Everybody get out and vote!

Melissa said...

Or you could just keep the car clock at that time, tell all the kids that's the real time, and then you'll be early. I have my car clock set 5-10 minutes fast in hopes that I'll be early to appointments. It doesn't work as well if you can't forget that the clock is wrong, though.

Anonymous said...

It will actually be less than six month until time change again. This last year they shortened the "winter time" and are making the "summer time" longer. We "sprung forward" three weeks earlier, and "fell back" one week later than normal this year.

I hate time change. Growing up in Arizona I never had to deal with it. Now that I lived elsewhere, it frustrates me to no end.

Brenda said...

Too funny! Half of my clocks are still on the old time because I'm just too darn lazy to change them!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry my car clock stays the same so half the year its wrong. I never can figure it out!

I love that my kids aren't the only ones that touch all the windows in the mall. Poor people that have to clean the windows all day long!

Anonymous said...

Did I hear one of your kids counting down the days till Christmas?

Unknown said... Its all on Ben Franklin :)

Anonymous said...

We have a clock on our DVD player that changes automatically...but it is a few years old and it changes when we USED to have the time change not when we do now, so it's wrong for a week this time and no way to adjust it. I had to keep a post-it note over it so I knew the time. I wish they'd just leave time alone; it gets dark way to early now.

Michelle said...

I actually figured out how to change the clock on my new car while DRIVING Sunday. I was *so* proud of myself. I didn't even get into an accident ;)

Oh, and ummm is that still the bag tag from FL on your stroller? That so sounds like me if so!

Bonnie said...

Hey, I don't usually comment on your blog only because there are so many all the time. But I just wanted to tell you that you are a real blessing. When I read your blog, it always makes me smile, better yet, it makes me laugh out loud!! Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with all of us. God bless!

Anonymous said...

Yay Obama! Yeah, I am on the west coast! You can delete that if you want, Dawn, i won't be offended. ;)

So is the little one in the video walking crooked and touching all the windows the one with adhd?

My son is like that. He is 9. He is pretty much a good kid most of the time, but take him to a store, any store, and he loses his mind and starts doing things like that.

He jumps and runs the different spots on the floor. He runs his hands along th glass. He pokes the meat in the meat department. He tries to jump the escalator steps. you name it, he's done it.

I just thought this is what boys do. LOL!


Anonymous said...

Our trick to remember daylight saving is: when you take out your lawn furniture - put the clock one hour forward. When you take your furniture in - back up one hour. Or something like that. :D But perhaps you let the furniture sit out all year around, then it doesn't help one bit and you stay as confused as ever. Forget I said something ;-)

Ashley said...

Here's my theory on the wiggly boy syndrome, at least for my guy. He is super thin and I've determined it's b/c he is constantly in motion. So I say us moms take their lead and in order to lose weight we adopt their wiggles-you know replace walking with: skating in our socks, hopping, skipping, running, weaving back and forth, etc. He doesn't do anything without doing it in dramatic fashion and inevitably when he busts his butt I just give him the "if you would just walk normal that wouldn't happen" look. But he's the one who's skinny...

Dawn said...

I know I'm a few days late on this post, but had to share.
2 of my kids (1 boy, 1 girl) were very tactile (still are). When they were little, my mantra to them was "Look with your eyes, not with your hands!" over and over. My daughter actually did the 'knock over a spaghetti sauce jar in the store and break it' routine. They touched everything!, wherever we went.
And wiggled. and wobbled. and wandered. Actually all 3 did that.


diddlesgirl said...

ahh... and i thought that my kid was normal when he did stuff like that! i think that the phrase "you're driving your mommy crazy" has become my personal shopping catch phrase... or else it's don't, stop, quit touching that, they don't want to clean your fingerprints off that, no they probably don't want you to spit on the fingerprints to clean them off, quit aggravating your sister, just a few more minutes, .. see, you're driving your mommy crazy is much less time consuming! how do you do it with so many? bless you! and may God give them multiple children just like themselves one day!

mommeeof10 said...

Previously, I have owned cars that had clocks very difficult to figure out. My 2006 camry and 2006 chevy vans have 2 buttons-one changes the hours when held in, one changes the minutes. I can remember what changes the clock in Hubby's 1997 oldsmobile. I figured it out finally, but can't remember what I did.

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