Today is Saturday so naturally we had baseball excitement all day. As Joe and Austin got home from the last game, a storm ripped through here. Joe pulled into the driveway and, because it was raining so heavily, thought that he'd better stay put in the truck for a minute so he didn't get drenched. Actually, I'm just guessing that's what he was thinking. He could have been thinking about ice cream. Or the Cubs/Sox game. Or Corvettes. Or fluffy little bunnies. OK, maybe not fluffy little bunnies.
Anyway, for whatever reason, he paused and didn't get out of his truck right away. It's a good thing too. Because this is what happened in that minute that he paused.

See? If it hadn't been for the torrential rain, he would've gotten out and the branch would have hit him. Who says the rain is bad?
And the best part is - it didn't hit my new van!
So glad he was blessed. You must be living right. Love those tender mercies.
My goodness! Good that Austin and Joe weren't injured!!
I woke this morning to the same image but on 2 cars! Not a pretty sight to see!!!!
~Dawn S.
Glad everyone was okay!
Glad no one was hurt. I have to ask, it looks like hubby's burb is a 3/4 ton. I have one just like it but it is a rare diesel model. Is joe's burb a diesel too?
Oh gosh. I am so glad no one was hurt. Someone was watching. :-)
I totally believe that God has His hand in the little things that make us pause or slow us down and ultimately keep us safe.
How often we don't see the big picture and get frustrated and impatient!
Thank God Joe followed that instinct!!
Glad he was ok! How badly is the SUV damaged?
Isn't it wonderful knowing someone is watching out for you?
Love reading your blog and how your kiddoes interact (or not) with each other. I totally get how glad you were that your dh wasn't hurt...and that it wasn't your new van...btdt.
Thank God for distractions that make one pause; like..., well, like... fluffy little bunnies. How did you know that virile men, such as your husband, are often distracted by such things?
Wow, I'm glad no one was hurt.
Are you as sick of all this rain as I am? I'm in the Detroit area so we get the stuff a few hours after you do. I'm guessing the storm that I heard last night was the same one that blew through your area and dropped the tree branch. It keeps filling our pool over the "max" line. Our lawn looks like a jungle and a swamp.
Wow! God works in mysterious ways!!! Glad he is okay and also your pretty new van is okay :)
Phew! Thank goodness he stayed put and no one was hurt. Someone was definitely looking out for them!
A few years ago we were camping when astorm came up. We were all in the tent. The storm blew a huge tree branch onto the top of our suburban. It landed on the xcargo car top carrier, smashed it in and slid off the roof. It did not damage the burb.
God sent the fluffy little bunnies! LOL!
SO glad everyone made it out unscathed!
Good thing for your new van!
I love how we all (bloggy people) think to grab our cameras at times when normal people, not that you aren't normal or that I'm not normal..well...normal people would move the tree off the car. Look at the damage.
Me I just want people to believe my stories and without pictures most of my stories could easily be passed off as BS.
Good thing he was thinking of fluffy bunnies!
Ouch! Tell Joe to keep thinking about those bunnies! There were some nasty storms last night, and I'm glad to hear it was Joe's truck (and not your van) that was injured and not Joe or Austin!
Send the rain, but keep the falling trees! Actually, you could also send the lovely huge van if you like!
I'm glad they were all safe. Divine timing!
Glad that everyone is ok. My first thought was "They just got a new vehicle!"
P.S. I tried sending this through to you the other day. A blog "award" was shared with me and I was told to share it with others. You're one of my others. Enjoy.
Oh my good gravy, thank goodness no-one was hurt! How about his truck? Was it dented/scratched? Hopefully it's ok?
Other than the fact that they seem to dump huge branches down on your vehicles, I do so love a good thunderstorm... =)
Whew! That was a close one!
Glad he wasn't out of the car yet!
I always prefer the branches to fall during the regular storms, so they're gone when the hurricanes come. ;-)
I'm glad no one was hurt! These storms we've been having lately are driving me buggy. One day it's hotter than you-know-what, the next day you drag out the sweats and bundle up. Do you wear your hair up or down? crazy!
Blog Quiz Answers
1. c 2. A 3. e 4. d 5. d 6. c 7. c 8. abce 9. f 10. f it was pudding (I think) Was there an 11?
Love your blog! I read it every day and share it with my kids. BTW all that talk in the 3rd person got me into trouble! My kids decided to talk that was for 3 days straight!
That's one of those moments where you SEE how the Lord protects us from imminent danger.
Holy husband had an angel that day.
Dorothy from grammology
remember to hug gram
Good gracious! Glad he stayed put!
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