Thursday, April 12, 2012

Now THAT'S How You Stretch a Dollar!

I absolutely love looking at little kids’ schoolwork. I admire their drawings and I’m fascinated with the way their minds work. Reading what my little kids have written is one of my favorite things to do. Hmmmm, maybe I should include that on my eHarmony profile under how I like to spend my leisure time – deciphering the phonetic spelling of a little kid.

Clay, who is in second grade, brought this paper home today. Now, I thought I was pretty good at stretching a dollar. I can make a buck go pretty far, but Clay . . . Well, Clayton is a jedi master at making the most of his money! The question he had to answer was – What would you do if you had $100? His answer was -

If I had $100, I would buy 10 Ripsticks and 2 lamborghinis and 2 dogs and 20 controllable small cars. And I will share with everybody.

I’m not sure what kind of deal he worked out with those lamborghinis, but go Clay! In fact, how does my eight-year-old even know what a lamborghini is? Is car knowledge something boys are just born with? Hmmm, I’ll have to ask him. But awwwww, he said he’s going to share with everyone! How cool is that? And that’s not all. He continued his answer with . . .

And with my leftovers, I will buy a house. And in my house, I will buy a TV, couches, kitchen stove, a pool, bikes, and last but not least, playing with it.

I love this! I cracked up when I got to the part where he’d buy a house with his leftover money after buying two lamborghinis. So he may not have the most accurate concept of money, but how great is this paper? This one is definitely going into his box of saved schoolwork!

photo 300x224 Now THATS How You Stretch a Dollar!

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