I figure we'll just order pizza (or what passes for pizza down here) one night while they're here. Growing up, we always had pizza on Sunday nights. That was the one night my mom would let us watch TV at the dinner table (Wonderful World of Disney, of course.) As a kid though, I was always jealous of my friends who went to their grandparents' house for Sunday dinner. It was a traditional, weekly event for many of my friends. My own grandparents lived out-of-state, however. When I grew up and had kids of my own, I thought my own parents might incorporate a weekly, or even monthly, gathering for dinner, but they never did. I hope to host Sunday dinners at my house when my kids are grown and have kids of their own.
But back to my parents' visit. I think we'll cook out and eat our meals on the lanai so my parents can enjoy the gorgeous weather down here before heading back to the cold. That has become a new tradition for my family - eating outside. We do it several times a week. The weather is just too beautiful to stay inside.
What kinds of dinnertime traditions does your family have? Check out this family's cool, fun tradition of "Theme Dining" for some fun ideas! And while you're there, share your own stories and ideas on the Fresh Takes on Family Time site. Every time you share, you'll be entered to win a $50 gift card from Subway. And, more than that, you could be the next lucky family chosen to have their story filmed and featured on their site! One new family is chosen every month! Check it out here!
Enjoy the visit from your parents!
I moved away from home to another state at about the same time you did, and my mom came to visit me this past weekend. It was so nice to have family come visit. :) I didn't realize just how much I missed my mom until we had a date planned for her to come visit for the weekend and I was counting down the days like a little kid and Christmas, lol.
With my brother and my family scattered the two dining traditions we started revolved around the holidays. Christmas was always an issue so we started etching in stone the Saturday before Christmas would be our family dinner at mom's. My brother and I would bring our significant others and kids and know that would be our Christmas celebration months ahead of time....nothing else to get in the way. Then we started doing the same for Thanksgiving. The first saturday was our Thanksgiving, and everyone was always able to be there and nothing got in the way. Until my kids and grandkids moved away. Now I've moved to be with them and try to start our own family dinners!
Every Sunday that I am in town I have family dinner with two of my cousins and their kids.
I have lots of traditions with my siblings and mom, but every sunday I host or go to dinner at my cousins house. We have sauce every sunday with some type of pasta.
Hi Dawn,
Interesting post! Would you be interested in sharing your articles with other like-minded parent bloggers? If yes, please email me at info@atomicreach.com with Parents in the subject line.
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