However, the other day, I saw something even stranger, and I knew immediately, who was responsible for it. As I turned into my subdivision, I beheld this sight . . .
The sign of a brilliant criminal - signing your name to the scene of the crime.
Up ahead - poop! What a fabulous welcome home to all the neighbors.
How kind of him to draw arrows to point the way to the poop.
In case you've forgotten, here's a little reminder of what you're heading toward.
More arrows. You know, so you don't accidentally turn into a driveway and miss the poop.
"You are . . .
. . . in the . . .
. . .POOP!"
Here we are, eight houses later and we're still in the poop.
Yep, a giant drawing of poop that spans a city block. Look at the stink waves coming off it. Niiiiice.
I’m awaiting the letter from my Homeowner’s Association kindly requesting we stop defacing public property with feces, or move out of the neighborhood.
1 comment:
Can so relate! My boys draw boy fixations as well. Imagine the horror of the postman when he steps on a penis squirting urine! Boys!!!
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