I've done several giveaways for Campbell's over the years because I love their products. Here are some more cool offerings from Campbell's!
V8 VFusion is my family's absolute favorite juice! There's nothing artificial in V8 VFusion. It's made from fruit and vegetables, but tastes just like delicious fruit juice. It's a great way ensure your kids get enough fruit and vegetables every day. Now, there's a new VFusion flavor, Concord Grape Raspberry, and it comes in 8 oz. slim cans, perfect for your child's lunchbox.
And I love the new Pepperidge Farm Goldfish bread! It's too cute! Your kids will flip when they open their lunch bag and see their favorite sandwich made on adorable, goldfish shaped bread! It comes in 100% whole wheat, honey whole wheat, and white bread for the lunch that smiles back. :)
I have a great back-to-school lunch kit for one lucky reader. The kit includes:
* A six-pack of V8 V-Fusion Concord Grape Raspberry 8 ounce cans
* A green lunch tote
* Reusable Velcro bags, the perfect item for keeping sandwiches and snacks fresh
* Branded cards for moms to include notes for their children to read at lunch
* Branded grocery list notepads so moms can remember to pick up Concord Grape Raspberry slim cans on their next trip to the supermarket
* $25 Wal-Mart gift card
* A coupon for one free V8 V-Fusion, V8 V-Fusion Light or V8 V-Fusion + Tea beverage (46 ounce or 8 ounce 6 pack)
* A pack of NEW Goldfish sandwich bread from Pepperidge Farm, the perfect item to turn a boring sandwich into an exciting lunch item
To enter for a chance to win this fabulous lunch kit, leave me a comment here (include contact information). For another chance to win, tweet about this contest, linking here, then come back and leave me another comment, linking to your tweet. For yet another chance to win, share a link to this contest on your Facebook wall, then come back here and leave me another comment, linking to your Facebook post. Contest open to U.S. residents. I'll choose a random winner on Wednesday, September 14. Good luck!
I received a lunch kit from Campbell's to sample the new products before writing about them.
I love V-8 Fusion, and most of all, so do the kiddos!
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/allboysforme
not sure that's right....
posted on facebook too!
What a great lunch-to-be!
valblaisdell at yahoo dot com
I tweeted!
valblaisdell at yahoo dot com
I'd love to win this lunch kit, for myself! I have to take dinner with me a few nights a week when I have school. I guess the kids could have the cute fish bread, though. :)
I'm a big fan of Campbell's products too. And that goldfish bread is really cute! My kids would love it! Hope you are doing well down in FL. Seems like you've all adjusted pretty well. :)
jenc at crazysummer dot org
Here's my comment... for what it's worth. Which in some circles is... well... very little. I still pray for you every now and then.
This would be awesome to send to school with a teenager :)
jaelyn1976 at yahoo dot com
I totally want this for bringing my own lunch to school!! (Teachers need some fun bread too.)
Love V-8, hope I win, my kids have been begging me to try the goldfish bread!
Would love to win this!
jaimiewutzler at yahoo dot com
Wahoo! Sign me up!
Have a blessed day.
Donna Mc
I may not have 6 kids but this would be helpful for me and my 4 kids!
I would Love to win this lunch-kit!...though, my 2 elementary-age kiddos may have to fight me for it!
Annette Peel
the4peels AT yahoo DOT com
I shared a link on my facebook page! :)
What a great giveaway. My little guy would be super excited to have his PB&J on Goldfish Bread!
Rebecca M
captainamerica1019 at yahoo dot com
Gotta love anything.different from just a samwich for lunch.
Heather dot myers at gmail dot com
Here's my Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/2treasures4us/status/112598394945540096
Annette Peel
the4peels AT yahoo DOT com
That bread is SO cute!
Would love to win this for my kiddos:)
I shared this on my blog's facebook page: www.facebook.com/ChrystalsCorner
My kids can NEVER get enough juice and I'd love to surprise them with goldfish shaped sandwiches! RubberChicken at RubberChickenMadness dot com
OOOOooooOOOO!!! I want to try that Goldfish bread, I haven't seen that before :)
This looks like a fun kit!
I'd love this!
That goldfish bread is too cute. I think I would like my sandwiches made with it!
My kids aren't big on veggies, maybe the juice would be a way to get some nutrition into them without resorting to bribery and threats...
Looks nice! I've seen the Goldfish bread in the store, but haven't tried it yet.
Love the V8 stuff. Tally42071@yahoo.com
I want to try the goldfish bread! miller4fun at hotmail dot com.
I'd love to win this! :)
kmf1524 at gmail dot com
I am always on a tight budget and Campbells soup is what I pack most nights when I work and I could defintely use a lunch box instead of always carrying everything in a walmart bag. My daughter would flip for the goldfish bread
Jamie Lewis
303 Arlington Street
Apt 22
Ashland, Va 23005
Would love this kit. Kids would love all that is in it. Thanks for the contest.
The goldfish bread is the best! Love the v8 fusion too but have yet to try the concord grape raspberry.
i am a lunch fanatic...so wanna win!!!!
My daughter is into dinosaur sandwiches right now, so having some fish ones would be tons of fun, too!
Yum, Yum, Yum and I might even share with my kids. ;) Thanks for a chance to win.
Shared on Facebook! Thanks again!!!
How neat- goldfish bread!
So cute. Thanks!
Shared on Facebook
I love V8 fusion juice and tea! I haven 't seen the goldfish bread but I know my kiddo would flip over it.
I would love to win this package for my kids.
Shared on facebook.
I love V-8 fusion! This is an awesome give-away!
I posted on my facebook wall here:
My daughter is in Kindergarten this year and she is obsessed with taking her lunch! She would LOVE this!
Love your blog
Peggy H
jon_peggy at hotmail dot com
Cool kit!
I love V8 VFusion! I am going to my daughter's in October for the birth of my grandson, and would love to bring the Campbell's lunch pack to my granddaughter.
This is a fun giveaway.
My highschoolers would LOVE that bread! How fun is that?!?!!! Making lunches every single day...I could use this!!!
Love it! Hope I win it.
I'd love this for me! Goldfish bread - a way to put a smile on an adult face too!
What a fun give-a-way! Goldfish bread sounds very cool!
Kerry Morgan
biblioholic at sbcglobal dot net
My kindergartner takes her lunch every day. Maybe if we won this, she would actually EAT it! I am so getting that bread tomorrow.
Thanks for the chance! Great giveaway!
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
I shared on FB with my username Mary Happymommy--
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
Love this! The bread is super cute!!
i love goldfish! scg00387 at yahoo dot com
http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=149198605171759&id=100002939351950 scg00387 at yahoo dot com
Love reading blog and I would love to win this lunch kit. It's too cute!
Can't believe I've never seen this bread before. Love it!!!
That goldfish bread is so cute, my girls would LOVE it!
Some fun lunch ideas! My daughter had a fit when she saw the goldfish bread, "we gotta get it!"
Pick me! Please!
The GoldFish Bread is sooo cute! My kiddos would love it! We love Campbell's products in our house!! Yummy :)
shopgirl2u2000 at yahoo dot com
So cool! I have been wanting to try that goldfish bread for my little girl. I think she may like the V8 too. Cool giveaway. =)
OMG, I want this! Awesome give away!
Jenn = dragonfuzz@hotmail.com
what an awesome give away! would be perfect for me since i am trying my hardest to take my lunch to work everyday.
Pick me random number picking tool.
I would love to win, thank you!
Shared on Facebook:
that looks awesome my kids would love that!
Perfect snack for my teenagers
HOW FUN!!! I love doing silly stuff with their lunch!
I had not seen the Godlfish bread. Awesome!
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1750214678 Facebbok link! Thank you!
awesome - would love this.
Cool...Goldfish bread. Intriguing.
I have lots of warm memories of eating Campbell's soups. Thanks for the chance to win this fabulous prize.
Oops...contact info
huletthouse at mchsi dot com
Heidi V
I can't imagine making 6 lunches each night....I make 4!
Here's my facebook post:
Here's my tweet.
Ooh I love the V8 Fruit Fusion juices. My kids are not big vegetable eaters but they love several of those juice flavors. :)
Woohoo! Yum!
That Goldfish bread is adorable! (Also, I don't comment much, but wanted to say thanks for brightening my day with your blog!)
V-8 Fusion with a hit of Vodka..just sayin : )
That goldfish bread is so cute!
the_van_fam AT yahoo DOT com
Fun!! Love all this stuff and the idea!
Those reusable sandwich baggies are awesome! Would love to win this giveaway! cdenton_80@yahoo.com
I posted on FB too and I think this is the link but I am not sure--never tried to link to a comment before: http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=1124943841 My profile is Covey Denton. cdenton_80@yahoo.com
I want to try this bread, but budget is tight, so I haven't been able to justify the extra expense. Would be awesome to win it though!
How nice would this be!
My son loves V8 Fusion. If it wasn't for that juice, he may not get any of his veggies in a particular day. We also just saw this bread and he thought that was pretty cool. kimhartz@hotmail.com
I would love to win the goldfish "bread" I live in TX and have not been able to find it anywhere here! Allison allstehlik@hotmail.com
Mhh v 8 fusion, we love getting this from the store. Now you have me salvating.
My daughter loves V8 Fusion!
My daughter and husband love V8 Fusion!
I used to work at Pepperidege Farm back in my single days....I can almost picture myself making that cute bread on the assembley line :)
I buy V8 Fusion for my very picky 3 year old. Make me feel so much better that he is getting some much needed nutrition!
This looks super awesome - thanks for the opportunity to win it. lsahansen@yahoo.com
I would love to try the new goldfish bread...sounds yummy!
Thanks for the chance :)
aechika at hotmail dot com
Looks like fun! My kids would love it!
My mother-in-law bought some of that cutie-patootie bread for my daughter. It is too great!
We'd love to try the V8 Fusion! Never have and since the kid loves veggies anyhow, why not have another good way to get some into her.
Thank you so much!
Thank you for the giveaway. I love V-8 Fusion
Great giveaway. I love V8 fusion!
My kids would love the goldfish bread! It's too cute.
This is so cute! My kids would love the bread.
We love VFusion here too. And I have not seen that goldfish bread anywhere around here, I'll have to keep my eyes open for it. Too cute!
I have been wanting to try the goldfish bread, I think my little boy would love them! I also think the V8 would be a great-sneaky way to get some veggies into my picky eater!
Great giveaway - I want a sandwich on Goldfish Bread!
Wow, what an awesome giveaway!! My kids LOVE V-8! That goldfish bread is too cute, we must not have that in our parts yet --thanks for the chance!
Looks like some great products to win! jen(dot)ben(at)comcast.net
Great giveaway and awesome blog!
I've been wanting to try the goldfish bread!
I would love to win!
I would love to win! Mostly because I really want to try that new V8 and Goldfish bread. :)
Love the giveaway!
texaskid at verizon dot net
I love V8 Fusion. And I think even my 13 year old would like a sandwich made on Goldfish bread.
Fun! jessileecarter@gmail.com
my daughter loves that goldfish bread and it saves me from having to cut cute little shapes out of her sandwiches.
hope i win!!!
Love the gift bag!!
Kathy Gallyon
This would be soooo AWESOME
This would be fun for a picnic lunch with my little guy! (Except I'd keep the juice for myself - love it!)
sbsteel at gmail dot com
Yum Yum
The goldfish sandwich bread would be a huge hit at my house!
We love the V8 V fusion juice! I think my kids would love to try the other stuff. Great giveaway. Thanks so much Dawn!
Awesome give-away...my boys love that goldfish bread! And V-8 is like a little drink from heaven since my boys will drink it and it is healthy!
Anything to get my kids some more veggies! We love reading your blog Dawn!!
Dawn - you are Awesome and Funny adn I'd love to win the Campbells prize!!
LOVE Campbell's products and V8 Fusion is the best!!
My email is bbeward (at) verizon (dot) com
Oops - forgot to leave my email!
Love this prize!! We love V8 fusion and would love to try that goldfish bread!
Too cute!!
Love it!
mamaguthrie @ gmail.com
My kids have been begging for the goldfish bread. :)
my favorite juice and all 4 of my boys like it! that does not happen often
@suedaisy on twitter
Hi Dawn,
I would love to win this. My grand daughter always forgets to grab her lunch in the morning. Maybe she would remember if she had gold fish bread to look forward to.
I dont do twitter...
but I did post about this on facebook!
here is the link:
{though I'm not sure how that will work with my privacy settings?!?!)
Since I am back to the grind with packing lunches I would love this!!
It cost $75 buck a week for all of my kids to buy so packing it is!!
YUMMY V-8 V-Fusion!
T.S. Timmons
What a great prize :) ohallorande@gmail.com
If I don't win, I'd love to know where to get the Velcro sandwich bags. What a great idea.
My kids LOVE the V8 juice. It is definitely their favorite!
Hi Dawn,
This is awesome! My little one would love it!!
Ohhhh super cute bread!!! I love the V8 fusion drinks and well lets face it as moms anything we drink the kids always need a sip of so my girls love it also. Hope I win this one. Sasha-TX
I hope I'm not too late to enter! This would be awesome. pollysturm@sbcglobal.net
Great giveaway!!
Mmmm, lunch!
My daughter loves V8, awesome giveaway!
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