I was approached by the makers of these Vapur bottles a few weeks ago. I was intrigued by them (the bottles, not the makers), so I agreed to give one a try (again, the bottle, not the makers). My kids and I like to drink water on the go, but I hate to spend money on bottled water, not to mention the whole "trashing the earth" factor of bottled water, so we have an eclectic mix of water bottles and sippy cups that take up like 158 cubic yards in my kitchen. Do any of you have a cabinet overflowing with bottles? You know you do if you've ever had to open the cabinet, throw the bottle in, and quickly slam the door shut before everything comes tumbling out.
These Vapur bottles are lightweight and flexible. The bottle stands upright when it's full and collapses flat and can even be rolled up, when it's empty so it takes up very little space. It comes with a carabiner ring so you can clip it to backpacks, lunch bags, purses, whatever. The Vapur bottle also has a spot to personalize it with your name (not that it'll stop your kids from swiping your bottle... ahem, JACKSON!) Actually, I can't complain that Jax took my bottle because he brought it with him to St. Louis last weekend and saved the day with it. When we were walking around the zoo, Brooklyn started whining that she was thirsty. Instead of having to spend like $5 on bottled water or pop, Jackson pulled the bottle out of his pocket and ran to the drinking fountain. Voila! We were all spared from Brooklyn's whining and didn't have to take out a loan to buy everyone drinks (because parents of more than one know that you can't just get one kid a drink, oh no.)
Bottles cost $8.95 for one or $29.95 for a family four-pack. And since you can keep refilling this with tap water, it's a heck of a lot cheaper than buying bottled water every week.
These bottles are durable, dishwasher safe, freezable, BPA-free (BPA is a toxic chemical found in many plastic containers that can leach into the container and be ingested by humans), come in bright blue, green, or pink colors, and hold 16 ounces of fluid!
Additionally, the environmental benefit of using the Vapur is huge. Reusable bottles help reduce the estimated 60 million disposable water bottles that end up in landfills every day in America alone, according to the Container Recycling Institute. The Vapur is also manufactured in the U.S. and ships flat, resulting in a carbon footprint that is significantly less than other plastic bottles.
Finally, as a member of 1% For the Planet, the company is donating a portion of all sales to water related environmental causes. 1% For the Planet is an alliance of businesses that donate at least 1% of their annual revenues to environmental organizations worldwide.
These bottles just make sense. Use them and you'll save money on bottled water and you'll help save the earth too. Plus, as my son and his friends say, "These bottles are cool!" So, there you have it.
Now I've got 3 Vapur bottles for 3 random winners! Leave me a comment with how you'd use these bottles or what feature you like most about them and I'll choose the random winners on Friday. Good luck!
I did receive one free Vapur bottle to test out before writing my review, but was not paid for this post.
***** Edited to answer some of your questions *****
I admit we've only had this bottle for about 2 weeks, so I can't honestly say that it lasts forever. I don't know. It might, it might not. The way I look at it, even if it only lasts 6 months before needing to be replaced, I'll still be saving a ton of money on bottled water.
Also, several of you have asked how easy it is to clean. It's top rack dishwasher safe. So far, I haven't had any problems cleaning it. Of course, we just put water in it so it's not especially dirty or anything, but it's been coming out clean with no problems.
To the person who mentioned using these in airports, what a fantastic idea! I didn't even think of that! You can take the rolled up bottle with you through airport security and fill it with water on the other side, saving yourself a $5 bottle of water!
And finally, you can buy them HERE.
1 – 200 of 417 Newer› Newest»Those are so cool! I love how they roll up so you can tuck them in a purse or bag and keep one handy. It reminds me of how my mom used to carry around one of those collapsing camping cups so we could easily get drinks out of water fountains.
omgosh that is so cool. We drink bottled water but i've been looking for a better option.
Cool, I've been on the search for a new bottle. I guess I'll wait to see if I win first before I go buy one. Thanks!
That's a very cool bottle! It would certainly save room in my limited kitchen cabinet space!
We so need these at my house. My son leaves the house and 2 minutes later he is thirsty. Much like needing to use the toilet really... No one needs to go before you leave...
These bottles sound great. My husband is always whingeing about how much space is taken up in the cupboard with drinks bottles
Wow, these sound great -- especially when it comes to weight and space they'll take up once they are empty. We go hiking a lot, and have to load up on water for five people. The bottles we use take up so much space, even when they are empty, so that seems like a nice alternative.
They don't seem overly expensive, either.
So, here I am signing up for random winner, ;-).
So long,
P.S.: Are these bottles available in Europe as well?
Oh wow! What a neat Idea!!! I love these :) :)
What a great idea on the bottle.
I too open my cupboard and hope and pray that the contents of it dont explode on me. I also have about a gizillion water bottles around my house, in the car and everywhere else..
What Id like to do with that one is keep it in my huge over sized handbag that I seem to need to carry all sorts of things.. and then getting, and giving a drink wouldnt be such an expensive task!
Hi Dawn ... those bottles are so cool! Do they hold hot drinks, too? I love to sip hot tea on the go.
Here's a tip for you! When you go to a place such as an amusement park, etc., the establishment is obliged to give you ice water free of charge. We went numerous summers with the family to Knotts Berry Farm and never ever paid for a single soda. We've gone many times and ask for a cup of ice water and are never charged for it. We even get ice water at fast food restaurants free of charge. It's saved us tons of money! Try it next time!
I would love to try one of these out. We always get the "I'm thirsty" whine when drinks are $6.00. it would be nice to have something like this to carry around! I really like the environmental stuff, too!
Wow thes look terrific, can yu tell me where to buy them?
I like that they are so transportable when empty!
I hate shlepping a bottle to work because it takes up so much room in my knapsack, but this would be easy to bring collapsed and fill up later.
Plus - a HUGE plus - you can bring it through airport security empty and fill it up with water in the terminal. See if that doesn't save you a $3 bottle of water!!
I would love one of these bottle for taking water to work with me - the water there is GROSS and it would save me from buying water! And when it's empty I can just toss it in my bag and bring it home for a refill!
I started reading your post with the attitude, "Yeah, just another water bottle. Got that." But when I read about how they rolled up, and how you can personalize them, I was really intrigued. I guess my favorite thing is the space-saving feature. I take the Metra into the city for work and big water bottles -- even empty -- are just bulky and a pain. My only question is: are they durable? I'm eager to see.
These bottles look interesting. Can they go in the dishwasher?
I love that they fold flat when not in use. Awesome for storage!!!
My wife and I walk everywhere (don't have a car) and one of these would really come in handy while we're out. I really like the idea of a reusable bottle that can be folded or rolled up to save space. Neither of us want to lug around a big bottle just in case we need it, so while we drink tap water at home, we do end up buying bottled water occasionally when we're out and about. Having something that could be stuck in a purse or pocket until needed would be awesome.
Those do sound VERY cool, I would like to have one. :)
Oh thank goodness! Finally a bottle that won't stinkin' smack me on the head as I open the cabinet. That's sooo irritating.
I'd LOVE to try one of these out! I carry a water bottle with me everywhere, so this would be pretty stinkin' convenient for me. And I'm all about convenience for myself. =D =D =D
Thanks so much! =)
This bottle is such an awesome idea! We buy a case of bottled water every month and refill our bottles everyday from the refrigerator filter to save from having to recycle so many bottles. I love the fact that the bottles can be rolled up and stuck in your pocket. We have a one year old and three dogs that we do outdoorsie thing with a lot and these bottles would totally save us! ....just like Brooklyn. =)
Ooh, ooh, me me me! We only have two kids, but when we head out to the Saturday sports marathon, we have to start dealing with the water bottles, and inevitably we end up with bottles everywhere. I'd love to get some storage space back with these! Thanks. :)
I would love this. I never go anywhere without a water bottle, and this would fit into my purse perfectly.
Okay, I really love how they roll up to be so flat and tiny. How handy that would be to keep it in my purse. If these are really as handy as they seem, I could see myself buying several!!
How interesting, guess I need to get out more, didn't even know they made such an animal.lol. Thanks for letting us know about them. I think they are really cool too. Thanks for the chance to win.
My son would love one of these to bring with him for sports!
My husband loves to go off road cycling and brings a water "bag" similar to the water bottles that you have reviewed. His is inside a knapsack on his back.
We have found though that the inside of the "bladder" as it is called tends to get quite moldy as it never really dries completely because often times it is collapsed and doesn't allow proper air flow. Just something to keep in mind.
Your blog brings me lots of laughs and I thank you for your humor.
With hope,
WOW this is an awesome idea. We go through bottled water a lot. I hate throwing the bottles out after we use them. Personally I can not leave the house without a drink in my hand and this would be perfect. I sure hope I win won.
I'm wondering how well they hold Diet Coke. And if they stand up to the volatile organic compounds found therein.
I'd use it when we travel. I'm a slob and when they hand out the cans of soda on an airplane, I always think, "Oh crap, what am I going to spill this on?" Since they don't allow me to carry on my own DC bottle, even empty, this would be a godsend. Just unroll and fill from the can. That way I'd have a top to screw back on and wouldn't have to freak out for the entire trip!
This looks like a very cool product. Thanks for your insights.
Those look awesome! My whole family is really big into hiking. We always hate when we are nearing the end and are stuck crrying our empty water bottles. There are no trash cans in the woods, and there is NO WAY we would just drop them there!. These would be a lifesaver for us, just roll it up and stick it in your pocket when empty?!!? Fantastic!!
Wow. I love the concept of these bottles. We too have a cabinet that is home to a million different water bottles. My kids use them all the time. My son is a scout and needs to have a water bottle when he goes camping. This one would be very easy for him to carry. Will have to look into ordering a family pack when it becomes available.
Cool! I'm all about the environment and doing what we can - the compnay I work for is going to great lengths to be green, both in our product and our company culture. My son would LOVE this!
Ohhhh, I am very, very, very, VERY interested! I hope that makes me more likely to be randomly chosen! :) I haven't found a reusable water bottle that I really like - this one seems GREAT! Thanks for sharing. I am sure I will get one either way.
Sara (Michigan)
That is a neat idea, however are they BPA free?
I would love to get one of those bottle. I am preggo right now and always feel like I am in the middle of the desert!!!!
As I was reading your post, all I could think about was where to place my order NOW! My daughter and her family are on the go all the time and these bottles would be great for them-in the car, at the soccer field-everywhere they go. For me, I like that they can be frozen. I have metal reusable bottles but they're heavy and when they're empty, they get kicked around on the floor of the car. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea!! (And where CAN we order them??) Chris in PA
Our family has always used refillable containers to carry water around, but when we were in Disney World last month, I've got to say that it was a PAIN to carry around all those containers! Took up lots of room in the backpack!
This "collapsable" feature seems like a genius solution! Why didn't I think of that!?!?
These look cool. I am trying to quit drinking soda, so anything that will help me with that is awesome. Are they hard to wash?
These also sound perfect for hikers and walkers since they look nice and light weight and easy to shove in a pocket when you're done!
Wow. Those are fantastic. It's not really what I will do with the Vapur bottle that will be interesting to you, but what I will do with all of that cupboard space that having those Vapur bottles will save! Now, to planning my next trip to Crate and Barrel....
Oh, these would be great for hiking trips. I love that they colapse!
Dawn, can you write back in a few weeks or months to tell us about cleaning these bottles? The problem I usually have with things like these is mold! Our hiking Camelpaks get mold in them if we don't drain and clean them right, including the tubing - anything I can't just take the top off off and wash in the sink/dishwasher and let air dry properly, really. It's why most of the time we just reuse bottles until they aren't doing so well. Can you really get these consistently clean in the dishwasher?
We love to take water with us wherever we go and these would be great! - - i like that these become so compact.
I love how they pack down to nearly nothing! They'd be perfect for vacations or to slip into a purse when you go out for the day.
We are heading out for our very first big family vacation next month. We are going to Universal Studio's and then on to cruise to the Bahamas. Vapur bottles would be a godsend for us expecially at Universal. I am also a regular at the gym so it would come in handy there also.
Thanks for all of the laughs.
It appears we don't have these in Australia yet... :( which is a real shame they look like a brilliant idea!
I have never heard of these. I would love one!!
Wow- they look cool. But I do wonder how they will wash?????
Those bottles are neat! My family would totally use the Vapor bottle. My plastics recycling bin would definately get smaller.They look like they can fit inside lunch bags too.
I like that when you go into museums or on the metro or on planes -- where drinks aren't allowed -- you could empty it and stow it away
I'm a teacher and I need an excuse to get a break from my classes so I drink a lot of water in the hopes that at some point SOMEONE will give me a bathroom break!
These water bottles would be AWESOME for me! I could stop buying cases of water and still get my potty breaks during work!
I would use one of these bottles every single day. My son with Type 1 diabetes carries a water bottle around school with him so that he doesn't have to leave class a zillion times to get a drink when his blood sugar is high. This bottle is way cooler than the ones we have now and certainly easier to store!
These are cool bottles! I have 4 kids and the money benefit of taking our water with us is great but the space they take up is not so great. The fact that these collapse is awesome!
What about punctures? Do you think the constant rolling, freezing and general knocking about will cause these bottles to leak?
Wow! what will they think of next! I never purchase bottled water so always carry around one of the grandkids extra water bottles. I walk every morning and evening so would love to have a Vapur bottle for water on these walks. I would keep it in my purse for those times I decide to stop the car at a interesting place to take a walk. That way I could always have water.
Wow, these are COOL! I LOVE that they roll up small when they're empty - I've never seen such a thing! I'd sure love to win one.
Dawn these look awesome!!! I send my kids with small bottles of water to school and tell them to bring their bottle back home but we know how good that works!! This would be great!!!
Melissa Chase, PA
Oh I love the whole eco-friendly thing... and since , no matter where we are, Nicole always wants s drink I think that would be handy.
Also, I'd like to have it when I go to work, less heavy stuff to carry, and I don't have to buy bottled water to keep in my class with me!
I LOVE how the bottles can fold up!!! AWESOME! It can easy fit into small spaces. Love it! Thanks!
Amanda R.
The water bottles look great. I have recently started counting calories to loose about 20 pounds and this water bottle would come in handy with all the water a person has to drink on a diet. lol Love your blog and would love to win the bottle.
Those are so cool! I bought H2O bottles for my kids at the beginning of summer to save money. Only one bottle made it through the summer. The other bottles broke. I like the flexibility of this bottle, saving the day when dropped. We take water with us when we are out and about too. Saves a ton of money when the kids are thirsty.
I would like to have one of these bottles. Even if I don't win I think I would be looking for them in stores. We are at the St. Louis zoo a lot and it would come in handy.
We are constantly going on field trips, and my kids are ALWAYS thirsty when we're there. So I end up buying a water bottle every time. I hate that!! These bottles would be great to bring in my purse and fill up before we leave or while we're there at a fountian.
I think I'd love this!! It's not too big and I could use my Crystal Light without having to use a water bottle!! That would be great!! Where can I get one of these?
Ooooh, pick me, pretty please! I have an almost 4 year old who is pretty much out of sippy cups but we need to carry something for her all the time. She would LOVE that and would use the heck out of it!
Okay Dawn you had me when you talked about cabinet space. My husband was just complaining that he was going to throw all the bottles out so I have more space for "real" dishes. Our girls, 8 and 6, love water bottles. That would be great for them to take to school.
oh yeah, I want one!! The compactness of them appeals to me most (having 5 kids!) THanks!
I'd love to be a random winner to give these a try! Thanks!
I would, of course, use the bottle to keep my own little one from whining!
So, these look ultra cool, and awesome to store! :) So glad you shared this info with us!
I would send it to school empty in my son's lunch box and let him fill it up at the drinking fountain- he'd think he was king-no more squashed pb&j because I'm too thrifty (cheap) to pay for the plastic dinosaur sandwich protector.
What a great idea! I could really use one of those bottles. I am currently recycling, er, reusing water bottles, which is probably not healthy. I haven't found a water bottle anywhere in the stores that I have wanted. This is the perfect solution.
Okay, I'm in!
My family switched to reusable water bottles last year. I like that this one collapses flat when not full, which would come in so handy not only in all the ways/places I need a water bottle, but for storage in my tiny kitchen!
How would we use these...ballet, Karate, walking trail, camping, Boy Scouts. Oh those are just a few of the ways and places we need water bottles for.
I think we have tried every other BPA-free bottle on the market. The last bottles I bought for my kids were $20+ each and they broke them the first week!
I'd like to try this one - mostly because of the cost. :)
This would be perfect for my house!!
We have the cupboard that you throw the bottles in and slam the door before anything falls out. ;) I have four children who love to take water along. We would use these for car trips, walks, canoeing, etc. Thanks! Looks like a great product.
They do sound like pretty cool bottles. I like how you can roll them up and stick them in a purse or pocket until needed. Much easier to carry than a cup! Hope I get one!
Hi, I would love one of the Vapur bottles. I love that it rolls up and it would be great to take with us when we go to my daughter's cheerleading events.
These sound awesome. My kids are in many sports and I have a ton of waterbottles taking up space in my cupboard. I would love to give one a try!
I absolutely love the "collapsible" feature of these bottles! I've only got two kiddos, but holy cow, would these come in handy on our zoo trips! :)
Hi Dawn, I would love to win one of these bottle. My son drinks water ALL of the time, and I try to encourage that. He plays sports and often goes through two big bottles of water. I would keep the Vapur water bottle in my car so that after sports he would be able to get a drink.
Cool bottles! can you get extra caps for when the kids or dogs chew on them?
I like the fact that you can roll it up. I think this would be very useful for traveling.
These sound wonderful ... and I would love to get rid of all the big, bulky plastic water bottles we have in our cabinets!
Wow, what a great idea. I am running in a half marathon in Vegas in December and can tell you how many different water bottle brands are out there, but this is definately one of the coolest I've see so far.
What an awesome idea. Now why couldn't I think of that Vapur bottle idea and make tons of money?? Oh well, what can you do. Back to being just a housewife!
Those look really cool. :-)
We love water! We also have a cabinet full of water bottles we must toss in and close quickly!
These look very cool. I would probably use these for my kids sports activities. This way when they are done, I can just roll up the bottle and put it in my pocket. No more carry all those empty bottles with everything else home.
My husband goes through a 24 pack of bottled water a week. These would be a life saver!
I don't know if this giveaway is open to Canadians but I think that bottle is a great idea! I have lots of huge reusable bottles and they take up so much room in the cupboards! Great product!
Love this idea of a roll-up water bottle. I would never have to buy another soda on the road again.
These look awesome! I would use this in my child's back pack. (of course if I win, I'd have to buy a couple more--but that's ok) Our local schools have "closed" the water fountains due to the swine flu, so the kids have to take water bottles to school daily. These look really neat!
That's a no brainer...I would use this bottle to take with me when I work out at the YMCA at our fitness boot camp. That way, lots of eyes could see it and I could tell them more about it, all the while staying hydrated. You so smart!
that is a great idea! I love that it collapses and can be rolled up when empty. that leaves me more room in the backpack for all of the other important stuff like Star Wars figures and headless Barbies:)
Wow, what a cool bottle!!! These bottles would work great for our family as we backpack & camp. They are lightweight & won't take up much space + the added bonus of being environmentally friendly.
Michelle in PA
Those look Awesome! I have a 21 month old who has to have a drink on the road and this will take up way less room in his bag then his sippy cups do.
in South Dakota
these sound like just the ticket. i'm almost as tired of making the kids carry the heavy, cold, and wet metal bottles back & forth to school as they are! we've been off bottle water for quite a while now, and like you, my biggest gripe is the space the bottles take up in storage!
These sound pretty neat! I am so tired of all the sippy cups in my cabinets. I like how these can be smushed down to an acceptable size for storage. I would love to try one!
Okay - I have FIVE kids (I know, you feel my pain) and four are in soccer...typical 'soccer mom'. I'm always forgetting their water or gatorade...so you'd save THEIR day by helping ME save the earth! :)
~ Misty
Those sound awesome!! We have sooo many sippy cups and those dang cups with odd straws.. I have a bag full in my storage closet! I was sick of slamming the doors on the kitchen cabinets! Ok ok If I had one I'd send it to school with my daughter :) They can't use the water fountains right now.. due to the flu outbreaks. So she takes a bottle with her everyday. I've had a heck of a time finding a cup that she can refill at the sink and then bring home everday to be washed (in her bookbag leaking all over books/homework!!!) Those look like they would be perfect for that!!
BTW... still love your blog.. you keep me laughing :)
Looks like the perfect thing for my grandson to take to ball practice.
My water bottle bit the dust last week (literally, fell on the cement and cracked the cap). I could REAALLLY use a new one!
Those are so cool. I would love to have one to clip on my son's backpack for school!
OMG these are awesome! Please put me in the drawing. I'm so glad you liked St.Louis. I have lived here for 48 years and will never leave.
LOVE THESE! They sound great for the boys to take to school or hubby to toss into a work bag.
Wow! Those definitely sound terrific. My 4 kids take their lunches to school on a daily basis. The Vapur bottle would eliminate the juice boxes and give us a better option to buying bottled water.
Ooo, these are great! I hate that my water bottles take up half my cabinet space for the cups. I love having water on the go and I like how fleixble these are. They'd be great for me and my kiddos.
What a great idea!! We never leave the house without some kind of bottle of water or 2. My son is in Boy Scouts and I know how much use he would get with out of a Vapur bottle on all the campouts and projects his troop does.
WOW!! thats neat! and the four pack is pretty cheap. Might have to buy me a couple of these for my vacation!
I love to use reusable bottles, but I always find them difficult to clean. We don't have a dishwasher so is the top large enough to clean with a brush of some sort?
Gosh, those are so cool!! Great for Swim team kids -- who need to drink alot, even though they are immersed most of the time!!
These look great and ideal for me - Am about to start an exercise stint at the gym and would be great to take in and fill from the fountain as opposed to having to take in a bulky bottle instead. Do you know if they are they available in the UK??
pick me, pick me! My husband goes through 20 bottles of Lipton Ice Tea a week - would love to buy it by the gallon instead of hundreds of those stupid single server bottles.
Love this idea...the collapsable/lightweight part is great. I'd love to try one of these.
What a cool idea! My favorite aspect is the rollability---I love thinking I could have one in my purse or lunchbox for times when we're on-the-go. My daughter hates warm juice, it would be great to be able to easily fill up with cold tap water. Awesome!
WHAT?! No purple?! Seriously, what an awesome idea. Don't you wish you were the one that thought of this? I would love to have one to take to work every day. Great Christmas idea for co-workers, also.
These would be perfect for our upcoming trip to Disney World! What an awesome product!
I'm so excited about these water bottles!! They would be great for the diaper bag, and especially easy to store in the cupboard. I am so tired of bottles rolling out of the cupboard when I open it!
I'd love some of these to keep in my truck. That way when the kids get thirsty & forget to grab a water bottle from home, I wouldn't be forced to buy them something to drink! I love how compact they get.
OMG! I've never seen these! THey look so cool! I hate the bottled water scene==it's the worst for the enviornment! I do reuse plastic bottles but hate the space they take, not to mention how my boys like to stomp on the bottles & launch the cap into the stratosphere, ok so maybe just the ceiling, but it's all fun until someone loses an eye. Whoops, I digress. My 8 year old LOVES grape juice, so one of these bottles look like they're close to spill proof-at least I won't have a glass of it on my carpet! Thanks Dawn!
when the kids arent looking I will fill this with Diet Coke.
How cool is that?! I like that you can buy replacement caps as I have half a dozen bottles with no caps or caps that have been virtually destroyed by a kid who likes to bite on the spout. And my husband likes to put a bottle of frozen water in his lunch pail so that it keeps his lunch cold and he has cold drinking water for later in the day, so these would be perfect for that!
I would love to try this water bottle. My husband can't go anywhere without a water bottle. My kids, well, they wish they'd remembered to bring their water bottles with them and end up drinking all dad's water, much to his chagrin!
Wow, I'd love to have these just so I can open my cabinets with out fear of all the plastic/metal water bottles toppling out at me.
The first thing I thought of was being able to roll one up and take it with me on flights. Also, it would be great to be able to throw one in my purse and/or car and have it there when I need it. I do have some concerns about being able to clean this bottle if it is used for anything besides water.
Cool idea! I'm tired of carrying around our bulky, heavy stainless steel bottles!
We live in the desert, so carrying water everywhere is a must! This would be great for the diaper bag and so much more! Thanks for the product review....I'm so easily sold!
They look super cool! I love the idea of being able to put it in your pocket so it is always available! Hope I win!
Steph in ND
Those bottles look amazing!! I love that they are so environmentally friendly and safe! I would use it all the time with taking water on the go for my son and I!
Wow, those bottles are awesome! Love how they take up no room in your cupboards, can be shoved in a purse or backpack and filled anywhere! What a great idea!
I think these would be perfect for lunchboxes because my girls could pocket them and not have to carry an unweildy bottle to the next locker time.
Wow, I really like how they roll up to make it easier to carry them around. What a great idea!
I'd love one of these for taking to the gym....much less bulky.
This would be perfect for my boys who like to have a bottle of water all the time...
I love them! Why didn't I think of that.
I give them to the kids to use for school.
I love the fact that it rolls up so small and can go anywhere!
We drink bottled water on the go, but this would be awesome! We could just fill it from our filter in the fridge and go! Great idea, Dawn!
These look very interesting. Can you put them in your cup holder in the car? Now if I could just find a place to fill them up with water that doesn’t have chlorine in it. I can't always run home to fill it up. : )
I would love to remove the many cubic yards of plastic water bottles that adorn the top of my kitchen cabinets. However with each new addition that we don't entirely LOVE we find an excuse to keep all the others. I would give almost anything to find one that would make the others obsolete and thus allow me to recycle them all and get back the top of my cabinets. Maybe this is the answer.... I'd love to win and find out. :-)
Now my husband, who for prostate-health-related reasons must learn to drink more water each day will have NO EXCUSE for not drinking his daily allotment of water! Currently I've heard "someone threw out the Arizona Iced Tea bottle I was using" and "I didn't know which bottle was mine so I left it there" and "I can't carry it around once I drink the water: I'm a gym teacher and I'm outside - what do you expect me to do with the bottle?"
PLEASE pick me!
These would work great for my kids to put in the sports bags so when they forget to bring there water bottles they can just fill on of these up.
WOW... a roll-up water bottle!! With everything that I carry into work everyday it looks like I'm moving in. My current water bottle is the 4th one I've had because I break them. I put them on top of the car so I can gather the rest of my 4 bags, and it falls off and breaks. So much for helping the environment when I have to buy a new bottle every week. A bottle that rolls up would fit in my purse and not fall off the top of the car. I can see the savings now!!
Would love to try it- I am have a million and one water bottles in my house and I need to find some that don't LEAK. I pack water everyday for my kids in school and I would love for the homework folder to come home dry!
I only drink water, and really only like cold water. So I always have 4 or more water bottles in my fridge. I buy some and then reuse them over and over. My 4 and 5 year old also have their own water bottles. We would definitely use these! I love that they roll up and I could stick on in my purse for errands and outings with the kids. Thanks!
These are so cool! I would love to have one to use in the kids backpacks. They would also be great to have in the car. I store bottled water in there but somehow it always ends up out on the floor rolling around!
Those are awesome!! My kids would love those as they are water freaks. We would take them everywhere with us. I love that they are able to become so compact!!
That sounds really interesting! I've never heard of them before. I take a water bottle almost everywhere I go, so that sounds very handy!
These are perfect! I have to keep myself hydrated all the time, and so these bottles would definitely save us time and money. I can take it with me wherever I go and fill up when needed which would be often. Wonderful!! :D GO VAPUR!
We have 34 reusable bottles that are 31 different sizes, so none of the lids can be interchanged. Most of them sit and wait for their matching lids to reappear out of the abyss that is the "lid drawer". This would rock my world and enable me to move to a smaller house where I have no need of a water bottle closet and seperate lid drawer.
Plllleeeeeeaaaaaaasssssseeeeee pick me.
Your biggest PA fan, Coury in Stewartstown.
I'd love to try these. With two boys who love to play soccer, we always have bottled water with us.
My son is always drinking water and with this bottle he can roll it up to take it to school and take it out after school to fill up for the half mile walk home or after school rehearsals instead of having to leave the room. This would be a great thing for him to have. Thanks for the chance Dawn!
This is a brilliant idea! I do a lot of dance that requires both water and bringing a bag full of stuff with me. The problem with that is that a full water bottle makes the bag heavy, but even an empty bottle takes up a lot of space. These sound like the perfect solution!
These look pretty cool! I definitely would use them for the kids sports and I probably would find a way to roll up and have one in my purse so when my youngest and I were out shopping, we wouldn't "have to" go through a drive thru to buy a drink and fries and..
What a cool idea! I'd love to win one of them!
Like you I feel like I have so many bottles for water/sippy cups, etc., and for some reason I buy more!!! UGH!
I think these would be easy to store in the car, stroller, diaper bag, purse, pocket....whatever - so easy to transport and use in the situations when it's not easy to carry a bottle, cup, etc. of water.
Thank you for suggesting these - I think I might consider buying them for my sister as a gift - she is a big runner and it seems to me that she might like the easy transportability of these.
Have a great day!
These are great. I would give it to my niece. She plays competitive soccer. She is always needed bottle water and we spend a FORTUNE on water for her. If she had this, I could fill it and freeze it in the morning so she could take it and have ice cold water by the time her games are on. It would definitely save money and the soccer itself is so expensive, every little bit helps a lot.
I bring water everyday at school from a reused starbucks cup,but once its empty i hate having to have it in my backpack in case it spills some drops and it takes up alot of room. This would save room and not leak!
I'm looking for new bottles to put in my kindergarten twins' lunch boxes. The types I've purchased at Target are leaking when not upright. How do you clean these Vapur bottles? It says dishwasher safe, but how does the dishwasher clean inside the bottle? I'd love to check them out in person! Thanks for the chance to win.
Oooh neat idea. I would use mine a lot. At the gym, home, in the car, pretty much anywhere I need water. Very cool idea... love it
It's amazing that nobody invented these before now! I mean, it just makes sense. I would definitely use these DAILY. It seems like THE THING to have in a Mommy's purse or diaper bag for those who are "dying of thirst" on those trips away from home! Pick me, pick me!
These would be awesome for school lunches. I get so tired of trying to find solutions for my girls to drink water! It is supposed to be easy!!!
That is so neat. My son would love it! His last water bottle ended up really gross and I haven't had a chance to buy him a new one.
Hey, cool bottle. You doo the neatest reviews! I think I'll try this bottle even if I don't win one!
These would be perfect for my almost 4 year old. He's very picky about cups to drink out of and I was looking for something water bottle like that wasn't a sippy cup and wouldn't take up much room. Thanks for this!
With 3 girls playing competitive soccer, these would be amazing. I am so sick of opening THAT cabinet and having bottles fall out everywhere!!!
Heidi Winkler
I love the fact that you can roll the bottle up and it won't ruin it! PLEASE pick me!!
I would love one of these.
I work and travel from one court house to another and freqeuntly visit drinking fountains (that either drip or squirts water over on to the floors. I don't carry the plastic store bought water as it is too heavy to carry in my purse. This bottle seems to have my needs in mind and I want one !
Hope you pick me and thanks for the offer.
Ps.. evidently I forgot my password and have tried it 4 times but it won't accept it. Hope I didn't end up sending this over and over.
I am bdonna426 from NE Indiana
I am forever running my DS to gymnastics, karate, soccer, etc and forgetting to bring a water bottle! Love the idea of being able to have one in my purse or car for "emergencies"! Love the idea of it being more environmentally friendly too!
With three kids in all kinds of sports activities, I could really use a few of these! What a great idea. I love that they roll up for easy storage. Thanks for sharing!
LUNCH BOXES!!! I really really really want one- or two- or three so ewach kid can have their own-
Thanks for the heads up on these new ieas, I dotn think I woul dhave found this without your blog!
Alice C. in Flora MS
Thanks for the review -- I like the idea of these bottles!
For SOS, could you link to the information on the charity you did with the kids last year for Christmas? I think they had to fill a carboard box with items and it had to be completed in October? Thanks!
I would love to try one out! My daughter plays soccer so that would be great to have for that. Also, she packs her lunch most of the time and I, like you, hate paying for bottled water. If I don't win one, I'm definitely getting one. Thanks for the heads up on this product.
I just saw an article about these in today's paper! My daughters would love these for school lunches, and then I could get them to drink water instead of juice boxes.
i send my two older kids with water bottles to school so that they don't have to drink outta the wat fountain...YUCK!!! I would love to win this!
This looks fantastic! We have so many water bottles around the house, it's crazy! I would love to minimize the amount of space they take up by switching to this one!
I would love to keep this in my diaper bag. I carry a bottle of water with me most of the time, so this would be perfect. My husband would love the space saver too. I make him nuts with my collection of bottles.
Please please please pick me! I'm always on the go and never have enough room. A collapsible water bottle would be perfet!
Question: Can these get turned into squeezeable-water-squirting-make-a-mess-everywhere toys? (I only have two kids, but you'd swear that there are at least 10 of my son at all times.) I'd love to be one of your random winners to test it out for free rather than purchasing one.
I love the idea and would love to have one! I would totally keep this in my purse or diaper bag for quick access to a bottle of water on the go. What a cool bottle!
I would love something like this! It would be fab for so many things- hiking, the gym, the kids, day to day use!
I think my favorite thing about it is the collapsible nature because that would make backcountry hikes easier.
I will probably get one regardless of if I win :-)
These sound awesome! My family likes to bike and hike and we are always taking our reusable containers with us for water. I love that these are collapsable once their empty! Less bulky stuff to carry, yay!
That is one of the coolest water bottles I have seen! And, yes, I've opened the water bottle cabinet and had them fall out on me. I could use one that takes up less space! Thanks for sharing!
I want one...
question: How well do they stay rolled up?
I love the idea of putting them in diaper bags and having them handy to pull out at any time.
I'm signed into my husband account, but I feel much too lazy to sign him out and sign myself in.
ANYway, those bottles look really cool. I keep thinking about how light they must be and how great they would fit in a lunchbox. Really good idea.
I'm thinking this ought to fit nicely in my son's lunch box! I hate buying disposable water bottles for him but I have had a terrible time finding a reusable bottle that will fit. I should be able to fill this one the right amount so it will fit the spot. Even if I don't win I'll be keeping an eye out for these.
What a great idea! I have been looking for a BPA free reusable bottle. I think this just may be the one for me! Thank you for your review, Dawn!
I would use these DAILY! We have activities outside of the house every single day. Tennis, ballet, chemistry, co-op, PE, scouts, ceramics, guitar - I'm constantly driving the kids somewhere and we are always taking water bottles with us!
What an amazing idea! I usually cart around large water bottles. These are so handy! I would love to to free up some space in my cabinet. :)
I like the fact that you can roll it up and stick it in your purse when it's empty. I hate carrying around my empty stainless steel bottle.
Oh - I think we've found our refillable bottles!! I've been searching for the right bottle as we're trying to get off bottled water. I found a Pur pitcher on sale, so we've cut back on our bottled water, but I've had trouble deciding what water bottle to buy. It has to be BPA-free and easy to clean (cause I hate the sour smell water bottles get when you've not been able to get them clean). At these prices, they're less expensive than stainless steel or aluminum, and when they're empty, they'll store easier (and I'm sure they're quieter than metal banging around). I'd sure love a hand outfitting my family of 5 people & a couple dogs (they need their travel water, too)! Thanks for sharing a great product!
What a great idea, even if I don't win, I might have to buy a family pack of these, my girls take water to school everyday, and we try to recycle the bottles with Tap water every few days to reduce waste/cost. This would be a great alternative!
This is great. I would use them to clip to my boys while they are outside playing/riding bikes, so they arent coming in every so often telling me they are thirsty or dropped their bottle or spilled the water out. Awesome idea!!!
I like how light weight it looks. I have a Sigg bottle and it gets so heavy. This looks a lot better.
I was just looking at buying yet another bottle (like the cabinet can fit anymore) this weekend, but commented that I hate carrying it when empty! This would defintely make drinking water more convenient. Plus I would not have to go to the recycling center as often! :)
Wow, that's about the coolest invention EVER! And would make my diaper bag about a thousand times smaller. I always pack a bottle of water with me in case we're somewhere without access to water and my son needs a bottle. I'm seriously thinking I need to buy one.
My kids are allowed to take bottled water to school, and with everything they have to carry home, it would be nice to have something that can be folded and stuffed in the backpacks.
Very cool.
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