What advice do you have for someone who's considering starting their own blog?
Don't start doing Sunday Sound Outs because it takes a lot of time going through everyone's questions, but once you start, you won't be able to stop.
Hello! I experienced something recently, and I was wanting to get a parent's take on it if you don't mind. My husband and I both work the graveyard shift. This allows us both time to attend afternoon classes at the local college, go to work, and still manage to get a few hours of sleep every night. This morning, we were woken to the doorbell ringing. When we answered the door there was nobody there. I walked to the end of the driveway and saw a parent walking their children down the street. They looked to be school-aged and the parent was pulling a wagon, so I figured maybe they were selling cookies or something. Though I personally feel fund raisers are rather annoying, I always buy something. Gotta support the schools, you know? Anyway, so I watched this group for a couple of minutes thinking maybe they would work their way back. What I saw bother astonished and angered me. They weren't selling anything. These kids were playing Ding Dong Ditch with the parent telling them good job. I started to walk down to them to let the parent know how I felt about her kids' behavior but someone beat me to it. She didn't even seem apologetic. So I'm wanting to get a parent's perspective on this. What do you think?
Clearly, this parent has no clue what she's doing. She should've taught the kids to run faster.
Hi Dawn, I'll be short and sweet. I love your blog and plan on getting your book when it comes out. My question is what blogs do you read in your spare (yeah right!) time?
I suck. I don't read any blogs regularly anymore. I just have such a hard time finding the time (what with Facebook and everything). :(
I think the photo question was referring to the photo shoot you had. I think it was one of just you that you promised some photos from. But I"m just guessing.
Ohhhhh! I totally forgot about those. Here are a few of them. The photographer did a nice job considering what she had to work with. I hate what I'm wearing. I thought I had packed a different shirt, but I forgot it. (I know - shocking coming from someone who forgot to pack PANTS this weekend!) I had to 86 the full-length ones. Scary.

The other day my six-year-old was SCREAMING at the top of his lungs in the church foyer. This particular kid has a lot of neuro issues and the people understand. However, one lady said, "I would go insane." I replied, "I am insane. I just hide it real well." Is that how you feel?
I think I passed "insane" and cruised right on to "numb".
At the bottom of your comment section of your blog there's:Links to this post What does that mean?
I dunno. I'm not real computery. I just type out words. How they show up on my page is a mystery to me.
I have to ask too...who made that gorgeous blanket in the background of the first video?
My grandma made it for me. :)
I have to ask...I know you are going to reply "no idea," but maybe someone else can enlighten me. Somehow over the year, my links to your site changed. I used to get an email with a link to your site. Now...I only get an email with the whole text listed. (so if I never go to your site do you get the "hit"?) I digress...I've tried to change my sign up to your site, but am unable to just get an emailed link, it only emails me the full text. I like going to your site because I can read comments and see all the exciting pictures, etc. I know, more rambling than you care to read, but it's annoying. Have you heard this from anyone else? Am I just blog impaired?
You are correct. I have no idea.
Are you going to post a picture of the fabulous cake you made?
I did at the bottom of this post HERE.
If Wisconsinite is for Wisconsin, what's the name for people living in Illinois?????
Fun! And I noticed the picture you took of you and DeeDee is from the waist up. Is that because you don't have any pants on?
Yeah, that and the fact that my camera isn't equipped with a wide angle lens.
My question: Why isn't Brooklyn's hands glued to the table? At least that would be something fun to blog about! LOL
I did blog about that! Or maybe I wrote it in my book. I can't remember. Anyway, I wrote somewhere about how Clay super-glued Brooklyn's hands together before she was even 1-year-old. That was awful.
Dawn: My children did this ONCE and never did anything like it again. It all boils down to training, parenting, and discipline. And the child KNOWING discipline is in ORDER before they ever do it again!
Sounds like you've got it all figured out. Congratulations! :)
How can Brooklyn know that you're mad at her when you're taking a picture of what she's done wrong? Do you say, "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE! I NEED TO TAKE A PICTURE OF WHAT YOU'VE DONE SO I CAN SHOW THE POLICE WHEN THEY COME TO ARREST YOU!"
Well duh, Manic. Isn't that what you do? Speaking of my good friend, Manic...this is the last week to donate blood, save a life and enter to win a trip to sunny Florida! Head on over to her blog for details NOW!
Why is Jackson grounded? Did I miss something here?!
Jackson's always grounded from something. Usually it's his mouth that gets him trouble.
And by the 7 inches we're supposed to get by tomorrow, should I assume that the boots were put away or that the mere question of putting boots away incited this?
Uhhh, sorry about that. Just think how much we would've gotten if I'd let Savannah pack them away!
That's exactly why I don't have a cellphone. Ever considered getting rid of it? ;-)
Then how would I feed my Twitter addiction?
When you are away, at a conference or trip, who watches the kids?
Joe usually does. Thankfully his job is flexible enough that he's able to take time off. He's a good dad.
On a different note, how did the little lump Lexi found progress? Did you get it reevaluated?
Wow! You people have great memories! I'd forgotten about that. The lump went away on its own within a couple weeks. Thank you for asking!
Pitch in and help out? Heck, it's just easier and more time efficient if I just do it myself- the first time- correctly. Granted, I ask for help, but it is almost not worth the whining and bickering about who is doing more, better, faster, etc. Yup- I'm a looser mom raising a bunch of looser children : )
LOL! It takes a big person to admit that. :) I fully admit that although I really try to instill a decent work ethic in my kids, there are times when I simply push them out of my way and say, "I'LL DO IT!" because it's a thousand times easier than
I know no SSO question here .. cause your gonna say .. "I have no idea" or Good question LOL. But I wonder why in the world do people bother to read (much less post on) your blog if all they do is complain about how you raise your kids. That question ...was it a question even? about the "training parenting and discipline" really bothered me. My kids KNOW they will get in trouble and still do things they KNOW they shouldnt! And the one under that from Manic . I know she was kidding, but isnt that the same as trying to hide a augh when they do something wrong...but funny... we have all .. well all of us NOT perfect parents done it! More than once probably! Dawn, I think you are a great parent, and God bless you for trying to bring your kids up in church learning about Jesus! As for the haters...Ill never understand wasting their time to complain about you and how you work/live/discipline/etc.
twitter on!
*hugs* Awesome shots from the photo shoot. You're very photogenic, sweetie. Give yourself more credit. ;) :D
"Dawn: My children did this ONCE and never did anything like it again. It all boils down to training, parenting, and discipline. And the child KNOWING discipline is in ORDER before they ever do it again!"
Love your gracious response, Dawn!
"How can Brooklyn know that you're mad at her when you're taking a picture of what she's done wrong? Do you say, "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE! I NEED TO TAKE A PICTURE OF WHAT YOU'VE DONE SO I CAN SHOW THE POLICE WHEN THEY COME TO ARREST YOU!"
Well duh, Manic. Isn't that what you do?"
LOL. Oh man, I never even thought about the repercussions of taking snapshots of everything my daughter does. I guess I'll have to start telling her I'm collecting evidence for Santa or something.
We 'cheeseheads' just call people from Illinois, 'flatlanders.' I have no idea why. If you think that's bad, you should hear what we call people from Minnesota. Wait...this is a family blog, I can't say that here. Sorry! I used to think cheeseheads was a horrible name, but it sort of grew on me, and it's easier to write (and shorter) than Wisconsinite.
"Dawn: My children did this ONCE and never did anything like it again. It all boils down to training, parenting, and discipline. And the child KNOWING discipline is in ORDER before they ever do it again!"
OMG! When I read this, I laughed so hard! You know this poor woman has just cursed herself. Her kids are going to grow up to be "those" teenagers...or else her grandchildren are going to be little hellions.
--from a Mom of two great (but challenging) teens who has learned the hard way to never think MY kids aren't going to do THAT! (snicker)
Always like the SSO - and the pics on this one of you Dawn - well you look very pretty!
OMG - YOU ARE GORGEOUS!!!! The pictures are awesome!!! You wear acqua very well!
Yes, I agree with those who came before me, you are "too kind" to "those" moms...and yes, when the little cherubs become teens, they continue to pull that stuff all the time. I just think of it as survival training for getting a job after they get out of school! They won't stop until they get what they want!
I love you, your blog, and your wonderful family!
Wow, I'm so glad to know that there are parents in the world who are perfect disciplinarians with perfect children. How wonderful! I no longer fear for the future of humanity, now that I know that some people's children "did this ONCE and never did anything like it again". Whew. That's a real load off my mind.
Your resident nicknames are far nicer than what we're called up here in Massachusetts... I am a Masshole. =)
Oh, one other thought....
I think you should keep all of those pictures of Brooklyn misbehaving, particularly washing her hands in the toilet, and make a presentation for her twenty-first birthday, or maybe her wedding reception. ;)
so glad that you decided to post the pictures. they are awesome, and you are very beautiful.
"Dawn: My children did this ONCE and never did anything like it again. It all boils down to training, parenting, and discipline. And the child KNOWING discipline is in ORDER before they ever do it again!"
Ugh, why do people make comments like this? To raise themselves up by making others' feel bad? (and the use of the capital letters is not respectful or humble, is she shaking her finger at you? Are you one of her kids? Does she treat everyone like that?) She must have a low self-esteem. Writing that made her feel superior. Where is the humility here? Those who exalt themselves will be humbled. Those who humble themselves will be exalted. She needs a lesson in charity. Who cares if her kids don't put glue everywhere. Do they know the golden rule???????
Having crystal clear consequences in this house just means they're not surprised when they get their punishment after doing something they knew they shouldn't have done. For those of us carrying our crosses the journey is long and hard sometimes but it's all worth it! You do a great job and I think your photos are really good too!
Wow, great pictures - especially the top one. You're very pretty, Dawn!
I just have to comment on "it all boils down to training, parenting, and discipline."
Thank you for summing up why I read this blog. I tried the training thing but never found the right choke collar for the kids. The ones that worked for the German Shepherds just never seemed to have the same affect on my two boys and the kids wouldn't even try the liver tidbits. Parenting was a little easier. I got pregnant, I gave birth, and the babies and I did what we could to teach each other what we wanted. The kids just never quite got me to see things the same way they did till they got pregnant, had 'em, etc. All of a sudden, they spoke my language, and I theirs. Finally, the disciplining thing. There are probably no fewer than 1,000 best seller books on disciplin in any given month. I know, because I've tried reading them all over the past 45 years. No 2 of them fully agree on any single issue, none of them (thank God) are set in stone and most of them omit some things that are at the very least equally important. Like unconditional love, even in the face of toothpaste fingerpainting on the refrigerator door; or instilling a sense of confidence in the three year old who is smaller than the neighbor's 9 month old; and the acceptance and tolerance that comes with being made to feel beautiful despite the gap in her front teeth and the freckles that appear after 2 minutes in the sun and don't go away till the second snow of the season. I'm all in favor of healthy doses of all of the above, balances that exist in the bigger picture of most families' lives, which is a greater number than the snippets we see on any blog. Thank you, Dawn for the glimpses into your life that inspire this kind of interaction and sharing of ideas and hopes and goals for our families.
Another PS - I can't seem to remember to include these things in my original comment.
I love the blue in your photos and what it does to accentuate your eyes. These are great pics and I don't notice any negatives about the blouse. :)
Ok, first of all, thanks for the Veggie Tales shout out! That was great, I thought I was the only one that thought of silly things like that. And second of all, you are a very beautiful woman! You take great pictures!!
All the Brooklyn pics - High School graduation Open House display. Yep, still young enough to be embarassed...
About "links to this post": Don't worry your pretty head about this, because it sends a few of your readers to my blog. I can use the readership.
I have you listed, on Blogger, as one of the blogs I read. When you do a new post, it shows up on my blog. Which makes MY blog show up as a "link to this post".
Don't worry, I'm not R-rated. I don't think I will embarrass you.
The person who commented about "training, parenting and discipline"....I envision her having a very tight bun in her hair and a British accent...not to mention maybe a stick up her....ooh, never mind. = ) Kids are kids and they're going to do crazy things. Hopefully they learn from it and don't attempt the same thing twice. Of course that's not going to stop them from coming up with some other crazy idea.
I seem to use the question "What were you thinking?" a lot.
Forgot to mention..the photos look great! There's nothing wrong with the shirt you're wearing. Simple with the splash of color. I love that blue on you. I especially love the black and white one! = )
your pictures are so nice! and you look so very much at ease! =)
Is Jackson your child with ADHD? I am the mother of THREE boys with ADHD--yes we have LOTS of fun at my house--ha! Over the years I've had lots of therapists work with us and have gotten lots of advice, some good, some bad. During a particularly difficult time with my oldest son, I found that the amount of days he was grounded or given some punishment was endless. He wouldn't have even finished one gounding before he'd get another punishment. It just kept snowballing. I was given a piece of advice that seemed to work for us. When he did something wrong, he was given a punishment for that day only and then the next day we started over fresh. This gave him at least some chance of having a good day now and then. This has really made life a lot easier for us. Of course, I'm NOT telling you had to raise your kids. You are their mother and you know your kids and what they need better than anyone else! I'm just trying to pass on a piece of advice that helped me. We mothers of children who are "difficult" need to stick together!
I love your blog! Thanks for keeping me laughing!!
"My children did this ONCE and never did anything like it again. It all boils down to training, parenting, and discipline. And the child KNOWING discipline is in ORDER before they ever do it again!"
My 17 year old (happy birthday dale... today 2/22) still does things he KNOWS will get him into trouble before he does it.
As usual..thanks for the laughs and love the blog Dawn and can't wait for the book!
Your response to the ding-dong-ditch question I have to admit made me chuckle. We all did it as a kid. My neighbor recently told on my son doing it and we had a firm talking to him...I certainly wouldn't promote it. However, I do have a warning. As a kid (mind you safer times as it was probably 27 years ago) me and two friends did it to the WRONG house. This big scary man, a father we knew but not well, ran all the way down the street in the dark and found us. He dragged us back to his house, holding on to my friend's shirt because he thought SHE was a HE, made us come into his house, and called the cops on us. We rode home in a police car around the block. The police car was the LEAST scary thing about it. That man was wrong to do that no matter how annoyed or angry. I would be terrified in today's world if that happened to my kids. So no matter how innocent the prank may seem you just don't know who you will tick off.
I don't know how your children could possibly get up to any mischief when you have so many lovely readers pointing out all your parenting mistakes and giving you such wonderful advice.
Maybe if I had a bunch of great readers telling me how to discipline my children they may not tease each other so much or drive me so insane.
You're a great blogger to let it all slide off your back with such good humour!
Beautiful pictures!
I always wondered if the SOS was a pain. I was right.
The "links to post" thing is so that if someone wants to share this particular post, they can share the URL for it (rather than your main page URL).
Dawn you are totally hilarious!! I totally love it when someone is indirectly "having a go" (Australian Slang for telling you your doing it wrong!!! or another saying is "Taking the Piss") and you just tell them straight (your a dickhead!!) but ohm so nicely!!!
I love your humour and can totally relate!! Thanks for the light hearted approach to family life!!
have to ask...I know you are going to reply "no idea," but maybe someone else can enlighten me. Somehow over the year, my links to your site changed. I used to get an email with a link to your site. Now...I only get an email with the whole text listed. (so if I never go to your site do you get the "hit"?) I digress...I've tried to change my sign up to your site, but am unable to just get an emailed link, it only emails me the full text. I like going to your site because I can read comments and see all the exciting pictures, etc. I know, more rambling than you care to read, but it's annoying. Have you heard this from anyone else? Am I just blog impaired?
I get the full text in an email too, but the very bottom of the email looks like this:
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I can click on the Because You Said So link and go to the actual post that way. I'm not sure if the hits count without clicking on the link though, probably not. Hope this helps.
Well, I guess you are keeping the glue company in business!!! :)
Hope you have a great week. I think your pictures look wonderful. The color really suits you.
Can we please see a video of you rocking out on Guitar Hero / Rock Band drums please???? You are my hero. I can barely do easy on drums and you're on expert level.
Dawn, for the parents who "have it all figured out" on the discipline comments, they fail to realize that you would not be as entertaining if you were blogging on the correct way to keep order (or better called put the fear of God) with your children. Thanks for keeping in light and entertaining. It's not like you sit around all day eating bon bons and reading while the kids are torturing each other. Kids are curious.
LOVE the photo graphic evidence response to the taking of pictures while the kids are not being good. Putting that one in the memory bank.
I have soooo much to say about today's blog:
1. I wish I could be as gracious as you. Do you type really mean responses, laugh maniacally, and then backspace and write nice things instead? I think I would.
2. I love SSO. I didn't realize it was so much work. Thanks for doing it because it always makes me laugh. My favorite is the sarcasm (a compliment, from a fellow sarcasm expert)
3. I think Clay must be a stinker. He must keep you in stitches.
4. Your pictures are gorgeous!
5. I've never forgotten pants on a trip, but I did pack 2 left shoes from two different pair once. Do you have any idea how expensive shoes are in Las Vegas? I do now.
"It all boils down to training, parenting, and discipline."
Ha Ha Dawn, you got scolded! Of course it is about discipline and supervision. Leaving a 3 year old alone with a FULL bottle of glue is never a good idea, you should make sure it's 1/4 full max. :) Kinda like when I give my 19 month old a pen and paper because he likes to "draw" He comes to me with ball point tattoos up and down his arms...LOL
I try to get the kids to do their chores on the 2 days a week I do not work. Hubby is the one who gets them to clean up for me when I'm at work. If only they would sort and put away the laundry they wash and dry. Instead they pile it on the dining room table so I can sort it. It would be nice to be able to eat at the large table, instead of eating in shifts in the kitchen. :) It will all be sorted by Thursday night, so we'll be able to eat there for 2 days before they cover it with clean laundry again. After I sort and match all the socks, the unmatched ones I'm going to throw away. I have some that we haven't seen the match for in several years. I'm pretty sure they will not reappear in the near future.
Wow! Those photos are stunning!! Who took them? I don't see a photo credit anywhere.
Very nice!!
Great SSO. Some people have great nerve! Gotta love it!
Your pictures are WONDERFUL!!!! You look so happy! Love the black and white...
Looking forward to reading more and more from ya!
Grace and Peace,
Vicki in GA <><
In the 4th picture down you have a Brooklyn expression. Are you being silly or mischievous?
Forgot to mention earlier that I love your pictures--you look great!!
Is it a sign of a bad week that it's Wednesday night and I'm only now starting to read Sunday blogs? *sigh*
I looove some of the comments you get. Maybe I'm glad so few people read my blog ;) Gotta love fame!
Oh and those pics are really cute, Dawn! Especially the one where you were supposed to act silly. You were supposed to act silly in that one, right?
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