Julie shouldn't be alive today. She shouldn't be, but she is. Before she awoke from the coma she was in for FOUR weeks, she saw heaven. She saw her 2 grandmothers who told her, "You can't follow us. You have to go back. Your body will heal. Go back and be happy."
from Julie's book, "I know that I must return. I don't belong here yet. It isn't my time to be in heaven. I have to go back and finish my life and find happiness. God must have a reason and purpose for me not to stay. I trust him. I feel such hope. I feel such unconditional love. I know that whatever happens I will be okay. My faith is no longer 'blind'."
In this inspirational book, you learn of Julie's time in heaven and her struggle to relearn everything after coming out of a coma. I have to admit that I had the TV version of a coma in my head where the patient lies there motionless and then suddenly wakes up, refreshed and ready to get on with life. Not so. Not even close, in fact.
I read this book on the way home from Sonoma. I couldn't put it down and finished the whole thing on the plane ride.
Meet Julie Papievis from Go Back and Be Happy.
DAWN: When I met you at the retreat, I never, in a million years, would've guessed that you'd been in a coma, suffered major trauma to your brain, been paralyzed, and endured years of rehabilitation. Do people have that reaction a lot?
JULIE: Always!
DAWN: What was the hardest part of your rehabilitation?
JULIE: Rehabilitation, as a whole, is the hardest work I've ever done. I just finished rehab. for my left eye this year. Every year, they pick a new body part :)
DAWN: A triathlon! I've never participate in a triathlon. Or even a marathon. Oh, who am I kidding? I've never even run across the street! I'm just so impressed that after suffering such a severe brain stem injury and having to relearn how to walk, that you were able to come back and finish a triathlon. How did you feel finishing it?
JULIE: Finishing the race, I said to myself "your body has healed" just like my grandmothers in heaven told me it would.
DAWN: The chapter that talks about when you died and saw your grandmothers in heaven just sends chills down my spine. What an incredible experience. Can you describe what it was like?
JULIE: The way Margaret describes it in the book is perfect! If I had to use 2 words to describe it, they would be "perfect peace". Trust me, we all want to go there :)
DAWN: What is the best thing that has come out of this?
JULIE: I got the chance to reinvent myself :) Don't we all wish we could that? :)
The other person I want you to meet is Margaret McSweeney who put Julie's story down on paper. As Margaret says, "I tried to be the voice of Julie's heart."
DAWN: How did you hear of Julie's story?
MARGARET: I heard about Julie's story through her Aunt Kathy. We were both active in a local chapter of Infant Welfare Society. At that time I
wrote a neighborhood column for The Daily Herald and featured Julie's
story along with a fund-raiser for Midwest Brain Injury Clubhouse.
DAWN: What made you decide to write Julie's story?
MARGARET: After the article, Kathy, Julie and I met for lunch in Oak Brook.
She asked me if I would consider writing her book. As I was sipping
my iced tea, Julie told me about her near death experience and waking
up from the coma. One of the first questions she asked the nurse was,
"How is my yellow Toyota?" Years after the accident, she still had no
idea why she had said that since she didn't ever drive a yellow Toyota
and she didn't know anyone with a yellow Toyota. I about spewed my tea
across the table. My first car was a yellow Toyota! That was
definitely an indication that I was supposed to write her story. I
tried to be the voice of her heart.
DAWN: Do you have any other writing projects in the works?
MARGARET: My next book is Pearl Girls: Encountering Grit Experiencing Grace to be released in July 2009 by Moody Publishers. Just like the oyster, women get "grit" stuck inside their lives, but God's nacre of
love and grace covers the pain and turns it into a pearl. This book
features essays by women about the difficulties they have faced. Any
proceeds I receive will go in full to two charities: WINGS and Hands
of Hope. WINGS provides a Safe House for women and their children
fleeing from domestic violence. Hands of Hope is helping to build
wells in African villages.
I have 5 copies of Julie's book to give away here. Just leave me a comment and I'll draw 5 random winners on Wednesday, Feb. 11. In the meantime, you can check out her website and/or order your own copy HERE.
1 – 200 of 346 Newer› Newest»I'd love to read Julie's story and share it with my friends!
wow what an amazing story.
What an amazing story, i would love a copy of the book. ;o)~
This book sounds amazing. I sure hope I win it, but if I don't, I'm pretty sure I'll be buying it!
I would love to win a copy of this! Thanks for the chance!
I can't wait to read Julie's story. Thanks for the heads up!
This would be an incredibly uplifting book to read! Thanks for giving us a chance to win a copy. I am waiting with anticipation the release of your book too! Phyllis
Wow! what incredible people to meet! Its awesome your giving away copies of her book.
Sounds like an amazing, fabulous book. What a journey!
How inspiring. I often wonder how I would react in a situation like that. Probably not nearly so well...
What an inspiration! An amazing story about an amazing woman. And good advice for us all.
OH WOW!! What an incredible story!! I would love to read the book... if I don't win, I will buy it... but I am not working right now, so I will just hope I win it.
It sounds like an incredible story. I look forward to reading it. I hope to win, otherwise it's the library copy for me, as buying books has been removed from the budget.
I would love a copy. It sounds like a great book.
What a strong woman Julie is! I would love to win her book...and if I don't, I'm going to buy it!
What an amazing story! I got chills just reading your post about it. I would love to read her book... that is something I would actually make time to do. While I miss my regularly scheduled SSO, thank you for the intermission this post was well worth it!!!
This book looks amazing, I'd love to win it! Will read it regardless.
I would love to win and read the book. One of my resolutions this year is to spend more time reading books.... I'm not doing so great!
Thanks for sharing the book with us. It sounds like a really interesting read.
Dawn, I just found your blog today. I am a grandmother (of 8 cool grandkids) and do not have my own blog or website. But I do like to read what other people have to say!
This sounds like an interesting story. If I win it, I will read it and donate it to our church library!
Oh me me! What an amazing tale!
I"m in tears reading your description of the book and your interview with Julie and Margaret. I can't wait to read the book. If I am not a winner I am sure to borrow the book from the library!
Kelly T.
I always feel weird signing up for these things but I REALLY want to read this book and my local library doesn't do requests. So please enter me!
Julie's story sounds inspiring. I would love to have the opportunity to read it!
Sounds like a fantastic story! I would love to read it!
WOW!! I would love to read this book.
Amazing....sounds like an incredible journey going into the shrouds of death and coming out of it to tell her story. I would love to read it regardless if I win or not. Thanks for sharing this!
wow, I'd love a copy to read, sounds amazing!
I would love to read her book.
I would love to read Julie's story! It sounds really inspiring!!
Sounds interesting... like one of those that inspires you to not sweat the small stuff... something that I need constant reminders of...
I would love to read this story!
I would looove to read this. It sounds like such an ispirational and motivational story. And a triatholon??? This woman is my hero already. Hope I win (but I will probably buy the book anyway if I don't win!)
Wow! This sent chills down my spine as I read it. Amazing!
Wow. I was getting goosebumps reading this. How powerful, and she's right about being able to reinvent herself... to look at this as a blessing is a gift in itself. So is she done done with her rehab, or is there another body part yet to do this year?
I would love to read more of this story. If I don't win I will track this book down.
What an amazing story. I would love to read the whole thing. I couldn't help but think of my own situation this past year. No car wreck, but diagnosed with a rare condition. I was paraylzed, but am now able to walk with a cane. Have spent weeks away from family to do rehab. With God's grace I am doing well. Best wishes to Julie.
I too would love to read this story and if I don't win the book, then I will most definitely need to purchase it! My Mum died 12 years ago from pancreatic cancer. My sister and I were at her bedside as she struggled to leave this earth for Heaven. She was in and out of consciousness throughout the night, often stopping to tell us of what she saw on "the other side". She spoke of the beauty that was there, as well as the people waiting for her. Julie's book sounds as if it would be comforting for me to read as well as inspiring.
Thanks Dawn!
I'd love to have this book! I've been struggling recently with happiness and would love to read her story. She sounds like such an inspiration!!
Sounds like a great book and an incredible story. If I don't win - I will buy it!!!
What an amazing story Dawn, thanks for sharing :)
What an incredible journey.. I have been looking for a new book to read..
I would love a copy of this book! Thanks for the chance!
Wow, I'd love to get a copy of this book - sounds amazing!
Thanks for the chance to get an awesome book...
Oh, pick me! I would love to read this book.
Gail here, and yes, yes, yes, pick me.
You forgot to include a tissue disclaimer when introducing us to Julie !
Wow, what an amazing experience. It seems every day there is someone trying to tell me to wake up and be happy. I would love to read her book.
WOW! IT sounds like an incredible story! Thanks for telling us about Julie and giving us the chance to win a copy of her book.
Kerry Morgan
Wow, that sounds like an amazing story!
Thanks for the book recommendation. It sounds wonderful- I'll check it out and I'd love to win a copy.
I would love to read this book and have a chance to win a copy..if not I'm sure I will be purchasing it! THANKS!
I would *love* to read that story! How amazing! ~Vanessa~
My aunt was in a coma and had to relearn everything when she came out of it. It was a very scary time. I'm glad Julie is able to share her story with Margaret's help.
WoW! Sounds like a book I'd love to read and grow from!
Julie sounds like a woman of amazing strength. I know Margaret, and she is amazing.
I would love to read this book! Even if I don't win I will just have to buy a copy!
Sounds so amazingly wonderful! Hopefully she'll live the life her grandmother's planned for her. I'd love to have a chance to read the book!
I would love to read about Julie.
What an amazing story. I would love to ready the whole thing. Incredible!
I'd love to read her amazing story!
Sounds like an amazing story! I'd love to read it.
Sounds like an amazing book!
I would LOVE to read this book. Just what I need in my life right now.
I'd love to read this book! Thanks for sharing this, Dawn.
I need a new book and would Love to learn what Julie has to say about Heaven! What an amazing journey.
Blessings, Carolynn
That is an awesome book, I will have to read it!
Wow! What an amazing story. I would love to read it. Thanks Dawn!
What an incredible story! I'd love to read the book also!
Wow-what an amazing story!! I would LOVE to read the rest!!!!
How incredible! What an inspiration Julie is to all of us. I'd love to read the book.
I am going to read this! It sounds so inspirational... something I really need right now.
What s story - would love to read the entire book.
That does sound like an amazing story- how neat to hear it in person. I'd love to read it.
Sounds like a great book. Reading is a nice escape for me.
That book sounds amazing!
Thanks so much for sharing this book!
This is my favorite kind of book to read. I have read many books on near death experiences. Kubler Ross has always fascinated me,also. Please enter me in your fabulous book giveaway drawing. I really appreciate it! Thanks, Cindi
Wow! I would love to share this book with my sister who is still recovering from a tramatic brain injury 5 years ago. Thanks for the chance!
I would love to read this story!
I, too, was in a horrific car accident that changed my life forever.
I would love to win her book and read her amazing story.
Thanks for the chance!
Sounds like a very interesting read! I'd love to win a copy. :o)
An incredible blessing of a second chance. An amazing story. God is good.
Sounds like a phenomenal book!! I'd love to read it!
I would love to read it! :)
I love books like this! My father died a year and a half ago and it gives me great comfort to think of him being welcomed into heaven!
Sounds like a good one. I'm glad you shared the interview, quite interesting...thanks for the chance to win.
This story sounds amazing, something I would like to read and inspire me.
I had a near death experience after a head on collision caused by a drunk driver in 1991. I would love this book, to compare our stories!
I would love to read this book and pass it on to my friends.
Wow. Just the snippit that you blogged about gave me chills. I can't wait to read her story..either by winning a copy or from buying the book myself. Thank you for sharing it. I learn some very wonderful things from you...not just about how to handle parenting with laughter and humor but some very heart-warming wonderful things. Thanks again. I'm glad you made it home safe and sound from your trip.
I would love to read this book! Sounds amazing!
Wow! I can't wait to read Julie's amazing story. Hope to win. Even if I don't I will still be reading it.
What true inspiration. I would love to win. Thanks, Lynn
The book sounds amazing. I love books that capture you so much that you can't put them down!
This sounds like such an inspirational story! Thanks for sharing!
I look forward to reading the book. Thanks.
I would really like to read this book.My sisinlaw was in a car accident she got hit by a car going on 2 yrs in march broke her legs arm had bleeding in her brain and memory loss and was in a coma for a month and a half. Would be great to read this book and my bday is the 10 so would be a good present =)
cece from ny
I would love to read this book. Thanks for letting us know about it!
I would love to read this book:)
Wow, what great story! It sounds incredible, I'd love to win, but I plan on getting the book even if I don't!
What an amazing read!!
Dawn- Thanks for sharing this! I too was in an accident that should have taken my life, or left me paralised (sp?). Fortunately, I walked away from it dazed and with a few scratches and bruises. Thank you for sharing such inspirational stories.
I would love to read her story - sounds amazing!
Wow. Based on the pain and agony from PT for a few different injuries I've dealt with, I can't imagine a "whole body" retraining. I would love a copy of her book.
Dawn in Michigan
WOW, this book sounds like something I could really use right now...one of those times in life I am wondering why....
Sounds like a book right up my alley...
I would love to read this book. It sounds like an amazing story!
What an amazing story! I would love to read this!
It sounds like a truly amazing story!
If I won this book it would be passed around to about 10 other women. We all share books lol. Then we send them on their way to bookcrossing.com which is very fun!
Sounds like an amazing book. Hope I win it!
Wow, sounds like an great book. My mother and I would throughly enjoy reading this one!
Wow. I need this book. My mom's 3rd angel-versary is coming up on February 16th. I know, from past experience, that it will be a difficult day for me.
I'm also a digital scrapbooker, participating in the Amazing Digiscrap Race, Season 4, and our challenge this week is to scrap a layout of a question we would like to ask someone living or dead, or something (like your cat.) Of course, I'd love to talk to my mother again, as Julie was able to do her grandmothers. Wow. Just wow.
WOW!! That is about all I can say about that! What an amazing story, and I can't wait to read it... whether I read it from the book I win (such is the power of positive thinking LOL), or get it from the library... thanks Dawn!
Sounds like a good read! I will be checking it out from the library if they have it.
I consider myself a person of faith. I believe in God, and that Jesus came here and died for our sins. I just have the hardest time in believing in Heaven. Yeah, I know it doesn't make sense, but it is how it is. I need this book, and will probably buy it if I don't win it.
What an awesome story and testimony. Thanks for the giveaway offer!
I would LOVE to read this book!
Wow! I would love to read that book.
I would LOVE to read Julie's story!
slfunk3736 @ hotmail dot com
Julie's book sounds amazing. She sounds a lot like myself. I was in a 4 week coma just over 6 years ago. I have Lupus, and neurological involvement from it, and was on seizure medicine which affected my pancreas. I got pancreatitis on Thanksgiving day 2002, and by the next evening I had developed ARDS and was on a ventilator in a drug induced coma. My family was told that if I woke up at all I would be vegetative. I didn't wake up when I was supposed to, so they decided I had been hypoxic at some point. I also had to learn how to do just about everything all over again, and I still need a lot of helpers to be independent. But I am a completely new person, and much happier and healthier now than I was before it all happened, and I wouldn't go back to who I was before if you paid me. I look forward to reading her book!
Wow, that yellow toyota thing was truly a sign. I would love a copy!
Okay look...I'll be honest...I'm not a big reader but for some reason these two books feel like a fit! I'll wait and cross by fingers for the win but if not I'll be a buyer! Thanks for sharing! :)
Sounds like an amazing book! I also can't wait for your book Dawn! Oh, so many books so little time........
Thanks for sharing this, Dawn. I'm so inspired by women who overcome difficult circumstances like this. :)
Ohh pick me pick me! I never win anything.
It's interesting that you post this topic... today at my church a woman mentioned how there is joy to be found in everything--if we just learn to find it and be accepting of it. My point is that occasionally we get a little snipit, like from Julie's book or from this woman at my church that teach us that life can be happy (even when times are hard). That knowledge gives me hope...and joy. Thanks for sharing this story!
WOW! i could use a good read her story sounds so interesting
I am very interested in reading this book and would love to share it with my reading group.
Sounds something like "90 Minutes in Heaven," which was a huge blessing to read! Thanks for highlighting these two ladies, Dawn!
Ummm, like the yellow Toyota thing.... Just tonight, my mom told me that the man who wrote 90 Minutes in Heaven has a second book out. THEN, a woman at my mom's house began telling us about her car accident and how she should have died and happen to crash into an off-duty paramedic's yard and hit a telephone poll with her 5 month old in the car. The only reason the EMC's worked on her (b/c technically, they said she was DOA) is b/c of the baby.
NOW THIS! I think God definitely wants me to read this book.
Oh, AND I got into a huge wreck two weeks ago (rear-ended while at a standstill) and my 16 mos old was in the car.
Win it or not, I think I need to read this book. :)
If I don't win one I'll just have to purchase one. Sounds like an important book to read and share.
Wow, Julie's story sounds like one I definitely want to read!
What an amazing glimpse into Julie's experience and trials. If we, even for a moment, could realize how quick our time could time I bet everyone would be a lot better as a whole. Imagine living every day as if it WERE your last.
I'll definately keep her story close to heart (like then others that you blog about) and will try to live a little better each day :)
Thanks for sharing her story Dawn!
Dawn - what everyone else said - I would love to read this book.
Thanks for the giveaway.
This book sounds like a great read.
Amazing story.
I would love to read this book. Thanks!
So inspiring
What an amazing story! I would love to read this book. Thanks for the chance. iclipalso(at)yahoo(dot)com
Wow, this sounds like an incredible book! I'd love to read it!!
Donna in PA :)
I would love to read her story.
T. Hall
WOW! I got chills just reading the short interview - definitely going on my 'to read' list!!!! Would love to win a copy!!!
Wow! I love stories like this, they give me chills! I would love to read this book!
I would love to win this book.
I would really love an uplifting, hard to put down, book to read right now!
This story is incredible. I work with at-risk teens and I feel this book could inspire them to have a "want" to move forward in their lives. I can see us all finding new motivation and zest for life after reading her book. Please pick me - not for me but for the kids!
What an amazing story! I would love to win a copy of this one.
What an amazing story. I'll have to mention it to my book club
What an incredible journey!! I have a friend who has a 16 year old son who just suffered head trauma (playing basketball, he fell and hit his head). She is about to go through a bit of this with her son ... the rehabilitation. He is not in the same place as Julie, but yet I think "mom" can relate to Julie's story and maybe it will help her understand her sons rehab. Thank you for bringing this story to us!
I most definitly have to get myself a copy of this book. It sounds amazing. Courageous and inspriational are the first thoughts that come to mind when I hear of this story. I can't wait to read this!
what an incredible story! i would LOVE to win a copy of this book. please, count me in. thanks.
Wow! What an incredible story, I'd love to read it!
mastro435 AT yahoo DOT com
That sounds truly amazing! I'd love to read it! Thanks for the opportunity to enter!
Hi, Dawn! I just love reading your blog. Today it made me grateful, other days it makes me laugh.
It would be great to win a copy of Margarets book. I couldn't get the link to work...
I would love to read Julie's story. it sounds fascinating. Thank you for the chance to win it!
What an awesome story. Even if I don't win, I'm going to read her book.
What an amazingly inspirational story, I'd love to read Julie's book and then share it with others through Bookcrossing.
Sounds like an incredible story. I would love to read this book and am already hoping my local library will have it for in case I don't win!
Wow that sounds so awe inspiring. I'd love a copy.
I would love to win this book, but if I don't, I plan on reading it anyway.
Throwing my name into the hat to try my chances at winning. If not I'll have to buy a copy anyway. This book sounds amazing!
I would love to read this book, and hope to win it (or be able to buy it when my husband finds a job).
I would love to have a chance to read this book and then share it with family as I did with "90 Minutes In Heaven." I think anything that can confirm our faith helps us to be better people in all areas of our lives!
I would love to read this. thanks for the giveaway.
Sounds like an amazing story - I would love to read it.
Just last evening I was wishing for another good book to read. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing!
What an amazing story and 2 amazing women!! Thanks for sharing. I'd love to win one of the books and if not, then I will definitely be buying one or borrowing it from the library to read.
Would absolutely LOVE to read this inspiring story! You might want to try Don Piper's story, 90 Minutes in Heaven. Another inspiring tearjerker.
Thank you for the giveaway. I always love a good inspiring read!
What an inspiring story! I would love to read her book - thanks for sharing her story with us! And for the awesome giveaway!
Wow, that souns awesome! I would love to read that!
What an awesome story!! May God bless Julie and Margaret for being such an inspiration!!
This sounds like an outstanding story. I hope I get to read it!!! If I don't win it from you it will be on my list of books to buy this year for sure!!!! Thanks
I'm an EMT, and I have seen many people walk away from accidents they shouldn't have. Obviously it wasn't her time to go, and her mission is clear. I hope that her words are heard by many, and that people are inspired to do something right with their lives. What an incredible story!
I would love to read her book. I hope I win one. Thanks for the offer.
What an incredible story. I would love to read the whole book.
Jenny F. from TX.
What an amazing story. I will read this book, whether it is a copy that I win or I pick it up at the library or store! Thanks for sharing.
I'd love to read this inspirational story!!
Susan D.
I'd love to read Julie's book. How inspiring!
Sounds like an awesome read!
Wow! Am sure you could repeat that word backwards too! That is so awesome about Julie's story. And I wonder if I could ever write a story about my experiences as a caregiver and some of the things I have been witness to.
What a truly uplifting story. I would love to read more about it and then pass it on to my friends.
Sounds like an amazing story. I'm going to have to recommend it for our book club next month!
Wow, sounds like an amazing story! I would love to read it.
Thanks for the chance to win such an amazing book Dawn! I love stories like these.
Oh my goodness! What a beautiful story that will be to read.
Thanks for always having such great give aways!
I could use an inspriational story...
My grandmother was in a severe car accident a few years ago. She doesn't remember much after the truck she was in started to spin because what she remembers is a walking towards a door and it shutting right before she got to it. Then she remembers being in the ambulance. I would love to read this book and I am going to share it with my grandmother.
Hi Dawn, I have read a few books on near death experiances. They always comfort me in this hectic world. I would love to read this one too and share it with my family. Kristine in Michigan.
Oh these books sound amazing--I'm adding them to my must read list!
Sounds like an interesting read.
I want to read this book! It sounds like an awesome story.
Thanks so much for sharing, Dawn...I can't wait to read this one! I can always use a little re-focusing in this sea of insanity called parenthood.
This book sounds like and amazing, inspirational story. I would love to win it.
I would love to share this book with my mother!
All I can say is WOW!
Since I've read every book (dictionaries and cook books don't count) on my bookshelves, now I'm borrowing books from the library since I don't have extra money to buy new books. But Julie's story sounds more interesting than Kirk Cameron's memoir (just saw the movie Fireproof) which I'm reading now.
This book sounds amazing. I'd love to read it! :)
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