Wednesday, October 3, 2007


I'm feeling a bit like the boy who cried wolf. Except I'm not a boy. And I didn't cry wolf. I cried, "Turn on your VCRs because I'm going to be on the news tonight!" For those of you, who tuned in, thank you and I'm sorry it didn't air again tonight. For those of you who missed it, well, you didn't actually miss it after all.

My toddler had been running around like a monkey on fire all day. Why is it that a toddler (and this really isn't exclusive to toddlers) can sit there watching TV, looking at a book, or playing with a toy and then suddenly, as if they were just poked in the butt with a pitch fork, they'll jump up and scream and take off like a shot? It's as if, out of nowhere, they become possessed and turn into raving lunatics for a few minutes (or hours, if you're so lucky.) The sweet child who was intently watching a video two seconds ago is now running through the house at warp speed and yelling in a foreign toddler language at the top of his lungs. Is this just a stress reliever? Is it to fight boredom? I think I'm going to try this the next time I'm at a boring PTA or church meeting. I'm just going to jump up in the middle of a dull speech and run across the room screaming, AAAAAAAEEEEUEUUURRRRGHGHGIIIIEEYYYYY!!! That should give everyone the proof they need to send me away for a nice long vacation in the nut house.

It wasn't just my toddler acting like a wackadoo today. My baby had to get in on the act too. She never stopped whining which wasn't so bad until she attached herself to my leg so I had to drag her everywhere I walked. Still, it was fine for the first, oh say, five hours and then I snapped. "That's it! We're getting out of here!" We headed to the library. I'm not sure about the kids, but I needed a change of scenery. I was obviously not getting any writing done at home anyway.

So, I went to the library this afternoon and bought my very own water damaged copy of Just Going to the Dentist. I joke that I've paid enough fines over the years to finance a new wing at the library. Today I walked in to see that they really are doing construction on the building. I knew it!

At the library, we picked out a few new books to buy borrow, then the kids hit the play area while I sat down to people watch. So often, I'm in a hurry when I stop at the library or the park or wherever. I feel like I'm forever telling my kids, "Not today. Not now. We're in a hurry. C'mon let's go!" I was so happy to be able to sit down and relax and give the kids something new to play with and let them have fun exploring the different toys. I had no plans of leaving until it was time to pick the older kids up from school. Then I smelled something. The baby had picked that time to fill her diaper. No problem. I'll just change her diaper and....oh no. I didn't bring any diapers with me. No diaper bag at all. No purse. Just my library card and my keys.

I make fun of the new moms who pack the entire nursery into their diaper bags just to go for a walk around the block. Well, here I am with nothing. I've been packing diapers for almost thirteen years straight and yet didn't think to bring one today. I could either stay there, let them continue to play, offer the other patrons gas masks, or I could disappoint them again and drag them home. I dragged them home with the promise that we could play at the park when we picked the older kids up from school.

Remember to always, always pack a diaper (well, I guess you don't have to do this if your kids are in high school). And remember to sometimes curb the urge to say, "Not now. We don't have time," and replace it with, "Let's play!"


zoloft mom said...

ugh. something must have been in the air today. my kids were jerks! madmen! crazy people! you get the idea....

Matchbox Mom said...

I'm so glad that you got to take your children to the library. My books were due yesterday. Did I return them? Nope.
I too, need to just relax, and let life be. Thanks for the reminder. I need it probably every day.
I also forgot my baby's diapers the other day at my Mom's house. I swear, I never remember a diaper when one of the kids decides to stink up the place. Oh well, ce la vie!


Anonymous said...

yay im first!

stephanie said...

Okay, now that I've already been first I can write my real comment. i live you blog dawn! too bad about not being on the news, but, hey I've never been on the news and i lived with it, so I'm sure you will too.

Rose said...

Is there a full moon? Is the barometric pressure changing? Kids are running wild across the country, or should I our houses? Hope tomorrow is a better day!

Anonymous said...

dang it! im not first! again!

All moments remembered said...

I am on the floor girl!!! Of all the times to forget the diapers! You know she ONLY did it then because you did not have one!!! Oh did I mention I am sooo done with diapers!! I get to carry a real purse now, no more diaper bag for this woman!!!

Have a super day tomorrow!!!

Peace is every step said...

Oh, how I can relate to the no diaper dilemma. I am a lazy, no-good-at-that-crazy planning-stuff mom. Once I even neglected to put the actual diaper on her....don't worry, she had underwear on (but not an ounce of interest in the potty) and a disaster of biblical proportions happen in Target. I still never learn my lesson.
Love your blog & can't wait to see you in the flesh--er--tv.

Anonymous said...

my son had a crapsplosion at the mall and I saw sans diaper wipes. I washed him in the sink and used the hand dryers to blow dry his butt. Things were dandy until a sales girl caught me.. D'oh!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I Love your blog, you are sooo funny, but at the same time discribe the way life really is, I cant wait to buy your book!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, something weird was in the air today, it did not just get the kids, acting crazy, and then moody, but the husband as well. arrrg, Oh well tomorrow is another day.

Ashley said...

Just keep one in the car at all times (just don't forget to go up a size when they get bigger) I really need to try to say "hurry up" and "no, not today" less if for the times when you really do have to GO!

Kim VanDerHoek said...

So often I'm lugging around my diaperbag and wondering if it's even worth it anymore...thanks for the reminder!

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the TV thing. It will happen eventually:)
Just last week I had a similar diaper fiasco. We were sitting in church when my 2 yr old looks up at me with a red face and says "POOPING!". I get the diaper bag which is stuffed full of toys, books, crayons and treats, but no diapers and no wipes. I knew I had some in the car, so I sent DH ot to get them. He comes back 20 miutes later, apparently there were none in the car, he had to drive home to get them.
More than once, I have been somewhere, and had some frantic woman asking me if she could buy a diaper from me. I just give them the diaper and tell them to "pay it forward" and lend a diaper to another woman in need:)
If I had been at your library, I would have gladly given you a diaper, but we don't go there anymore because of the fines that we owe.........
Thank you for your blog, It is the highlight of my day!!

AnnG said...

One time I did the same kind of thing, only I brought along my dh who proceeded to inform me of the virtues of "being prepared"....I left the dh at home from that point on!

Syd said...

I can't tell you the number of times I've remembered the diaper bag but forgotten to put diapers (or wipes) in it. My oldest daughter was unfortunate enough to probably be the ONLY child that has ever had to wear the "store brand" diaper that they sell at Exxon!! However, the worst was the time she was about 7 weeks old and I was running late for work. Loaded everything in the car and headed to the babysitters house. I reached for my purse and realized I'd left it at home so I turned around. I went in my house and found my purse sitting on the floor in the living room NEXT TO THE BABY IN HER CAR SEAT!!! She was usually awake and making noise at that time of the morning but since I was running late she'd fallen asleep and I walked right out and left her. Thank God I forgot my purse.

Anonymous said...

My 1yo always picks the library to drop a deuce (man-speak I borrowed).

Is it the excitement of all the books?

Or the nervousness of being around the scary library ladies?

GE is me said...

Ah, I so feel your pain! It goes from diapers to underwear as you're training, as I'm sure you well know. I've done both- forgotten the diapers & the underwear. One day I had to borrow not 1 pair, but 2 pair of dry undies for the same child. And what was even worse was she peed on the person's carpet! Twice!
BTW- if you ever forget it at church, just pray like heck. It's worked for me so far. :)

Love your blog! Look forward to the book.
God Bless, -Gail

Hen Jen said...

I started forgetting diapers too at some point..I guess I was feeling wise and experienced or something. I finally started keeping an emergency stash in the van. Along with the smooshed gold fish crackers, I figure I could live there 3 or 4 days.

let us know how the stress relief stunt goes in the pta meeting, we all want to hear a play by play of that. snort.

A Few Tacos Shy... said...

Demons here today too. My mom confessed a few years ago that she drove out of her way to NOT go past a park that my little brother always begged to stop at. For his 25th birthday we went to that park and had a picnic. :-)

Rick said...

High Schoolers don't wear diapers (at least I don't think they do), but their bathroom needs can be just as urgent and stressfull. "Dad, I need to go!!" "Why didn't you say that when I passed the rest stop five minutes ago?" "I didn't need to go then."

Anonymous said...

When my oldest was potty training, I made the mistake of visiting a store without back up anything. She told me she had to go potty so I did the football carry with her to the single stall, unisex bathroom only to find it...unusable. What to do? Well, desperate times call for desperate measures so I had her drop trow and pee in the sink. As we stepped out a sales person came up and said, "Oh, you can't use the restroom, the toilet is broken." I smiled sweetly and said, "It's OK, we just needed to use the sink."

Anonymous said...

Great advice! I always feel like the "mean boring mom" who doesn't do anything fun. Love the blog - I've been a lurker, but I guess I've just de-lurked. :-)

Anonymous said...


I know the feeling of being somewhere and not having a diaper. Heres what I do. I always try and have one or two extras tucked away in my van. Usually one under the middle seat and a couple in the back. That way unless I have forgotten to replace them I have one.

I also share your feeling of stopping sometimes just to play. I have had a basic rule that I try to follow. I try and take my boys every nice day to the park. Our small town have 4 parks in town and one about 8 miles outside of town at a state park. We let the kids decide where to play. Even if its just for a few minutes. Today we were there about 45 minutes. I know that soon the weather willbe cold and we wont be able to go. My house may not be clean but my babies are happy and thats whats most important.

Also I hate to say it but I am glad you werent on tv. I didnt see oyur post till after it would have aired so I was depressed then I was happy when I saw you were bumped again. Does that make sense? I am sorry I am so dang tired it isnt funny. I have been working on 4 hours sleep and I feel like I am going to drop.

Sad story. My daughter found a TINY kitten near our driveway Friday night. Sweetest little thing. We were afraid to tell my hubby because he is allergic and we already have 1 cat that he tolerates but anyway. I told him about her. My hubby said we can keep her. Well she was very skinny but had been eating. /today she seemed really tired this evening she started having seizures and she died. My 4 and 3 yr olds are heartbroken. Spencer touched their little hearts and now the are sad. WE are looking for a new one. Keep the boys in your prayers. Noah cried tonight for her. Sawyer doesnt know yet. He knows she was sick but fell asleep before she went to heaven. Thanks Elisabeth

Anonymous said...

I stopped using a diaper bag unless we're going somewhere for several hours and may need that change of clothes/extra toy/snack etc. However I keep a diaper and a ziplock bag of wipes, sandwhich size (fold the wipes in half, takes up a lot less space in a small purse than the big plastic travel wipes thing) in my purse all the time. The only thing I have to remember is to put a new one in when we change sizes or I use it. :-) The wipes get used a lot b/c my son is pigpen.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, can I get up and run around like a screaming madwoman when I get bored??? I love it when Lorisa does that. It cracks me up every time!!! If more people did that, life would be more enjoyable!

Michelle Kemper Brownlow said...

Your post reminded me of one of my FIRST posts EVER on'll get a kick out of it!

Anonymous said...

My 4 year old does the banshee thing at night, just when you think he's dropping off to sleep. You know when you put your head round the door to check, sure that he is asleep as he was soooo tired 30 mins earlier?
Up he leaps wanting juice, milk, toast, his light 'saver'- does some Jedi Knight Training and
then you turn your back for a few seconds and he's out like a light!

PS. Why don't you do a tip of the day -to help us mortals cope with some of the trials of parenting? I'd like some tips on getting a 4 year old out of a pull up (diaper?) at night time. It's like he enjoys wetting the bed but I don't have the energy to keep getting up to change his bed every night as I have to be up early each day!
Still reading your blog every day!!

LadyRachelLynn said...

you know what's worse than forgetting the diaper? Using cloth diapers (the old flat fold kind) and forgetting to change baby to a disposable before you leave. Then when you are looking for a plastic baggie to store the wet things in, discovering you forgot plastic bags!!!

Yah, fun stuff...peed/pooped on diaperbag, from the inside out!!!

Dawn, I love your blog. It has encouraged me to write the wy I used to, pre kids.

Anonymous said...

I'm on my second baby and I still forget to pack the diapers. Or I'll decide to leave the diaper bag in the car "because we never need it" and then both kids fill their pants in the middle of Target. Glad to know it's not just me :)

Jen B said...

My daughter has been out of nappies (sorry to be English lol!) for six months, can't remember the last time she had an accident but I can assure you it will be the day I don't have a spare pair of knickers and trousers in my bag, got a new baby arriving in a few months, going to have to remember the old nappy bag again and try not to do what i did when my daughter was weaning, drive to my Mums house for lunch, open up the bag to find bottle of cool boiled water and tub of home made mush but no milk powder and no spoons (certainly best not do that again as now live three hours drive from my mum!)

Jenn's finding life funny! said...

Thanks Dawn! I needed that. I feel like I am always in a hurry. My Hubby's aunt died and she was only 56. Tonight I have been wondering what I would regret, if I had to leave this life tommorow. It would not be anything like, "I wish I would have gone to Europe before I had kids." It would not be, "I wish I would have finished cleaning the kitchen." It would be, "I wish I would have played with my kids more, giggled with them more and hugged and kissed them more. ANd definately spent more time with my hubby!

I love that you are a good voice for Stay at Home Mom's. (Notice I did not say the Voice of Reason, because, I don't know if there is a SAHM who has reason, sanity whatever you want to call it.) Besides, how dull would that be?!


Becky said...

ROFL, Dawn, as usual. I'm usually short one or the other...usually wipes, so I've had to make do with fast food napkins from the glove box a time or two.

A lady I know once had to stick an Always Overnight pad to the inside of her baby son's onesie just to make it home from McDonalds PlayLand after a diaper disaster.

Anonymous said...

I thought for sure you'd be that last segment on the news last night... I think it was called "Into the Wild". :) We'll look for you again next time there might be a chance that you're on!


PS. I don't carry a diaper bag anymore either. Or a purse for that matter! Just a spare diaper and some wipes in the car and my credit card in my pocket. It happens to us all though!

Brea in Texas said...

Goodness, Dawn, I almost spit coffee on my keyboard laughing. The part about the toddlers on fire has always mystified me, too, but the thought of 'pulling a toddler' during a nice, quiet church meeting is just too much for me this morning!! Seriously, I feel your pain!! :)

Anonymous said...

Ya know, one of these days you're gonna make somebody choke to death on their morning coffee!! ROFL I can so relate with the crazy toddler. I cleaned my boys room yesterday and she (my precious little baby girl) found some toys and books she hadn't played with in ages, these amused her for awhile, then she decided to turn over a clothes basket, put a stool on top of that and sing in a foreign language at the TOP OF HER LUNGS! It was adorable. Maybe these kids have the right idea..they don't seem nearly as stressed as we adults do.
Sorry we didn't get to see you and Trish AGAIN yesterday...Britney is at it again and for goodness sakes..we simply must know that she got a drivers license. (My 12 year old boy, who is home from school with a fever just said, 'Britney Spears again?' She's also still all over the Early Show, I just turned the channel to PBS for him.
Don't worry we can be patient and just keep recording in hopes of eventually seeing you on t.v.
Nancy W.

Anonymous said...

I didn't think of it as you crying wolf... i just think that Charles Gibson is trying to increase his audience of Moms (especially ones who appreciate some good humor each day)! He is at least getting us to fast forward through his newscast, even if we don't stop to listen! ;-) Looking forward to seeing you on TV one of these days!

Cathy said...

lol and i would add don't leave home without wipes either - cos if you have the dirty diaper from hell with no wipes, you're still up the creek without a paddle!! See my previous post on this (disaster 3):

Suburban Correspondent said...

Come on! You know why they were crazy. You were trying to get something done. Silly you. Haven't you learned yet that you cannot try to get anything tangible accomplished without paying for it?

My little one loves to poop at the library also. We always keep the diaper bag in the car. The problem with that system is that we never bring it in the house for a refill, so a lot of times we're driving around with a diaper bag devoid of any diapers. Or a diaper bag with the wrong season's clothes in it. Once, my husband and I were out on a date and the then-one-year-old got all wet and he pulled out the handy dandy diaper bag and kids' plastic bowling set, one 3T "jogging" outfit, and not much else. He said, and I quote, "Well, that's helpful."

Anonymous said...

The good thing about you not being on the news is that we're all watching the news, at least I am, and actually learning something!! Keep us posted and we'll keep watching! Chris

Anonymous said...

I've walked around looking for the parent of a kid the size of mine and then asked if I could have a diaper. They were very sweet about it and again, I passed it forward.

Supplanter64 said...

At least the ratings for World News Tonight has gone up the past two days ;-)

Anonymous said...

I learned pretty quick to always keep a bunch of diapers in the car for times just like that... It has saved me many of times. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing you've probably seen this before, but just in case you haven' can probably relate

Anonymous said...

By the time the kids are in high school, WE need the diapers! Especially after 5 kids.

Sophia said...

My daughters never poop when we're out UNLESS I forget a diaper LOL.

Katie said...

My 2 year old does that screaming thing all the time. I think it's when she starts to get a little sleepy and she doesn't want to stop playing. Somehow running around hollering helps. And we also are avoiding the library, but only because my husband left a book in the rain- not the little one.

Anonymous said...

Now I don't feel so bad about falling asleep during the news. Five-year old triplets will do that to you.

I always keep a diaper and travel pack of wipes in the car for just those emergencies, plus a secret stash in the basket of the stroller, too. Of course, then I wonder how come I don't have any diapers or wipes in the house and realize it's because they are all in the car or the stroller!

omystarling said...

The exact same thing happened to me the other day.
After picking the kids up from daycare I decided to stop by the bookstore (actually to buy Trish Berg's book). They have a fun play area and my husband was working late. Right as my oldest was getting into the toys the little one fills his diaper. No, no diaper anywhere to be found. My oldest was so disappointed that we had to leave.
Luckily I actually had wipes in the van still no diaper. I took the diaper off the baby and he rode home with nothing on. I figured his shirt would absorb anything else that would come out of his body.
You live and learn (yes, I have been at this for 4 years now - you would think I already lived and learned).
Good news is I was able to get Trish's book. My girlfriends and I started this week. We love it!!!! Tell Trish thanks.

Unknown said...

I've got 3 (yes, THREE) in diapers so I always have an emergency bag with diapers in it in the car. The two older kids are in size 5 and 6, and the baby is in a three. But, you know, there have been times that the 3 got used and I had to resort to a big diaper for the baby...and it was better than nothing! :o)

Stick some in the car without meaning to use them, and you'll be glad one day!

busymommieakred said...

i am queen of never packing a diaper bag my husband got so tiered of me forgetting it he made pack a stay in the van bag i am not aloud to bring it in the house ever!!! and it has come in handy to many times to count!! hang in there with all that T.V. stuff it will happen once we all forget about it! you are awsome

Anonymous said...

I got up the nerve to take my 1 and 2-yr old to a park after daycare/work. I too forgot diapers and thought for sure I had wipes somewhere in my messy car! I borrowed a diaper from daycare. After being at the park for 2-minutes, my 2-yr old had to pee and my 1-yr old filled her diaper. "Ahh, no problem!! I have a diaper! Let me find the wipes!" Use of a portapotty was interesting and I had no wipes. My little one laid still on the concrete while I changed her diaper with old napkins!

Melissa said...

I don't know if it is just how I know the feeling or weither you just hit a funny bone, but I laughed until I cried at the second paragraph of this entry!! You made my day! thanks from a mom of 5 crazy monkeys!!

Cary said...

And even when they are just out of diapers do not forget an extra change of clothes and some wipes. I will sheephishly admit that my son has had to go commando (shorts only) on our way home a time or two.

Anonymous said...

They always pick our most unprepared moments to fill their diapers huh? Before my toddler was potty trained, I took her on a day out with some visiting friends to NYC. In the evening she filled her diaper, and of course it was a bad one which gave her such a bad rash it was starting to go raw and bleed. I had no rash cream on me when normally I ALWAYS carried it. I felt awful, it hurt her for me to even wipe. She was screaming her head off in the public bathroom at Port Authority and I was about ready to panic from the guilt! Fortunately there is a pharmacy at P.A. so I stopped there to buy a tube and treat her horrible rash before we headed home. Oh and the reason for the rash was that I let her have one too many prunes the night before. Smart!

houseofdanes said...

dawn before you know it you'll be done with diapers and you won't know what to do with yourself anymore :) right huh!
keep writing I so enjoy your stories

LilBit said...

You know.. you may have seen this already.. but if not.. I think it's something you could really appreciate!! (Any mom could!) I wish I could find the entire clip. I saw Anita at Women of Faith this year.. she was awesome!!

MentalMom said...

Isn't that the truth!
I am almost never carry extra anything, let alone a fully stocked diaper bag. I do try to keep a diaper somewhere in the van. Although when I go to use my 'emergency diaper' is is usually either a) a size too small b) already been used as a kleenex c) the tapes have been ripped off by a bored sibling.
I can't tell you the number of times my toddler has been jammed into a size 2 diaper and the infant has worn a pull-up.
If in need of a diaper approach the mom of 1 or 2 children, she is going to have a diaper, in whatever size you need, wipes and probably will even offer ointment.
P.S. My 23 library books are overdue. Why? Because I backed my big.white.van into a tree (pregnancy brain) and I have no way to get to the library while it is in the shop. Of course, I have to FIND the 23 library books first. I could drive our 1978 VW Bus that only seats 4 but dh told me the brakes are iffy and for someone who in the last week has managed to take out a bike, wagon and a pecan tree? Well, driving a rolling refrigerator with iffy brakes might be a little risky.

Anonymous said...

As I mother of 5 ages, 15 months - 10yrs, I LOVE your blog. I rn agross this video on yahoo and it is great! Though I would share

Thanks for the laughs,

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn, I am glad I did'nt miss you on the news. My son just came up to me eating One Cheerio and said... Look mom I'm a giant eating a Doughnut.....Kids! Gatta Love Um!

Angela72181 said...

I can't imagine taking my toddler to the library for a change of're a brave woman. And here's a tip from a mother with 2 in diapers...put a couple in your glove box. If in a hurry and you forget the diaper bag at least you have the diapers to you'll have to use wet toilet paper or paper towel to clean them....But then there was always the time that we could have swore we replaced the last one in the glove box.....of course you have to remember to replace what you use.

Anonymous said...

there MUST have been something in the air
my ten month old decided at 1 this morning that he COULDNOT sleep unless I was holding him
he would SCREAM like someone was killing him till I came in to get him
this is very unusual for him so I caved and did the unthinkable
I put him in my bed with me
ya, the kid went right to sleep
and then promptly trashed around all night long
my poor husband!!

ya yesterday must have been "all kids go crazy day"
and someone forgot to warn us!

Trish Griffee said...

Your post was a bit of an eye opener for me. I work full time and my little kailye misses out on some of the play time sometimes because my husband and I are exhausted when we get home....TONIGHT that changes. Thank you.

AutoSysGene said...

Been there done that with the diaper situation!! Of course it happened in the middle of lunch before the food came. We made the best of a bad situation but I felt like a horrible mom. Let me tell you I was never without a diaper again after that!!

Jessi said...

My kids have been little hooligans all week. I'm so ready for some Daddy time this weekend. Dad plays with the kids and mom just goes somewhere else, bathroom, grocery shopping, just away! I have to share my "oh no, no diapers" experience. We took the family this summer to a fair. We were having a great time and were going to leave but the girls HAD to get their face painted. And the line was so long. Well, I picked up my darling son and he was soaked through(must have been the juice, or the snow cone) and I'm like "that's ok, I have a change of clothes in the diaper bag" well I did. I did not however have another diaper. I have no idea how I didn't notice that morning that I only had one diaper for an all day excursion, but I missed it. I ended up having to beg another mom for a diaper. Luckily she was very understanding and had had to do the same thing before. But her kiddo was a whole size up from mine.. so giant diaper, clean outfit(that was a little small)and paper towels in his stroller so he wasn't sitting on wet.. Boy did we look classy! Oh, and I've done the no wipes thing.. I usually wet paper towels or something.. I never thought of hosing off in the sink and air drying!

Carlita said...

To help with the library fines try It will keep track of all your books out from any library and email remind you when they are due until they are back. It has saved me a lot of fines but not all of them. I only have the girl half of your family but it still seems crazy around here. My oldest daughter, 10, and I really appreciate your blog.

The other me said...

My youngest is now 4 1/2 yet I still have spare diapers in the glove box, in the trunk, under strollers, upstairs, downstairs. May as well leave them there as I am going to be a grandma for libraries, I gave up, we just buy used books from thrift stores, if we were going to pay for them anyway ( and it was ALWAYS the books everyone hated we would end up having to pay for £8 for a cruddy old spiderman comic book thing??) well we may as well actually CHOOSE to pay for them right from the get go!

Heather said...

You crack me up! It reminded me of the first time I took my DD to a doctor appt and I needed to put a new diaper on her after the weigh in, exam, etc. I go into the diaper bag that has everything a new mom would need, except diapers! I was completely out from the other trips out we had. Aaack!

Amy said...

My toddler had been running around like a monkey on fire all day.

Great. I just got coffee on my keyboard. That was the funniest simile I've ever read!

Allison Beasley said...

Hello! I'm a librarian and I have a hunch that your library's staff may even keep some emergency diapers on hand just in the event that happens! ;-)

Allison Beasley
Kankakee Public Library
Kankakee, IL

Anonymous said...

My oldest son (who is now 17) did the 'get up and run around and scream' thing when he was a toddler the first time he saw Thomas the Tank Engine on T.V.

I don't know what it was about that goofy train engine with a face that scared him, but it did. (Maybe he had a premonition of lead tainted toys.)

Sarah said...

the bag of extra wipes, diapers, nasty clothing that is better than none, is a great idea. Done it for years, stuffed in a corner of the trunk.

You just never know.

My Charmed Life said...

I totally agree with you. sometimes you have to slow down and enjoy the moment b/c our kids grow up so fast. I'll remember then when I'm trying to HURRY to no place in particular. Thanks for the reminder.

Mary said...

That reminds me.... I need to update my emergency diaper bag in my car. I don't think the diapers or the extra outfit will fit if I need to use it.

I often go out without the diaper bag because I have the emergency stash in the trunk. But my baby only explodes at Walmart it seems. I bring lots of supplies when we go there.

Heather said...

I did set my DVR to tape, and will do so again and again until your interview airs.

I've forgotten diapers before, too. Usually, if I forget a diaper I need one, but if I don't forget I never need one. One time, I took my three year old to Target. He had recently started wearing underwear, and I had left the diaper bag in the car. He had an accident in the toy aisle. I didn't want to abandon my cart to go to the car, so we alerted someone to clean up the mess, I grabbed new clothes for him off of the rack, took him to the bathroom to change and cleanup, and gave the tags for the new clothes to the cashier. I couldn't bear to bring urine-soaked clothes in the car, so into the trash they went. If an accident had to happen, it was the perfect place!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn - great blog...again.
Just a tip - I always keep a tub of wipees & a couple of diapers stashed in the car (now that we're potty training I also keep undies & a change of clothes, for the kids, not me...although maybe I should reconsider that?). I think that is why someone created all of those "secret" cubbies in cars... just for diapers & wipees. :o)
And one last item - zip lock just never know!
And don't forget to periodically update the stash w/ a new size...that did happen to me once..infant diapers on a big toddler do not last long! LOL

Anonymous said...

Why is it, the one time you don't bring a diaper, they decide to fill the diaper or leak all the way through the diaper? My daughter is famous for that.

She is also famous for the angel child one minute, demon child the next. Yep, famous - I'm probably known all over my town because of her lovely mood swings that she picks the best time to show. IE - grocery store, throwing jars of spaghetti sauce out of the cart or department stores - running through the clothes, screaming like a crazy child.

And, I just have the one.

I've also been trying to curb the 'not now' thing too. I work full time & coming home to cook, clean, etc is so hectic. I've been trying to take at least half an hour out of the busy evening to get her outside (while it is nice enough to be outside & not sweat to death or freeze) & let her ride her tricycle or color with sidewalk chalk. Maybe that will help calm her on the weekends?? One can hope.

Megan said...

I can't believe you have six kids. I have five and I though i topped the list for the most. Please check out my site... I enjoyed your ebay listing.

Anonymous said...

I never watch network news, to depressing. But watched with anticipation last night. I checked their ratings for yesterday, and they were up 4% of share. Of course we all know why, wonder what the "Suits" attribute it to?!

Anonymous said...

Great post Dawn! Loved your advice at the end. From an old mom (my kids are both married) I can attest to the fact that you'll never regret taking the time to have fun and play with your kids. The regrets come from the too many times that we are too busy for them. Sorry you weren't on TV last night, but there was a great story about a soldier with severe burns. At least you got many of us to watch!

Anonymous said...

Murphy's First Law of Babies - they will always poop when you don't have a diaper handy! Sorry you had to cut your library outing short, though.

Anonymous said...

Seems like even the most seasoned parent forgets the necessities once in awhile. I have three kids, 5, 4 and 7 months so have had a taste of freedom from the diaper bag, only to have to reboot my memory. Our baby was born with a heart defect and the small town we live in had a benefit to help us with the medical expenses (gotta LOVE small towns). I was nursing at the time, but have a HUGE fear of public nursing, so had pumped an ample supply of milk to take with us to the benefit. I had seen a bottle resting in the baby carrier, so thought all was well. We arrived and after a bit the baby began to fuss. I looked for the bottle I had seen and couldn't find it. I then asked my husband what he had done with it. He gave me the "what are you talking about" look and it was then that I realized we had plenty of milk, several bottles, but the only nipples were attached to me! I quietly took the guest of honor out to the suburban to nurse and then promptly sent my husband after some unattached ones once we were done.

I'll save the story of my son and his "volcanic eruption" for another day!

Karen said...

Ha! Same thing happened to me today. I was in a meeting with the littlest one and an eye watering aroma permeated the room. No diaper bag. The meeting just started. I apologized and we all held our hands over our noses for quite a while. It was so, so bad.

Anonymous said...

Ok sitting here crying.. I know your thinking why you crying? Over no diapers... No...
Our lives have been so crazy oh like the last year... With a new baby and my DH and I trying to grow our business. But this blog so hit me.. You move in FF all the time always to think there is tomorrow with your kids, tomorrow comes and goes with thoughts of the next day. The next thing you know your kids are grown and they don't want to play... My kids range from 15 to 1. I'm not sure where the time has gone, but I do know I need to have more "play times" instead of "next times"!
So did we miss you or where you not on again... I didn't make it home last night till after the news.. I hope I didn't miss it!!!

Kelly said...

I know a lady who carries a diaper bag for each child who needs one. She has 4 and only one doesn't need diapers. No joke. All I carry now a days is a diaper in my PURSE!! No more diaper bags for us! Be looking for you on the news!

Anonymous said...

You did, of course, actually let the little ones play in the park, yes??? Very important tip, always keep your promises. Sorry, I don't mean to be preachy, but I did that, and my huband did that, to our three kids, and now...well...lets not go into the details, ok?

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I, in HIGH SCHOOL! was also feeling the weirdness on Wednesday! Me! WHo hates wednesdays! I hate wednesdays like Garfield hates mondays! And I too was feeling extremely hyper. I'm personally blaming the full moon. I've yet to find out if it actually WAS a full moon or not, LOL!


E.G. said...

I once had to 'make' a nappy (sorry, diaper! London calling...) out of a long-sleeved vest and some sticky tape. Resourceful or what? Why I had a vest and some tape on me instead of a nappy I couldn't tell you.

Emily's Blog said...

Your hysterical Pokemon ebay listing led me to your blog. Whee!

ange said...

Your glove box is a good place to hide a diaper in for that accident time. Even if they are 2 sizes too small when you need them, you can sure squeeze in a little bummy for a while :)
ange from TX

Amanda said...

man that always happenes doesn't it?

Bettie Creech said...

My children are all grown. My daughter, Amy, has 2 girls and one is still in diapers. It is a blessing to read your daily blogs. I have laughed and laughed. It is all so true and everyone goes through the same things.

God is good, all the time.


catie said...

My brother once went to a college party and stood in the middle of the room crying until someone handed him a beer. Worked, too. Hmmm.

As for the diapers, I think I may even still have one or two in my car, even though my kids have been out of them for a couple of years now. Never underestimate the power of an unclean vehicle.

ComedyChef said...

Hope you'll be on TV soon so we can see you. When my five year old was in diapers, I used to leave a plastic baggie full of extra diapers and an extra set of clothes in one of those cube mesh containers from the Container store in the trunk of my car at all times. That really helped. In case of emergency, I could always make a quick change on the inside of the trunk of my spacious SUV. Also kept some plastic baggies on hand for the soiled diapers.

Anonymous said...

My graddaughter told her mom, "if the library is free, how come we always have to pay"
I totally understand your reasoning, it would be cheaper for me to just buy the books in the first place, I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
I love your blog.

Anonymous said...

I just have to weigh in on the no diaper bag phenomenon. I have had nearly every experience listed here but the funniest one actually happened to my ex-husband. I'm pretty sure he is oppositional - defiant because no matter what i say he does the opposite so when he took our five year old with down syndrome (still in pull ups) for a "walk around the block" I reminded him to take the diaper bag. He likes to pull her in the wagon so off they went. Probably an hour later they weren't back (our block isn't that long). I called his cell phone and asked where they were. he was silent for a minute and then said "I have never been so humiliated in my life". Seems he had taken her NOT around the block but to a park over a mile away and he DID NOT take the diaper bag. He had her on his shoulders watching a baseball game and when he went to take her guessed it, poop everywhere. he slowly backed up away from all the people and took her to a drinking fountain, took off his shirt and used what he could to clean himself up, put her back in the wagon STILL in her poopie diaper and proceeded to walk home shirtless (had to throw it away). When I called his cell phone he was walking through the middle of the college campus in my neighborhood, as he said "with my farmer tan 45 year old flabby self" and was dying of humiliation. I have NEVER laughed so hard and I stood outside with my camera and waited until he walked into view. He still mostly doesn't listen to me, but he DOES take the diaper bag:-).

Had to share, love your blog Dawn. Hope to see you on national t.v. soon

Anonymous said...

I guess it was just the day today or something. My 4yo was going nuts all day. We were even in a museum and she was throwing knock out, legs kicking, screaming at the top of her lungs tantrum. Not just once...oh no not even twice..but 4 times!!! The fourth one was the one that I said for-get-it and then walked out with her screaming into the parking garage. Nothing like a million eyes on you walking in the parking garage with a screaming 4yo.

On the diaper thing. Yup done that too. It ONLY happens when you don't bring a diaper. I'm convinced. I have run out of the house for a "quick" trip to the store/library/doctor etc and a few minutes after walking in to our destination the diaper fills up. But if you have the diapers with you it never happens. Each time it happens I say that I am going to keep an extra one in the van just in case...but never have lol.

Kristin said...

I hear you on all counts! My twins have been potty trained (such as it is) for the past 4 months, and are actually doing really well. Except for this week, that is. For the past two days, I've taken them to a playground. Once for a reward after letting me do my errands, the other for a playdate. Don't you know, they both decide they have to poop. By the way, I'm sure you've noticed that it's a rare playground that actually has a bathroom. Luckily I had a stash of plastic grocery bags and wipes in the car (my husband's only rule - always have wipes - sure paid off). Of course, trying to get a 3 1/2 year old boy aim his poop into a plastic sack is not picnic....

nutralady2001 said...

I swear it takes me half the morning to get through your blogs and all the comments..yes I read them all, I'm allowed to I've retired (not from motherhood you never retire from that no matter how old they are ) but retired from "work" work

The reasons I take too long are

1 I have to recover from hysterical laughter not only from your blog but all the comments and

2 I just have to go to all the links both blog and Youtube

Oh and to all you mums who have gone out and left their babies sitting at home in the baby capsule?

When I was about 2-3 my parents went to the movies one night with me in village movie shown at the hall, very inocuous movie (we ARE talking about the ealry 1950's) They put me to sleep on the floor in front of them (took blanket and pillow gotta love country villages).When the movie finished they got up and left...and yes they left me behind!!!

Not sure how long it took for them to realize it but Mum was brave enough to tell me about it when I was grown up...she's gone now as is my Dad...and I am here to tell you it didn't do me any lasting damage

Oh and I am avoiding the town library too I am sure I am banned because my books are so overdue it isn't funny as are 3 DVDs.Oh well I watch the DVDs again over the weekend and sneak into the library Monday and put the books down the shute

You aren't allowed to do that with the DVDs have to hand them in over the counter so I'll just push them across to the nearest librarian and run like heck!!

Anonymous said...

I have extra diapers and baby wipes in the van, and usually extra clothes, snacks and a few toys for the littlest 3. Unless hubby cleans it out for me. It great that he takes the time to take out all the trash and vacuum it or have the kids do it. It would really be nice if he put all the stuff I keep in there back in when the van is cleanish.

Anonymous said...

I realize everyone is trying to be helpful with all of the "keep an extra diaper in your car" advice. BUT don't ya think that someone with 6 kids, and 12 years of diapers, already knows this. What we know and what we do are usually very different beasts. That is what makes it funny.

Anonymous said...

This weekend I had the pleasure of watching my three nieces and nephews along with my two. My kids are 5 and 3 and my nieces and nephews are 6, 5 and 4. I thought of you several times through the day. I made it through which was a miracle. Just wanted to tell you thank you for your blogs they make me laugh everyday and it also reminds me that my family is "normal" if that is what you want to call it.

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