Saturday, October 27, 2007

SeaWorld Update

Check out what's going on so far on Dawn's trip at!


Rick said...

It worked. I went and checked out Mamaslike and I'm not even a mama. But I do know a few that I like. Hey, I even considered buying tuffet!

Lucille said...

Thanks for giving us something! It's been a LONG few days without ya! Hope you are having a BLAST!


Unknown said...

Ok, I am not a mom yet (my daughter is waiting in China for me) but I adore your blog!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to Dawn's site - what a great idea she's got started there. I've already a product in mind that I haven't seen around lately but would love to source as gifts - I bet Dawn would know!

Unknown said...

Sounds like you're having a blast with the fam at Sea World. Hope the weather is good, although the forecast was dim, and you all survive the vacation in one piece.

Anonymous said...

Love this blog, especially all of the pictures you use! Nice to see you're branching out, hope you have a great trip!

Anonymous said...

Ive been following your blog for awhile now, and ive enjoyed so far.
im happy that you have been branching out (and hopefully making $$$) i find myself coming back here less and less.

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous blog! Love your writing...

girlymom said...

Glad to see you are having a good time. It's always great to reconnect with good friends!

All moments remembered said...

Man it has been forever that you have been away!! :) Sure sounds like a whole lot of fun though. Look forward to all the pics and stories!!

Lucille said...

Ummmmm I hope you are OK. Is there an on-line support group for Dawn junkies? I need MY FIX!


Maggie said...

Hey Dawn! I hope you're having a great time! I've left you a treat at my blog! Come see!!

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