Thursday, May 17, 2012

25 Random Facts About Dawn - Part 2

I know you were all enthralled with my first edition of random facts about myself. I'm sure you've all been on the edges of your seats, waiting for the second installment. Okay, okay, it's late, I'm tired, and I have nothing else to write about except how burned out I am and how ready I am for school to be out. And I guarantee, reading about my frustration with my students wouldn't be entertaining for anyone! I suppose I could write about how I went back and gave Bikram yoga another chance, but it was still as hellish as the first time. In fact, this time I realized the studio was sandwiched between a Pizza Hut and a Subway which is just ironically evil. So instead, here are the last 10 ordinary mesmerizing facts about me.



Mark said...

Hi Dawn! You most likely are getting bored and tired from hearing how TALENTED you are..and how damn PRETTY!
So..why not write a handy-dandy PAMPHLET about HOW you managed your recent WEIGHT LOSS. Charge TWO BUX..and self-publish!
(maybe HIGHLIGHT your PAYPAL button!!)
Just sayin'

scarlettxgrace said...

This is just a random comment, but I love the cake u made with sushi!!! I love sushi and I love cake! Haha great job on it! At first I thought it was just a picture of a plate of sushi!

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