"Wow! That looks great, Brooklyn."

"It's Cheerios and pretzels and cheese and marshmallows! And it's healthy, Mama! Well, the marshmallows aren't healthy, but the rest of it is."
"Why did Clay put marshmallows in your breakfast trail mix, Brooklyn?"
"Because I wanted them!" Duh
Yeah, this is the same kid who screamed and cried for cotton candy at 11:00 last night at a festival. I told her there was no way I was getting her spun sugar at 11:00 when she never even ate dinner. "It's time to go home and get your butt to bed, Little Girl!"
But she continued to wail until my friend's husband took pity on her, scooped her up, and carried her off to get her some cotton candy. Ugh. This was right after another guy offered to buy her ice cream. How does she do it? She can wrap any man she meets around her finger! Hmmm, maybe I should take lessons from her...
Maybe it would work if you wore pink cowboy boots and a tutu? LOL
I think it's a little girl thing. Mine both have my hubs wrapped tightly around their littlest toe. :o)
People should honor Mom's decision. If Mom says "No" then that's that.
Hey Dawn-- I've been absent from Blogger for a few months, so I haven't checked ny favorite blog in while nudge nudge wink wink. So I'm scrolling, then I see that you're by yourself in that family group collage on your sidebar... so I looked up JOE on the search bar... I am so sorry. I just found out. I hope the kids are well, but most importantly, I'm praying for you that everything is well... there are so many people who admire you and love to read your blog, don't forget! Again, I'm sorry, and I'm praying for the Meehan family.
Huh. My 4 1/2 year old threw a tantrum over cotton candy yesterday, too. She didn't fare as well as Brooklyn, though. She got to take a nap, and was not allowed to have cotton candy for a couple days after hitting, kicking and screaming at Mommy.
I'm not criticizing you, though. Fits at home and fits in public sometimes get handled differently. :0)
Or keep her under lock & key! :)
My lovely little 5 year old made me breakfast all by herself the other day. Nothing like Captain crunch with toast on top seasoned with a little sesame seed and oregano mixture! I told her politely that Mommy really doesn't like breakfast, but that she was the sweetest little girl in the world for working so hard!
So cute--that he made her breakfast, I mean! My guess is that she didn't go to sleep very well after the cotton candy?!
She is pretty like her Mama! :)
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