Oops, sorry, I got distracted there for a minute. As I was saying - look at him! What's not to like, right? Aside from all those muscles, he's kinda cute because here he is this big, muscley guy and he plays these funny, goofy roles in kid movies. I mean, he asked if his pink tutu made his butt look big. It takes a confident guy to do that. Anyway, I know I had a point here somewhere. Oh yeah! I'm mad at Dwayne Johnson because of The Tooth Fairy movie.
Or maybe I should be mad at Billy Crystal. Hmmm, I think I'll be mad at both of them. This is why...
Billy Crystal: Amnesia dust
Dwayne Johnson: Yeah right. Come on!
Billy Crystal: That's how it works.
Dwayne Johnson: That's how what works?
Billy Crystal: Amnesia dust
Dwayne Johnson: Yeah right. Come on!
Billy Crystal: That's how it works.
Dwayne Johnson: That's how what works?
Billy Crystal: Amnesia dust
Dwayne Johnson: Yeah right. Come on!
Billy Crystal: That's how it works.
Dwayne Johnson: That's how what works?
Billy Crystal: Ahhh, never gets old.
"Look Mom! Amnesia dust!" said Clay at Austin's baseball game while everyone around us started coughing and sputtering as dust floated down, coating everything with a filmy layer of nastiness. Yeah, that never gets old.
Ha ha ha!!!
LOL!! I took my kids to the movie not really caring what it was about-I mean The Rock in a tutu? Had to see it!! The man is extremely good looking and pulls off the goofy parts in kids movies very well!
Well, I think it's funny!! Clay is a cutie, always thinking!!
We saw this last week (or most of it at an outdoor viewing till the bugs drove us inside). Loved the amnesia dust.
My problem with Redbox yesterday was that the stupid machine was full and not accepting returns.
Call or email redbox and explain that the machine is down. They will give you a confirmation code. Write it down and slip it inside the dvd holder. There should be a drop box on the back of the machine where you can deposit the movies.
LOL... thanks for the transcript - it was the perfect punch for the picture :)
(And how bad is it when us moms grab the camera and ask a kid to repeat their offense for bloggy posterity? :)
Saying "hi" - longtime follower from waaaay back :)
too bad Clay's amnesia dust was ineffective. If it had worked no one would've cared about the filmy layer of nastiness. :-)
I'm sorry but Clay just cracks me up. Love the amnesia dust thing, course I wasn't there but still it's hilarious!!!
Wow looks like fun, just to bad it didn't work...cause then you woundn't be mad at any one.
Being what it was, I'm surprised any of you remembered he did it!
- nicki xo
p.s. i just started reading your blog, and i loveee!
LMAO too funny!
I had the same problem when came to admiring his muscles, very distracting!!!
Oh, Love Duane Johnson too!! Okay. . . and his muscles! Both my DS and I enjoyed several watchings of The Tooth Fairy. Thankfully my DS hasn't tried making his own Amnesia dust!! Ha! But just LOVES that line about "does this make my butt look big?" Haha! Love Julie Andrews in this movie too!
Is it wrong that I think Billy Crystal is cuter than D.J.? Probably.
Thanks for the laugh! LOL We saw it too and our kids loved it! I'm new to the blogging world, but glad I stumbled across your blog, it truelly makes me smile! Have a great evening!
I'm sure you'd like to forget it! Don't tell your kids though or you may find yourself covered in dust! Cute.
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