This is according to Mimi... "As far as I know, Coleman was airlifted on Christmas day to the hospital and things didn't look good. He was unable to swallow or talk. Caden joined them yesterday."
If you've been following Coleman's carepages, I'm sure you're as heartbroken as I am. If you haven't been following and don't know Coleman, he and his twin brother Caden are the sweetest little 5 year boys! Coleman's been battling brain cancer since he was 2 1/2 years old. Their mom, Peggy updates Coleman's carepages and she has a terrific sense of humor and a huge faith.
You can leave Peggy and Scott messages of encouragement on Coleman's carepages. Sign in at carepages.com. Colemanscott is the name of his page.
You can take a minute to light a virtual candle for Coleman HERE - group CSL.
You can send the Larsons and especially Coleman's twin brother, Caden, cards here...
Team Larson
Box 251
Callender, Iowa 50523

Thank you.
Praying for sweet Coleman and the Larson family.
So sorry to hear of Coleman taking a turn for the worse on Christmas Eve. Thanks for sharing with us - I've left a message of support, lit a candle and PRAYED.
I have been following Coleman as much as possible and am heartbroken to hear of Colemans turn for the worse. Prayers are being said.
Thank you for posting about Coleman. I have been following him since you or Mimi referred to him months ago. He and Caden are both so precious. My heart has been very heavy since that last post of Peggy's. I am praying for a miracle.
Have a good Sunday.
Sherry Stout
Thank you Dawn for updating. I am a Cman follower and I am so sad. I just can't stand the thought of him being so ill. I pray the God of healing can touch his body and heal him.
Lot os prayers,
Vicki in GA
Dawn, I have had family in my house for the last 5 days due to Christmas...and yesterday was my daughter's birthday. This morning I got rid of most of the people here, and started cleaning. I started with cleaning out my couch because i was initially looking for something. As I was cleaning, I thought of your post of when you were cleaning out your pocketbook. This is what I found in my couch.
1 half load of white laundry, I have now found all of the socks I thought the washer ate.
16 pens, pencils and markers.
1 sharpie.
$1.46 in change.
1/2 grocery bag full of pure trash.
12 pony tail holders.
1 remote control.
The sad thing about this is, I only have 2 kids. Have you cleaned out your couch lately, lol?
I've been praying for healing for this little guy for the last year I've followed them online.
And was heartbroken to read Mimi's post on Christmas Eve. Our family spent Christmas morning with tears streaming down our faces praying for C-Man and his family.
Thank you so much for updating. And for continuing to pray for this brave little guy.
Even though pediatric oncology is what I do for a living and one would think I'd be immune to it all, it still just breaks my heart whenever I see a little bald head (which I happen to think are very cute, btw). It's because I know exactly what the family is going through and how overwhelmingly frightening and powerless the experience is. I am praying for this family. The days ahead will be hard for them, and I hope they are able to have a little bit of peace with them as they navigate through it.
I'll pray for the whole family.
I will take a look at their page. Sending many good vibes Coleman's way. I've been through this myself, with my son (neuroblastoma), so I know what they must be going through.
I hadn't known about Coleman (I've just recently "found" your blog), but I do have a friend whose 3 1/2 year old daughter is also fighting cancer. My heart breaks for Coleman's family. I will definitely be lifting this little boy and his entire family up in prayer!!!
Oh I will be praying!
Dawn, thanks for updating, I've been wondering. I found the Larsons through your blog many months ago and have been so moved and touched by their story and Peggy's writing. They are the bravest, strongest family I've ever (not) met and I think about them DAILY. They have changed the way I look at my own kids and think about how the "little things" don't matter....you just NEVER know what's around the corner. I'm so thankful that my kids are healthy for now....I just don't know where that woman finds her strength and her faith. I'm so darn mad at God for her right now....this family (and many others, I know) need a BREAK. She never even slightly wavers in her faith and for that she is positively the strongest woman I've ever encountered. They are such good people, Coleman and Caden are such GOOD CARING young boys.....this story truly breaks my heart. Please keep updating if you have news. I know Peg's probably awfully busy, but there are many of us praying and keeping them in our thoughts.
I just lit a cancle for Coleman and said a prayer to God to allow Coleman to be healed and allow me to have a sprained ankle for a lot longer. I can live with my ankle as long as I know Coleman will be alright. Please keep us posted.
My heart breaks a little more every time I think of them. I'm praying hard & won't ever stop because Team Larson nevah divs up!!!
O. Papa, my heart is breaking for the suffering of your little lamb, Coleman. His illness seems to be winning at the moment and everything in me screams "NO, you don't get to win! NOT THIS TIME!" I know Your heart, Lord, even though I do not fully understand how these things work. In Deuteronomy 30 You challenge Your people to choose between life and death, blessings and curses. Papa, I choose life as I stand up for Coleman. In the mighty name and blood-bought power of Your Son Jesus, I pray for complete healing for this child and his family, physically, mentally, psychologically, emotionally. I speak to the cancer in his brain and command it to look at You, Father, the God of the universe and give up its ground and flee in Jesus' name and by Whose authority I pray! I am believing You will accomplish this and ask that You forgive me my unbelief. I thank You and praise You for Your great and awesome and loving grace and merciful healing power on Coleman's behalf. Let it be done according to Your will. Amen!
Praying BIG!
Coleman died today january 6th 2009.
he is loved and dearly missed by everyone.
he touched people that didn't even know him.
we love you baby, rest in peace.<3
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