Monday, December 1, 2008

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

After Thanksgiving, my friends all sent out these pictures of their families lovingly gathered around a table set with coordinating flowers, candles and table runners; piled high with steaming food. These are the pictures I took on Thanksgiving.

Yep, it's a barrel of monkeys fun with my family.

Yeah, yeah, it looks kinda pretty when it's still white and it's on the trees. I still hate winter though.

Miss Brooklyn

Mr. Clayton (these pictures were taken from the comfort of my warm kitchen. No way was I setting foot out in that stuff!)

Here is Austin's latest creation. Cool, huh?

This is what we found in Jackson's room. Let's take a closer look, shall we...

Yep, it's a doggy bag of scrambled eggs and French toast left over from when he went to breakfast with my sister, bil and nephew Friday morning. I considered leaving it in his room to see how long it would take him to notice it and throw it out, but then my senses returned.

Check out my review blog HERE for fire safety tips and a chance to win $100 fire safety kit including a smoke alarm, CO detector and fire extinguisher.

And stay tuned to Because I Said So tomorrow when we'll feature Austin's essay on lying, "Lying is Bad".


Rick said...

Austin has got it. It is a very good piece. I mean it. I'm not lying - said in anticipation of the soon to come thesis on lying.

Unknown said...

Austin did a fantastic job with his drawing. He really has skills when it comes to perspective. :D

Feisty Irish Wench said...

So, what's up with the potholder on the head thing? Is that some kind of nod to the Amish?

And holy crapitoly Austin is an awesome artist!

As for Jackson's leftovers...was it SUPPOSED to be a science experiment?

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn,
Long time reader, first time commenter here. Who made the dish clothes your family is wearing? I've made many myself but never considered them as headwear.

Michelle said...

I'm debating whether tomorrow's post is just a blank page. I really can't decide one way or the other.

And ummm, I chose not to take the camera with me at ALL, Dawn. No happy families blah blah for us, although my mom did get out the matching china.

LOVE Austin's artwork. It made me dizzy at first, but in a good way.

Anonymous said...

Are those potholders on everyone's heads?! I just know there's a good story behind these pics! LOL

Julie H said...

Well that looks more fun than some stuffy dinner party!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm not sure if I should feel bad for you or jealous of you but we're STILL wearing shorts and tank tops in So. Cal. It was so hot today. I'm really starting to get annoyed that it's NOT Winter weather yet. My 4 year old asked to go snowboarding with me today. That was funny. I'm like uh, you need snow for that. I'll just send him to Chicago to stay with you!

Jessica said...

i wish i could draw that good...

Amy Lynn said...

I just have to say in that picture of Brooklyn, I had to take a double take... it sorta looks like she has a gigantic mutant ear... lol, then I realized it was Clayton's face... haha... Love your posts! :D

Anonymous said...

Austin has real talent. I see he's been introduced to Dali's work. I think he would enjoy looking at some of M.C. Escher's work: Sky and Water I, Relativity, Bond of Union, Drawing Hands and Waterfall 1961 for starters. Austin has that same flambouyance in his work. There are several good sites that come up when you Google "M.C. Escher art", and any of the titles I've mentioned. Austin has real talent and great instincts. All he needs is to see what others have done with their imaginations and talent and begin to cultivate his own style. Can't wait to see his essay, since art is 90% communication and 10 application. Talent is overflowing in the Meehan household.
As for how Brooklyn is portrayed in the artwork - she's 2. Isn't that a sufficient explanation?!

Shellie said...

I can't wait to read the essay. I feel the same way about lying.

Anonymous said...

Is snow really that awful? I'll be 33 in February and I've never seen the white stuff. Only in pictures. And at Sea World, in the Wild Arctic area... But I don't think that counts. If I just visit it, does that make it better than living in it?

Anonymous said...

Dawn, here's a song you have to see, and pass on to your readers. I had a good laugh, and thought of you, esp. at ending. This woman is talented and funny! Please take a minute to enjoy! Laura G.

Anonymous said...

STUNNING pic of Brooklyn outside in the snow.. Thats definitely a keeper.. She looks so happy.. I cant believe you took that while you were inside. lol!! Its great.. And Austin's drawing is amazing!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Austin has some talent. He could have a super fun, well paying job when he gets older if he keeps it up. I'm extremely impressed!

Unknown said...

ok these pics made me giggle

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn, My son is 12 and really liked Austin's artwork! He used it as our desktop picture. He also can draw really well. Now about the potholder hats...I know there is a story behind it and all I can imagine is pot heads? Kristine in Michigan.

mommytoalot said...

Love the snow pictures. Sure wish we had some snow for the kids to play in.
Wow...your son's drawing is fantastic!

Andi said...

yeah, try living with a hubby who loves snow and driving in it. Makes me sick! We argue more in the winter just because of the weather. I knew I liked the white stuff years ago, I have pics to prove it. Won't touch it anymore. Too cold and wet.

Austins drawing is awesome! I wish I had drawing talent.

Can't wait for the lying essay. I am making my 13 yr old read it.

Chris B. said...

Love the artwork. I'd like to be the first to own an original Austin Meehan!

Thank God I live in Houston and don't have to deal with snow! Although, Ms. Broolyn and Mr. Clayton look to be enjoying it thoroughly.

Anonymous said...

I love Austin's drawing. And as for Jackson's room reminds me of my brothers when we were young there was always a horrid smell of something rotting coming from his room for as long as I can remember.

Summer just started here in Australia so that snow looks great to me :D

Vicki said...

Austin's art is fab! He really does have talent.

So who made the dishrags? I love to knit those. They are the best at cleaning anything! Oh and they last forever!!!!!

Looking forward to reading the essay.....

Vicki W. in GA

MaBunny said...

Looks like you had alot of fun! Are those pot holders on all their heads? Yeah the white stuff is pretty till it turns gray and slushy on the side of the road.

On Stage said...

What with the poholder on the heads? Is that a Greek drinking game? LOL

Our Thanksgiving was spent traveling in the car FOREVER to my sister-in-law's house. Once we arrived (late), we realized it wasn't Thanksgiving we were celebrating, but a convention of the Bumpus hounds. It turned out that everyone brough their dog. The 2 largest greyhounds spent the evening counter surfing for "treats" and the smallest dog did the "humpty dumpty" on anything it could mount- mainly my two kids who thought the dog was hugging them! Let's hear it for family gatherings!! Whoo Hooo!

The Cohen's said...

Austin's art work is GREAT!!!! I'm really liking it! ;) What talent all your kiddos have. :)

Anonymous said...

Holy cow, Austin is good. I clicked on the picture to get a better look and . . . did he do that with PENCIL CRAYONS?! What patience. Course, I suppose if you have no TV to watch or video games to play . . . :)

I`m curious, you mentioned before that he draws from one side to the other, does he do that with a picture like this? I mean, most artists would HAVE to start in the center to get the perspective right so I`m curious as to how he did that.

Anonymous said...

*LOL* I foudn one that had been in my daughters room for about a month. nice and moldy her excuse wa that she was doing a science experiement. NIIIIIICE! only 7 and can outsmart me. I know better. shesh. I was her age once. *G*
Our thanksgiving looked much like yours. lots of goofballs around here. ;)

kimbalaya said...

Austin may very well be the next MC Escher! Great job!

Keeley said...

Uhm. Austen is an artistic genius.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn,

I must say, I like your family. I especially like your hats. Where can I get one? he he....

Question for you: (or rather for Austin) Has Austin taken any art classes? Do you possess the same amazing artistic skills as Austin? Excellent work, Austin. You rock.

So, with all that snow, who gets the privilege of shoveling it off your walkway, your driveway, your porch, your car....?

Good call on the egg removal from Clay's room. I fear that I might be able to smell it all the way from Texas if you followed through with your "experiment".

~Lisa K., Dallas, Texas

Dawn said...

Hey Dawn,

Austin has the gift. My oldest daughter does also-been noticed by others since age 3. Fortunately, she chose a line of art that could actually support her. She's studying graphic design in college. It's hard to make a living in fine art.

dawn in michigan

Anonymous said...

Love the artwork - can't wait for the essay!

Anonymous said...

Austin's work is fantastic. I don't really know the rules about ebay, but I bet he could sell some if he wanted to. I'd be willing to be that many of your readers would be interested. Perhaps Austin might like to choose a charity and auction off some of his artwork for a charitable cause. I certainly would be intersted in having an Austin Meehan original from the early years if he decides to pursue this and become a famous artist. I bet he could also sell things on Thanks for sharing that with us.

Anonymous said...

i like pie


Dawn said...

Very funny Austin! Now get off the computer and do your homework.


Abby said...

Is Jackson at the age where he would have eaten it anyways?? Or does that stage only hit with the teenage years?

(And what is with boys and the "I like pie" thing????? I thought it was only a MA thing, but apparently it's spread?)

Anonymous said...

But those are the best pictures! Who wants to see the food? We have tons of pictures of food from Thanksgivings past...when we look at them, we are like, "How much butter DID we use? (The picture of 2 sticks of butter melting in a skillet). Food you will remember, Aunt Erma with a roll in her mouth is priceless!! OR Uncle Larry with rolls in his shirt like boobs! You just can't compete with THAT!!

mom_of2boys said...

Love the artwork and snow...the egg and French toast not so much!

Anonymous said...

Austin did am awesome job on that picture. He's going to be famous one day if not soon enough. :D I'm part of an online community called and I love it. He'd be noticed for sure there and you can set things for him that we won't see either which is a good thing, too. Anyway, great job, Austin on the essay. You handled it very well and wonderful wonderful artwork too. Oh, and the potholder hats.... a phase everyone seems to go through and yet, you're the one getting the pictures rofl. :P Btw, that 'doggybag' looks frightening. I wonder what he was planning on doing with it.... ;)

I also hope you get to feeling better. That snow looks great and I can imagine you out there with the kiddos making snow angels when you're well. :D Best wishes sweetie. :D

Patois42 said...

My Thanksgiving pictures would have included vomit, hot dogs, pizza and grilled cheese sandwich. And then vomit again.

I like your pictures way better.

Vanessa Rogers said...

We took pictures when my uncle had to climb up on the roof to unclog the kitchen drain ( I don't understand so don't ask me) and I would have taken a picture of the oven on fire had I been there- what a picture that would have been! So all in all, I love silly pictures of life as well.

Anonymous said...

Austin's drawing is awesome! He really has a grasp of lines, shading and the relationship of patterns. He's really talented!

Anonymous said...

Austin's work makes me very sad.
It makes me sad because a 14-year-old has a better grip on perspective than a 20-year-old who was a straight A+ student in art in highschool.
Of course I don't have to tell you to be proud of him ;)

Anonymous said...

At our thanksgiving, my 91-year-old grandma gave everyone knitted potholders (or dishcloths?) that look just like those! but we didn't put them on our heads. we are a very boring family. :)

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