Saturday, April 2, 2011


I've decided that this will be my first move AND my last move. Going through and packing up seven people's belongings is a lot of work! I am rocking on this packing thing though! I keep forgetting to take before and after pictures of each room so you can see the difference. I remembered to take pictures while working on the boys' room though.

This was the state of the boys' room yesterday. Warning: The following pictures are intended for mature audiences only. Some viewers may find the following scenes disturbing. This is not for the squeamish or faint of heart.

Tomorrow, I'll post the "after" pictures. You won't believe it's the same room! I still can't believe it!


4boyz4me said...

I'm impressed! You can actually tell the color of their carpet in the before pictures! It seems if I'm not in there on a daily basis within a week you can no longer walk in my boys' room without stepping on something and the carpet is something you can only imagine.

Kelley O said...

Did I miss something? I read you every day, and the last thing I heard about a move was that you weren't going to be able to sell your house because the economy sucks so badly. Now you're packing up for your first and last move. I'm so confused. Are you moving without selling your house? Or are you just packing and decluttering because it's SOOOOO much fun? (heavy sarcasm there, ya know)

Kelley O

Unknown said...

Ugh. That looks treacherous. I feel for you, and I feel for me, knowing tat I will be right there with you one day soon. Good luck!!

Meredith said...

You are making me feel better about MY boys' room - it looks worse if you can believe it! Take heart...

Nicki said...

This part is where I am thankful that when we move (military) they come in and do our packing. Granted, we do clean up before they pack, but still.... :)

Is it bad that after seeing the pictures it reminds me I need to have my boys clean their rooms? Because honestly, their rooms are sporting the same look. I admire your fortitude in getting all of this accomplished.

Kristy said...

First you were moving, then I thought you weren't moving because you owed more than the house was worth and now you are talking about moving again. Which is it?? Are you moving? Do you have any idea where?

Beth in MI said...

Why are you secretly lurking in my boys' rooms, taking pictures? I swear they look like that on a daily basis. Who can stand living like that?

Beth in MI

Heather said...

Good job on the Before and After.

Hopefully you'll update in Sunday Shout Out how come you're moving after all, when selling the house wasn't going to work financially. Are you just checking we're paying attention? ;)

Beth said...

I have girls. Only two of them. They never had to share a room. Their rooms looked much worse than your boys' room in the pictures. One of them I just gave up on and there was a tiny path from the door to the bed. It is strange to look in that room now cause it is a guest room and it is always clean.LOL

Pams Angle Of Repose said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one whose sons room looks like that.

Nicole said...

I Love it! This room looks better than my 8 year-old son's bedroom normally looks. I say normally because I spent an entire week picking up and cleaning it, so it doesn't look like that anymore. BTW, he doesn't share a room with any of his brothers.

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