Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Stars at Night - Are Big and Bright...

So, I'm here in Corpus Christi. I didn't even come close to missing my flight this time. I'm getting good at this travel stuff. ;)

When flying into Houston, I saw out the window what looked like my backyard. It looked like mounds of snow. Everywhere for as far as you could see - snow. However, it wasn't snow. It was clouds. Lots and lots of clouds. As Murphy would have it, I left a very bright sunshiny Chicago this morning to travel to the land of cloud-cover. Oh well, at least it's warm. Humid actually. My hair has grown to four times its regular size. I'm going to need a cowboy hat to contain it soon.

Actually I don't think we flew into Houston at all. I'm pretty sure we landed in Oklahoma and then we taxied to Dallas and then I walked through corridors until I got to Houston. Man, that airport is spread out!

Kelli met me at the airport and took me on a tour of Corpus Christi and drove me to the ocean!

a seagull

a pelican

the USS Lexington in the OCEAN!!!

A huge array of goodies from my most gracious hostess, Kelli

Just like in the fancy hotels!

OK, maybe it doesn't look so wonderful in this picture, but this was the fabulous dinner Kelli made. Mmmm thai stir fry with coconut milk, curry, pineapple, chicken, broccoli, peanuts...yum!

Cheesecake. Me likes Texas!

Oh yeah! I even got to stop at Sonic! I always see commercials for Sonic at home and it sounds so good. We don't have any in IL. Strawberry limeade! De-Lish!



Dawn said...

A question for your Sunday Sound Out: While the photo doesn't make the meal look appealing, the description certainly does...can you ask her for the recipe??


Anonymous said...

welcome to texas! too bad you couldn't stay in houston longer - it's the best part about texas. (i may be biased...). i apologize for our airports. i just hope you didnt come into hobby airport. eesh. but sonic pretty much makes up for that, i think.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to TX! You've got to try a Sonic strawberry slush too - they're awesome!

Anonymous said...

Dawn--you HAVE to have an extra long chili cheese coney from Sonic...I ate so many when I was pregnant, it's a wonder my kid's didn't look like them! YUMMMM!!!!!

Rick said...

Sonic!?! I can see that they're sparing no expense when it comes to wining and dining you in Texas. Come out our way and I'll treat you to a Big Mac at a little place called McDonald's. You ain't seen the like!

Kathi D said...

Oooooooooh, Sonic RULES!

That stirfry sounds good too. (Out of everything you talked about, I see I only comment on the food, hmmmmmm.)

mamabeck said...

You've got to get a breakfast taquito...mmmm....

And hit one of the Taquerias for me, too! My fave was #4 (I think) over near Lowe's.

Makes me miss Corpus...just a bit. ;)

Dahlia said...

We don't have sonics here either (WA), but I went to one on Arizona and it was soooooo yummy!

roseys madhouse said...

You know what I like most about you Dawn, the fact that you are on (lets call it a holiday, because any time away from the kids is a holiday lol) a trip and you still take the time to take photos of the sites you see to share with us. Thankyou
P.S I have never seen sucha brown pelican the ones here in Australia are all light grey and white?

Benjie said...

"Oh yeah! I even got to stop at Sonic! I always see commercials for Sonic at home and it sounds so good. We don't have any in IL."

Sorry, but we do have them in IL. There's one right down the road from us in Vandalia (the "original state capitol"). Perhaps Chicago is too far north.

Debbie @ Three Weddings said...

Do you think you can get that recipe for the curry dish? I love Thai and curry and it sounds wonderful.

I didn't realize Chicago doesn't have Sonic. Of course everytime we go there we are not eating Sonic. We want Gino's East or the hotdog place which I can never remember the name of.

Kim said...

Can't imagine not having Sonic! Yummo. Try the onion rings, hot fudge and peanut butter fudge sundae, and of course, you've already tried the drinks. I love a Cherry Coke with extra cherries. Have a great time!

Gianna said...

Ohh!! At sonic try the Bananna Cream Pie Shake!! YUMO!

JS said...

I am from a small town about 2 1/2 hrs north of Corpus. I really suggest that you try Whataburger and a Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper at Sonic!!!!

Heather said...

How fun!! I know when I went to Mississippi, in Gulfport, I was amazed that the seagulls were so brazen!! And I saw wild dolphins while fishing off a dock! It was great times! It sounds like you're having a fantabulous time!!!!


Colleen said...

As someone who lives on the GULF coast of Florida - Corpus Christi isn't on the ocean! It's on the Gulf of Mexico...and that's not the same. It's like calling a pond in your neighborhood Lake Huron :-)

Suburban Correspondent said...

I didn't even know Houston was near the ocean. I can't believe I'm allowed to homeschool my kids.

Unknown said...

Well I am sitting in Houston as always and it is pouring down rain. I hope Corpus is prettier. I cannot believe you went to Sonic. Sonic really? You need to go to Whataburger, they started in Corpus and you can only find them in the south. Enjoy your trip.

Melissa said...

OMG, Sonic! Have the Frito Pie - it is the best!! I love Sonic, we don't have them in Maine either, but I lived in Texas as a kid and whenever I visit I go to Sonic everyday. Frito Pie, don't forget to try it!

Anonymous said...

We have sonic in Springfield IL. Lucky us, it is on the way home from the pool....mmmmm milkshakes and fries!

kimikki said...

I've never seen the ocean (or mountains, for that matter), but we have seagulls (we call 'em "ocean ducks") and pelicans here in northern Minnesota.

Bekah said...

Oh Sonic! My parents live in Chicago but ever since I moved to the south they have to get their Sonic fix every time they come to visit! They see those commercials up there all the time too, I don't know why?! Hmmmm!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Texas, Dawn! I hope you get to enjoy a lot of Corups Christi while you are here. Someone should have warned you about the humidity! I forget because it isn't that bad in Austin, but Houston and Corpus definitely can make your hair, umm, interesting.

Hope you have a great time, eat some more great food, and take home some great memories! And next time, come visit me in Austin!

Anonymous said...

You should stop at Sonic. StrawberryLimeade is fab.

Anonymous said...

Actually, there are Sonic's in IL. I live in Vandalia which is right in the middle of the state and we have one here, and I know of a few others around here.

MaBunny said...

Glad you like our big ol'state Dawn!!
Corpus is truly pretty, but humid so near the ocean. Sorry you came on a rainy/stormy weekend, but at least theres no snow, unless you head to the panhandle.
Have a safe trip home


Anonymous said...

Sonic Happy Hour (half priced drinks)makes my day. You can get a route 44 drink for a dollar. Hope you have a splendid time in TX.

Laura Paxton said...

Oh, I am SO jealous! We were in the Corpus Christi area for 2 1/2 years...I MISS Texas!!!

Chelf said...

Am I the only one who thinks it is funny that the seagull appears to be balancing a rock on it's head?

I am in Oklahoma City, the home of Sonic Headquarters. We have tons of them. I am quite fond of the happy hour, that is how I got through the summer at my high school job. I got to make the Sonic run every day, and bring drinks for everyone... and I got to use Petty Cash!

Enjoy your Texas trip!

Anonymous said...

Oh My Gosh. You poor thing. Never been to a Sonic? I LOVE that place! Get a breakfast toaster sandwich - my fav!
Have a super time in Texas!

Anonymous said...

Watch out for the giant Texas-sized bugs! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hey, Chelf...

I'm thinking that's a buoy instead of a rock. Funny, but I'm partial to the Pelican sitting on the "throne." AHHHHHH...more bathroom humor...just what we need!


I HIGHLY recommend Sonic's onion rings! REAL rings of onion...none of that diced/compressed into rings crap like at Burger King.

Get a jar of Kraft Horseradish SAUCE...(it's a mayonnaise based sauce found in the condiments section of the grocery). Take home an order and eat it with the sauce...YUMMY to the TUMMY!

Hurry home safe and sound!

Nancy Binky

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to try looks so good in the commercials that we get here in CT, although there is no Sonic in the entire state, as far as I know (the closest ones are in NJ and PA). The same thing happened with Quzznos and Papa John's, and now they're slowly migrating into the area, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Hope you have a great trip! Eat tons of fabulous food (and not just the fast kind) for all of us!

hpalleiko said...

I love Indian and Thai food. That meal looks like something my whole family would eat. Any way you can get that recipe for Sunday? That cheesecake looks divine!

Miss Hannah said...

I can't believe you don't have a sonic! I would die without it! I love Happy Hour!! They have THE best slushee's!! Ahhh, yesss. I'm glad you're having a good time :) I'm sure all your kids miss you tho!! ;)

Grandmother Goddess of the Garden said...

Have deserve it!

Anonymous said...

Dawn, I think you just discovered the real reason cowboy hats are big in Texas (if your feet and ankles swell because of the humidity ... maybe that's where the boots come in? I'm still working that part out!)

I'm glad I'm not the only one who's confused by the Sonic commercials in Chicago. Some of them make me awfully jealous errr GLAD we don't have them here. But now that I know there is one in Vandalia, the next time I go to my SIL's lake house there, I may have to convince my husband to make a pit stop. Here's hoping I remember the favorites you've all mentioned!

Deb, the hot dog place you're trying to think of is, I assume, Portillo's. They do actually ship online with all the fixings. I've ordered them for friends who've moved out of state before and they taste pretty darn good, or so I've been told (the same website also sells Eli's and Gino's East).

Happy Saturday,

Karen Deborah said...

Your blog is really cute. The best blogs have drawings by Rick, uhmnnn think I'll do something about that. but Sonic? If you aren't in a hurry for fast food, try some authentic Mexican chow like at Mamasita's. Their fajitas are awesome.

Angie said...

Actually, there are Sonics in IL. We have one in Urbana-Champaign.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dawn!
We do have Sonics in Illinois. They're all just south of I-70 I think! You just need to visit this area more often. There is one in Centralia and one in Mt. Vernon.

Meg said...

We just got a Sonic in Pekin, IL last September, and it is YUM-O!! I love their tater-tots (among other things). I was also unaware there were any Sonics in IL until they built one in our town. I couldn't have been happier. :)

Unknown said...

Welcome to Texas. I hope you enjoy your stay. My opinion on sonic - must try the strawberry limeaid. It doesn't get better than that.
Humidity, ugh. You need scuba gear to breath down here.

Brenda said...

What a fabulous hostess! I'm glad you had so much fun.

Heike said...

What a holiday! The ocean is the place to be....

Kristin said...

Sounds like fun. I grew up in TX (Dallas) and miss Sonic! Really I miss the Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper with the great ice. I can't find ice like that anywhere else. lol
Enjoy TX, and as they say, "y'all come back now, ya hear". :-)

Anonymous said...

Corpus Christie is so cool. My brother lived in San Antonio Texas back in the mid 90's. One Easter my Mom and I went to visit them. They took us on a day trip to Corpus Christie. We also went on the U.S.S. Lexington. I couldn't believe the airplanes on it. It was huge and probably something I would never see again. We then went to Port Aransas. It was amazing. They had a long beach as far as you could see. I picked up lots and lots of shells from there. If you get a chance to check it out it is well worth it.

Have a safe trip.

Anonymous said...

Dawn as previous people have stated, there are Sonics in IL. Perhaps you are too far North. I live in Il. in Wood River (St. Louis Vicinity) and we have two Sonics within 20 mins. of each other.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I want to go to Texas too...and can I stay at her house??

CathyFromKaty said...

Darlin', that's not the "OCEAN", that's the GULF. And you're in Texas, of course your hair is gettin' big!

Unknown said...

Welcome to our little state. After you are done raving about Sonic try some real Texas BBQ, I don't know corpus enough to tell you where but if you come up the coast then up 45 back into Houston (which would be a silly way to go but hey you're a little silly sometimes) try Red River BBQ off 517. It's the best! (No I don't work there, but call me and I will be there!)
Oh and the hair thing a cowboy hat doesn't really work, it's all about the ponytail. Also if you ever wondered why we southern women like our big hair, well now you know not really a choice at least not in Houston!

Anonymous said...

You flew into Houston and drove to Corpus?

Oh BTW by the sound of it, your aiport is IAH which is a NIGHTMARE! I prefer Hobby anytime.

Houston and Corpus are along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. No its not the ocean, but close enough. Geez!

Enjoy Texas!
Native Houstonian

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

Welcome to Texas!! We're getting some pretty stormy weather here in the Houston/Galveston area tonight - hope it's not so bad down there in Corpus! Yes, you must try a Whataburger if you're there, and a Dr. Pepper from anywhere! Both Texas treasures. Eat some good Mexican food, too. It's only good in Texas, I promise. And you can call the Gulf the ocean if you like - we all do! Enjoy your stay! Next time you're in the Houston area I can give you some tourist tips!

Anonymous said...

Dawn, this is a satanic thing to say because I am a very healthy eater....but Sonic is awesome and I cant imagine life without one. I will never, just for you, take Sonic for granted again. I named a dog after it once. You must try the Reese's blast, the Cranberry slush, the corn dog, the blt, and my little ones love the popcorn chicken.

melissious said...

Oh. My. Gosh. I LOVE Sonic. We don't have any in MD, but my husband is from Dallas, and I'd literally fly there to go to Sonic. It's all grape slushi for me, though! I think the closest Sonic to me is in PA... and I often consider driving there to get my fix.
Thanks for the reminder of my Sonic addiction.

Anonymous said...

Oh man. You come to the Houston area and, to the best of my knowledge, it's been raining in my town ALL DAY. Talk about timing!

Congrats on experiencing Sonic. All of the recommendations you've been given are good ones (They also do great flavored teas, awesome cherry limeade, faaaabulous vanilla cokes...). Jack in the Box is another true to Texas fast food joint, but it is in no way in Sonic's league.

If you have a chance to go to the grocery store and want to take a little bit of Texas back with you, buy some Pace Picante sauce. If you guys don't do hot, choose the mild. There's nothing like a stack of chips and a big bowl of picante sauce. (Hmmm... And I would be out right now, wouldn't I?)

Welcome to Texas!

Tammy C

nomi said...

oh, yummmmmm! I want that cake!

Anonymous said...

ok Dawn...It looks like you need to get out of the "State of Chicago" more and travel south of I-80. Springfield has at least 2 Sonics with one more on the way. Gees, we love our Sonics!!!!

Lucille said...

I hope you get some time to enjoy your ME TIME! Hopefully you don't fly home on Sunday - weather looks bad again for us!

Be safe!

Josephine Milkweed said...

I'm glad you said that about Sonic because I see those ads too, in the western IL burbs, but no Sonics. I thought I was going loopy.

debi9kids said...

OH! How wonderful! I NEED to get away like that...

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you got there safely and are being treated so well! :)

And you're right--Houston DOES have a huge airport!! (And lots of humidity--especially in the summer).

TINTIN said...

Nice blog you hv here...i will visit it frequently for sure ^^

Anonymous said...


Jenn's finding life funny! said...

A flight without kiddos, (not that I fly with or without them. too expensive.) A beautifuly made bed, home cooked curry dinner, and CHEESESCAKE?? Kelli, can I come next? (from a mother of five)

Anonymous said...

Sonic has the best sweet tea on the planet! Whenever I'm out of town, and missing my sweet tea, I look for a Sonic. Thankfully, they have them most of the places I travel. The cheese sticks are really yummy, too.

davemaz said...

Going all the way to Corpus and having Thai stir-fried. Great idea!! Next time, drop in on San Antonio, and we'll show you REAL Texas - and some good Texas food. (HINT - San Antonio is NOT known for its leanness). If you want Sonic, they have one in Springfield IL.

Anonymous said...

Glad you enjoyed your time in Texas, but whoever said that the beach is cleaner in the summer lied!

Yep, the humidity is why those people on Dallas always looked like that. I live about 5 hours north of Corpus, and even we have high humidity most of the year. We even need humidifiers in winter to keep from drying out LOL.

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